-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. SEITEMBER 23. 1954 I I broken bones were reported. Fresh- Applications Available for men are Laura Lee O’Biien and -lack Controlled Area Hunts Butler of Detroit; Margaret Smith, _ Anna Lee Sandlin, Daryl Shepard, Application blanks are now avail- Cara Lee Whitten and Billy Cokenour able throughout the state at the game of Idanha. In the evening the sopho- commission license agencies for per- mores entertained the freshmen at a mits to hunt in five controlled areas party held in the school gym. Dancing later this fall. and games were enjoyed by the group. There is one controlled deer season Refreshments were served. being held near Bend in the Alfalfa Weekend guests at the Joe Leis aiea. The other four controlled sea Lake Shore cabins were Mr. and Mrs. sons on elk and will be in the Tilla John Wilson and family of Portland, mook, Walla Walla. Promise and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Martin of Rickreal. north fork of the John Day river Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones of Cor areas. vallis were callers in Detroit Satur Applications for permits to hunt day looking after business interests. these areas must be submitted on of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vaughn, who ficial application blanks and will be moved here a short time ago returned rejected if not completely and cor to their home in Forest Grove Sun rectly filled out. day. While here Mr. Vaughn was em All applications must be in the ployed as a trucker for Pamelia Portland office of the game commis Lumber Co. sion by 10 a. m., October 19, and A young man apparently suffering drawings will be held at 10 a. m., from amnesia regained his memory October 28. Game commission em Sunday when visited by his wife and ployees are not permitted to apply for | three-year-old son. He was identiried i permits to hunt in these or any other I as Warner C. Guab, 27, Salem. His controlled areas. I condition was first noticed when he One new ruling on the controlled I wandered into a store in Idanha season hunts will eliminate any per- ! last Wednesday. He was taken to son without a permit for hunting in Salem for treatment. the areas. The 1954 game synopsis Nurrudin Ahamd of Pakistan, who states that, each area having a con- has been a guest of the Detroit foiest l trolled season in progress will be service since September 7 left here closed during that period to hunting Saturday. Ahamd, who is employed for all other species of wild animals by the Government of East Bengal of and wild birds. India as deputy conservator of for Complete descriptions of the areas ests, and division forest officer, came to be included in the controlled hunts to the United States to study forestry may be found in the 1954 hunting practices. His visit and tour of the synopsis, available at game commis Willamette National Forest was in sion agencies. that capacity. He left here Saturday for Roseburg, where he will make a ! «< i study of the Umpqua forest. Ahamd I I tcs î ’ holds a BS degree in botany with hon- | ors, and also a diploma in forestry from the Indian college in Calcutta. DETROIT By Boots Chamoion Bring in the Children For Wholesome Tempting Meals The youngsters deserve a treat, too! See how they love the “grown up” pleasure of dining with their parents. And see how willingly “problem eaters” go for our delicious food. Try our smorgasbord dinners. We can serve your favorite cocktail. CHUCK’S FINE FOODS HIGHWAY 22 East of Gates When in Need of Printing—('all The Enterprise—2651 She remembered Happy is the husband whose wife keeps the refrigerator well stocked with rare flavored, refreshing Olympia Beer. l * */7’a th * Linda Lee and Donna Dee, six-year- old twin daughters of Mr. and M-“. Gordon Brown, who enrolled at the Detroit school this fall is the third generation of the Stahlman family to attend school in Detroit. Their great grandfather the late Fred W. Stahl man came to Detroit from Michigan I in 1893. Here he met and married Fannie V. Smith. Seven childien were born to that union in the old town of Detroit. The twins’ grandmother, now Mrs. Ethel Estey was the first gener ation of the Stahlman family attend ing school in the old town of Detroit. Her son, Gordon Brown, was the second. Mrs. Estey states there is a considerable difference in the modern school her grandchildren attend to day and the one-room school she at ► share the road by driving tended in the old town.. IN THE PROPER LANE .... Mrs. Estey and her brother, Earl Stahlman have resided in Detroit for and keep your car in tafo-driving over 50 years. As a child she recalls condition at oil timoil the ox teams that hauled logs into John Smith’s mill, the hotel and gen eral store owned by her father’s sister, , army engineer formerly resided at Mis. Hallie Jacobs, and the saloon Mongold. owned by John Daly. I Burning of slashing got under way Other old timers still residing here Monday in the Straight Creek area, are Gates Cochran. Jim Giebeler, (Packett Logging Co) Central Blow Lester White, and his sister, Mabel Out (M&M Woodworking Co.) and Parker and Harry Christian. Gale Hill, Boulder Ridge (Linn Ply- I Stahlman Point Lookout is named wood.) Slashing is being burned by in honor of, L red Stahlman, who was the respective logging companies un- an employee of the forest service for der the supervisio.i of the forest ser- many many years. vice. jf weather conditions remain .1 i m Stnhlmnn rc er - e. Jim Stahlman, son of Mr Mr. onJ and M Mrs. good J slashing ...ill will _1 also be . set * _ off at I Earl Stahlman is attending Detroit Cedar Creek by the forest service, high school. A meeting of the Marion County The Detroit school carnival date PT A school of instruction was held has been changed again from Sep Wednesday, September 15 in the din tember 24th to September 25th. The ing room of the First Methodist date was changed so it would not church in Salem. Members of the I conflict with a football game sched Deanha PTA attending from Idanha Again the streets and highways of j were Mrs. Lon Everly, Mrs. Frank the state are alive with school child uled September 24 at Salem. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman left New, Mrs. Al Snyder, and Mrs. Jack ren, and another responsibility faces here Sunday evening on a week’s va (iulliford. Harold Regele, principal of the drivers of the state. That of cation to Toledo and Newport, where the Detroit-Idanha school also at protecting the kids. Watch for them they plan on doing some fishing. They tended. A teachers reception will be at the cross walks,darting out from took their cabin cruiser along. held at the regular PTA meeting behind parked cars, or from the play- Attending the party at Meander Inn September 23 at 8 p. m. in the cafe- , ground in pursuit of a ball. Remem- in Mill City Friday evening honoring teria of the Detroit school. Refresh ber Oregon’s “Operation T. I. E.”— Mr. and Mrs. Charlie’(Chuck) Wirk- ments will be served. Take It Easy—and don’t forget—if The sophomores held their annual you won’t drive safely—you can’t kala, were Mr. and Mrs. John Meals, Audrey Layman, Marion Kite, Ann initiation of the freshmen Monday af drive in Oregon. Stevens, Boots Champion, and Jake ternoon at 2:30 p.m. at Detroit school. Fischer of Detroit and Ruth Wetzel The freshmen in all sorts of get-ups WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS of Portland. The Wirkkalas were • e- and dress were nut through the paces AND INVITATIONS with ease by the sophomores. No cently married. Wirkkala, an at The Mill City Enterprise DlFPEOf T hat ►* i ‘ The Emerald Empire’s Largest Department Store! •a THE BON MARCHE • ■ Eugene * « ». 1 NATIONAL MESS BUILOING WASHINGTON, 0. C. By Anne Good« Do you know how many rewards there are for reducing? A lighter step, clearer complexion, brighter eyes and steadier nerves, to men tion a few. To collect these re wards. go easy on starchy foods and fill in with salads, fresh fruits and vegetables. ★ * ★ Here’s a suggestion for a fine winter salad. Arrange sliced beets, hard-cooked eggs and onion at tractively on crisp lettuce. Com bine 23 cup French dressing and cup real mayonnaise for a perfect accompaniment. ★ ★ ★ F'.r the lunch box crowd, give that old favorite the tuna fish sandwich, a new look—make tuna boats First, split and spread sides of frankfurter rolls with sandwich spred: fill with drained, flaked tuna. Add crisp celery, cookies, a tangerine—and you have a deluxe lunch box! ★ * *■ Did holiday entertaining leave spots on your rugs? If so, here’s a hint or two for proper home cleaning: Powder cleaners, rubbed into the rug and then removed with a vacuum cleaner, are best for all except cotton. Ammonia and alkalis should not be used. Solvents should be avoided < except for grease stains) as they leave rings. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Entered as secend class matter No- vember 10. 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. *879. P®r Year Marion-Linn Counties S2.50 Outside Marion-Linn Counties S3.RO DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher f M d NEWSPAPER X PUBLISHERS for your convenience.., ASSOCIATION * Escalators Stayton-Jefferson * Tea Room * Beauty Salon I ■ . AUTO WRECKERS COME Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. * Bridal Salon * Ample Parking A Air Conditioned * 4 Huge Floors IO OUR GRAND OPENING HE buyers bat e traveled over three times around the world—over 92 THE BON MA thousand miles to buy famous brand, fine quality merchandise—Especially for YOU! * 82 Departments * Mail and Phone Order Service c T * 300 Friendly people to serve you. Open your Bon Marche’ Charge Account! * Fashions for yourself, your family, and your home. Complete this blank nou and mad to THE BON MARCHE, Eugene, Oregon r I would like to open a credit account with THE new BON MARCHE ! Name____ ___________________________ Address ___ __________ - City__________ ________________________ Employment ____________ How Long Do you have credit elsewhere? Please list. Git \XII OPI XIX<. Wednesday. September 29i 11.9:30ai.Bgjft Phone 62S4, Stayton, Ore. CESSPOOLS SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED AND REPAIRED ALL WORK GUARANTEED No Mileage Charge For Free Inspection Write Ira Miller General Delivery Mill City, Oregon »