»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1954 ----------- n --- ---------------- __ TOY Kent__ ______ I Miscellaneous HOUSE FOR RENT in Gates. Harry GEIGER COUNTERS—$37.50 and up. Evans, Gates, Oiegon. 43p Get in on the ground floor on uranium prospecting this fall. You FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room apart may be the lucky one! See them at ment. Gas, lights, heat and water Stiffler Radio & T. V., Mill Citv. furnished. Thiel’s Store, Lyons, Oregon. 45 Oregon. 41-2-3-4 FOR SALE Guaranteed fresh eggs 1. Posted: At each end of N. W. at my residence near Gates school. T. Lincoln Hennes. 44p Cypress Street. 8. Published: Ovtpber 28, and No E’OR SALE 30 foot trailer home and vember 4, 11 and 18th, 1954. a half acre fenced lot on the edge N. J. THACKER. of town. Water, lights, etc. Terms. Recorder, City of Mill City. Knowles Body & Fender Repair, Per order of common council, Mill 1 ty, Oraf 43tf City of Mill City, Mation-Linn Counties, Ore. FOR SALE Green wool jacket, size 14; blue and gold boys school sweat er, size 36-38 and one boys white DR. MARK and gold sweater. Can be seen at the Gates 1 aur.!er< t te 43p I HAMMERICKSEN CLASSIFIED RATES Ten cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for ie»s than SO cents per week. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, eta. will be run under ''Special An- ooancements” classification with a naiasmurii charge of 50 cents per in FOR RENT—Three bedroom home lo WANT TO BUY TIMBER cated between Mill City and Gates. sertion. Small or large tracts See Oliver Willis at Chuck’s Fine Count five words to the line in Either cash or stumpage basis Foods, east of Gates on Highway ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill 22, Phone Mill City 5824, 38tf STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. City or mail your advertisement to H mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST FASHION FROCKS! HARFORD Oregon. Business Services Has moved his Mill City office FROCKS! AMERICAN MILLS!. OFFICE FURNITURE and equip to Stayton in the Post Office New fall styles for everyone. Mrs. ' Livestock ment, typewriters, adding machines, SBE US when in need of T. V. An Building, 2nd Floor, tn the Harold Steeley, Box 3, Detroit, calculators, cash registers, duplicat tennas and supplies. We handle a Dr. Victor J. Myers offices FOR SALE—Fat steer, ready to but Oregon. Phone 617. 44p ors, safes, filing equipment We sell, complete line of Philco television Thursdays I p. m. to 6 p. m. cher, 18c lb. on hoof, 19 months Legal Notices rent, «wap and repair. Bargains in sets. $179 and up. Stiffler Radio ■sonths old, large enough for two HOME OFFICE: used machines. Roen Typewriter No. 15,226 and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill families. Can butcher at my place. Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf .NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY City. ltf George Cree, Mill City. 42 | I have filed my Final Account in TO BUY — Clean peeled the estate of John Stamos, deceased, FOR SALE—Weaner Pigs, also three ! FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See W anted Douglas fir roles, delivered to with the County Clerk of Marion sows and two boars.—Carl Long- j The Mill City Enterprise. Top Lyons yard. For further informa County, Oregon and the court has set necker on Elkhorn road, Mehama, i Quality printing, priced right. Fast tion call or write Allen Could. 1424 the 12th day of November, 1954, at service too. Phone 2651. Nights Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, 9:15 o’clock A. M. and the cirruit Oregon. —..................... 4?.p , call 905. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf court room as the time and place for Real Estate objections thereto and the Sawmill LOGS WANTED hearing settlement of said estate. Miscellaneous FOR SALE— 1 bedroom home, com Top prices for Second Growth D. B. HILL, pletely furnished. Located on two THE HOME, FARM BUSINESS, Pro- Administrator of the Estate nice lots. Call 3952, Mill City. 18tf I fession or job you save from high STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. % west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf of John Stamos, deceased. taxes may be your own. Elect Vis- BELL & DEVERS, REAL ESTATE YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per Stayton, Oregon FOR SALE AT DETROIT—Beautiful f tica Commissioner, and stop waste. month on a modern automatic pro Attys, for Admin. 41-2-3-4-5 I four bedroom home on nice level ALL NEW ITEMS- pane range; clean, fast, dependable. landscaped lot. Fireplace, Iron Coleman Oil Heater with Circu Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also NOTICE OF STREET VACATION "He am t so smart -can I even male Fireman oil furnace, garage, wood AND PUBLIC HEARING lating fan, Reg. $159.95, sale $129.00 heating, water heaters, refrigerat- abed. If sold in next few days will change * Pursuant to the provisions of action tion, brooders and Norge appli take $7,500. Only $750 down. Would Coleman Floor Furnace, Regular taken the 6th day of October, 1954 by ances. 9tf cost about twice that to build it. | $144.95 Sale.......................... $ 98.00 the common council of the City of But we can make a change in your Come in and see me about this LOGS WANTED Mill City, Marion-Linn Counties, — Car's performace with an Oil and other good buys. Large H. C. Little Oil heater, Reg. Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch Oregon, there will be a public healing, Change, Cartridge and Glen Shelton, Broker $184 Sale .............................. $ 98.00 diameters in eight foot, or multi held on the 26th day of Nov., 1954 i Lubrication Job. Weat side Mi’.; City Ph. 22#’ General Electric Automatic Dish at the City Hall in Mill City, Oregon. I ples of eight feet. we also buy Said public hearing is to commence Washer. Reg. $289.95. Sale $150.00 stumpage. FOR SALE—3 bedroom house and six at eight (8:00) o'clock P. M. of said BURKLAND LUMBER CO. lots in Mill City. House located on Used Maytag Gas Range, 3 Burn day for the purpose of heuring re- | Turner, Oregon 4th and Juniper. Sell all for $3,500. SERVICE STATION & jections and remonstrances to the ers, 1 deep well _______ __$110.00 Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone proposition as to whether or not the | —_Mrs Freida Bates, Mill City. 46p TRAILER COURT 25tf said hereinafter described street of ’ Used 30 gal. gas water heater $30.00 Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. Phone 903, Mill City. Automobiles City of Mill City Oregon shall be Stayton Hardware and ; PIANO BARGAINS—Look. Kimball the G ATES vacated by the common council: upright only ..... -............... $165 FOR SALE—1948 Civilian Jeep. All Furniture Company N. W. Cypress Strees in its en I Ludwig, beautiful upright, only $185 TIRES and BATTERIES aluminum top and doors. Very good Stayton, Oregon Phone 2374 41-2 tirety: said N. W. Cypress Street I Schroeder, small plain case .. $245 shape. Will sell for $550.—Harry AUTO SUPPLIES running in an east to west direc ' W’inter Spinet, excel, tone, only $545 Devers, Mill City. 43p tion, 300 feet in length, between Baby Grand, lovely Farrand .. $645 the western edge or right-of-way Many other wonderful buys. Free TRY THE ENTERPRISE FIRST of N. W. 8th Place and the East ASK FOR delivery, Very small payments. WHEN IN NEED OF PRINTING ern edge or right-of-way of the . These pianos thoroughly recondi unnamed alley which, at that tioned and guaranteed. Old pianos place, forms the boundarv of the and band instruments taken in incorporated City of Mill City, trade. Write Day Music Co., 808 Oegon. all located in Section 30, S. E. Morrison, Portland, Ore TPS. R3E, Marion County, City gon. 40-41-42-43 SALEM of Mill City. Oregon. ________________________________ Has Everything for Your Silver Saddle Business and Prefe^sional DIRECTORY JOHN W. REID, M. D. Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY. OREGON J. W. GOIN EXP-KIENCED VETERIN ARIAN By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS Phone 6338 Stayton, Orega* MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned! Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT 1079 Elm SL W Salem Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 6284 Se .'OR YOUR TELEVISION OR RADIO 3297 Stiffler’s Radio & Appli nace Co. Mlil City, Oregon FOR JUDGE CHOOSE A JUDGE" Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplie» 141 N. Commercial Street Scene TVctA. ANY THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE * Stayton MODO, ^•Jbscribe to the Mill City Enterprise OFFICE NEEDS OREGON STAYTON Phone 3-4534 ELECT Auto Repair Work I I ALL WORK GUARANTEED Welding and Auto Parts k JUDGE VAL D. SLOPED YOUR I CIRCUIT JUDGE OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage BILL GUIRE, Proprietor On Old Highw ay Phone 903 MILL CITY, OREGON AMAZING FUEL SAVER! JlSHLEY Downdraft WOOD Heaters 24 HOUK THJ5KMO8TATIC HEAT WITH ASHLEY w Many ASHLEY users report aavinga of 60% and MORE on FUEL u MOKE HEAT with A8HLEY EVEN HEAT with ASHUY T mm *e->sd and Hardwood recom m«« »•¡»factory ■ •etdeyt state*. bmld Yoe should bwf owe fir« j »ejsoa, refuel on •wrage every twelve boun, remove ashes 1 twwee re pe c ity, •cbooh Unbelievable monthly mewy stores. ell types wood ivccessfvlly used See »tores today Choose the style mended, beetiw^ e«hre heating homes, the»« that suits you, and you'll enjoy warm floors, controlled heat, b<j fool Memgs foe years to come! Wood bwrws de•« — less •••» e*d grMw« — Mees walls and drapes Insist on an i THE ONLY CANDIDATE FOR CIRCUIT SEE THEM TODAY AT - JUDGE (POSITION #2) WITH Stayton Hardware & Furniture JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE STAYTON Clifford Likes, Owner Phone 2374 OVER 11,000 CASES HAVE COM« BEFORE JUDGE SLOPIR IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN THE PAST 3 YEARS NON-PARTISAN Pd Adv Uy Sloper for Judge