DETROIT MIL!. CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage. ashes, tnmminrs. etc. By Boots < hameion Halloween pranks were compara­ tively light in this area. In tune with the gobblins, Halloween parties weekly t>iekups 11.50 ner month were much in evidence for both young­ Also lisht hauling. sters and oldsters in the area. All Leonard Herman Phone 3>52 ! functions carried out the HaHoWMB motif in decorations. ............................................... ... ■ r r - - On Friday evening the 7th and 8th grades entertained the high school E. E. ROBERTS with the annual Halloween party in the gym. Games and dancing were en­ Public Accountant joyed by the group and refreshments ¡ were served. Tax Coaaultant Aaditae Saturday evening the Lake club en­ Bookkeeping, Accounting and tertained with a costume party and Tax Service j dance. Prizes were awarded for the Corner 3rd and Marion best costume. Winning first prize, a 14 pound ham was Mrs. Donna Low­ STAYTON, OREGON ery, who was dressed as a Geisha Phone 4114 P. O. Box 1331 girl. Second went to Mrs. Zerry John­ son, who was dressed in a period cos- Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Ph. SALEM Bay 3-9408 Nite 2-44W Contracting and Rental SINCERSEWINC CENTER Have a Friend in the Hospital? Remember Them With HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 EXCAVATION A CONSTRUCTION Hansen early Monday morning in De- 3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1M4 tume. Her award was two chickens. Sunday evening the Sunday school troit. The fire was not noticed until If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office held a Halloween party for the child­ smoke began pouring out of the wind­ ren at the Detroit church. A good ows shortly before 8 a. m. Mr. and turnout was reported. Halloween dec­ Mrs. Bye Karey and daughter Martine TRY OUT A NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE orations were done by the high school occupy the down stairs apartment. girls’ class. Enterainment for the Mr. Hansen who spends most of his i Seven day FREE TRIAL in your borne. When in need evening was phonograph music, a time on the coast was not at home of nervke for your machine or when you need a new or talent show, and games. Refreshments at the time of the fire. Damage to used Sewing Machine, Call or Write weie served. the downstairs apartment was con- Prizes were awarded to pairs of fined to water. The house i* owned costume dress. A large jig saw puzzle by Mr. Hansen. was awarded to Suzie and Mary Lou * The Civic Club meeting scheduled Moore who were dressed in period 1M >