DETROIT I S & H GREEN STAMPS NOW GIVEN WITH Rv Root* i'Kwnimnn Stove Oil - Diesel Oil On Cash Purchases and Accounts PAID IN FULL by the 10th JUST TELEPHON E 5265 Chas. S. Morgan —DISTRIBUTOR— Richfield Oil Corporation Stayton, Oregon When in Need of Printing—Call The Enterprise—2651 Bring in the Children For Wholesome Tempting Meals IDANHA I.en Davis of Idanha' Per Year Marion-Linn Counties #2.50 had a close call Fridav when a bullet Outside Marion-Linn Counties $.3.00 was aecident-allv discharged from a 30-0»? missing him onlv by inches DOX W’. MOFFATT Editor-Publish«! The acident occurred when Kirk Lloyd of Idanha, who had just pur NEWSPAPER chased the gun. was examining it in PUBLISHERS a cabin next to the Davis Dry Goods store. A bullet was discharged and ASSOCIATION traveled through five walls entering the living room of the Davis apart- ment which is in the rear of the SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE store. The bullet shattered a mirror on the wall in the anartment. I.en. ww was in the anartment at the time had only a moment before walked past the mir ror on his wav into the store. The Davis living room is often used as a clothing fitting room, and some one could have been standing in front of the mirror. It might be well to bear in mind an alarming number of ac cidental deaths are attributed to the i a t i i careless handling of fire arms, and t GOVERNOR OF ORÉGON the life you same might well be your own. Wilbur Harlan, who is employed by the Young & Morgan Logging comp any narrowly escaped serious injury Thursday in a logging mishap. The accident occurred when a log they were loading (heeling in) side swiped the loaded logs, bounced, and struck him between the knee and the hip. No bones were broken, but Wil bur is doing a bit of limping. The annual “Big Buck Contest” sponsored by Cedar Tavern is now in progress. I The Detroit-Idanha school let out The integrity of the governor's at noon Fridav and convened again office has been above question. on Tuesday. Purpose was to allow He's doing the job that needs to students and faculty to take advantage be done with a simplicity and of the opening of hunting season. effectiveness that commands re Arriving here last week for the spect, confidence and cooperation. opening of the hunting season, was Art Hansen of San Jose, California. Art, a former resident of this area is making his home with his sister in California. While here he is a guest at IO a X pa TTERSON, PAUL ■ th” Bud Gescher home. He plans to I’.id Adv P,itrr.on for ffov.rnor Comm . Tr.l R. i visit here about a month. C.mble. Chr 1226 g « hr.,.1 way, I'urtland, Ore. The Detroit vs. Eddyville six-man Mai ion County league football game played Friday afternoon ended in victory for Detroit. The score was 20-6. The next game, Detroit vs. St. Paul will be played Friday on the Detroit field. LISTEN LADIES Members of the FOE auxiliary and their guests enjoyed a social evening If you’re scared to drive on your Wednesday, Sent. 29 at the FOE hall. I The evening was spent playing pi present, old tires tell your husband nochle and cootie. A smoigasbord luncheon was served. Eighteen were about the big New Nygen Tubeless present. Tires at Philippi’s, Mehama I Last week’s rummage sale sponsor ed by the Auxiliary was a profitable And you can name your own terms undertaking. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Buck DeLano of De- troit announce the engagement of their daughter, Karol Harner (Cork- ey) to LeRoy Goodrich of Mill City. The wedding will take place in late AND LISTEN, MEN — October at the Detroit church of Christ. You don't need cash — Warren Stoll of Idanha, who was hospitalized a few weeks ago with a Your old tires are the kidney infection has re-entered Salem General hospital again down payment treatment. Charlie Thompson of Idanha a rather unusual experience Friday. As he was preparing to go hunting he noticed the rear window of his car looking like it was rosting over as he drove to the Davis store. Upon arriving at the store he examined the window and noted little checks > in it, and a sound of cracking. When | Mehama, Oregon ‘Saving YOUR Tires he touched it the window explowed ( cutting his finger. Gremlins? Charlie got his buck anyway. Spending the weekend at the home of Mr. end Mrs. G. W. Moore were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Harold McClary of Portland. PATTERSON The youngsters deserve a treat, too! See how they love the “grown up” pleasure of dining with their parents. And see how willingly “problem eaters” go for our delicious food. Try our smorgasbord dinners. We can serve your favorite cocktail. CHUCK’S FINE FOODS 99 HIGHWAY 22 Enti'-ed as second class matter No vembtr 10, 1944 at the post office a' Mil] City, Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Len Davis of Idanha Has Close ( all Bullet Comeo Crashing Into Apartment ’ FOR YOUR STOVE OR FURNACE 5—THE Mil.I. CITY EMERI'RISETH URSD A Y, O(TOBER 7, 1954 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE East of Gates ate------------ PREPARE Don t let loose doors and windows rob you of comfort this winter! We can supply you w ith weather stripping that will close off the cold drafts. See us for all your HARDWARE AND PAINTING SUPPLIES We also handle the PHILIPPI TIRE SERVICE Famous REPUBLIC KITCHENS Come in and get GET AUTOMATIC COLEMAN HEATER NOW! With sensational Fuel-Air Control —Saves up to 25% on your fuel bill! ONLY $69.95 FREE with each heater all-purpose robe worth $12.95 in gay plaid with vinyl inflatable carrying case. OUR PRICES FIRST When in Mill City Qualitv Joh Printing at The Mill City Enterprise Drop in at ns Plumbing HILLTOP General Store Water Systems A. and M. TOMAN Becker Brothers McCulloch Chain Saws Í AND SEE THE NEW Fowler Clothes Dryers Phone 2721 Is OUR Business’ Mill City Phone Lyons 1634 I III RADIATOR REPAIRING Your automobile or truck is no better than its cooling system. Be sure your radiator is free from leaks and corrosive materials. WE ARE EXPERTS ON RADIATORS 5 Horse McCulloch Saw Free Demonstration at Our Shop EXPERT ( HAIN SAW REPAIRING SEE US FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE RECORING, BOILING OUT OR RODDING 9 OUT AUTOMOBILE AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Tears Experience PBONF M Becker Brothers McCulloch Chain Saw Phone 1625 lst and Broadway, Mill City