& “ ■ t Mr aid Mrs. Wm. Shuey spent- Saturday and Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law in Portland. While in the city they attended the Rose festival parade and rose show. •—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 17. 1954 Church President MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, asnes. trimming*, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Verde Goble left this! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cribbs and Sandra weekly pickups $1.50 per month have moved to Mill City from Cas­ ; week for California, where Mr. Goble Also light hauling. j s seeking employment. They have cadia. lived in Mill City for the past several Phone 3952 Leonard Herman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson spent ' years while he was employed on the dam. Sunday in Silverton visiting with hi.- sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Jeter of WE SELL BETTER Mr. and Mrs. Boh Hill left Sunday Albany purchased two lots in Swift’s Addition to Mill City this past week for Gearhart, to attend the 49th an­ CARS FOR LESS nual bankers convention. They return­ and expect to erect a home there in the near future. The deal was handled ed Wednesday. i/y Glen L. Shelton. Members of the 1M44 graduating Rev. and Mrs. C. H. F. Shulenberg class at Mill City high school plan to hold a class picnic and reunion at of McMinnville were recent guests of STAYTON, OREGON Suttle Lake this Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Willoughby. Rev. Shulenberg held services in the Can­ IT PAYS TO BUY AT Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poole and Mr. yon area many years ago when he was HOME and Mrs. Leo Poole and son, went to holding a pastorate in Salem. Prineville Sunday to visit friends. They reported nice weather there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek spent WILLIAM R. KNOX from Thursday until Saturday night Guests of Otto J. Koeneke Sundaj at Arock visiting with Mr. and Mrs. VERNE’S William R. Knox of Boston, Mass., from Poitland were his niece Letha Johnny Montgomery, former residents BARBER SHOP Thurston, his nephew. Loyal Thurs­ here, and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mont­ was named president of The Mother church, The First Church of Christ, ton and a grandnephew, Norman gomery. Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, at Thurston. Broadway, Mill City Members of the Oddfellow lodge the annual meeting of the Mother Church attended by Christian Sci ­ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett were fish­ from Scio plan to come to Mill City ing in Detroit reservoir Sunday. They Friday night for their fraternal visit entists from many parts of the world. Mr. Knox’s appointment was an­ each caught three fish, with Mrs. and to help with the degree work when Hours : Bassett catching the largest one, a the local lodge members will confer nounced by The Christian Science Board of Directors. The term of of ­ 13 Vz incher. . j the second degree on Stanley Vail of fice is for one year. He has been an Gates. authorized Christian Science practi­ Betty Lou Cree has completed her ------------------------------- freshman year at Pacific Universit} Billie Eadler, 93 years of age. now tioner in Boston—the world head- LICENSED at Forest Grove, and will spend the living in the Oddfellows home in Port­ quarters of the Christian Science summer with her parents, Mr. and land, visited old time friends in Mill movement—for almost 50 years. Mrs. Lowell Cree. I City i week. Mr. Eadler form- Prior to devoting his full time to ------------------------------- erly Detroit, Mill City and the practice of Christian Science heal­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell of Port- Lyons and used to be a logging camp ing, Mr. Knox was in the structural $1.50 Per Month and l’p lurid stopped Saturday at the George saw filer. He is quite spry for a man steel business. He first became in­ Also servicing Gates. Lyons, Veteto home, on their way from a of his age. terested in Christian Science through Ida mi ha and Detroit trip to Reno. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. I ------------------------- - the healing of his mother. i Veteto are sisters. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Vickers and MILL CLTY Mr. Knox has served the denomina­ daughter, Linda, left Sunday night tion in a variety of posts. A former DISPOSAL SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hirte and two for San Francisco for a 10-day visit at member of the Finance committee of Phone 3952 nephews of Minnesota, were dinner the home of Mrs. Vicker’s mother, The Mother Church, he is now active LEONARD HERMAN guests at the W. B. Hirte home here, Mrs. Richards. Lloyd Hinkle will as a trustee of Church Realty Trust. while they weie enroute to Portland be in charge of the Sunday services to take in the Rose Festival. at the Assembly of God church in « the Assembly of God church while Mrs. Ruth L. Witt and Rudy Toll Rev. Vickers is away. ------------------------------- motored to Carleton Sunday to visit DR. FOSTER, Dentist James O'Leary and sons, Michael Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crites. They all enjoyed dinner at the Oriental Gar­ and Jimmy of Seattle, arrived here dens in McMinnville while there. Satuiday evening to visit at he Rus­ Wishes to announce the opening of his office for sell Hoffman home. Mr. O’Leary and Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Willoughby Michael returned to Seattle Sunday spent Saturday afternoon and Sun­ and Jimmy remained here. He will be the practice of Dentistry. day in McMinnville where they were visit relatives in Kansas. The Hoff- dinner guests Sunday at the home of mans will join Mr. Hoffman in Aus- Mr. and Mr. Wm. H. Yeo, when a tralia later on in the year. Mr. By Appointment Mondays and Wednesdays number of old friends from Steven­ O’Leary, who is a brother of Mrs. son, Washington, enjoyed a small re­ Hoffman’s operated the City Phone 6608 If No Answer Phone 6503 Variety here at one time GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET GARBAGE SERVICE Over Jenkins Hardware Every day you wait is COAfF OM /A/ AMD TAKE ; ______________________ zZ ' I It s costing you money now! Each day, the car you now drive drops in value. It will never be worth more toward a new Ford than it is this minute. And with Ford, you’ll git the car that depreciates less .. the car that holds onto its value longer. NOW’S THE TIME TO BUY A It may cost you money later! Unless you own a recent model Ford, or an expensive car, chances are that it will be made obsolete by a new model. But, in the low-price field. Ford is the only V-8 powered car . . . the only car with Ball-Joint Front Suspension . . . the only modern-styled car. These advanced features mean that the '54 Ford will still be an up-to-date car . . , with good trade-in value for the future. And it’s costing you a whale of a lot of pleasure! For example, the eager action of Ford's brand new 130-h.p. Y-block \ S. gives you the kind of "Go" you've dreamed ■bout at all driving speeds. Its deep-block, low-friction design is years ahead. No other low -priced car offers even an ord ' ary \ -8! Ami you get the cm er handling and sm.i >t er nuing of advanced Ball-Joint Front StMpenaion. Only Ford in its field has it. But you must take a Test Drive to really know the difference it makea. < ail iu—nt'll ykuti'y arrange oik * MILL CITY, OREGON I*honc 2721 AS LITTLE AS * A WEEK * After Down Payment Price» may vary oc- cording fo individual dealer ! pricing policy. PHILIPPI MOTOR CO STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2311 r > >? * Mill Citv, Oregon