Bob and Art Reed of Canby, ne­ Mra. Reuel Phillips Jr., (Wilma •—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1954 May Howe) and son, Mike and her phews of Gorge Veteto spent Sunday here at the Veteto home. i brother, Chai les (Bobby) Howe of Roseburg, were weekend visitors at Rummage Sale—October 9, 10 a. m. Mrs. Freida Bates left Monday fur went out deep sea fishing. They went the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. Washougal, Washington, where ■he at Jenkins building. Christian Wom­ and Mrs. R. E. Berry, of Gates and an's Fellowship. 40 oat on the Deep Sea Clipper, which is will visit for a week with her daugh­ Mr. and Mrs, H. I. Plymale and owned by Frank’s nephew, Dan Hunt- grandmother, Mrs. Nora Goodwin of ter, Mrs. Lloyd Jensen. Mill City. and Mrs. W’. J. Robinson motored to •r. They caught two nice salmon. Salem Sunday where they visited with Air. and Mrs. J. F. KJock. O. K. Hirte is now empolyed at the Hilltop General store. Ozzie, who re­ ceived a back injury in a car accident some time ago, says it is good to be at woik again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dick, of Port- laml, one time residents here, spent We wish to announce that we have a lew days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mason. On Saturday the NEW Purchased the they made a sightseeing trip to East­ ern Oregon. MODEL 5-30 Santiam Equipment Company from Orville Brit­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hudson of Port­ land, visited the the Dick Turpin home ton and are now agents for Sunday. Mis. Hudson and Mrs. Turpin are sisters. Several members of the Mill City Women's club, headed by the presi­ dent, attended an all day workshop for members of the Third District Federation of Women's Clubs held at the Christian church in Portland last Thursday. Going from here were Mrs. O. K. DeWitt, Mrs. Kenneth Crosier, Mrs. Richard Thielke, and Mrs. Mart­ We invite you to come in and get aquainted with in Hansen. Benjamin Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. us. Let us show you this fine line of saws Harold M. Ross, has been home on leave for the past 14 days. He is leaving Monday lor San Diego, where COMPLETE he is attending Hospital Corpsman school. 30 pound* The Christian Woman’s Fellowship SERVICE this week snipped nearly three dozen ASK FOR baby blankets to Church Woild Ser­ FRFF DI MONS TRA HON j DEPARTMENT vice lor tne "Blankets for Babies” project. The shipment includes used and new baby blankets, and others made from the good parts of worn blankets, lhe project will provide blankets for babies in many parts of tne woild. A large group of Industrial Arts PHONE 1572 Mid-W inamette Instructors of the Valley organization, attended a ban­ quet at beilowship hall last Thuisuay evening. Ine aiiair was arranged by W. Dims Hoeye, shop instructor for Mill City High School, who took his guests on a tour of the new set-up in the high school manual naming shop following the dinner. The meal was prepared by the Presbyterian Women's association under the chair­ manship of Mrs. F. VV. Fleetwood. Pvt. Richard Anderson of Fort Ord, California, has teen on furlough at the home of his parents, the C. A. Lovells, the past week. Young Ander- son, who graduated from Mill City High with the class of 1954, expects to be sent to Fort Monmouth, New Jer- ! pey, to study electronics and guided ptissiles. He has been in the service since July 14, and was enrolled for 1 three years undei the technical train- 1 ing program. Making up a hunting party in the Ochoco country of Central Oregon I over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Sheridan, Bill Me- J Coy, Howard Kanoff, Vernon Todd, ('harks Kelly and son, Johnny, all of Mill City. Mrs. Kelly accompanied her sister, Mis. R. C. Haseman of Idan­ ha, to Portland, where they enjoyed shopping and sightseeing for two days. Mrs. J. F. Potter returned last Sat- urday from a several weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. C. B. Trask, and other relatives in Fresno, Calif. Mis. Potter, accompanied by Mrs. W. J. Robinson, drove to Estacada Tuesday to spend a couple of days at the homes of friends, the former to visit Mrs. Maude Smith, and the latter t see Mr. and Mis. “Fitz” Goodman (Iva Reid), former residents of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hathaway spent several days last week at var­ ious points along the Oregon coast. of the five heaters The fifth birthday anniversary of Cynthia Lowery was celebrated at the Gayle Lowery home Saturday after­ noon when about 10 of her young frh'nds attended a party in her honor. Games, gifts, prizes, and the tradi­ tional refreshments made up the af­ ternoon for the youngsters. Attend­ ing, besides the guest of honor were Mary Suzanne Heller. Karen Means, Phillip and Tommy Yarnell of Salem, Cynthia's cousins, Gloria Marshall, Daryl and Patty Franklin, Greg and Steve Pierce, and Carol Ward. Mrs. Ed Yarnell and Mrs. Frank Dell of Salem, and Mrs. Howard Means also attended the affair, along with the hostess, Mrs. Lowery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter went to Depot Bay Sunday and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo and Laura Jo, acompanied by Ralph Jull, drove to Portland last Sunday to see their son, George Rambo, who is hospitalized in that city. They report George is getting along satisfactor­ ily, but will probably have to remain there another six weeks or more. Be Sure Announcement BUY ONLY Texaco P. T. Antifreeze One fill protects your car all winter NIGHTS ARE GETTING COLD Be prepared by having us check Homelite Chain Saws YOUR RADIATOR NOW Bryant/S Mill City, Oregon We give S & H Green Stamps T BOOT-SHOE REPAIRING SEE US EOR TOP QUALITY C & M Equipment Co Workmanship ALL WORK GUARANTEED Now is the time to re-sole rubber boots We Also Sell— LACES, POLISH AND SHOES Chuck's Shoe Shop Mill City, Oregon Near the Bank II R Texaco Service Phone 3202 1 FR From where I sit...Joe Marsh ''Blind Man's" Bluff You know how Handy Turner From where I sit, I agree-the '* n at tile hardware store goes highway is no place for jokes. We i-i ' >r weird advertising stunts. all ought to be considerate of the " iien it came to plugging other fellow when we’re driving. vs new Venetian blind depart­ In fact, let’s respect our neigh­ ment, his enthusiasm nearly bor’s right of way always. Then landed him in trouble. when we have differences of " may painted a warning on opinion—say about the best route the aill.oard of his truck: “Cau- to Centerville, or whether beer or t'1 >i -blind man driving.” buttermilk is better with lunch- il d driven about a mile.” there will be less chance of any­ "iui -ays. “when a state troop- body developing any “blind’spots. slopped me and told ire that 1 mi«1” cause trouble. Guess • < >' a> right. From now on I’ll ad- 'ertise in the Clarion.’’ Corner. I'M. LnUcdS^, Brtwttt 1 Need Help Home Freezer Let us help you in planning those little details that make your place look more homey. We have the material to do the job just right. Nationally Known Makes Mill City Appliance Located at Gates Furniture Right now is a good time to remind you to subscribe to The Enterprise. You can get this home newspaper 52 issues for only |2 50. By reading the advertisements each week you can save much more than that on bargains. Many canyon businesses are finding out they can get their printing done at home, cheaper, just as good, and faster too. Why not try Jenkins Hardware Features We carry a Complete Line of tubing, fittings, filters stovepipe and tanks. Call us for installations. We (¡ive S & Il Green Stamps j We are remodeling our front sales yard in order to build a new lath house, and are offering these shrubs for *- » 20 percent off SPARK OIL HEATERS MILL CITY, OREGON [ ' I j Al Haun was taken to McAuley hospital in Cooa Bay Friday with muscles and ligaments in hia lower left leg badly mangled. A log hit Mr. Haun while he was at work at Mansveld and Haun Logging Co., near Coos Bay. The Al Hauns were former Mill City residents, but now live near Coos Bay. Phone 2206 Come in and advantage of SPE ■CIAL OFFER Raleigh Harold Florist and Nursery OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Phone 66M STAYTON, OREGON