5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. NOVEMBER IS, 1954 MUI Ends SGT. JACK FLOOR DOES GOOD WORK WITH AIR TRANSPORT GROUP The lyegion Auxiliary will hold a Une of the key non-commissioned meeting at the hall here Monday officers of the 1501st Air Transport evening, according to Mrs. John Muir. Group heie is Technical Sergeant Jack W. Fiook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jay R. Mason spent Tuesday George M. Fiook of Mill City, Oregon, and Wednesday in Salem with her who is filling the position of Military cousin, Mrs. Art Cole. Air Transport Service Informât.on Service officer—a position normally Richard Verbeck, graduate of Mill filled by an officer with the rank of City High has been selected as one major. of 36 students at Monmouth OCE Colonel Howard E. Kreidler, MATS to make up the choir this year. commander at Travis, named Serg eant Fiook to the officer position The friendship circle Bible class, as a part of the commander’s non of the Presbyterian church will meet commissioned officer prestige and this Thursday at 10:00 a. nr. at the lesponsibility program. Approxima home of Mrs. D. B. Hill. tely six key NCOs in this nine squad ron MATS group have been given such Mrs. Jerry Vinton, who is employed responsibility. Outstanding NCOs, by the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army possessing a high degree of skill in at Detroit reservoir, spent Wednes their professional fields having been day in Portland and from there flew named to these positions. to Las Vegas, Nevada for the week For the past six months. Sergeant end. * Fiook has handled all contacts with the Northern California newspapers, Mr. and Mrs. Don Flatman and Mr. radio and television stations, wire and Mrs. Dub Stewart were in Salem service and leading motion picture Saturday night to attend the Wil companies. The sergeant recently lamette University homecoming dance was lauded for his excellent planning as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry and handling of the local obseiv- Boyd. Mr. Flatman and Mrs. Boyd ance of National Nurse Week in the were classmates. bay area with television and radio ap pearances of flight nurses; an open . George Rambo was able to return house of an air evac transport and with his parents last Wednesday from the base hospital, along with pre Providence hospital in Portland where sentation of a documentary television he spent the past two months. A film seen over Stockton (Calif) TV member of this year’s senior class station KOVR. at the high school, it is hoped that As the MATS Information Services he will be able to resume his studies representative, Sergeant Fiook hand in the near future, at least by “re notables, including foreign nationals, 1 mote control.” that passed through the Aerial Port of Embarkation bound for the Far East Francis “Dick” Cain, who makes his and Pacific areas or returning to 1 home with the Cecil Lakes, was the United States. rushed to the Salem Memorial hos Sergeant Fiook recently covered the pital last Thursday evening for an ai rival of Vice President Richard emergency operation due to a rup Nixon and Secretary of State John tured stomach ulcer. He is reported as Foster Dulles at Travis. The sergeant recovering satisfactorialy. He had is the personal representative of Col- worked for the telephone company on onel Kreidler, senior MATS coord the day of the attack. inator on the Pacific coast, in his contact with all news media and in Mrs. Don Moffatt received word community relations. Tuesday night of the death of her During the Korean war. Sergeant father, Otto E. Schultz, at Paradise, Fiook, then with Pacific Division, California. She, with other members MATS headquarters in Hawaii, cov of her family, who will arrive from ered a poition of the conflict at I North Dakota and Washington are MATS correspondent, traveling ex-I planning to diive down Friday to at tensively through Japan, Korea and j tend the funeral. Airangements were the Far East. He has been assign jiot complete at the time of going to ed with the MATS unit at Tiavis press Wednesday afternoon. since returning to the states in 1952. ■ During World War II, the sergeant Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter came served with counter Intelligence out second best in a run-in with a Corps and in public relations before train at the crossing on west broad his dichaige in 1945. For the next I way one evening this past week, two years he was managing editor They did not notice the cars across of the Merced Sun Star, a daily . the track when they were making the in that Central California city. Later approach to the crossing. They were he was employed with the Associated i traveling west. They just barely hit and United Press before returning the engine. Only slight damage was to the seivice in 1949. The sergeant I done to the car, and neither Mr. or took an active part in Central Cali-! Mrs. Hunter were hurt. fornia politics working for the re-1 election of former Gov. Fail War The Mill City Garden club has held ren for a second term. two all-day work meetings and an- A graduate of the Mill City high other is scheduled for today (Thurs- school in 1936, the sergeant enteied of Mrs. day) Nov. 18 at the home the army air corps in 1939 along with C. M. Cline. Assembling and com ther young men of the community. pleting the winter corsages and mak Sergeant Fiook, his wife Dorothy and I ing other holiday decorations is the children, George 10, and Pamela, 8 woik planned for this meeting. Mem years, reside in nearby Farifield, Cal bers wishing to attend please contact ifornia. Mrs. Wendell Heller ^and arrange ments will be made for transportation. A housewarming was held recently for Mr. and Mrs. Dub Stewart, who have moved into their home in the CBI addition to Mill City. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Verne Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Alford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barney and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCarthy. Mr and Mrs. Jim Poole were unable to attend. The group presented the Stewarts with a gift for their home. Rev. Noble Streeter and his family will be spending the next few days in California. The family will visit the grandparents in Berkeley while Rev. Streeter attends a western area conference on Evangelism in San Francisco. Dr. Charles Templeton, the new secretary of evangelism for the Presbyterian church, U.S.O., will be the conference leader. Ted West fall, an outstanding layman from the Dallas Presbyterian church, will con duct the Sunday services in Mill City and Mehama in Mr. Streeter’s ab sence. A special offering will be taken for the “Share Our Surplus” program. THE NEW BUTTERBALL PACKAGE! 1 majority of LEC TENDONS REMOVED LEGS TUCKER mo «EIMERS REQUIREP TURKEY Pumpkin 3 25c Coffee lb 83c Crackers 29 N J Sunnymorn Cranberry Sauce 2 I‘on nd Box FOR THE FINEST (¡ARDEN FRESH Vegetables FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER VISIT OUR Produce Department Potatoes By Jackie Bickett A student Council meeting was held at 9 o’clock. The proposed criteria for Oregon student councils was read. This was for the purpose to see 1 if the Mill City Council was helping the school in the right way. Any or ganization planning a money raising project, is to take it before the coun cil to be okeyed. The school play was a great suc cess. The Pep Club is busy getting their uniforms ready for the jamboree on December 1. The yell and song lead-1 ers are really working on the yells | and songs. AND INVITATIONS I’. S. No Is 25 lbs 83c JINGLE BELLS We love to hear children singing the old Christmas songs Of course, most of them will never go "dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh.” That’s obsolete. We can help make tuberculosis obsolete We can support the fight to keep TB away from the lives of these children. at The Mill City Enterpriao Buy and Use Christmas Seals 35c Sunshine Hi Ho Mill City Hi Liles WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS cans RIPE, FRESH. SWEET TOKAY Grapes2lb,19 Radishes & Onions Lettuce 2 i 19c 10c Large, Solid Heads CRISP AND FRESH Try Armchair Christmas Shopping This Year Call Your Tupperware Representative Florence Ressler PHONE 2407 FOR DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR HOME OR MINE Bunches f Prices Effective Through November 24 A IGU HILL TOP MARKET Harold Kliewer Telephone 2744 Mill City, Oregon