I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. AVGUST 19. 1954 Mill Ends Tha n Ic You H e wish to thank the merchants who contributed to the ball fund this sea son, making a team possible. It was greatly appreciated. MILL CITY SOFTBALL CLUB Bob Dombrowski, .Manager Mr. and Mrs. Dell Dre* and Tommy, visited here Sunday at Charles L'mphress home. They employed at Independence at the pres ent time. Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 Seven day FREE TRIAL in your home. When in need of nervice for your machine or when you need a new or used Sewing Machine, Call or Write SINGER SEWING CENTER Litted m y<mr telephone (took only under SINGE* SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial Phone 3-3512 SALEM, OREGON I COSPONSOR It’s no fun to drive a car that’s all dusty inside, folks ! Drop in and chat with us while we vacuum clean your car FREE PHONE 3251 leo s Richfield Service WE PICK I P AND DELIVER Siletz Salmon Derby Lucky Winner’s name will I m * drawn on Mike Davenport Show. K1*TV. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 2 Register Thursday, August 12 thru Saturday, September 28 Employees of IGA Stores and sponsors are not eligible to enter contest. Dennis Podrabsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Podrabsky and Arthur Hedge, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Hedge, went to Portland Mon day where they took their physical examinations for entrance into the Air Force. Francis Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark, became a “galloneer” re cently when he donated his eighth pint of blood at the Capitol Shopping center in Salem. This is especially unusual in. that young Clark, who is employed with the State Highway Engineers, is only 23 years of age. À FANCY VINE RIPENED Connie Larson, worthy high priest ess; Vera Fritsch, noble prophetess; Lorene McCollum, worthy herald and Helen McCormick, gueen, all who had attended a meeting of the White Shrine in Salem Monday night, stop ped in Mill City Tuesday on their way home to visit Mrs. Bert Morris and her sister, Julia Kemp. J. C Kimmel Phone 6607 Mill City LYONS, OREGON An Old Adage of Auto Experts Four quarts of dirty oil plus 1 quart of clean oil equals 5 quarts of dirty oil.” We think that makes sense. So. if your oil is 1000 miles old and you’ve burned a quart, be smart. Don’t add—change! GIVE US ATRIAL! Eddie’s Associated Station Highway 22 at 7th Street * Full Flats M rs. R. C. Haseman stopped to see relatives here Friday morning on her w’ay home to Idanha following a three- weeks* trip to the Hawaiian Islands in the company of Mrs. Milo Harris of Idanha. The women made the crossing on the Lurline from San Francisco, Cal. Upon landing, they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen (Marjorie Schroeder,) son and daughter-in-law of Mrs. W. W. Allen, who make their home in Honolulu. With their headquarters at the Edgewater Beach hotel in Honolulu, the group visited scenic spots on Oahu Island, also flying on a short trip to the Island of Hawaii for more sight-seeing. FOOD LOCKERS $1.00 per Cubic Foot Per Year THIEL’S STORE Phone 542, MILL CITY POTATOES NoislOLbs 29c TOMATOES 2lbs 19c CORN “ 29c Butterlb 59c i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farmen en tertained at a barbecue dinner at their home Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack and son, Monte, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin I.aVine and daughters, Sharon and Susan of To ledo. MILL CITY PHARMACY : FREE—Lunch and dinner for seven days at the Pixie Kitchen. FREE—Boat and motor and fishing tackle at Siletz Moorage at Kernville. There is also an opportunity to win weekly and grand prize in the annual The R. L. Fausts received word last week that their son, Robert Faust, who lives near Taft, is in thfc'NeWport Hospital with a broken pelvis, as the result of a log rolling on him in a logging accident. It is understood that he will be hospitalized about three weeks. The fabulous super-smooth- inft lipstick that stays on... won’t sinear...won't dry lips! Just smooth Permastick on... let it set...then press a tissue to your lips until no color conies off. Then kiss your beau or drink your coffee or eat an 8-course dinner... Permastick will keep on look ing lovely for hours! Five Glamourous Tussv col ors: Midnight. Midnight Pink. Contraband. Apricot Brandy. Youngtime Pink. This offer LIMITED TIME OXLY! ♦ During the Siletz Salmon Derby Mr. and Mrs. James 1. Poole visited last Sunday with friends in Eugene and Tuesday visited with Mrs. Poole's sister, Mrs. John Slagle in Portland. Mrs. Poole was on vacation from her duties at the Mill City State bank. SOMETHING FOR FREE 1 < READ WHAT YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY FREE—week’s lodging at Surftides on the beach FREE—A night at “The Coaster’’ night club. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett motored to Salem Sunday and visited at the home of Mrs. Bassett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shepard. They were accompanied home by their daughter, Rosalie, who had been visiting there. • Trad« Mart M TH» BIN GDI MFO. OBt : 4 On the Coast Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rada [three sons of Pasadena. California, are spending several days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rada, his mother having been serious ly ill in recent waaks. TRY OUT A NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE « Vacation Spending Saturday at the Ike Myers home here were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Del Sol and children Sylvia, Earl, Eddie Rickey of Portland. I IGA (¡RADE A Case of 21 cans Hunt’s, No. 2l/t cans, halves PEACHES $5.95 HILL TOP MARKET Harold Kliewer Telephone 2744 Mill City, Oregon. : ♦ : I « 4 FREE Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wilkinson, of McMinnville, expect to move to Mill City this weekend. They have rented part of the new duplex located in Riverview Addition. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Contracting and Rental A Winner This week Rudolph Breuer and Miss Ruth Breuer, father and sister of Mrs. Noble Streeter, are City. Salem Sand & Gravel Co EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION You May Be :