Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1954)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Draper, Lyons B—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. James Swan returned from a Rt. 1, have gone on a two-weeks va THURSDAY, JULY 22. 1»54 | two weeks’ trip into Canada and Yel cation trip to Colorado. Mrs. Draper is lowstone Park late Monday evening. employed at the Lyons post office. Among the eight women in the party By Eva Bressiet Mrs. Nannie Martin of Coquille were Miss Marion Pesheck, primary i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maxwell, Juanita teacher here, and Mrs. Alice Huber I a„d'pa_tty of Portland were weekend spent several days visiting relatives in KELLOM’S of Lyons, who is a sister of Mrs quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. She is a sister of Clyde and Velvie Lewis and Mrs. Bert Lyons. Swan. Mrs. Swan reports that they Jvan lVdll OIIlsHI« GROCERY Mrs. Owen Minich of Portland, with looked up Miss Leia Kelly, who is Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing left spending the summer working as a i Saturday morning for Bonneville Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Gunn and son, waitress at West Yellowstone, and where they spent the weekend at the Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sailor, Meats and Groceries spent all of one day going through home of their daughter and family, of Alameda California, visited rela N.W. Alder St. & 7th Ave. the park with her. They remained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton Larry tives in Lyons the first of the week. Mrs. Gunn and Mrs. Sailor will be there two pights. and Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson, Claudia, remembered as Leona and Bessie Mill City, Oregon Frankie and Brenda Mr. and Mrs. Lyons who spent their girlhood days Too Late To Classify I Leo Cruson, Buddy and Mary Jo Mr. in Lyons. They are nieces of Bert and and Mrs. Earl Thayer, Gary, Terry, Pat Lyons and Mrs. Martha Hiatt FOR SALE—Parrakeets, young $46. and Malene, Gerry and Michael Cru of this city, also Mrs. Minich. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Walker, who per dozen. Breeders and virgin , son enjoyed a camping trip to Elk live on McCully Mountain are the par breeders, $90.00 dozen.—4565 Hazel Lake over the weekend. Green Road, Salem, Oregon. 30p Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hayward of ents of a baby girl lorn Tuesday at Portland were Sunday guests at the the Salem Memorial hospital. FOR SALE—Guernsey milk cow. Mrs. Johfi Trout from Vacauille, home of Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Fresh six weeks, giving 6 gallons , Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lambert and California, was a recent visitor at the THURSDAY per day. Phone Mill City 4523. 29 Wilma spent the weekend at Bandon home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lucier. FRIDAY, SATURDAY U-PICK CHERRIES, 5c per pound.— on the coast, where they were guests Mrs. Arnold Burgess from Klamath See Etzel Brothers, 5 miles north at the home of their son and daugh Falls. They also visited relatives in < i July 22, 23 and 24 «I west of Mehama on Fem Ridge ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert. Mill City and Gates. The Fight of The Century Recent guests at the home of Mr. road. Rt. 1, Box 234, Stayton, Ore o Miss ®uby Naue of Salem spent (> gon. 30 and Mrs. Willard Hartnell were Mr. Sunday at the home of her parents, MARCIANO VS. and Mrs. E. L. Woody, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue. She had CHARLES Mrs. H. L. Woody of Warrensburg, as her guests Miss Marjorie Williams Missouri. The Woodys are brothers 15 Rounds—Blow by Blow of Ms. Hartnell. Other guests were and Miss Betty Bedde, also of Salem. Stayton-Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue of Sandy Plus—In Technicolor her mother, Mrs. Ollie Woody and | were also guests at the Naue home. THE MAN PROM her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. AUTO WRECKERS Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Short Bobby, Hadley Riddle of Richland, Wash. THE ALAMO Karen and Rickie of Fresno Calif., Mrs. Russell Wilson Lyons rt. 1,| Rebuilt motors and trans G1 I XX FORI), CHILL WILLS 'entertained a group of friends Fri-1 j left Thursday for their home after missions. visiting at the home of her parents and JULIA ADAMS In day afternoon at her home honoring i Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Power and also Cars bought and sold her mother Mrs. Floyd Boyington her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. of St. Petersburg Florida, and her We buy junk. Chales Power. Beverly Power re SUNDAY, MONDAY sister Mrs. Wilford Fisher from Van turned home with them and will go Ky>, who are guests at the to Glendale, California, where she will Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. Cleave July 25 and 26 Wilson home. The afternoon was spend some time at the home of her WALT DISNEY S spent informally with dainty refresh grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley1 ments served. Honoring Mrs. Boy Searl. PINOCCHIO ington and Mrs. Fisher were Nellie Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Peak from in color Kirsch, Fern Sletto, Elizabeth Taylor, Walnut Creek, California, and his I —Plus— i Estelle Spiva, Margaret Phillips, Syl sister from New York, were also re via Goodell, Anna Stout, Inez Crook, cent visitors at the home of Mr. and LITTLE FUGITIVE Violet Wallen, Carmen McDonald, Mrs. Wallace Power. Mr. Peak and Jean Ryland, May Patton Jennie Bo his sister are cousins of Mr. Power. 11 Fun at Coney Island hannon, Alta Bodeker Dortheen Wil son Lily Wolfkail, Celene Taylor Blanche Wagney, Ama Kirsch, Mat- TUESDAY, tie Stout, Winnie Branch, Elisabeth I I Hughes, Pearl Griffiths, Ardys Kim- WEDNESDAY, By Mrs. John Teeters sey, Lorene Philippi, Arlene Moe, A FRIENDLY STORE Mrs. Jennette Behrens, who ex Ruth Brant, Alice Bouche Estelle July 27 and 26 THAT GIVES— Philippi, Iva Kimsey. Dorothy* Drap pects to leave soon for California Dana Andrews, Susan Hayward S & H GREEN STAMPS er, Eula Monroe Maxine Wotley, Mrs. was guest of honor at a party at the Women’s club house Friday evening, CANYON PASSAGE Moe and the hostess Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mielke and July 16. Games and singing were en In color Always High Quality daughters of Eugene spent the week joyed and a gift was presented to the Filmed at Sister», Oregon end in Lyons with relatives. Mrs. honor guest. The door prize was won Groceries at Also Mielke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. Harold Longfellow, after Yvonne DeCarlo and Rod Consistently which refreshments were served by the Pat Lyons. Cameron in LOWER PRICES Miss Gloria Carr, oldest daughter hostesses, Mrs. Chris McDonald and of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr is a Mrs. Frank White, assisted by Mrs. FRONTIER GAL candidate for queen at the Santiam Donald Teeters and Mrs. Harold Long ON THE HIGHWAY Bean Festival in Stayton. She is spon- • fellow. Those present to honor Mrs. In color sored by Faith Rebekah lodge of [ j Behrens were: Mmes. Walter Johnson, Phone 3206 1 and daughter; Grant Smith, Robert Lyons. Doors Open at 7:00 P. M. I Draper, Bud Owens, LaVern Behrens, Weekend guests at the home of Mr. Complete show can tea seen any MILL CITY and Mrs. Floyd Bassett were her I i and daughters; Keith Henness, Ken time up to 6:30 brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and | Golliet, Charles Crook, Douglas Bar rows and daughter, Thomas McMurd- ie and daughter, Orville Landers, Jack I Ryland, Karl Winzer, Horace Mc Carley, B. L. Kirsch, J. M. Teeters, Tilman Rains, Art Anderson, Louis Pemberton, Leo Wagner. Harry Gesh- lot, Bud Davenport, Mabel Patton, Lilly Wolfkiel and Eva Crook) Rev. and Mrs. Wilfred Fisher, who are visting here from Van Cleve, Ky., showed slides taken by them at the mission school at Van Cleve where they have been workers for a number of years. Mrs. Joe Jones and children from Klamath Falls visited several days the last of the week with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Moe and sisters family the Larry Kimseys. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Teeters and sons, Deanie and Allen McDonald spent the weekend at the coast at Depot Bay. They returned Monday. Campbells Vegetable Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Anderson of Ukiah, California, were here over the weekend. Visitors here Saturday and Sunday were the Thorp Johnsons from Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wagner are announcing the birth of a daughter ♦ at Salem Memorial July 19. This is Nestles Canned the Wagners second daughter and i third child. Susan Lisk. daughter of Mr. and cans Mrs. Lloyd Lisk of Merrill, is visiting with her grandparents the R. E. Shields. LYONS Auto Repair Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED I Welding and Auto Parts OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage BILL GUIER, Proprietor On old highway Phone 903 MILL CITY, OREGON L t § 3 Grossier s Grocery 25c Milk 2 25c “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Mill City, Oregon Byron Davis, Owner If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office She remembered Happy is the husband whose wife keeps the refrigerator well stocked with rare flavored, refreshing Olympia Beer. *'r« TH* rhAT OIFPE^ Ÿ BEER Olympic Br«w,ng Co.,Olympia. Wn., U.S.A.*® Mayonnaise Cheddar Cheese Bonfire Brand a Dull Moment MEHAMA 5 SOUP 2 Never Tuna Fish3 169c lb. 55c Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Coville. former real estate brokers in Mill City, spent the weekend camping o^t >ut at l«ake Shore Forest camp on Detroit lake. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson. The Coville’s are just returning from a trip to California Roasting Hens lb 45c Chef Boyardee Smucker’s 32 oz Jar Apple Butter Chase A Sanborn DINNER With meat or mushroom Sauce COFFEE Specials For Friday and Saturday STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Is Tied Up ” <* Always Try To Do Our Job Right JULY 23 and 21 Except Holidays and Sundays STEWART'S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 4407 A Lot Of Money SPAGHETTI Order De«dline 3:00 P. M. Mill City, Oregon In your automobile. Do not take chances by letting it go without regular servicing. We can be trusted to do your work with the greatest of care. DRIVE IN TODAY. Eddie’s Associated Station Highway 22 at 7th Street Phone 542, MILL CITY