5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Home on a 20-day leave is Cpl. Rosalie Bassett, daughter of the 1-** THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1954 Herbert Maag of Ft. Lewis, Wash., Bassetts is scheduled to undergo ma­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Maag. jor eye surgery at the Salem Genera hospital on Thursday. Spending a month here with Mr. Louis Rada was to have returned t< and Mrs. Bert Morris are her two young grandchildren from Canyon­ his home Thursday from Emanue hospital in Portland where he recentlj Charles Ball is recovering in the ville, Oregon. underwent major surgery. Salem Memorial hospital from major Word was received of the birth of a surgery performed last week. Ed Kellom, who was in the \ ets son, Gary Lee, on July 22 to Mr. and M rs. Joe Lalack and son. Monte, re­ Mrs. Ernest Podrabsky, Jr., of Sum­ hospital for some time, has been at turned last weekend from a vacation ter, South Carolina. The maternal home for about two weeks and is re­ spent with relatives at Marysville, grandparents are the Milford Bells ported as much improved. Washington, and at Salem. She is back of Scio, and the paternal grandpar-1--------------------------- on the job again at the Mill City State ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Podlabsky ' Mr. and Mrs. S, H. Henderson of Bank. of Mill City. I Seattle were here Thursday as guests I at the Hugh Walkup home. Mr. Hen­ derson is a brother of Mrs. Walkup When ths mercury rises-fry our Kathey Oderman, daughter of th« Orville Odermans of Fortuna. Calif- I is spending several weeks with her I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Swan. AROOM? ¿EEm Spending several days at their sum­ mer home at Waldport, were Mr. anc Mrs. C. M. Cline, who planned to meet their daughter and family, who now reside in California. Mr. Otto Koeneke boarded a plane this week at Salem for San Francisco where he is spending a two-week va I cation. Mr. Koeneke is employe» 1 at the Mill City State Bank. Save time, worry and expense bv letting us help you select the building materials for that added room. We’ll deliver everything you will need from foundation to roof. KELLY LUMBER SALES OPEN SATURDAYS Authorized Shopsmith Dealer East City Limits, Hiway 22 Phone 6803 Attending a luncheon for officers of Marilyn Chapter, O.E.S., at the Detroit home of the worthy matron, Mabel Parker, last week were Dorothy Harris, Betty Shaw, Addie Fench, Opal McRobert, Mary Tuers, Jacque­ line Smith of Lyons, and Laura Wor­ thington, who moved to The Dalles next day. I I SHOT AN ARROW Summer Heat Makes a COOL SALAD A MUST In the flight of an arrow this young lady glimpses something of the question mark that is life. She compared herself to the arrow, trembling and plunging toward the earth . . . falling at some distant, unknown point. She thinks of the childhood poem she Farm-fresh Vegetables From Hilltop Market Make Low Cost Meals Possible! once learned, "I shot an arrow into the air . . . it fell to earth, I know not where.” Until she discovered the Church, thoughts like these troubled her. But in the Church she found the answer, a secure knowledge that her flight of life will be guided by a higher power to a perfect destination. Radishes Green Onions Green Peppers Cucumbers Like this girl, everyone has flights of fancy. We dream of, plan for, and have misgivings about the future. That is why we must discover the Church and its teach­ ings, for under its influence, our destiny will become sure, and our future will take on a new meaning. ™1 CHURCH FOR AU AU FOR THE CHURCH i •o-^on .aHhhfo,t charactor and ot “ a »tor.hou,. of 11 Without a ttrona pk *tU? Valu*«- «.mocracy no9 P"fCh n«‘'h« •urviv. VhX ''"“‘“-‘on «•a.on, why •».,» I?01" •°“nd attond torvicos lh°uld P°r' 'h. Church9 Th' r °nd ,up- "••If For hl. own f,.Th*r 11) moral .ch Church «•rial - 1 Book Ch *ir«' V.r,„ Sundiy church Ruth Mond,» fcuth Tu«,d,x Ruth W’.dn'.dy Ruth ¿hur.d.y Matthew Fnd.y Mitthaw Saturday 3''Kfc Watermelon Check Our Every Day LOW PRICES « This Series of Ads Is Sponsored by the FoUowinj Firms in Interest of MILL CITY PHARMACY Prescription Service uoUdJO ll!K 3JV3 MNVH MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon KELLOM’S GROCERY “Your Personal Service Store’’ Mill City, Oregon PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE Liberal Trade-in Allow ances Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon “THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE’’ It’s Snack Time Mehama, Oregon Hi-Way 22 GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon HILLTOP HARKET Kliewer Quality Meats Harold and Willie Kliew er Mill City, Oregon % HIRTE’S FOOD LOCKERS AND FEED STORE Phone 7243 Mill City, Oregon WRIGHT TRUCK LINES Ship the Wright Way Stayton. Oregon IGA SNO-KREEM AH Churches IDANHA SUPER SERVICE Don Lloyd Idanha. Oregon STEWART’S GROC ERY “Go to Church On Sunday” Mill City, Oregon DR. REYNOLS CLINIC Proctologist-Naturopath 1114 Center Street Salem, Oregon Shortening 3 lbs 69c Famous IGA Sunny Morn COFFEE lb 89c IGA Skinless WIENERS lb 39c HILL TOP MARKET Harold Kliewer Telephone 2744 Mill City, Oregon.