4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1954 Social Events CLUB, LODGE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Phone 625 Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor POT LUCK DINNER HELD AT POTTER HOME TUESDAY A pot luck dinner and family “get- together” was held at the Potter home Tuesday evening honoring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. J. F. Potter. An informal evening of visit ing followed the buffet dinner. Covers were place in the dining room for Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Potter of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hill, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill, Bobby and Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and Johnny, Mrs. W. J. Rob inson, Mrs. W. W. Allen, and Mrs. J. F. Potter. Mrs. Potter received a phone call from her other son and wife, Col. and Mrs. Willis Potter of Arlington, Virginia. Farewell Shower Given For Mrs. Gerald Anderson GERBER’S BABY FOOD J Cans for 25c THIEL’S STORE LYONS, OREGON Business and Prefessional DIRECTORY JOHN W. REID, M. D. Physician and Surgeon A farewell handkerchief shower was given by Mrs. Donald Sheythe MILL CITY, OREGON for Mrs. Gerald Anderson at the home of Mrs. D. B. Hill Thursday evening, the Andersons leaving the following day for Portland to make J. W. GOIN their home. V ETERIN ARIAN An informal evening was followed Phone 4148 by the opening of the gifts and the STAYTON Opposite serving of refreshments by the host Claude Lewis’ Service Station esses. Attending were Jeanette An derson, the guest of honor, Mrs. Cor bin, Edna Ross, Agnes Carleson, Mary Tuers, Elayne Kuhlman, Marie Stov er, Mary Kelly. Doris Sheythe, and Maxine Hill. Others sending gifts, but unable to attend, included Joan Cauble, Anita Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT Becker, Peggy Becker, Marian Todd, Mr. and Mfs. Lester Kaufman of 1079 Elm St. W. Salem Bette Kelly, Rosamond ReMine, and Sheridan were here Thursday to visit Dorothy Dean Kelly, at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup and Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Wil Mrs. Gale Tinney and Mrs. A. W. loughby. Weddle Funeral Home Toman motored to Depot Bav Sat urday morning and were joined by the Modern Funeral Service WE SELL BETTER men folk that evening. They spent Saturday night there and went deep, STAYTON OREGON CARS FOR LESS sea fishing Sunday. Mr. Toman caught a salmon while out. GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME MIKE'S Septic Service Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers were Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Callister and Miss Hester Thorpe, all of Gresham. Other guests were Mrs. R. L. Crabtree of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Myers of Elkhorn. WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LUZIERS COSMETICS PLUMBING—WIRING Water I’umo Service 24 HOUR SERVICE BROWNIE VALDEZ Phone 2-3786 Salem, Oregon Sure Ar^ MAKI ANY MODEL Service ’OR YOUR TELEVISION OR RADIO (?«(( 3207 mosf^/or-iyour-mone^ Stiffler’s Radio & A ppi inace Co. Mlil City, Oregon Lyons Plumbing Ford F-1OO Pickup, 4,800 lbs. GVW.The only Pickup that gives you a choice of two modern overhead-valve, Low-F riction engines. 115-h.p.Sixor 130-h.p.V-8. ..plus five transmission options, including f'ordomatic Drive, and exclusive Power Brakes at worth-while extra cost. Water Systems Fowler Clothes Dryers Phone Lyons 1634 LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE $1.58 Per Month and Up Also servicing Gate«, Lyons, Idanaha and Detroit Phone 3952 MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE LEONARD HERMAN Viv s Steak House Phone 5807 • • • Mill City Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. ra. Closed Mondays Only Ford gives you so much Pickup for vour money! Take your choice of V-8 or Six ultra-modem, short- xtroke design provides slower piston speeds, cuts inter nal friction and power waste for gas-diving economy, reduces engine wear, prolongs engine life! New Driver- tied Cab gives you Ford exclusives like seat shock snubbers and non-sag springs—and more glass area than any other standard cab! Ford gives you big 4‘»-cubic foot loadspace . . . one of the largest Pickup boxes in this field! Why drive a down payment ? Trade now for a new... Only Ford gives you Trip'*' Economy: gas-saving j»ower driver-diving ease trip-saving capacity. And, with all its exclusive features and work-diving advan- t ¡>,’es. the Ford Pickup is a L ow -P riced Pickup. Get ti:>*most Pickup for your money! See your Ford Dealer! MILL CITY. OREGON Phone 2724 PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. F-100 PICKUP SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 6284 Stayton DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN STAYTON. OREGON Phone 2344 REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Haa moved hie Mill City office to Stayton in the Poet Office Bnilding. 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myer« office« Tharaday« 1 p. m. to 6 p m HOME OFFICE: >13 W. FIRST. ALBANY