ma Clyde Oliver is caring for the 9— the mill city enterprise three little Olivers while their par- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1954 , ents are gone. Wednesday. Sept. 29, the day Mr. Mrs. Albert Millsap G. B. Frost, superintendent of Hennes reached the century mark, Members of the girls physical edu- schools attended a principals confer- guests complimenting him were Mrs. cation class of the local high school ence in Salem Monday and Tuesday, Lola Irving, Mrs. Mary Mulkey, Miss honored Mrs. G. B. Frost with a sur-1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas left Anna Stout and Mr. and Mrs. Clare prise party on the occasion of her early Friday morning for the Lake­ Zibbert, all from Salem. From Mill birthday anniversary, Monday after­ view area on a hunting trip. They City were Mrs. Cora Goodman, Mrs. noon, Sept. 27. The affair was held ! planned to return Tuesday. Lester Mason, Mrs. Frances Barney in the receation rooms of the high Mrs. Glen Henness accompanied i and daughter, Betty, and Bill Savage, school. Assisting the girls weie Mrs. Mrs. William Pennick and two child­ from Silverton, V. E. Morgan. Edward Chance, Mrs. Jesse Haywood ren to Salem for an all day pleasure | Dinner guests Saturday evening at and Mrs. Stanley Vail. Invited to trip Saturday while their husbands the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth compliment Mrs. Frost were members went hunting. Mr. Pennick got his Martig were D. M. Sutheiland and of the high school faculty, Mr. Frost, buck. son John from Salem. I Mr. Crossler, Mr. Persons and Mrs. Dinner guests Saturday evening at j Crakes, also Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs. Charles Tucker and boys of the jun­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth When you need ior-senior high. Gifts and refresh­ Martig were D. M. Sutherland and PRINTING ments provided entertainment for the son, John, from Salem. Lewis T. Hennes spent a busy Telephone 2651 afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin and week, following the reception given MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Oscar Osterhout have returned in his honor, Sunday, September 26, home following a two week vacation when more than 200 friends greeted in Spokane, Washington. They were him to wish him happiness on his E. E. ROBERTS accompanied home by their brother, 100th birthday. Monday afternoon Mr. James Arthurs, of Spokane, who will and Mrs. Paul Harvey of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coats, of Day- ■ Public Accountant visit in Gates at the Brisbin, Oster­ hout and George Arthurs homes. ton, Oregon, surprised him, bringing . Tax Consultant Auditor Other guests at the above homes this gifts and a basket birthday dinner. | Bookkeeping, Accounting and week were Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Harvey, “T’s” niece was form- i erly Miss Laura Tumidge of Mill City, j Tax Service Edes, from Yoncalla, Oregon. Monday evening guests from Salem j Mrs. George Mielke and baby, Corner 3rd and Marion Patsy, formerly of Gates, now of were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kliehegee, STAYTON, OREGON Eugene, and Mrs. Mielke's sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratzburg, Mr. Wayne Ranson, of Lyons, were Sat­ and Mrs. W. Lee Hutchins and daugh­ Phone 4114 P. O. Box 1321 ters, Helen and Ruth, former neigh­ urday afternoon visitors in Gates. bors. W. F. Struckmeier, who has been employed at Tulelake, California, for the summer was at his Gates home TRY OUT A NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE for four days this week. He will re­ turn to Gates to remain, Sunday, Oc­ Seven day FREE TRIAL in your home. When in need tober 10. of service for your machine or when you need a new or Pvt. Marlin Cole, from Fort Lewis used Sewing Machine, Call or Write is spending a 10-day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver are among the many Gates residents who are Lialtd in your telephone book only undor since * sewing machine co , after their buck. They left Friday morning for Eastern Oregon. Grand- 130 N. Commercial Phone 3-3512 SALEM, OREGON GATES SINGER SEWING CENTER If you get a bid that you know has been paid. Prov­ ing it may not be so easy if you used cash. Bills that you pay by check • . . stay paid. Perhaps it would bo a good idea to open an account with us in the morning. MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMf’ER FEDERAL DEPÄSIT INSURANCE CORP. 4,000.000 V-8 FORDS FORD, THE WORLD’S LARGEST V-8 BUILDER, HAS PRODUCED MORE V-8’s THAN ALL OTHER MANUFACTURERS COMBINED! I Crossler's I Grocery * I I A FRIENDLY STORE THAT GIVES— S 4 H GREEN STAMPS I Always High Quality ■ Groceries at I Consistently I LOWER PRICES I I I ON THE HIGHWAY Phone 2106 MILL CITY It’» America’» largest selling V-8! There’s no engine so modernl There's no V-8 priced so lowl Four out of five V-8’s on the road today are V-8 Fords! Ford introduced the V-8 engine to the low-price field more than 22 years ago ... and is still the only car in its field to offer the smrxithness and responsiveness of V-8 power. Add to this Ford’s long, low silhouette, its clean, modern styling and its colorful, smartly-trimmed in­ teriors, and it’s easy to see why Ford is America’s most popular V-8 car. Ford’s Y-block V-8 has an extra-deep block that extends below the crank­ shaft for more rigid support, longer engine life. New short-stroke design, turbo-wedge combustion chambers, free-turning overhead valves and ex­ clusive Automatic Power Pilot squeeze the last ounce of power from every drop of gas! With 130-horsepower, Ford’s Y-block V-8 is the smoothest, most responsive engine in Ford’s field! Only Ford offers a V-8 in the low- price field! And no car near its price gives you Ball-Joint Suspension . . . for smooth riding and easier handling. Only Ford in its field, gives you Full- Circle Visibility . . . the most wind­ shield area . . . the most rear window area . . . the most total glass area! And, with many other exclusives such as susftended pedals and Center-Fill Fueling, Ford is America’s beet buy! Its not just a V-8 ...its a Y-block V-8 little ills • Tree, that "little illrx f you've beer mentioning j offhand way. ««y nC* Kern eo amount to mnefe— few faint tytiptoma, neglected, these "Unto fils" can lead to big bills foe doctors, medicines, etc; no* m mention needles «uffering and loss oi precious time, Consult a Doctor now— youM aavu by it irwtbe endj Aad. of course, we hope you'll twiag his prescription to uu iae eueefui eunpoaadiag, WORTH MORE WHEN YOU BUY IT... NO WONDER MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING FORDS THAN EVER BEFOREI Capitol Drug Co. Salem MILL CITY, OREGON Phone 2724 WORTH MORE WHEN YOU SELL IT I Analysis of used car prices shows that Ford retains a greater proportion of its original cost at resale than any other car in its field. It’s further proof of the greater value you get from Ford. PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2344 i t