Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1954)
MEHAMA 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Ix^al Notices CLASSIFIED RATES THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1954 Ten cents per line each insertion. NO. 14,413 By Mrs. John Teeters No advertisement accepted for less NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Miscellanrous The two weeks vacation Bible than 50 cents per week. 1 have filed my final account i.i the Count five words to the line tn FOR SALE—Buff Cochin Bantam estate of Albert Seitzinger, deceased, school held at the Mehama church ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill Roosters, Two other breeds, your ; w ith the County Clerk of Marion ended with a program Friday even City or mail your advertisement to choice, $1. This years hatch Ban- , County, Oregon, and that the Court ing. The theme of this year's school The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, tain roosters, grown. Choice 50c. ha< set the 10th day of July, 1954, at was "Pioneering for Christ,” and was Oregon. Buff Cochin Orphingtons, 4 weeks 9 15 o’clock A. M. and the Circuit interesting to those attending. There Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, old 50<; Trailer for parts, $1.50; ' Court room as the time and place for was an average attendance of about etw. will be run under "Special An Trailer hitch, $2.50; Wood cook hearing objections thereto ond the set 40 children with five teachers and nouncements’’ classification with a five or six helpers. stove, $2.50. George Cree, Mill tlement of said estate. ■uni muni charge of 50 cecits per tn- Mrs. Chris McDonald and son "Bud" City. 25p, MERLE SEITZNGER, aertion. return, d last Wednesday from Akron, ----------------- *------------------------ ------ — Administrator of the Esteate of Colorado, where they visited a week FOR SALE—9 knotty pine cupboard [ Albert Seitzinger, deceased. Business Services with Mr- McDonald's mother, Mrs. doors, with black iron hardware; 4 Bell & Devers, Nettie Wallen and other relatives and SHF US when in need of T. V. An- | cupboard drawers, knotty pine Stayton, Oregon, friends. fronts; 1 30x18, 12 light window; 1 Attorneys for Admin. tennas and supplies. We handle a Weekend guests at-the Frank Kim- complete line of Philco television 27*4” wide by 6’ 8'' one panel door; Pub. June 10-11-24; July 1-8. ery home were Mrs. Kimery*s sister sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio 1 kitchen sink and fittings; 2 kitch- ' ~ and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mar en chairs.—Mrs. H. E. Smith, Me- I NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill hama. Phone Lyons 66. 25 1 Xotlcp >8 hereby Fiven that by vir- tin from Portland. City. _______ ltf ------------------------------ £------- I tue of an Order duly entered in the The Martin Diesberg family have FOR SALE Boys’ »an dress suit, like | Circuit Court of the State of Oregon moved to Estacada after living here Feed new. Size 10-12. $12.00— Phone Mill [ for the County of Marion in the for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Til SEE HIRTE’S FEED STORE when I City 2651. tf Matter of the Estate of Ray D. John- man Rains have purchased the house in need of feeds or fertilizers. We — son, deceased, the undersigned, Ella vacated by the Diesbergs and moved carry of complete line and our prices IIRE WOOD— Summer prices. Coies Johnson, was duly appointed as ad- in the first of the week. are right. Fertilize your pasture from Lyons M&M plant cut to ord-. ministratrix of said estate and has Robert Draper spent most of last now. It will pay dividends in extra er, $8.00. per cord. Split log en<ls | qualified as such. All* persons having w-eek in Portland attending the ses growth. Hirte’s Feed Store, Mill lnder 17 ’, $10 per cord. Delivery ciaims against said estate are hereby sions of the Masonic grand lodge. City, Oregon. in 2 cord lots. Write ( arl Tonak. required to present the same, together Visiting Thursday and Friday of General Delivery, Lyons.______ 13tf with the proper vouchers, to the un- last week at the Otis Marks home Home Appliances FOR SALE—Boat trailers built to 'dersigned administratrix at Detroit, were Mrs. Marks two sisters and FOR SALE—6x9 and 12x18 all wool order. Built with live rolls so one [ Oregon, within six months from the their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Busch from Sacramento, California, grey frieze broadloom rugs and ' man can load large boat.—C. M. , date of this notice. pads. Like new, used only a few Cooper, Mehama, Oregon. Phone 1 Dated and first published this 3rd and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferris of Portland. This was the first time Mrs. months. Will sell at big reduction., Lyons 143, or see me at Hub Cafe, day of June. 1954. ELLA JOHNSON, Marks and Mrs. Busch had been to- Call The Enterprise 2651 or Don Mehama. 25p gethe for over 13 years. Administratrix Moffatt residence at 905, Mill City. | Alameda Coffman returned home I WANT TO BUY TIMBER WALTER H. BELL, Stayton, Oregon FOR SALE—Simmons’1 Hide-A-Bed. Sunday after spending a week at- Small or large tracts Just like new. Cost $300. Sell for Attorney for Administratrix 26 tending Girls State in Salem. Either cash or stumpage basis less and on terms too.—Call at The ,June 3-10-17-14 ¡July 1, 1954 Enterprise office or phone 905. tf STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. I N33Ü0 N093H0 (J33M INVITATION TO BID */2 mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf I Sealed bids will be received by the For Rent RABBITS FOR SALE- 3 does, 1 with I Clerk of School District No. 129-J, , FOR RENT—Unfurnished 3 bedroom | young, also rabbit hutches.—J. P. I Linn County, Oregon at the Grade i Lengacher, Rt. 1, Lyons, Ore. 25p School in Mill City, Oregon, on or be- house near school. $45. Inquire of Mrs. Frank Klecker. 25p i OFFICE FURNITURE and equip fore 8:00 o'clock P. M. (Pacific Stand- j ard Time) Thursday, July 1, 1954,1 HOUSE FOR RENT—Inquire of ' ment, typewriters, adding machines, for the construction of a concrete calculators, cash registers, duplicat Harry Evans, Gates, Oregon. 25p ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, grand stand, a wooden grand stand, | rent, swap and repair. Bargains in grading of Field including ton soil and 1 used machines. Roen Typewriter curbing and cinders for Track, and will Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf then and there be opened and publicly KELLOM’S read aloud. Each bid shall be in ac W anted TO BUY — Clean peeleo cordance with Plans and Specifica- GROCERY Douglas fir poles, delivered t lo tions prepared by Annand, Boone & Lyon* yard. For lurther informa-: Lèi, Architects and Engineers, 1530 tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 . ,, ~ 7 > “L’7 Tv” Prompt service in the Meats and Groceries Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, S' W T“yl“in ’ 1 ortlan<i ?’ vOre' Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf gon, and shall be accompanied by a Canyon when you call us N.W. Alder St. & 7th Ave. certified check, cashier’s check or Sawmill LOGS WANTED satisfactory bid bond made out to the Reasonable Rates j order of School District No. 129J Top prices for Second Growth Satisfaction Guaranteed Mill City, Oregon Linn County, Oregon in an amount STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. equal to 5% of the bid. Each bid shall Phone 6284 Stayton % west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf be sealed and addressed to the Clerk FOR SALE—Hardwood, alder and of the School District and plainly on which the maple wood. Order early so wood , marked "cu as to the me work w can season before winter. Will de- bid is being placed, liver. Reduction if you haul. George ! The Owner reserves the right to Cree, old highway, west Linn county accept or reject any or all bids and Mill City Phone 5807 side. 25p waive all claims. Plans and specifica tions will be available from the of • • • YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per fice of the Architects. No deposit is month on a moderr^ automatic pro required on the plans, but they must pane range; clean, fast, dependable. be returned on or before the time of . Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also bidding. No bidder mav withdraw his I heating, water heaters, refiigerat- bid after the hour set for opening tion, brooders and Norge appli thereof unless the awarding of thel ances. 9tf contract is delayed exceeding thirty NOTICE—Did your children receive (30) days. MRS. EDNA ROSS. Clerk. satisfactory grades in school this year? I am now available for coach Publication Dates: Publication dates: June 17, June 24, ing and baby sitting. Agness Allen, Phone 3424 Mill City. 25p 1954. FOR SALE LOGS WANTED For Sale—1940 Dodge School Bus, It Won't be necessary to look for Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch .Mountain when we service your I diameters in eight foot, or multi- Pacific Body, 47-passenger, 7:50 tires. 319 West Washington Street. CAR REGULARLY Bids will be opened by the Board of i pies of eight feet. We also buy Directors of Linn County School Dis OPEN SUNDAYS AND i stumpage. No. 129-J at the Mill City Grade EVENINGS BURKLAND LUMBER CO. trict School, at 8:00 P. M. Thursday, July Turner, Oregon Telephone 6684 8, 1954. The Board reserves the right SERVICE STATION & Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone to accept or reject any or all bids. STAYTON OREGON Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. 25tf EDNA F. ROSS, Clerk, TRAILER COURT School District No. 129-J. Viv's Steak House Closed Mondays DR. FOSTER, Dentist Wishes to announce the opening of his office for the practice of Dentistry. By Appointment Mondays and Wednesdays Phone 6608 If No Answer Phone 6503 Mill City, Oregon Over Jenkins Hardware Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Byron Davis, Mill City, Oregon Owner We Are Moved TO OUR NEW LOCATION IN THE FORMER Hinz Coffee Shop AND ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Come visit us in our new enlarged quarters. Ada’s Needle Shop DRY GOODS AND DRESS MAKING Mill City, Oregon Phone 2213 Customers fell us they Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY Silver Saddle Real Estate WHY RENT! BUY a good home in Mill City. Let us show you modern home that is priced right. See Don Walker, Swift Addition, Mill City, Oregon. 5tf f • Whether you think an illneif i« contagious or not—call upon a physi cian to make sure. Let him make a thorough check of your condition. Then follow his instructions closely. We hope, too, that you will bring the doctor's prescriptions hern for careful com pounding. lust try us! ■ »10*810» • ■■ ' 'i FOR SALE or RENT 1 bedroom home, completely furnished. On 2 nice lots. Call 3952, Mill City. 18tf REAL ESTATE Glen Shelton, Broker West side Mill Chy Ph. 2207 WE SELL BETTER CABS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET CALL FOR BIDS The Board of Directors of Linn County School District No. 129-J will open bids at the Mill City Grade School, 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 8, 1954, covering a 1-ton, 12-passenger Panel Conversion, with 8 ply, 7:50 tires, equipped to meet all state re quirements and recommendations for school transportation. The Board re serves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. EDNA F. ROSS, Clerk School District No. 129-J. Published June 17 and July 1st. VACATION Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Velvet-smooth brushing g / ve omk / os - à Color« that stay bright SPECIALS Gooch Logging Supply HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Contracting and Rental ASK FOR We have manv others to choose from GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Phone 3244, Stayton, Oregon IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES Here are four examples of good, dependable transportation. Before start your summer vacation check with us on a good used car. 1947 Pontiac Club Sedan ........ ......... ........... ..............—..... —...^495 1948 Chevrolet 4 door — ------------- .....—« 495 - 396 1946 Ford 2 door 1949 Plymouth 4 door —......... ——------ _ STAYTON, OREGON Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Glidden Phone 903, Mill City. • b Equipment Everything for tae Logger' BASSETTS WELDING SHOP % Ph. SALEM Phone 1111 Day 3-9408 Sweet Home. Philomath Nile 2-4100 ____________ Phone 116 Branch Store at Lyon« Gleaming white — Self cleaning Uniform top quality in every gallon PER GALLON IN 5 GALLON LOTS Hold* up under worst weather SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Telephone 5024 STAYTON, OREGON Feeda Grinding and Mixing Machinery Seedn Cuatom Cleaning Hardware Seed Marketing Petroleom Prod octi Fertilizer HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES I