f—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Vernon Todd and Mrs. W. W. Allen attended the presentation of the Robert Shaw Chorale in Corvallis Sunday evening, having been dinner g^sts of Miss Mary Holthouse and Mrs. A. A. Holthouse before the con­ cert. PATTERSON t Oct. 30 instead of Oct. 23 This sale is being extended because some of our merchandise is arriving late. See the broadside for He is giving Oregon a fresh, vigorous leader­ ship that people like and completely trust. Special Prices Hilltop General Store Pd Ad Patterton for Governor Com . Ted R Cam- I Chairman.1236 S.W. Bro^iway,Portland. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cole and son, Frederick; Mr. and Mrs. , Vernon Wiscarson and daughter, Sandra; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Foos, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole, all of Salem, were dinner guests Sunday at the Jay R. Mason home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole came out Saturday evening and i spent the night, and the others came Sunday. Mill City, Oregon Phone 2724 Vote 111 X Members of the Legion Auxiliary met at their hall Monday night with Mrs. Louise Oliver, president in charge. Carol Andreassen and Patty ' Stewart, of Gates, gave reports of their attendance at Girls’ state, which was sponsored by the group. A “plast­ ic party” fbllowed the business ses­ sion, with refieshment hostess being Mrs. Ethel Nygaard. RE-ELECT ED R. CARDWELL Republican Candidate for State Representative I ‘Develop and Protect Oregon’s Natural Resources and Industries” (Paid Political Adv.) Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. Meeting Here Tonight The Mill City Garden club will hold a meeting at Fellowship hall here tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. A special speaker will be present and will talk on glads. The public is invited to this meeting. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise Umd and other rectal disorders« \ • COIOH tut STOMACH klLHENTS • HPT8K (Hirnia) TrtiM Without Hospital OptutM a j i h-iii. ai d . FREE The Firemens Auxiliary met last Thursday with plans being discussed for helping with the Firemen’s Bene­ fit November 20. Mrs. Tom Morris, president, conducted the meeting. Mrs. I Francis Bodeker became a new mem- 1 ber of the auxiliary at this meeting. After the business session, pinochle was in play with Pat I.emke winning the door prize; Barbara Morris, high; and Frances Merrill, low. Hostesses serving refreshments were Irene Po- J drabsky and Eva Agee. Linn County A surprise house"arming »as held recently for Mr. and Mrs. William Kramer of Lyons, with 40 guests in Hand painted bath towels I attendance. were presented to the honorees. Cocktails and buffet luncheon were served by the guests. MEHAMA—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagner, who were married in Wash- ington, D.C., September 25 spent a couple of weeks visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner. Dick is employed in the dip­ lomatic department of the government and expects to be sent to Germany soon after his return to Washington. The entire membership of the Mill I Mrs. Wagner will accompany him. City Toastmistress club, headed by The newly-weds were honor guests I Mrs. Vernon Todd as president, will at a large family dinner held at the be guests of the Stayton club on Women’s Clubhouse Saturday evening, Thursday evening, The local group October 16. Present for the dinner will furnish part of the program. were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Mason and Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly attended Keith Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Harry '■ a banquet meeting of the Silverton Monroe, Judy and Linda. Mrs. Ercill | Lions club in their club room last Janice .and Rodney, Mrs. Wednesday evening. The occasion Wilson, Maude Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. marked the official visit of the Dist­ Hubert Wagner, and Sara Kay; Mr. | rict Governor, John Boock of Albany. and Mrs. Walter Bevier, Mr and . Mrs. Gilbert Wagner, Linda, Donald Jim Poole, Floyd Fleetwood. Lowell and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wag­ Fleetwood and L". Ross went to ner, Deborah; Danny, Nicholas, and Patricia, Warner Valley Friday night and did Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wagner and some goose hunting Saturdav and James, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tinney Sunday. The group returned Sunday from Mill City, Mrs. Floyd Monroe night bringing home 15 geese. Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Trask from Albany. Ross and her sister, Mrs. Homer Thacker managed the store during Garden Club To Hold Mr. Ross’ absence. FOR PAUL Housewares Sale Our Marshall-Wells Houseware Sale will be continued another .week. It will end HOUSEWARMING AT LYONS Entertain Newlyweds at Family Dinner at Mehama THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2«. 1954 THE DEAN CLINIC Op«n 10 until 5 Monday through Friday. Until 8 pm. Monday, W«dn«.da> and Friday. Chiropractic Physicians ... In our 43rd year. 2026 NORTHEAST SANDY BOULEVARD Twl«phon« f Ait 3918 Portland 13, Ora. No need to have clothes with spots when you can have them cleaned by as for so little. Just call Mill City 3418 We'll pick up your cleaning and deliver it to you promptly. NU METHOD 48 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon Hours 9 to 6 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 t Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment COUNTY PIANHIKS nd ZONING EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental 4-WAY PROTECTION PROVIDES THIS Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 Re-elect ♦ For All Property Owners 1 Warren Gill Protect the Investment in YOUR HOME STATE After buying your home-the largest single SENATOR investment most families make in a lifetime —you want assurance that your neighbor­ County zoning protects the suburban areas without affect­ ing lands within the limits of any incorporated city in Marion County. hood will remain an area of homes. Intelli­ gent use of our county's lands will PRO- TECT your investment. NO SUCH PRO- For Linn County Paid Adv. Gill for Senator Com. TECTION NOW EXISTS! 2 Encourage PAYROLL Industries 3 Marion County's AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES are Protected! Planning for industries insures there will be no encroachment for other uses, thus insuring future payrolls in Marion County. These vital industrial activities will find conditions more suitable in the future if their require­ ments are given consideratiin. I I Thu act does not regulate lands used for grazing, agriculture, horticulture or growing timber. Thus future land develoment will be along lines that will keep farm lands available for agricultural use. A CONTINUED HEALTHY AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRYl Plan for the development of our RECREATIONAL RESOURCES To the Residents of Salem and Marion County: To make the best use of our The need for intelligent planning and controlled natural resources, a plan that expansion of our suburban areas is recognized by • tnone. residing in Marion Count), who takes the protects and takes into con­ time to net? of the problems incident to providing sideration the preservation of a sound community for a growing population You are interested in smooth, easy flowing traf­ these areas for all the people. fic. You are interested in protect'ng your homes from the deteriorating effect of encroachment of industry' «nd commerce, and you want to provide industry «nd commerce a proper place in the com­ munity. There is no order in the development of a street pattern in the areas surrounding our cities and towns There is no current plan for the orderly future growth of the county The measure on the November ballot authorizes the County Court, based on public hearings and the recommendations of the County Planning Commission, to take progressive steps m controlling Marion County s future. You can seise the interest of all by voting X 9 vea in November. MARION COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION William Merriott, Chairman Orville Herrold V 1» McMullen, Secretary Homer Goulet, Jr. Don Cannon Pd. Ad. by Manon Co. Planning Com. Ray Smith Fred J Schwab W A. Merriott, Chm.. Woodbum, Ore. Harley Libby Harry Riches When You See THIS on Your Ballet I "Shall th« County Court Be Authorized to Enact Zoning and Land Use Regulations?" • • • VOTE X !l YES It pays to insulate your home—because the insulation PAYS FOR ITSELF IN FUEL SAVINGS! Estimate gladly given-without obligation. OWE ns - corning /JUST NATURALLY BETTER'' We Also Carry Rock Wool Kimsul Zonolite Balsam Wool Reflective Insulation KELLY LUMBER SALES Open Saturdays Authorized Shop Smith Dealer East Mill (. ity Limits. Highway 22 Phone 6803