Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1954)
7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1954 tion. In addition to farm foresters marked about 7 million board feet LOOK AT THIS—1949 Chevrolet *4- [o{ timber for cutting. CLASSIFIED RATES WANTED—I have a G.I who wants ton pickup, radio and heater. Ex- Products other than logs which Ten cents per line each insertion. to buy a 20-acre farm in this area. '•1len_t_.!?ndltionA7i6- ^•"*_Te“KU! ! wer< harvested included 6547 cords No advertisement accepted for less This farm must be able to pass G. I. Chevrolet. See Jerry Coffman, or1 than 50 cents per week. appraisal.—David M. Reid, Real Phone Lyons 277. 37 I for fuel, 4630 pieces of piling and 37,- Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, Estate and Insurance, Mill City. 37 050 posts, hop poles and bean poles. — ete. will be run under •'Special An An interesting item was an income of nouncements" classification with a FOR SALE—Small one bedroom Farm Woodland Ow ners Get $14,700 for the sale of Christmas trees house. Less than $2,000. Small down Good Returns from Sales minimum charge of 50 cents per in floral products and crude drugs, in sertion. payment will handle. Balance like cluding cascara bark. Forest products harvested under the Count five words to the line in rent. Ruth L. Witt, Phone 1641, farm woodland assistance program of < At the present time the state has ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill Mill City. 37p the state forestry department return-1 four farm foresters which includes City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mil] City, WHY PAY RENT when you can buy ed an income of $825,201 to the wood-1 two in Salem and one each in Eugene a good modern home in Mill City land owners during the fiscal year and Oregon City. These men aid the Oregon. on a nice lot for $2500. Terms, too. ending June 30, 1954, according to a farm woodland owners in matters House has dream kitchen. Call at report just issued by Chas. H. Ladd, dealing with the management of their Miscellaneous The Enterprise 2651 for informa Salem, senior service forester for the forest properties. tion. 40p department. FASHION FROCKS! New fall styles. Ladd pointed out that this total, Shown by appointment only. Mrs. REAL ESTATE $588,464 represented the income from Harold Steeley, Box 3, Detroit, stumpage and the balance w'as addi Oregon. Phone 617. 38p Glen Shelton, Broker Cash for Green West side MH) City Ph. 220? tional receipts from the sale of logs at GUNS—Want to buy, sell or trade __________ SEED CONES the mill or landing where the farmer guns. See Red at Jerry’s Tavern in ' for SALE- ■1 bedroom home, com did his own work. We pay 4 cents per pound Gates. 35-6-71 pletely - - furnished. - Located on two During the year woodland assist ($1.00 per sewed sack) nice lots. Call 3952, Mill City. 18tf ance was extended to 7779 individuals Of Douglas Fir WANT TO BUY TIMBER which included advice as to the man- FOR SALE or TRADE—$1,200 equity | agement of farm properties, sugges 5 cents per pound Small or large tracts in 5-room house on 1% lots in Mill tions fo» reforestation, logging prac (4.50 per sewed sack) Either cash or stumpage basis William S. Hunter, Phone tices, markets and similar informa- For White Fir STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. City. Mill Ciey 3577. 35tf And 15 cents per pound % mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf ($14.00 per sewed sack) FOR SALE—6x9 and 12x18 all wool For Hemlock Business Services gTey frieze broadloom rugs and Bring to pads. Like new, used only a few Ken Golliet, Mehama months. Will sell at big reduction. SEE US when in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a Gates Feed Store, Gates Call The Enterprise 2651 or Don complete line of Philco television For further information write Moffatt residence at 965, Mill City. sets. $179 and up. Stiffler Radio WOODSEED FOR SALE—Half inch galvanized and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill P. O. Box 647, Salem, Oregon KEEP OREGON GREEN pipe 8c per foot; % inch galvan City. ltf ized pipe 10c per foot and 1 inch for 12c per foot. J, Watson, Ni agara, Oregon. Real Estate Automobiles If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM lias Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4534 Auto Repair Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED Welding and Auto Parts OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage BILL GUIER, Proprietor On old highway Phone 903 MILL CITY, OREGON OFFICE FURNITURE and equip ment, typewriters, adding machines, calculators, cash registers, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, rent, swap and repair. Bargains in used machines. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa tion call or write Allen Could. 1424 Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 6745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top prices for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. % west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf YOU CAN still cook for $160 perl month on a modern automatic pro pane range; clean, fast, dependable. Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also heating, water heaters, rafngerat- tion, brooders and Norge appli ances. FOR SALE—Small upright piano. Lovely tone. Can be seen in Mill City. Easy terms or will take old piano or band instrument in trade. ’ For information write Day Music Co., 808 S. E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. 36-7-8-9. LOGS WANTED Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch diameters in eight foot, or multi ples of eight feet. We also buy stumpage. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Turner, Oregon Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. 25tf Pets PARRAKEETS FOR SALE—Young Parrakeets, just right for training. Also breeding stock. Cages, feed and supplies. Visitors always wel come. Willamette Valley Aviaries, miles east of Gates on North Santiam highway. 32tf In fine-car feature after feature, Ford's far out front in its field. Only Ford gives you styling that will stay in style . . . new Ball-Joint ride and handling . . . high-spirited V-8 “Go” It will be the end of “Your" trouble« when you «witch to our brand«. Silver Saddle SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES It’s no wonder so many people are swing ing over to Ford! Ford offers more fine-car features than any other low-priced car. You can see Ford’s the leader in "looks.” With its long, low, clean-cut lines, Ford’s the acknowledged trend-setter in the in dustry. And Ford has interior luxury to match, with the latest in modern fabrics ... the handsomest in trim. And Ford acts the leader, too. Riding and handling are always smoother, easier be cause of Ford’s revolutionary Ball-Joint Front Suspension (exclusive to Ford in its field,i that cushions the burnt* °f even the More people are trying Ford... More people are buying MILL CITY, OREGON Phrae 2724 FOSCO roughest roads and helps keep that new- car "feel” far longer. Ford is the only car in its field with a V-8 engine, the 130-h.p. Y-block V-8. And Ford offers this V-8 "Go” today! You may choose from three great trans missions: Fordomatic Drive, Overdrive, or Conventional Drive. For still greater driv ing ease and pleasure, you may make your Ford as automatic as you like with power assists . . . Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows (both front and back), and a 4-Way Power Front Seat. And with Ford’s many, many other fine- car features such as suspended clutch and brake pedals, Center-Fill Fueling and the new Astra-Dial Control Panel, Ford is worth more when you sell. It’s a proven fact that Ford returns more of its origi nal cost, at resale, than any other car in the low-price field! Come in . . . Test Drive a Ford today, and see why. PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON 2344 Î i i