Robert L. Stewart Gets Service Pin *— the mill city enterprise Rainbow Girls Attend THI MOAT. JULY I. 1M< ( „„„.„(¡on ,t H.ker I Retuning from Baker early Sunday KELLOMS GROCERY Meats and Groceries N.W. Alder St. & 7th Ave. Mill City, Oregon ♦ ill Ih I THURSDAY FRIDAY. SATURDAY July 1, 2, and3 I I > I > were 14 Rainbow Girls and two chap­ erones from Marilyn Assembly, the latter two being Mrs. William Shifty, mother advisor, and Mrs. Robert Draper. The group were part of 40 from Mill City and Stayton who chartered a bus for the trip to the Grand Assembly session of Oregon. Special honors were received by Marilyn Assembly in the appointment of Rosalie Bassett as Grand Repre­ sentative for the State of Iowa, and Jan Ross, who served a a member of the Grand Choir. Mother Advisor Fern Shuey received the charter for the girls, their official number being “60.” Besides the Worthy Advisor, Judy Haseman, other girls going to Baker were Rosalie Bassett, Jan Ross, Penny Gould, Sherry Hansen, Frances Ward, Anne Marie Hirte, Beverly Robert-, Gerry Hamblin, Barbara Podrabsky, Zeta Crosier, Norman Downer, Jean­ ette Huffman, and Nancy Porter. i > ► Lake County I a ?ads in Number of Deer Killed SPORT NO>uu 1 by ROLLIE TRUITT 1 AND BOB BLACKBURN YOUR "LUCKY" SPORTSCASTERS A A A. ‘■W w A A A A A A v i A 1 A ★ ★ ★ The rumori have been more than just recur- rent that Ted Wxll.ams did not mean it when he snid Li a national mcgaiine that this would be his last yea: in baseball. And with bis broken collarbone keeping him out at the start of the aason plus the virus that sidelined him «hirur TRUITT June, it looks as if he has a r3~dy-mrde excuse if he wc:n .s to appear to have cuanged h.s mind. lie can say the badly interrupted 1954 season is not the kind he wants as his valedictory. ft I Roliert L. Stewart, Pacific Power 4 Light manager at Stayton, and for the Mill City area, was presented a pin honoring his 30 years of service at a dinner held last week in Albany honoring' employees in this area. Awarding the emblem is Executive Vice President, D. R. Met lung. Presentation of service awards is a highlight of the annual dinners held in all parts of the company’s service area. ft ft Denartmsnt of Frustra-.on: li's l a-J to think of a more frus­ trating cli'ort that turned in by Jim Turnesa in Los Angeles in 1 '12 whs.i i’~ c’iot a f'" in .he ’T.S On:n "olt tournament to b.e-’: the oi l Opon record by a stroke — and finished third. Jimmy Pcmaret turned in a 27S ar.d aven h? lost to Bantam ■ n :. -n v iio r'allv shattered the record —and Turnesa and L'm-r-Yt alone with it — with a brilliant 276. Lake county, with a kill of 8,496 deer, led the state in the total number ft ft ft of deer harvested by hunters during ' It would to hard to think of a b.g-e. return cn any investment POWDER RIVER the 1953 season. Figi res just re-[ than that cn an original National League baseball franchise. leased by the Oregon State Game Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson and : l£i"i vzas organized over a friendly bottle of beer in —PLUS— Commission indicate that < astern Ore­ ‘ 13 - price was a flat S10. Some of these same Iran- children, Judy and Debby of Astoria, ! r-e valued today at several million dollars —if you could gon counties provide 67,. 36 of the spent Sunday in Mill City at the Frank ! JUNE HAVER and buy them. 105,236 deer killed last season. Klam­ Jackson home. Other visitors at the „ . _ . ★ ft ft ath was second with a kill of 7,940, HAN DAILEY in , Jackson home were: Mr. and Mrs. . Er.gan. the spirited manager of the Hollywood Stars, and in third place was Lane county admits that this vzlll be bis last year as an active catcher. The | Carl Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Ver- , with 6,424 deer killed. 35-year-old pilot says it is getting harder and non Hallford and children of Idanha. THE GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Orville Britton and harder for him to catch and he plans to be a As in 1952 hunters found the great­ bench manager after this season. NEXT DOOR est precentage of success in Wallowa children are planning to spend the Arlo Tuers received word of the This helps point up what has been said nu­ county, with 73.5 percent, followed Fourth of July holiday vacationing at death of his father, Ralph L. Tuers of | merous times — that being a playing manager is Big Lake. by Wheeler county with 68.4 percent. just making a tough job that much tougher. Riverton, Nebraska, June 25. Mr. and Baker county was third with 66.7 per­ ★ ft ft Mrs. Tuers had just returned to Mill I Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder are City early this month from a trip Eddie Basinski, the Portland Beavers' all-time cent successful hunters. SUNDAY, MONDAY second baseman, admits that baseball is only Union county led the state with the announcing the birth of a new grand-1 back to Nebraska where they attended his second love. highest kill of 742 elk, followed by child, Scott Reginald, born to Mr. and the 50th wedding anniversary of his TUESDAY, His first love is the violin, but he went into I Wallowa county with718, all of which Mrs. Daryl Schroeder of Forest Grove parents. Their four young sons ac­ baseball during his early days in Buffalo, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, were bulls. Umatilla county provided on June 28. when he found out that most symphony musi­ companied them on the train. hunting to 3,960 hunters who killed cians have to have outside jobs to support them­ BLACKBURN selves. 612 elk for a success percentage of Mrs. Clyde Oliver, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson S. I.anphear If violin playing had paid a little more, base­ 15.5. Average success for eastern i her son, Bill Oliver and wife, from of Stanfield in Eastern Oregon, but ball would have lost a crackerjack infielder. Oregon was 17.4 percent and in west ­ Corvallis flew to Olympia, Monday, former residents of Mill City, drove JAMES STEWART and ern Oregon 10.2 pen ent. Average suc­ Juned, to see her son Jack. Jack was through here Wednesday on their way Florence f'hadwick. the San Diego channel swimmer says her cess for the state was 15.6 percent, at Fort Lewis, from where he was to to Albany where they will be the proposed swim across the Strait of Juan de Fuca from Victoria, JUNE ALLYSON in to Port Angeles, Wash , will be the toughest 01 nej career which was just 1-5 percent higher leave Wednesday for the Far East. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kriev- than a year ago. er, who also formerly lived here. Miss THE GLENN Mr. and Mrs. W m. McCarthy and Betsy Kriever, daughte of the Ar- daughters, motored to Oak Grove thur Krievers, just finished her first Mrs. James Swan plan« to leave, in MILLER STORY Too Late To Classify year at OSC at Corvallis. the company of seven other women, on Saturday and spent the weekend with MILL CITY a motor tour to Victoria and V an- Mrs. McCarthy’s parents, Mr. and FOR SALE — In Aumsville, two corn ­ In Technicolor on Our couver, B. C., Lake Louise, Banff Na­ Mrs. L. A. Wick. While there the at­ Causes of Accidents of DISPOSAL SERVICE er lots, four-room modern house; tional Park, Glacier National Park, tended the Swedish midsummer pic­ Last Year Are Given Wide Screen 20x20 livable garage; for quick nic held at Oak Grove Sunday. and Yellowstone Pai k, departing on Garbage, ashes. trimmings. etc. sale, $1500. Write J. W. Bethell, If you are planning a vacation dur- Make This Movie a Big Event July 7 for a period of two weeks, Aumsville, Oregon. 26p Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill left by plane , ing July or August, state traffic safe- Others going include Miss Hope weekly pickups $1.50 per month For Your Family! Baney, a former teacher here. Miss from the Salem Airport late Tuesday i ty officials suggest you study these FOR SALE — One 5-leaf extension facts: the summer months last year Marian Pesheck, Mis. Alice Huber of afternoon for Spokane, Washington Also light hauling. oak dining room table in good con­ Doors Open at 7:00 P. M. Lyons, Miss Vivian Boyce and her on a business trip. While there, they brought 10,000 accidents to Oregon dition. $20.00. No chairs. Would i streets and highways. Sixty-nine planned to see Mr. and Mrs. Charles Complete show ran be seen aay mother and Miss Helen Engrey, all trade for pullets.—Mrs. Oscar Leonard Herman time $1.03 TOW PICKLES 13c BEEF