LYONS By Eva Bresslei Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Black of Oak Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wright and family of Portland were recent visitor* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain. Dean Trask of Portland came after his grandmother, Mrs. Inez Ring Wednesday and took her home with him, where she will remain for a short visit. Mrs. Wilson Stevens reports “mis­ sion accomplished.” Mrs. Stevens, who is chairman of the Community Pro­ ject committee of the Santiam Valley grange home ec club, is happy to an­ nounce that upon her return from an extended trip she found a letter from the State Highway commission say­ ing they had reconsidered and allowed a walk along one side of the bridge crossing the river between Lyons and Mehama. The Altar Society of the St. Pat­ rick Catholic church held their meet- | ing at the Catholic community hall i and completed plans for their annual oazaar and dinner which will be held August 29. The men are working every evening doing repair work to , the hall to get it ready. Mr. ana and Jirs. Mrs. rrea Fred nues Hiles oi of rurv- Port- land were Saturday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Byers of Forrest Grove visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith. Mr. Byers is principal at the Orenco school. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt were her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reeves of Portland. Going to Redmond Sunday after­ noon to attend the wedding of Miss Shirley Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston, former resi­ dents of Lyons, and Everett Smyth of Redmond, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Power, Mrs. Wallace Power, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and Glen Jr., Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Alice Hub­ er, Mrs. Clyde Bressler and Mrs. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS I I* your monev in ...than in "the other 'leading Pickup! More efficiency! More horsepower for Only Ford gives you More power! New 13O-h.p. ultra-modern V-8 Power King V-8 ur 115-h.p longer engine life with over engine design. Cost Clipper Six. 21% less piston travel . . . displacement size in both as much as 21% slower Ford engines, V-8 and Six. piston speed. Ford’s L ow -F riction design makes for gas-saving power I 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1954 Alex Bodeker and their father, Elmer Hiatt, who visited his brother, Charles of that city. Mrs. Charles Power was . • f ' ' ,. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydegger, Mabel and Beverly and Ronnie Len- gacher spent the weekend at Elgin. Cecil Bassett, Brent Bently and Bob Roy left Saturday on a few days vacation trip. They will go as far south to see the Redwoods, going by way of Klamath Falls. They will visit Crater Lake and the Oregon Caves, returning by way of Granta Pass, Medford and Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and son, Donald of Tillamook were week­ end visitors in Lyons at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. They also visited her mother, Mrs. Susie Haynes of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Williard Berrv and sons of Sweet Home were also Sunday guests at the Berry’ home. I Mrs. Shirley Emery from Westville, Illinois is visiting at the home of her sister and family, the Alvin Palmers. Mr. and Mrs. Alwood Aronson and sons, Ray and Paul, are spending this week vacationing near Waldport. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimery and children of Portland were Sunday visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. Minnie Kimery. They also visited his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kimery and his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers. A recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roberts was his sister, Mrs. Ruel Ermin from Para­ dise, California. The Earl Thayer family, the Joe Johnson family, the I^o Cruson fam­ ily and Ronnie Spellmier spent the week at Clear Lake, and Suttle I^ike. They enjoyed fishing at Clear Lake and swimming at Suttle Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens re­ turned home the last of the week from a month’s visit at Sheridan, Wyoming. They were delayed be­ cause of a car accident. They had been home about an hour when they discovered their cow had died just a short time before they arrived. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell were Mr. and Mrs. Norval Reeder. Janis, Lynn and Ronda Sue from Camas, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain went to Grand Ronde Saturday to the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Talbott. Sunday, they with the Talbotts, attended a family reunion of the Chamberlain and Smith famil­ ies at Champoeg park. Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell, Timmy and Tommy and her mother, Mrs. Averill from Lyons also attended the reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindeman, Rich­ ard and Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gustafson and Jerry spent the week­ end at Roads End on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen left Thurs­ day morning for a two weeks trip in Idaho. They were going to Pondra lake. They were to meet her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fox of Midvale, Idaho at Sand Point, who would accompany them on the trip. Mrs. Alice Huber returned home Tuesday evening after a two weeks trip to Canada. She with a group of seven other ladies reported a most enjoyable time. Miss Gerry Cruson went to Ash­ land the first of the week where she will visit with friends for some time. The Crusons are former residents of that city. Jerry Gustafson has returned home after he, with Herb Lindmann spent some time in the Idaho hills. Mrs. Don Shepard and daughters of Baker have returned home after visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell. Mrs. Sheperd came to attend funeral services for her grandmother, Mrs. Corey of Salem. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard were her sister Mrs. Mary Fugua of Portland, also two nieces. Mrs. Mildred Gibson, and Mrs. Reta Benedict, also of Portland. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME More comfort in Ford's More capacity greater Driverized Cab! 27% Eosier control. Wider Stronger Ford construction payload rating. Over 5 bigger windshield! tread and shorter turning deeper frame for rigidity cubic feet more body load 18-inch wider rear diameter for greater . . . 400-lbs. greater space with higher sides and window. Only Ford handling ease. Fordomatic total axle capacity . . . slanting flare boards! gives you seat shock and exclusive Power Brakes higher spring ratings, Reinforced clamp-tight snubbers . . . woven at worth-while extra cost. front and rear. tailgate! HESPONSIBLf KtsHinm,.,, • Ye*, this Prescription Pharmacy is responsible —responsible to you, and so your physician. In all seriousness we accept plastic upholstery. < trad FORD '.AST RUCKS LONGER, TOO! this responsibility for safeguarding your health and welfare. When you bring a prescription bere it will be promptly end expertly compounded and the once will be fair. Capitol Drug STAYTON, OREGON I*hone 2344 t PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. •