THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JUNE 17, 1951 Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE GATES « companied by their* son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker, Janet, Kristine and Jeffry f Stayton left Sunday for a three- day vacation at the beach. Mrs. Neil Sai gent and baby daugh ter, from Astoria, are visiting Mrs. Sargent’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hudson. ■I SURE NES • UT / Mrs. Aloert Millsap Entered as second class matter No Following a month spent in Rich rember 10, 1944 at the post office *t Creek, Va., Mis. Clyde Oliver returned Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of home Friday mornirg. Mrs. Oliver March 3, 1879. visited at the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith and two babies. While in Vir NEWSPAPER ginia she also visited a son, Pvt. Jack VISITORS FLOCK PUBLISHERS Oliver a’. Fort Lee, Va., who was transferred to Fort Lewis June 8, TO OREGON’S MANY ASSOCIATION where he is now stationed. Mrs. Oliver VACATION RESORTS was met Friday in Salem by Mr. The tourist industry in Oregon set a Oliver and daughter, Donalee and son new record last year, the 1954 year nation al editorial and wife, fiom Corvallis, Mr. and book of the American Peoples Encyc Mrs. Bill Oliver. lopedia will report. A total of ap --ÿ Mrs. Velma Carey drove to Port proximately 3 million visitors came to land Sunday where her son. Pvt. James the state and spent an estimated 125 Carey caught a plane for Santa Paula, i million dollars in the process. 1’er Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.50 Calif., where he will visit before ie- Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.00 turning to Camp Gordon, Gr., where The state s income of $1,310,000,000 set a new record. Payrolls in the DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher he is stationed. He was home on a lumber industiy accounted for more two week furlough. Mis. Edwin Kadine and daughter, than a quarter of this; income from Judy, will spend the summer near forest products hit the billion dollar Corning, Calif., wheie Mr. Kadine is mark despite price declines. employed at the Crane Mills camp. I It was disclosed that the total cut Among those attending a meeting in the state last year amounted to of the American Legion in Woodburn, 8,558,023 boaid feet—an increase Friday evening, from Gates were Mr, from 1952, but slightly under the all- ïTl and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier, Mr. and time high of 8,610,000,000 board feet Mis. W. S. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. reported for 1951. Some farmers were less fortunate, Stanley Vail, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver however. According to the report, and Percy Mulligan. I)R. MARK Mrs. Kobeit Marshall and daughter,, crop prices dropped about 12 percent 1952’s levels and the yields in HAMMERICKSEN Darlene, from Kinsmundy, 111., are at i ' below , I most crons was termed “disapoint- , the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' / REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST ing.” Wheat growers, however, har Fred Stone for a six-week visit. Mrs. Has moved his Mill City office ■ Marshall was formerly Miss Winni- vested a record crop of more than to Stayton in the Post Office I fred Stone and attended the Mill i 34 million bushels and received slight ly higher prices than they did in 1952. Building, 2nd Floor, tn the City schools. A wet year caused losses in barley, Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Little ‘‘Debra Carmen Barnhat dt." fruits, nuts, hops and grass seed but Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. who was born June 1, at the Salem helped the dairy farmer. Gross in HOME OFFICE: Memorial hospital accompanied her come from farm products amounted 913 W. FIRST, ALBANY mother, Mrs. Davdi Ba’nhardt home to $398,6'91,000, down 2 percent from last week. The baby weighed 8 pounds > i the preceding year. * 2 ounces. She has a small sister at | home and her grandparent« are Mr. I and Mrs. George Stafford and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Barnhardt. Mrs. Richard Parker, accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Mattie I Root and Mrs. Bob Bonitz drove to I Salem Friday on a shopping trip. j New comers to Gates are Mr. and. Mrs. Orville Biitton, formerly of, Lyons. Mr. and 'Mrs. Britton have purchased the Jerry Lyons home here. Britton owns and operates the San-' tiam Equipment Company, located, just west of town in the building foimerly housing the Shake Shack. Mrs. Edward Chance and family were recent visitors in Prineville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller, formerly of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey were in Gates Saturday, from Tualatin. They moved their household goods from their home hete. Mr. and Mrs. i L. L. Rynearson and two children | will occupy their residence here. Spending the weekend at their Gates home, recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughes, of Port land. While here they visited their' aunt, Mrs. Frankie Johnson and | cousins, Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs. | Robert Levon and Royal Johnson. Attending the Rose Festival parade I in Portland Saturday were Mr. and | Mrs. Kenneth Martig and three child- I ten and Mrs. Jesse Haywood and her i son. and daughter. Mrs. Glen Henness, accompanied by I Mrs. Clarence Rush, Mrs. Burrel j Cole and her mother, Mrs. Minnie , Everton, were Dallas visitors Thuts- day at the home of Mrs. Henness s | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. | Mrs. E.lria Hall, from Sacramento, Calif, was also a guest at the Taylor home. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Taylor are sisters. Mrs. Len Young and her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Percy | Mulligan visited Mr. Young, Monday at the Veterans hospital in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap, ac- ! ke F P OREGON ~ GR E E N •G)W MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS ’j Tin lih th ITT r ' h L a Guaranteed Cleaning That’s what you get when y?u let Us Take Care Of Your Cleaning Problems NU METHOD 48 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon Hour* 9 to 6 BA I ; '.¿7 VS SUPPLY YOUR BUILDING MATERIALS No order i» too large or too small for our careful attention. Well help you with building ideas, coo, and suggest wap for sou to get more for your building dollar. So. if you are building, remodeling, or enjoying your woodworking hobbt, see us as soon as you start your plans. Kelly Lumber Sales Authorized Shopsmith Dealer it) Limits Hiway 22 Phone 6S03 Tool Rental Electric Sander Elect ire 6 inch Saw Power Mower Extension Ladder Wheelbarrow Many Other Tools I ; ♦ » : : ♦ ♦ i » 4 OR A TRUCKLOAD hi ♦ J