WANT APS W. N. SIMMONS * 7—THE MILL CTY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, Al Gl ST 19. 1951 Miscellaneous Business Services WANT TO BUY TIMBER SEE US when in need of T. V. An­ Small or large tracts CLASSIFIED RATES PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT tennas and supplies. We handle a Either cash or stumpage basis Ten cents per line each insertion. complete line of Philco television No advertisement accepted for less STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Tax Consultant Auditor sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio han 50 cents per week. (4 mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf Bookkeeping, Accounting and and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales City. ltf OFFICE FURNITURE and equip­ Tax Service Jts. will be run under "Special An­ Corner 3rd and Morion nouncements” classification with ■ ment, typewriters, adding machines, For Rent minimum charge of 50 cents per in­ calculators, cash registers, duplicat­ STAYTON,OREGON sertion. ors, safes, filing equipment We sell, FOR RENT—Two and three-room Phone 4114 P. O Box 1321 Count five words to the line in rent, swap and repair. Bargains in apartment. Furnished. Air condi­ srdering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill used machines. Roen Typewriter tioned. Rent very reasonable. Phone City qr mail your advertisement to Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf 3425.—Mrs. Agneis Allen. 34p The Mill City Enterprise. Mill City, WANTED TO BUY — Clear peeled Oregon. Real Estate Douglas fir poles, delivened to Lyons yard. For further informa­ Pets tion call or write Allen Could. 1424 FOR SALE or TRADE—$1.200 equity Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, «ES” ’ •ES in 5-room house on I1? lots in Mill Puget Timber Co. of Oregon 24tf PARRAKEETS FOR SALE—Young City. William S. Hunter, Phone Parrakeets, just right for training. Mill City 3577. 33p Sawmill LOGS WANTED Also breeding stock. Cages, feed Top prices for Second Growth and supplies. Visitors always wel­ FOR SALE—One bedroom modern I come. Willamette Valley Aviaries, lot with home in Mill City on nice 1_. ...— STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Vfa miles east of Gates on North good garden space. Will sacrifice Vz west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf Santiam highway. 32tf for $2,500. For information call at I The Enterprise office. 34p , YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per month on a modern automatic pro-1 pane range; clean, fast, dependable. Help Wanted—Female REAL ESTATE Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also .x Glen Shelton, Broker heating, water heaters, refrigerat- MAKE EXTRA MONEY doing as­ West aide MUI City Ph. 2207 tion, brooders and Norge appli­ sembly work at home, pleasant, ances. 9tf easy to assembly product, good FOR SALE—1 bedroom home, com­ pay. Write ARTLINE INDUS­ pletely furnished. Located on two I LOGS WANTED TRIES, Union City, Indiana. j nice lota. Call 3952. Mill City. 18tf Top prices paid. Six Inch to 50 inch diameters in eight foot, or multi­ PROPERTIES FOR SALE LOW COST TRANSPORTATION ples of eight feet. We also buy AND OR RENT 1940 PLYMOUTH 2 door Sedan ....................................................... ... $ 65.00 stumpage. LYONS PROPERTY ___ 65.00 1940 PONTIAC 4 door ...................................... 195.00 6. 2-BEDROOM HOMES. 1 acre of BURKLAND LUMBER CO. 1941 CHEVROLET 4 door ................. ............ 395.00 I ground each. Utility and garage. 1946 DeSOTO 4 door ................... -............................................... Turner, Oregon These are new, modern homes, lo­ ...... 265.00 1939 FORD PICKUP, A Honey cated close to Plywood plant. Good Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone MANY FINE LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 25tf water, nice view. 10% down, $60 per Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET month to include interest. CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE Chase & Sanborn MILL CITY PROPERTY STAYTON,OREGON TWO BEDROOM HOME, large lot, COFFEE hardwood floors, built in 1948. A si.no Per Pound | nice place for $5,500. Terms. THIEL’S STORE TWO BEDROOM HOME—garage at- I tached. Nice lot, floor furnace. Close 1Y(»\S. OREGON | to the mills. $6,300. » * J TWO BEDROOM HOUSE and garage at Lyons, 1V4 acres of land. Deep ; drilled well. $4,650. Terms with low down payment. BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP WE HAVE 8 homes in Lyons and Mill City ranging in price from Phone 116 Phone 1141 $850 to $4,000 with small down 1 Branch Store at Lyoaa Sweet Home, Philomath payments and low monthly terms. 319 West Washington Street. Come in and let us show you these OPEN SUNDAYS AND ■ properties. HAVE A GOOD restaurant doing a EVENINGS fine business in Lyons. If you are Telephone 6684 interested, see ub for price and STAYTON OREGON terms. 'THREE BEDROOM HOME, 3 lots, completely furnished for $7,500. Terms available. This property is ALL WORK GUARANTEED in excellent condition. Nice yard, shrubbery, garden, located in cent­ I er of Lyons. Welding and Auto Parts Gooch Logging Supply Everything for tne Logger I Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY Warehouse CLEARANCE We will move to our new ubilding at 2nd and Ida St. one block west of Walter Bell’s law office, about October 15th. We must reduce our stock. YOU WILL SAVE 20 to 30 PERCENT Regular 8 piece dining room, dark walnut, 54 inch buffet .v............................. $215.00 Eastern Maple Rocker 26-40 Eastern Maple Desk 79.95 Silver Saddle Garage BILL GUIER, Proprietor On old highway Phone 903 MILL CITY, OREGON When It Comes To Fine Food and Service, Everyone Comes to Us! 195.°° Daveno Chair Set Foam rubber cushion 199.°° 234.00 Plastic Cover Spring Rocker............. 49.95 39.»5 Maple Bedroom Suite, 6 drawer 52 in. Dresser, Cabinet Bed, Nite Stand $210.00 179.00 Unfinished Furniture 10 PERCENT OFF Chests, Beds, Dressing Tables, Nite Stands Etc- Oval Braided Rag Rugs, 24x36 Stayton Hardware & Furniture STAYTON Clifford Likes, Owner Public Accountant—Real Estate Lyons, Oregon When you need PRINTING Telephone 2651 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE H e jvere-overwhelmed by the response received by Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. I RICH MAID In Mill City Which proved to keep up w ith its slogan “THE CITY OF HOSPITALITY’’ CHUCK’S FINE FOODS We are indeed (¡rateful for the hearty response to our East of Gates Wanted 8 Foot Posts 2*2 inches to 5 inches in diameter HEMLOCK, WHITE FIR and NOBLE FIR $40.00 per 1000 posts From 5 inches to 7 inches in diameter $50.00 per 1000 posts $60.00 per 1000 posts peeled Chips & Strips, Oregon, Ltd. I MILE EAST OF MILL CITY Mill City, Oregon 1J5 FRED A. LINDEMANN Family Dinner.. Business Luncheon ... date for two ... whatever the oc­ casion, having it here makes is a suc­ cess. Try our special smorgasbord dinners. We also serve your favorite cocktail. HIGHWAY 22 W.»5 Minute Bed, full size hotel mattress foam rubber cushion 229.00 Auto Repair Work OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 169.<>O chongo Grand Opening Bat *e ran make a rhange in your Car’s Perforinace with an Oil Change Cartridge and Lubrication Job. Silver Saddle SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. It is our hope to merit your support in the future. He are confident our selection of Mill City as a place for our business will prove to be a good one. GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES ASK FOR Rich Maid FRANKLIN BROTHERS, Owners