E «í claims against said estate are hereby of the School District and plainly Real Estate required to present the same, together marked as to the work on which toe CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE -Good two-bedrooni horn, with the proper vouchers, to the un- bid is being placed. Ten cents per line each insertion. doublte garage, basement. In Mill ders’gr.ed administratrix at Detroit, No advertisement accepted for less The Owner reserves the right to Automobiles City. $5400. Phone 6507. 24 Oregon, within six months from the accept or reject any or all bids and than 50 cent« per week. Count five words to the line in FOR SALE—1952 Nash Rambler HOUSES FOR SALE I have two date of this notice. waive all claims. Plans and specifica osdering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill Dated and first published this 3rd tions will be available from the of haidtop, $1045. Can be seen at R.v- houses and lots for sale. $5500 day of June. 1954. City or mail your advertisement to erview Cafe, Mehama, after 5 p. m. fice of the Architects. No deposit is takes both. They are newly paint The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, ELLA JOHNSON, 24 required oi the plans, but they must ed, large front lawns overlooking Oregon. Administratrix be returned on or befoie the time of Detroit lake. Albert Warby, phone Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, .Miscellaneous WALTER H. BELL, bidding. No bidder may withdraw h>s 204, Detroit. etc. will be run under ‘’Special An Stayton. Oregon bid after the hour set for opening nouncements” classification with a WORK WANTED—Anyone look g 26 thereof unless the awarding of the OR RENT OR SALE 1 furnished, Attorney for Administratrix for an experienced diesel or gas minimum charge of 50 cents per in 3 room house; 1 2-foom unfurnished June 3-10-17-14;July 1, 1954 contract is delayed exceeding thirty logging truck driver, please call J. sertion. hou.-e. m lots for sale inside city (30) davs. R. Blankenship, 451, Detroit. 24 NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL limits, 20 lots outside city limits. MRS. EDNA ROSS, Clerk. Business Services MEETING George Cree, wyst of Mill City on Publication Dates: ANNOUNCEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in the old highway on Linn county side. Publication dates: June 17, June 2 SHE US when in need of T. V. An- I Joseph M. Devers announces the Phone M il City 924, 22 compliance with Sec. 111-908, OC1.A, 1954. tennas and supplies. We handle a moving of his office from Stayton, tn the legal voters of School Distiict complet« line of Philco television Oregon to 270 North Cottage Street No. 12V-J, of I.inn-Marion County, CALL FOR BIDS sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio (Grabenhorst Building) Salem. Ore FOR SALE 3 Bedroom hon.e, fruit, Slate of Oregon, that the ANNUAL berries and good garden spot. Pay The Board of Directors of Linn and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill gon, for the general practice of law. our equity and the balance, in SCHOOL MEETING of -aid District County School District No. 129-J will City. ___ ltd 24 payments less than rent—H. E. will be held at the High School; to open bids at the Mill City Grade FOR SALE—One 755 McCulloch j Smith, Phone 1406, Mill City. 19tf begin at the hour of 8:00 o’clock P. School, 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 8, Feed M., on the third Monday of June, 1954, covering a 1-ton, 12-passenger Chain Saw , completely rebuilt. Clean : WHY RENT- BUY a good home in being the 21st day of June, A.D. 1954. Panel Conversion, with 8 ply, 7:50 good shape, 30 day guaiantee. $180: SEE HIRTE’S FEED STORE when Mill City. Let us show you modern This meeting is called for the pur- tires, equipped to meet all state re —Santiam Equipment Co., east of I home that is priced right. See Don in need of feeds or fertilizers. We po-e of electing one member of the quirements and recommendations for Mill City. ___ 84 1 carry of complete line and our prices Walker, Swift Addition, Mill City, Board of Directors and voting on the school transportation. The Board re are right. Fertilize your pasture FOR SALE 9 knotty pine cupboard 1 Oregon. 5tf supplemental budget for 1954-55 serves the right to accept or reject w . IL "in pay dividends in extra now. It will doors, with black iron hardwaie; 4 I school year and the transaction of any or all bids. FOR SALE or RENT — 1 bedroom growth. Hide’s Feed Store, Mill business usual at such meeting. cupboard drawers, knotty pine I EDNA F. ROSS, Clerk City, Oregon. ¡ fronts; 1 30x18, 12 light window; 1 1 home, completely furnished. On 2 In districts of the second and third School District No. 129-J. nice lots. Call 3952. Mill City. 18tf 27%” wide by 6’ 8” one panel door; classes the ballots shall not be counted Published June 17 and July 1st, 1 kitchen sink and fittings; 2 kitch until one hour after the time set for Home Appliances REAL ESTATE en chairs.— Mrs. H. E. Smith, Me the meeting to begin. Until the count FOR SALE Glen Shelton, Broker FOR SALE—Spark oil heater. 6 room hama. Phone Lyons 66. 25 begins, any legal voters of the district For Sale 1940 Dodge Schoo) Bus, West side Mill City Ph. 2207 size. 1 year old, perfect condition. shall be entitled to vote upon any Pacific Body, 47-passenger, 7:50 tires. Detachable tank and two oil bar FOR SALE—Chrome Dinette set, business before the meeting. Bids will be opened by the Board of girls bike, 6’ awning and brackets, rels, $45.—Santiam Equipment Co., Dated this 29th day of May, 1954. Inegal Notices Directors of Linn County School Dis fruit jars, Zenith radio, miscellan East of Mill City. 24 Attest: trict No. 129-J at the Mill City Grade eous household items.—Mrs. Harry EDNA F. ROSS, NO. 14,413 School, at 8:00 P. M. Thursday, July FOR SALE—6x9 and 12x18 all wool Dyhrman, Phone 3915, Mill City. 23p District Clerk NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT 8, 1954. The Board reserves the right grey frieze broadloom rugs and R. F. KELLY, I have filed my final account in the to accept or reject any or all bids. pads. Like new, used only a few BECAUSE of rheumatism I will sell estate of Albert Seitzinger, deceased, Chairman Board of Directors 7-man rubber boat in excellent con EDNA F. ROSS, Clerk, months. Will sell at big reduction. with the County Clerk of Marion dition, finest motor mount, plywood School District No. 129-J. Call The Enterprise 2651 or Don INVITATION TO BID floor, special valve to inflate at County, Oregon, and that the Court Moffatt residence at 905, Mill City. Sealed bids will be received by the service station. Price $50. 280 Can has set the 10th day of July, 1954, at Clerk of School District No, 129-J, 9:15 o ’ clock A. M. and the Circuit FOR SALE—Simmons Hide-A-Bed. adian Roff motor, 30 or 40 rounds the time and place for Linn County, Oregon at the Grade Just like new. Cost $300. Sell for ammo, pi oof tested 38 times, priced Court room School in Mill City, Oregon, on or be- I $90; 30.06 Springfield, 46 rounds hearing objections thereto ond the set fore 8:00 o’clock P. M. (Pacific Stand- I less and on terms too.- Jail at The Enterprise office or phone 905. tf ammo., excellent condition, $35; tlement of said estate. ard Time) Thursday, July 1, 1954, | MERLE SEITZNGER, brand new J. C. Higgins 12-gauge for the construction of a concrete I shotgun, shot less than 20 times, Administrator of the Esteate of grand stand, a wooden grand stand, priced $50. Phone 2-4226 Salem be Albert Seitzinger, deceased. grading of Field including top soil and I KELLOM’S fore 8 a. rn. or write Hobson, Chem- Bell & Devers, curbing and cindetr for Track, and will [ Stayton, Oregon, ewe, Oregon. 24 then and there be opened and publicly GROCERY Attorneys for Admin. read aloud. Each bid shall be in ac-, FOR SALE—Place orders for wood Pub. June 10-11-24; July 1-8. cordance with Plans and Specifica- 1 before July 1. Small house, 3 lots Meats and Groceries i tions prepared by Annand, Boone & 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS rent or sale. Easy terms. Trailer for Notice is hereby given that by vir- Lei, Architects and Engineers, 15301 parts $2. George Cree. Phone 924 N.W. Alder St. & rith Ave. 23p tue an Order duly entered ip the S. W. Taylor Street, Portland 5, Ore-| Mill City. “At the Bottom Circuit Court of the State of Oregon gon, and shall be accompanied by a 1 FIRE WOOD Summer prices. Cores for the County of Marion in the certified check, cashier’s check or Mill City, Oregon from Lyons M&M plant cut to ord- Matter of the Estate of Ray D. John- l satisfactory bid bond made out to the er, $8.00 per cord. Split log ends | gon> deceased, the undersigned, Ella order of School District No. 129J Inder 17”, $10 per cord. Delivery Johnson, was duly appointed as ad Limi County, Oregon in an amount Byron Davis, Owner in 2 cord lots. Write Carl Tonak. ministratrix of said estate and has equal to 5% of the bid. Each bid shall j General Delivery, Lyons. 13tf qualified as such. All persons having be sealed and addressed to the Clerk Hi ARTHRITIS? I ha»» been wonderfully blessea! in being restored Io active life after being crippled in nearly every |Oint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I hod Rheumatoid Arthritis ond other forms of Rheumatism, hands de formed and my onkles were set. limited space prohibits telling: you more here but if you will write me I will reply ot once ond tell you- how I received this wonderful relief Mrs. . —-1» Leia S. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 2695 Jackson 7, Mississippi I Never a Dull Moment of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Mill City, Oregon Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 • • • Mill City FOR SALE—Boat trailers built to order. Built with live rolls so one man can load large boat.—C. MJ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No.129-J, of I.inn-Marion Counties, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING! Cooper, Mehama, Oregon. Phone j Lyons 143, or see me at Hub Cafe, i of the said district will be held at Mill City High School on the 21st day of June, 1954 at 8:00 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of discussing the budget for Mehama. 25p, the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1954, and ending June 30, 1955, hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district tax. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. WANT TO BUY TIMBER Closed Mondays Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis BUDGET STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. I Schedule I—ESTIMATED RFX'EIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES Total All Funds $ SIJlO.OiJ 54 mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY $19 West Washington Street. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Telephone 6684 STAYTON. OREGON ITEM _______ ____________________________________ FOR SALE—Three McCulloch chain 20. Estimated Available Cash Balance or Deficit (Add Cash Balance—Deduct Deficit) saws, or trade on good used pickup. Phone 188 Lyons, Oregon. 24p 21. Estimated total receipts and available cash balance or defifit OFFICE FURNITURE and equip ment, typewriters, adding machines, calculators, cash registers, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, rent, swap and repair. Bargains in used machines. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf Schedule II I.IMIDI FINO l>ll M MID ITEM Elementary Schools Grades Secondary Schools Grades 1 to 8 9 to 12 TIMBER WANTED • mstmum,;,. • Yes, this Prescription Pharmacy is responsible —responsible to you, and to your physician. In all seriousness we accept this responsibility for safeguarding your health and welfare. When you bring a prescription here it will be promptly and expertly compounded and the price will be fair. Capiiol Drug Salem FRtSCRIPTIO» V. AUXILIARY AGENCIES School Lunch— a. Personal Service $1,500 P. O. Box 51, Salem, Ore. 20-4tc b. Supplies and other expenses 7$ W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies Lyons yard. For further informa tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 VII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 6. Furniture, fixtures and other equipment Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf 9. Total Capital Outlays ________________________________ .... $ 450 CHILD CARE—Children taken care of TOTAL SCHEDULE II — GENERAL FUND —Total Estimated Expenses, in my home. 25c per hour. $1.50 per Items 1-6, II-7, III-8, IV-5, V4, VI-5, VII-9, VIII-3, IX.................................. day. Any age, any hour of day. For appointment telephone 924, Mill SCHEDULE III—BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND City. 23p DEBT SERVICE—BOND INTEREST SINKING FUND 1. I*rincipal on bonds (include negotiable interest-bearing warrants Sawmill LOGS WANTED issued under section 111-1016, O.C.L.A.) ............. ................ ... . ......... ...... Top prices for Second Grow-th 2. Interest on bonds ........................ .................... .............. STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. 3. Total Schedule jll—Debt Service—-Bonds and Interest S( H EDULE VI—OTHER SPECIAL RESERVE FI ND YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 perl month on a modern automatic pro- ( OTHER SPECIAL RESERVE FUND— pane range; clean, fast, dependable. 1. Unspent balance of fund voted at election of March 1, 1954 Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also heating, water heaters, refrigerat- 5__Tota2_^h^ul^V^-OtherSp^ialResenreFund tion, brooders and Norge appli ances. 9tf % west of Mehama. Oregon 51 tf NOTICE—Did your children receive satisfactory grades in school this year? I am now available for coach ing and baby sitting. Agness Allen, Phone 3424 Mill City. 25p Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Slayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental 84,910.06' Total Estimated Expenditures for the Ensuing School Year in Detail Budget Allowance in Detail for the Current School Year Expenditures of 2 Fiscal Years Next Preceding the Current School Year Detailed First Year Expenditures for the Last Give Year of the Yearly 2-vear Period Totals Farms & Mills With Timber L. E. KLUMPP responsible $ IX PIN 011 I 1(1- Ph. SALEM Day 3-9U8 Nite 2-4100 $ 500 25 $ 2,000 100 $ 525 $ 2,100 $ 360 $ 810 $ 360 $ 810 12,910 $ 31,000 7,088 $ 38,088 $82,000 $82,000 Total All Funds ESTIMATION OF TAX LEVY Total estimated expenditures ------ ----------------------- —__________ DEDUCT: 2. Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) 3. Amount necessary to balance to budget ____ __ -__ ______________ DEDUCT: 5. Balance to be raised by taxation —.............. ............... ....... ......... ....... ........... 7. Total estimatedtax levies for ensuing fiscal year 8. Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: (1) Amount inside 6% limitation------- (2) Amount outside 6% limitation . 1. INDEBTEDNESS 1. Amount of bonded indebtedness (include all negotiable in terest-bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O. C. L. A_________________________________________ $ 246,200 4 Total Jndebtednes«_(sums_of items 1, 2, 3) $246,200 $122,998 Bond. I nt. Other Spec . Gen. Fund and Sinking Res. Fund Total Fund Total Total Schert. II Sched. Ill Sched. VI $38,088 $82,006 » $2,.<10 84,910 38,088 38,088 38,088 38,088 NONE Dated this May 29, 1954 Signed: EDNA F. ROSS. District Clerk R. F. KELLY, Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 29, 1954. Signed: D. B. HILL, JR., Secretary, Budget Committee DAVID M. REID. Chairman Budget Committee