* 2— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISETHUR8DAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1954 Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. VERNE’S BARBER SHOP Broadway, Mill City Hours Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS the seat, bending the nail back. The OSC Outlines Fruit and nail split down the cental. Vegetable Freezing Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Long of the . | A revised guide for freezing fruits Keizer District of Salem vac- I and ve4» tables has been issued by the By Boots Champion last week at Breitenbush Springs. * En- • Oregon State college extension ser The erecting of guatd rads on th* route home they visited with 1‘ZI the R. | vice.. Two OSC food technologists, North Santiam highway has been G. Warthens in Detroit. They were ac completed between Mill City and De companied home by their niece, Verna Lois Sather and E. H. Wiegand, co operated in preparing the bulletin. troit, and the process of painting Warthen, who plans to stay a week. Illustrations give general directions them is now in progress, that is, when Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price and for freezing and a chart gives spe it is not raining. giandson, Troy Roberts, of Marcola, cific instructions. Fifteen vegetables Mrs. Clifford White returned last weekend to the home of her parent- were recent visitors at the Eai 1 Stahl- and 21 fruits are included in the list the Pat O'Briens, after undergoing man home. The Prices are an aunt and ing. Varieties that are not success fully frozen have been revised in the major surgery at Salem. She re uncle of Mrs. Stahlman. Weekend visitors at the home of new bulletin. tuned again to Salem on Monday A new addition is instruction on where she will remain for a week be Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Moore were, Mr. fore going to her home in Mountain and Mrs. A. B. Johnson, and Mr. and freezing mushrooms. The food tech- Mrs. Tom Lusk, Portland. They en i nologists warn against the use of Home, Idaho. wild mushrooms, however, unless they Mrs. Pat O’Brien and children joyed a bit'of fishing while heie. Early Saturday moining breakfast have been positively identified as ed Isaura Lee, and Pamela are spending the week at Oak Ridge with Mr. O' guests at the Harold Champion home ible species. were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pulse, Salem, The bulletin, EB 688. u Freezing Brien, who is employed there. Mrs. Eric Nyberg and daughter, who were enioute to Bozeman, Mont., Preservation of Fruita and Vege- Christina of Idanha, accompanied by to visit with Mr. Pulses grandmother,) tables,” may be obtained from county Mrs, Fail Stahlman of Detroit, left Mrs. L. Higgins, who will be 100 years extension offices or Oregon State here Monday for a few day’s visit in old Sept. 3. They will also visit with college. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pieper at Helena, Salem and Portland. Mrs. Verne Shaw and Mrs. Jim Two freak accidents caused painful an aunt and uncle of Mr. Pulses. injuries to fingers last week. Irene 1 Other places of interest they visited Poole spent Sunday visiting in Port > Stout received a gash in the finger enroute to Montana were the crater land. necessitating three stitches to close of the moon in Idaho, and Yellowstone Anne Crook and .Mrs. Frank Jack- the wound when her ironing board National park. Mrs. Pulse and Mis. Champion are sisters. son motored to Salem Sunday where folded up catching her finger. Mt. Jefferson received a blanket of they took in a show. Harold Champion nearly tore his little finger nail off when his feet new snow in last week’s storm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Umphress slipped from under him as he at tempted to re-seat himself in the SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE motored to Elmira Sunday where they were guests at the Albert Mc theater. He grabbed for the aim of Intyre home. They also visited friends in Corvallis on the way home. DETROIT When you need PRINTING Telephone 2651 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE responsible PRESCRIPIIO S E ft • Yes, this Prescription Pharmacy is responsible —responsible to you, and to your physician. In all seriousness we accept this responsibility for safeguarding your health and welfare. When you bring a prescription here it will be promptly and expertly compounded and the price will be fair. Capitol Drug A imz ING F«EL saver Downdraft WOOD Heaters 24 HOUR THERMOSTATIC HEAT WITH Many ASHLEY user« report savings of 50% and MORE on FUEL UJ MORE HEAT with ASHLEY ASHLEY W EVEN HEAT with ASHLEY 8 modelt Time-tested and 8 prices proven satisfactory in coldest states. I Have Been Appointed as Authorized X. Í ■' • * * i ñ •r * J 9 HOMELITE Chain Saw Dealer For the Canyon Area You should build but one fire a season, refuel on average every twelve hours, remove ashes 3 times monthly. Unbelievable heating that suits you, and you'll enjoy warm floors, controlled heat, big fuel savings capacity, many heating entire homes, schools, stores. Wood burns clean — less for years to come! •oot and grime — saves walls and drapes. Insist on an SEE THEM TODAY AT - Stayton Hardware & Furniture STAYTON Clifford Likes, Owner Phone 2374 LONGER MILEAGE GREATER SAFETY TOUGH, RUGGED COLD RUBBER TREAD used in both COOP Alft CO-OP» "De-duxe CO-OP *De(?«dfaa* makes cars ride softer, smoother . . . better than ever before Saws and Parts on Hand New. different . . . almost like riding on a cloud. New cold rub ber has tremendous endurance . . . tread is rugged, tough and deep . . . every inch of the flat tread rides the road . . . tires wear evenly, slowly. The notched edges of the saw-toothed tread pattern bite-through skid producing road film . . . grab the road . . . stop the car! Out perform pre-war tires by a wide margin. Current popular models are the 5-30, 5 1-2 H. P. and the 17 model 3 1-2 H. P. saws Demonstrations: anywhere, any time Guaranteed Service Work these Hardwood recom mended, all types wood successfully used. See stoves today Choose the style CO-OP» Conventional Type Tire ...an Mrtitond/ng «rcppttaral valw...mniiimrai tafatv and mileoga Santiam Equipment Co. Homelife Sales and Service Shake Shack East of Mill City Phone 4572 Safety bonded cord . . . maximum rematance to rupture« and blow-outs . . . maximum grip on wet, slick roads . . . stop moat skids before they start. New, cold rubber delivers thousands more of safe mile« than ordinary tirea. Shock absorbing body .. . extra internal tire safety . . . husky shoulder buttress improve« tire stability . . . keen edges of tread pattern their way for assured sense of car control. SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Telephone 5024 Feeds I Fee ti liier STAY’TON, OREGON Grinding and Mil in g Coa<«a Cleaning Seed Marketing Machinery Hard war« P«ralean Prodotta HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES