Viv's Steak House Mill City Hi-Lites i standing of maturing: chronological, physical, intellectual, emotional, so cial, and philosophical to themselves By Jackie Bickett and others. This is in their unit on The Student council had a meet “Family Relationship.’’ Phone 5807 Mill City ing Thursday at 8:15 a m. We discus- | The Home Ec department wishes : sed the possibility of having a race to extend a constant invitation to all with Stayton in getting things for an to come and visit anytime. Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. auction for the Santiam .Memorial In Health and PE the lower classes i hospital. The school receiving the ' used the gym quite often last week. most money from the auction would > The upperclassmen used it two days | w in. Mr. Means suggested we have a and on Friday they danced in the cup for the outstanding class of the recreation room. We will start this year. The points can be w-on for doing w-eek to use the gym regularly, Mrs. just about anything. Ralph Jull sug- Nutter is the teacher. Have Something to Sell? ■ gested the Student Body buy the out-1 This Friday will be Freshman ini fits for the yell and song leaders. tiation. Again this year it will be for Enterprise Class Ads Pay After a discussion we decided that the one day. What rumors going around _ ' Student Body would just buy the they are going to look real cute. emblems. Everyone this year is wearing LICENSED Friday we had a Student Body meet cleats. The sounds coming down the ing and Pep Assembly. Before the hall are punk and bang. This week meeting Hazel Caudle and Carol An- the colors are black, gray and more dreassen passed out the Pink Student pink. Body cards. At the meeting the We are having a game this Friday 31.59 Per Month and I'p students discussed the auction and night with Scio at the Stayton field. Also servicing Gates, Lyons, cup. All were in favor of both. In Pep Idanaha and Detroit Assembly we had more fun. Every It starts at 8 o’clock. We hope to see everyone there. Phone 3952 thing went wrong. We just couldn’t MILL CITY keep together. DISPOSAL SERVICF Friday we had a grand time at the Our highways will be the safest in jamboree in Stayton. The Pep club the nation if a few drivers who op LEONARD HERMAN did a wonderful job. The Timber erate their cars in a careless, neg wolves beat Scio Loggers 7 to 6. ligent or reckless manner are made to Lloyd Ross hid a little trouble on obey the laws. If you won’t drive the field. Saturday night again at safely—you can’t drive in Oregon SEPTIC TANKS Stayton Gervais Cougais beat the | means what it says. Only a few will Timberwolves 41 to 6. Say, Eddie, I , lose their driver’s licenses, and your CLEANED heard you had to sit on the bench. life will be in less danger on our high Prompt service in the All the team tried their best. ways. Monday morning we all came drag Canyon when you call us ging to school. The Juniors selected their class rings. We should get them Reasonable Rates . by Thanksgiving. We are so proud. Satisfaction Guaranteed Things are really buzzing around Home Ec department. Mrs. Nutter Stayton i the Phone 6284 is the teacher of that class. Period one is knee deep on their color unit, i They are learning the various color hormones in relation to clothing. Each gather examples of each color and DR. MARK design for their notebook. Period three HAMMERICKSEN chose to have their food units. At ! this time they are cleaning and label- REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST I ing utensils in the kitchen so that Has moved his Mill City office things will be in their proper places. to Stayton in the Post Office Quick biead, which (including bis- Building, 2nd Floor, tn the I cuits and muffins) will be their first Dr. Victor J. Myers offices kitchen expeEience. Maturity and the Thursdavs 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. I six ways a person matures has had HOME OFFICE: ! the attention of the girls in period 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY I four. They have just completed work ing on projects to give a better under- • • Closed Mondays GARBAGE SERVICE Les’s Tavern GOOD MUSIC Meet your friends here for the Best In Beverages “BILL” GRAHAM, Owner From where I sit... Joe Marsh Slugger Wins the "Home" Game Slugger White, the home town's star hitter, dropped by the other day to talk baseball, and to “tell one” on himself. Seems Slugger had been baby sitting. "I was doing just fine,” he said, “until it was time for a ‘change.’ I called Mom for advice. Still didn't get it right. Then Dad set me straight.” “‘Place the diaper like a base ball diamond with you at bat,' he said. 'Fold second base over home plate, and pin first and third base on home plate.' That did it—with no errors!" From where I sit, Slugger’s Dad had the idea. Often, like his Mom, a lot of us tend to give advice in our terms without considering the other fellow's way of doing things. Even in choosing your favorite beverage, it's best to think of your neighbor. If you like tea, and I prefer a temperate glass of beer, we should both "play the game" and try to un derstand each other's point of view. Copyright, 19S4, Ceiled Staiti Breueri Foundation Get your home Ready for Winter Don’t Wait Until Winter Comes Weather Proof Your House and Be Ready for the Cold Insulation Glass House Paint Garage Doors Months Ahead WeatherStripping Caulking Compounds Roofing Siding We can help you with brand name material And Expert advice. KELLY LUMBER SALES Authorized Shop Smith Dealer Open Saturdays Phone 6803 East Mill City Limita, Highway 22 MEHAMA 3—THE Mil l. CITY EXTERPRISE Till RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1954 By Mrs. John Teeters Mr and Mrs. Russell Berry and daughter spent seveial days last week visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Mabe Patton. Mr. Berry is on leave . from he navy and the family expects to lv ive soon for \ irginia where he will be stationed. Vis tors last week at the P. N. Hughes home weie Mrs. Hughes’ fa ther. S. H. Thompson and Mrs. Bea trice Gregg from Austin Texas. Bob Crook and David Zolkoske left Weui -day ot last week tor tviamaln Falls where they enrolled in OTI for the c ming year. Deanie McDonald and Sam Wallen went to McMinnville last week where they are attending Linfield College. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilburn of Port land were Mehama visitors Sunday. Mrs. Wilburn (Beulah Ballard) lived here as a girl. Recent guests at the Alvin Grif fiths were Mrs. Griffith’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moulton of San Francisco, California and an uncle, Lawrence Parr fiom Seattle. When it happens to a stranger it’s news. When it happens to a friend it is too bad. But when it happens to you it is tragedy. Think about it. Take it easy and you can come home safely. If you don’t drive safely— you can’t drive in Oregon. Salem Sand & Gravel Co HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting; and Rental Ph. SALEM Dav 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 ARE YOU PLAYING FAIR WITH YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR TRUCK? Why not give your equipment a chance to serve you better by letting us give it regular lube jobs. It pays in the long run. Pink Mason’s Shell Service Phone 681 MILL CITY. OREGON TRY A TANKFULL OF T. C. P. SHELL GAS!