Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE SATI RE'S EMPIRE VOLLME X NIMBER 25 Legion Juniors Win Ball Game from Woodburn 12.5« a Year, JOc » MILL CITY OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 24. 1954 Wed Here Recently Enterprise Subscription Workers To Get $10 Extra Cash Award Post 159 Legion team here finally found pay dirt Wednesday evening at of the seventh with a 4 to 2 lead, a hit and two errors, a hit batsman and the expense of Woodburn. Dick Crook had shaky first and ( a couple of blunders gave Aumsville Hardware and The Enterprise in Mill seventh innings but allowed only four I a lease on life of which they took ad_- hits, four walks, and struck out 131 vantage. A walk, a double, and a City and Ken Golliet’s at Mehama. An extra money-making offer was batters. Lee Arnold had a field day ■ ground ball produced the winning tal The campaign gained momentum announced Wednesday for boys and at the plate collecting two doubles; ly with one out in the last of the girls who are now active in The Mill rapidly this week, and will last only ninth. and a walk in three trips to the plate. City Enterprise’s subscription cam two more weeks. Mrs. Denton urges Mill City threatened with men on Jack Melting drove in three runs with paign. base in all the late innings, but aided each worker to do his best until the a bases loaded triple in the third inn According to the publisher, a $10 drive ends. the Aumsville cause frequently ing. cash prize will be given to the candi- napping on the base paths. The line score: Every candidate in the capaign ia date who turns in the most points on The line score: W < odburn ... 200 000 2—4 4 5 new subscriptions during the next assured a prize—-either a new Schwinn Mill City ........ 000 004 000 Mill City 003 103 x—7 4 4 two reporting days—Saturday, June bicycle or 20 percent cash commission 020 002 001—5 Battery for Woodburn, Wolfe, Beck j Aumsville 26, and Wednesday, June 30. (See ad on all money he or she turns in for Batteries Mill City—Crook and Funkhäuser; Mill City, Crook and vertisement on page 2 for complete subscriptions. Bassett; Aumsville, Pflug, Urhammer, Bassett. details of this new prize offer.) Marlett and Lacey, Whitehead. Mill City 4—Aumsville 5 Contest judges will be Bob Hill of Legion Baseball Briefs The list of boys and girls who had Mill City booted away a chance for Mill City, Ken Golliet, of Mehama, Woodburn defeated Stayton 1-0 in signed to work in the campaign by a second place tie in the District 2B and Floyd Völkel of Gates. stead of visa versa as reported. press time Wednesday accompanies Jr Legion Baseball League at Aums Woodburn pitcher, Beck threw a this article, and subscribers who have The $10 cash prize offered this ville Sunday. Going into the bottom one-hitter at Salem. The champions been waiting to se who the candidates week for new subscriptions is aa really had it. are may now choose their favorite extra award. Hendry of Oregon City pitched a worker. Here are the I Candidates perfect game as his team plastered Old and new subscribers alike are Listed lelow, i in alphabetical order, Stayton 24 to 0. Stayton failed to availing themselves of the opportun get a man on first base safely. This ity to pay while the campaign is on are the candidates who had signed up is a rarity in any league. For Stayton, to help one of the youngsters win a to work in The Enterprise subscrip •” The Mill City American Legion Post 0 runs 0 hits, and 12 errors. For valuable bicycle, or cash, according to tion campaign by press time Wednes accepted an invitation on Friday to Oregon City 24 runs, 17 hits, and 0 Contest Manager, Mrs. Burt Denton. i install the new officers of the Idanha errors. Bikes are on display at Jenkin’s day. The final list of candidates will Hendry is the same pitcher who be those w-ho remain active by re Post with District Vice Commander porting with at least two subscrip John Muir as installing officer. Pre blanked Mill City last year. Legion District 2B Standings senting the office obligations were Bob tions on each Wednesday and Satur- w L Pct. Oliver, Jack Baldwin, Willard Hud I day until th« campaign ends July 10. 0 1.000 ......4 son, Percy Mulligan, Charley Barney, Oregon City District One—Milt City Mrs. l^awrence Poole, who were married at the .750 Above are ..._..3 1 Aumsville Kenneth Chance unu and E. D. Edison. ------------- o r 1111 ev 11 vnaiivc Joellen Agee, Kenneth Bolstad, First Christian church June 6, They are making their home here.. ..... 2 2 .500 Taking office as Commander of Idan- Salem Charles Epperson, Raymond Goodwin, 2 2 .500 —Photo by Bob Veness ha Post was Warren Stohl. A special Woodburn Don Huege, Don Hutchinson, Susan .250 1 3 guest was District 2 Commander H. Mill City Jenkins, Roger Klecker, Gayle ~ Mc- .000 0 4 At a meeting of the North Santiam Carthy, Marshall Warriner. B. Litchenthaler of Dayton. ) Stayton ... Three New Directors Tap Games on . Chamber of Commerce held at the Tuesday the Mill City team drove I Elected for M and M District Two—Outside Mill Clty ' high school in Mill City last Wed- Wednesday, June 23 , Stayton at to Mt. Angel to install officers there. Johnny Bridges, Lyons; Loren Three new directors were elected nesday, Lynn Cronemiller, assistant A joint installation was held with the Mill City 8 p. m. Clark, Idanha; Lois Evans. Gates; at City Hill Sunday, June 27, 3 to the board of M and M Wood Work- state for ester was the main speaker, Past President’s Parley of Mt. Angel Klutke, ing Company, big plywood, door and Mr, Cornemiller is also editor of “For- Sandra Kite, Detroit; Dennis presenting the gavel to the new Aux Salem. Gates: Donald Lemming, Idanha; Kirk Wednesday, June 30, Oregon City lumber concern at its annual meeting ( est Log.” Cornemiller*was introduc- iliary president, Mrs. Buscher, and Dunalee Oliver, held Thursday afternoon, They are' ed by Tenny Moore of the forest Nygaard. Gates; John Muir giving the obligatioif to the at Mill City, 8 p. m. Gates; Jeai Pr'de^ux. Lyons; Denni« ___________________ Robert W. Mathew*, Arcata, Califor- : incoming Post Commander Ray Sherwood, Ly«»»> Eugene Skaug, ina; John w. Power, Vancouver,] [Activities for Recreation In the talk entitled “Remember” , Rt, I, Lyons; Jerald Small, Mehama; Buscher. Washington and Herbert Malarkey, Mr, Cornemiller told the history of Sherry Tackett, Detroit; Jerry Weigel, Mill City people making the trip to por doming Week Listed of Portland, former M and M presi. some of the worst fires ailice 1846, Mt. Angel were Mr. and Mrs. Bob -K Following is the schedule of activi- f Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, Mr. ties for the recreation program for the | The new approach to Mill City is dent and director and current mem ! and of the nine major fti es listed ail , --------- ------------ - - V ber of the executive Committee, Va all but two were in Oregon, There and Mrs. Kenneth Chance, Mr. and week beginning June — 28. beginning to take shape this ....- week ____ as cancies filled by the new- members was to have been a film on fires Mrs. Willard HtiUa. Mr. end Mrs. Monday through Friday—Morning, crushed rock is being put in place were formerly held by former-Presi- Shown, but as the foiest service is W. Struckmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Harohi Dustin, and Percy Mulligan and E. Little league baseball and playground i in readiness for oiling, which will be dent Thomas B. Malarkey, Harold training about 1,000 men in fire pro- j done in the near future. According to Miller and Atty, activities. Atty. Robert Sabin, all Itection at this time all films were I). Edison. 1 p. m.—Archery and arts and icOhsTruction foreman, A. G. Cater, it of Portland. in use. The first fire he told of I will be in the neighborhood of 20 crafts. Other members of the board are: was the fire of 1936 when the town of days before the oil mix crew will get Arts and Criifts Bids To Be Opened on Executive Vice President Eberly i Bandon was burned. This fire was < Monday, Paper craft; Tuesday, Ito paving this section of the high- Thompson, Mason L. Bingham, Ed- | started by a cigarette. The three Mill City, like the rest of the school Detroit-Big Cliff Jobs paiilting With brushes; Wednesday,, way. The Portland District, Corps of En- ' Painting piaster of Paris pins; Thurs- I The oil mix crew started yesterday ward J. Kolar, Neil Malarkey, G. A. j elements responsible for forest fires districts in the Canyon had only a gineers, has announced it will invite day. covering glasses and bottles with to put new paving on highway 22 from Robertson and Howard M. Wall, all I are the weat'.ier, meaning low hum- small turnout for the annual school ! idity ¡»¡id wind; the forest itself when meeting Monday evenig. bids about July 1 for three items of paper mache; Friday, Finger paint Niagara west, making another new of Portland. Both Matthews and PoWer have tinder dry; and fire in the hands of Voters in Mill City re-elected Rus work at Detroit and Big Cliff Dams ing. section to the highway, previous connections with the timber I a “fool or a knave.” sell Kelly as director forthree years, or the North Santiam River. Ping Pong Tournaments 11 up A crew has completed the sidewalk, and plywood industry. Mr. Matthews On the brighter side of forest fires passed the budget without a dissent Part one, which must be completed David Jones, James Meinert, Gary i installed by the city on the south is president and general manager of Cornemiller stated that people 90 calendar days, calls for drain Bevier, Freddie Smith, Dick Tickle, side of the new highway approach. - i - - J are ing vote and appioved the playground t.hp Rri7.»rH nraaniyafinn in_ rtntir koinn> mzv»» / I program with only one opposing ing, preparing the surface and oiling Jimmy Bevier, Jack Bain and Ray A crew was busy this week begin the Brizard organization which in- now being/nore careful with fire than vote. eludes A. Brizaid, Inc. a general , in the old days. In spite of forest access roads, parking and sen-ice mond Goodwin. ning the dust oil program in Mill Thirty-eight votes were cast. firm, Brizard Company, i lands being more accessable to tour- areas. 7 to 10 Years City, Broadway being the first section merchandise New Director at Gates Brizard Construction company and ' ists, fewer fires are man-caused now ’’’-•o *wo, which rr"«t ire completed Ricky Thompson. Marshall Warrin to receive this treatment. At the election held at Gates Mon Brizard-Matthews Machinery com- I than then. As a comparison he gave in 75 calendar days, includes the in er, Clark Meinert, Mark Meinert, day, Merle Devine was high man for pany. He commenced working for j the following figures: stallât >on ot 3,550 lineal feet of guard Susan Jenkins, Gayle McCarthy, Gary .Cinema Scope Equipment A. Brizard. Inc. as a part time em I 1923 1953 director with 42 votes. In all 52 votes rail, 950 lineal feet of parking rail, Whitsett and f>ennis Bassett. ployee while still in grammer school. I Forest fires 112 21 were cast. The voters also voted to 1,100 lineal feet of safety fence, and Only two people have signed up Being Added to Theatre: He is serving his second term as pres Fires caused by campers 216 place $30,000 of unexpended funds 60 lighting facilities. ' for the tennis tournament so far. First Show Sunday Night ident of Redwood Region Conserva | Fires caused by smokers 150 120 into a special fund and voted $5,000 Part three, with 45 calendar days They are David Jones and Gary Be- Keeping pace with the most modern tion council; is a member of the board F!res caused by loggers 93 52 to be used for cook and helper salary, completion time, is for repair of the I vier. equipment in the theatre business, of directors of California Association , Brush fires .76 revetment below 53 and for kitchen maintenance at the tAilwater channel this week Bob Veness is installing of Timber Truckers, and has been ap Caused by lightenin 135 456 school cafeteria. Pig Cliff dam. cinema scope in the Mill City theatre. pointed by the governor of Califor-I Mr. Cornemiller I’rideaux Elected at Lyons ______ ___________ - stated that loggers Bids will be opened at 2 p. m. July Three Lookout Stations in This is the first installation in a nia to Humbolt Harbor commission. ; are doing much to make the forests John Prideaux was re-elected di 22 in room 628 Pittock Block and Area Manned for Summer Mr. Power is retired manager and safer from fire by falling snag« and rector of Mari-Linn school district award of contract will be made by DETROIT—Three lookout stations rural area, in the valley, according to The No. 29J at the annual meeting Mon parts, by a combination of such parts in the area were manned by the Mr. Veness, the only other theatres secretary of Vancouver Plywood cor- taking better care of slash, or as a whole to one bidder, whichever Forest Service starting last Thursday. I equipped with cinema scope are in pororation, Vancouver, Washington, state organization has access to more day. The budget was voted down By Portland first run houses, and the I is in the best interest of the govern On Coffin Mountain are Mr. and ; larger neighborhood theatres, Ore manufacturer and distributor of ply men to fight fire now. He praised request of the board, as sufficient ment. Mrs. David Tyler, on Stahlman Point gon City, Forest Grove, Eugene, Cor wood. Prior to 1935 he had been gen loggers in this area for doing their funds for operation were on hand. Evenson Elected at Detroit eral manager of Eldridgel Buick com job well in keeping fires down. is Kathryn Copp, who manned Stahl vallis and Salem. Even Evenson, of Idanha, was elect pany, Seattle and also of Eldridge The program was opened by a song, man Point last summer, and Carl The first showing will be Sunday Santiam Memorial Ladies He composed and sung by Ione Love ed a director of the Detroit-Idanha Anuta at Henlin lookout on the Little night when Guy Madison and Joan Securities corporation, Seattle. served as president of Western In Thielke, who played her own accom school district Monday. The school Hold Monthly Meeting North Fork. Weldon will appear in ‘‘The Com dustries in 1952 and 1953 and is cur paniment on a Tiple, which is an an-f budget was passed by a 36 to 21 vote. New employees of the Detroit For mand.” The Women’s Auxiliary of the San I rently a member of its executive com cient stringed instrument. Her open tiam Memorial hospital held their est Service are Donna Lowery, who I mittee. ing song was, “Please Keep Oregon regular monthly meeting at the West who is employed in the office at the Green,’ and the closing number was, Bob Veness Has Radio Stayton school house with president, Ranger Station, Carl Juhl, Wendell Class of 19II Has Picnic “The Capital Dome.” Call Letters for Car Licenes Switchboard Installed by Mrs. Sylvia Heinricks. presiding. Jones and James A. White, who is in Sunday at Suttle Lake In the short business program prior Residents of Mill City may have The ground committee asked for the timber managing department of The Mill City high school graduat Phone Company at Detroit to the program the group voted $150 noticed the strange looking license tulip and daffodil bulbs for fall plant- I forest service lands. ing class of 1944 held a reunion pic A switchboard was installed by the ing. The hospital still needs tea towels | Looks like summer finally booted nic at Suttle Lake and the Metolius Interurban Telephone company of ! to be set aside for a directional sign plate attached to Bob Veness' vehicle. I to be erected at the junction of state The numbers happen to be his ama also water pitchers and small juice i old man winter out for good, we hope.' Sunday. Silverton, at Stout’s Garage to handle highways 20 and 22 directing tour- teur radio station call. Bob said Mon Folks in this area are really enjoying I glasses. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. telephone calls on Forest Service The group voted to have an entry the long waited for sunshine. Norman Peters from Prineville, Mr. lines, to the Kennedy and Bruckman I ists to the recreational area along the day that he has had those call num bers for over 21 years. ir. the bean festival parade. The com and Mrs. Albert Toman, Jr., Mr. and Hot Springs, Marion Fork Lodge, J North Santiam conyon. A report of the picnic of the Oregon The last legislature authorized issu mittee to work on this is composed of | Mrs. Jack Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marion Fork Fish Hatchery, and the Attend Family Reunion State Grange, held a week ago at ance of regular car license plates with Lora Rand, There».«« Van Nuys, > Hathaway, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parkett Logging company during the the dam was given. It was -aid that call letters. The reason for this was A family reunion was held Sunday Clara Frank and Maxine Wodtly. Stone and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jack summer months. about 400 cars were given a tour of to identify amateur radio operators Kathryn Weddle was appointed as at Newport at the home of Mrs. W. Lake. Those unable to attend were Anyone wishing to contact the 1 the area. in times of emergency, when other cc-chairman on the memorial and gifts j A. Goble, mother of Mrs. James E. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis (Jane Davis), above, call 361, Service hours The chamber was recessed for the means of communciation are out of committee. Maxine Wodtly was elected Poole. Those attending were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Judge (Cleone from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., with are the Mrs. Albert Conner of Huron, South to serve on the auxiliary U>ard. Kaplinger) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Isom exception of from 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. , summer months, and the first meeting order. ! will be the third Wednesday of Sep- Cup cakes and coffee were served Dakota; Mr. and Mrs. Loren Blach- (Lila Needham) and Dr. and Mrs. which is reserved by the forest serv tember at Mehama. by Mrs. Pearl Choate, Mrs. Lora ford and sons, Launie and Bobbie, of H. A. Wells (Phyllis Beatty) and ice. Pie and coffee were sehved by the Scouts To Have Wiener Rand. Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Kiersey and Portland; Thomas A .Goble of Port Kathleen (Poole) Story. Emergency calls will continue to be Lions Club Auxiliary following the Mrs. Zelpha Downer. The next meet-i land; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Goble and Roast at Park Tuesday Nite accepted by the Forest Service. meeting. Those on the serving com .ng will be September 16 at the Me- son, David of Tillamook; Mr. and All boys scouts of Mill City are in Red & White to Celebrate Mrs. James I. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. mittee were Mmes. Roger Nelson, Al vited to the city park Tuesday night hama clubhouse. I.eo Poole an son, Leo; Mr Kathleen Second Anniversary Here Water Pipe Laid In Nesbitt, George Veteto, Lowell Stiff at 7:30 when there will be a council Story and children, Christine. Kathy ler, and Alta Moffatt. City Park Last Week The Red A White store, which has ! fire and wiener and marshmallow and Jim. and Mr. and Mrs. James E. legion Sponsoring Crab been buried in the rock mle since the roast. This is free to scout members, This past week, under the supervi Poole, Lester and Dolores. beginning of the road work here some sion of Lee S. Ross of the city park Lions Club Board Meeting Feed for Friday Night and a full turnout ia asked. All scout« planning on going to time ago. is emerging this week to board, over 100 feet of one inch pipe To Be Held Monday Night Members of the Mill City An Nu-Method Building Gets invite their friends to a birthday party has been laid at the city park. Here Ijegion Post are sponsoring i Members of the Board of Directors Camp Pioneer July 11 to 17 are asked New I’aint .Inh Thi» Week celebrating their second anniversary tofore water has not been available of the Mill City Lions club and com i to come prepared to fill out the neces rate feed at the hall here Frida] This week Roger this Friday and Saturday. at the park. with serving at 7:30. mittee chairmen will meet at the sary form«. Those wishing to sign up Free Cokes and other sample items Nu-Method Cleaners According to Jack Lake, wh< This pipe line is large enough to Bank Cafe here M onday night at I before Tuesday night, can secure the will be given to all customer« ard take care of future modem rest 7:30, «cording to President Frank neeesas-v blanxs from Bob Veness, coat of white paint. -barge of arrangements there ■ who »ill again accompany the boy« The inside of the establishment is children when accompanied by their rooms st the park. The pipe carries Hunter. ' all you can eat.” Advance to camp this year. Only four boy» now complet ely redecorated and the parents, Many special items are on water to the cabin in the park where have been on «ale for some ti A report on the sale for the event. ; have signed up so far. signs w ill be en ed this week. ¡s open to the public. tables and ben < are stored. Ceos Bay will be Mill City Legion Installs at Idanha L Cronemiller Talks on Fires Hiway Oil Job Started At Niagara Small Vote at School Meetings it oava k