Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE S< ENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — G \TEW \Y TO THE HEART OF N ATI RE S EMPIRE von me : X NI 'M BER 21 Legion Team Shows Form In Ball Games While the Mill City American Le gion junior baseball team has been defeated in both games played so far this season, they have been showing good form and promise to develop into a good team. Bad weather this year has hampered their practice con siderably. Salem 6, Mill City 3 The Mill City Junior Legion team bowed to Post 9, of Salem 3 to 6. The field was sticky and 14 errors marred the game. Salem showed a lack of power and fielding genius which brought them two straight State championships. Mill City has made a definite improvement over last year ar.d despite eight errors looked classy while they sparked three double plays. Dick Crook pitched fine ball and the e-.ght hits he allowed were well scat tered. Jack Melting had a field day collecting Mill City’s two hits and handling 10 chances perfectly in the field. Catching his first regular game, Maurie Bassett turned in stellar job behind the plate. The line score: Salem 020 002 2—6 8 .Mill City ...... 000 201 0—3 2 Loy and Beals; Crook and Bassett. Oregon City 14—Mill City 6 An arrogant Oregon City team breezed by the Mill City juniors 14-6. It was a sloppy game, played on a wet field, before a small crowd. Last year Mill City dropped the opening game to this same team, and turned thetables when the return game was played at Mill City. The line score: Mill City 100 050 0—6 1 Oregon City 325 040 x—14 10 Mill City: Melting, Crook and Bas sett. Oregon City: Eisele, Newton, Hend- r.e and Granquist. District Baseball Briefs ’ Aumsville has defeated Stayton 10 to 0 and Salem 9 to 6. Stayton defeated Woodburn 1 to 0. Should be quite a battle when Eisele of Oregon City meets Loy of Salem. W L Pct. Ì League Standings ...... 2 0 1.000 Aumsville 1 0 1.000 Oregon City .500 1 1 Salem .500 1 1 Stayton .000 0 1 0 2 .000 M 1 Citv $2.50 a Year. |()f a Copy MILL CITY OREGON. Till RSDAY, JI NE 17. 1*51 New Shingle Mill Nearing Completion HEY KIDS! School Director to be Elected Here Monday * . BlCyCleS, Cash Offered In Enterprise Campaign The annual meting of School Dis trict No. 129-J will be held at the high school at 8 p.m. Monday, June 21 for the purpose of electing a member of the board of directors of the district. R. F. Kelly’s term em pires this year. No one has filed for this position. Mi. Kelly has served as chairman of the board the past year, and this position, automatically will b filled by Harold D. Kliewer. The meeting is also called for the voting on the supplemental budget for 1954-1955 and the tiansaction of business usual at the annual meeting. Complete detailed budget to be voted upon is published this week on page 9 of The Enterprise. All legals voters of the district arc urged to get out and vote Monday. A subscription campaign in which boys and girls will have an opportunity to win brand new Schwinn bi cycles will open this Saturday, June 19, and continue through Saturday, July 10, according to announcement made this week by the publisher of The Mill City Enter prise. No less than four bicycles will be awarded at the end of the campaign and all workers whp do not win one of the major awards will be paid 20 percent cash com- missions on all orders they turn in during the three Old Newspaper week period. Bicycles are on display at Jenkin’s Hard Reveals Low Prices ware. Object of the campaign is to add An old newspaper was brought to subscribers and to solicit renewal# by The Enterprise office this week from those already receiving the Art Hedge, who found the old copy paper. Subscriptions will be accepted at the regular rate of $2.50 per year, when tearing down a house here. Mr. Hedge was unable to save much w h two.year limit of $o. Votes will of the newspaper as it had been be issued on both new and renewal Students of the canyon area who pasted on the wall and covered with a subscriptions. are anticipating attending high layer of wallpaper. Any boy or girl in the area served School in Mill City this coming term It is believed to have been printed by The Enterprise is eligible to work will be greeted with one of the fin in the 20’s. Some of the prices were: in the campaign, and all who wish to est shops in the state, according to 10 bars of laundry soap for 25c; ripe work are urged to get in touch with Delos Hoeye, shon instructor. olives 10c a can; salad dressing, the campaign manager immediately, The woodwork area of the new gym | quart 29c; bananas, 5 pounds 25c; either personally or by telephoning building has been re-equipped with | grapefruit, 5 for 25c; flour, 49 pound 2651 to receive complete information new complete shopsmith machines re sack for $1.05. Coffee was going at and free supplies by this Saturday’s opening date. placing the old unit machines in such | 15c a pound. number that the two upper classes Page 8 of this issue is devoted to In the meat market ad they were will have a machine for each student. selling prime beef roasts at 10c a complete rules, and includes a nomin This is a new idea in school shop pound; finest sirloin steak, 15c and ation coupon. The coupon should be work, made possible by the money fancy T-bones for 18c a pound. filled in and brought to the cam made available to the shop this spring. These prices look pretty good, but paign manager at The Enterprise of No longer will a student have to wait how about the wages being received fice Friday or Saturday of this week. in line to use a machine, as he will have I in those “good old days?” Every candidate in the campaign is assured of a prize--either a new one of the multipurpose units for his Schwinn bicycle or 20% cash com exclusive use during class time. Much mission on all money he or she turns greater knowledge and skill in the use in for subscriptions. of machines is expected, together with I Parents of >terested youngsters the opportunity to build more and • are urged to call at the newspaper of larger projects. fice to have the manager explain and In addition to the multipurpose ma clarify all details of the campaign to chines, a 12” sizing planer, 10” radial Members of the Mill City American them. Boys and girls under 16 years arm saw and power hand router has been purchased that will greatly in-I Legion and Auxiliary had a busy day of age must have the written consent crease the range and amount of work Friday when National Commander, of their parents before they will be Arthur Connell, paid a viait to Ore- allowed to enter. than can be done. jon. The Enterprise office will be open Additional equipment in sheet In the afternoon Bob Oliver, Bob until 8 p.m. this Thursday and Friday metal has been added that will enable Above are shots of the new Wills Brothers Shingle Mill in students to build tool boxes, fishing , Pratt, John Muir, and Jack Coryell and 6 p. m. Saturday for the con City, which is scheduled for opening in the near future. John and ' tackle boxes and many other sheet • attended a session of Boy’s State at venience of those wishing to come in Natt Wills have had a crew working on the building for some time, metal items. A bending machine and which Commander Connell spoke, then after the dinner hour. and machinery is now being'installed. Top photo shows the log slip arc welder have been added for later took in the informal dinner at j the Marion hotel, where they ar from the mill pond to the south end of the mill. The middle photo wrought iron work. was taken from-the west side, and the mill pond also was taken Delos Hoeye and Richard Verbeck ranged to meet him personally. from the west side of the mill. The Wills Brothers are to be are building new, lai ger benches for | Friday evening Legion and Auxil wood and metal work that have locker iary members were present at an in complimented upon the looks of the mill, and it is a great asset to Mill City and the Canyon area Mr. and Mrs. Natt Wills have pur drawers, adding materially to the itiatory meeting sponsored by the Daily Vacation Bible locker space available. They also ex Marion County Council in the Wood chased a home here and the John,Wills are still looking for a suit The 18,000-kilowatt generator at pect to build cabinets under the shop- | burn Legion ahll. About 450 per able residence. School to Close Friday smiths in which all accessories for sons were on hand to witness this Big Cliff re-regulating dam east of The Union Daily Vacation Bible each machine can be stored. ceremony. President Ridgley Miller of Mill City began commercial genera synool being held at the Chtistian and I A« • f* • Softball Games Moved to tion of power Friday, said Col. Thom Though the local shop may not be Salem presided. Presbtyerian churches has enrollee pOQ JieWOrT U6lS as Lipscomb, Portland district army equipped with as heavy machines as Stayton on Account of The ritual of initiation was pre approximately 100 children and the j in larger schools, still it will now rank sented by the Ritual team of the Rose enginner. Attendance has average! 64. 3’ D!_ f Rain Here On Sunday The generator completed peiform- as one of the better equipped in the City post of Portland to 44 new mem- I i day at rill I I Olli kOlEpOny The softball games between Wake valley. Certainly each student will bei s. These new members then re ance tests this week. The 26,500- The beginners department will have i house Motors of Portland and Mill have more equipment available more ceived their obligation from National horsepower turbine conneected with a demonstration pi ogram, to which , Optimism about the future of the City were moved to Stayton Sunday the generator also completed tests, the parents and friends are invited, at | Pacific Northwest and its power sup afternoon on account of rain here at of the time than is the case in other Commander Connell. was expressed Tuesday by Paul school shops. Those from Mill City and Gates which started May 31. 11 a. m. that morning. This is to be | ply B. McKee, president of Pacific Power the time the games were to have been Other new equipment added for this making the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Big Cliff dam is a part of the De held in the Presbyterian Fellowship 8c Light, at a dinner meeting of Al played. Stayton happened to be fall are a daylight movie screen and W. F. Struckmeier, Mr. and Mrs. troit dam project, 2*^ miles upstream. hall. The primary and junior depart ments will pi esent their program in bany area employees at the Legion blessed with sunshine for a time Sun projector, which will be used in Willard Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. John Detroit's two 50,000-kilowatt generat day. audio-visual classroom instruction. Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver, Mr. ors went into service last fall. Big the Presbyterian sanctuary that even Club. Additional playground area to the In the first game Wakehouse won The meeting, the 10th in a seiies of and Mrs. Kenneth Chance, Mr. and Cliff’s generator will operate con ing at 7:30. Offerings at these pro-1 frams will help defray the school ex 17 being held throughout the Pacific by a 2 to 1 score, but lost the second south of» the gymnasium of the ele Mrs. Jack Coryell, Bo bPratt, Harry tinuously but Detroit’s generators will mentary school has been blacktopped Harmon, Elmer Barney, Percy Mulli function only during peak demand pense. Offerings brought each day by | service area, honored the company's game 3 to 1. this summer. 2234 employees and their wives and gan, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vail. periods. Vaughn Nixon pitched the first the children will be sent to buy milk ' husbands. Total service for the entire game and allowed only one hit and Of these, Willard Hudson, Bob Pratt, for Korean chidlren group represents 22,343 years. Bids Sought For Removal struck out eight batters. Harry Harmon, Stanley Vail, and Parents Asked To Help Don Carey pitched the winning Of Abandoned Rail Track Major federal projects now build Jack Coryell took the initiatory obli Dr. Don Foster Opens With Work at Kilowan ing at The Dalles, McNary and Chief game, allowing two hits and fanning Bids are sought by the Portland gation. Joseph will add 3,000,000 kilowatts to four. Bob Dombrowsky hit a homer District, Corps of Engineers, for the Dental Offices HeYe The Auxiliaries of Hubbard. Au- Before Opening Day Dr. Don Foster, of Salem, thiF the regional power supply, which will in the last of the seventh with one removal and disposal of 6.2 miles of I rora, and Woodburn served strawber- Willamette area office of the Camp week opened dental offices o»er provide for a healthy growth in popu- on to win the game. abandoned Southern Pacific Company l ry shortcake and coffee at the close Fire Girls announces an open house Mill City will go to Corvallis to railroad track beginning about one- 1 of the meeting. Jenkins Hardware, and is now receiv ation and industry until about 1960. on Sunday, June 27 at Camp Kilowan McKee said “we are also hopeful meet Lou Staggs Nored Builders Sun- half mile east of Gates, Oregon, and ing appointments for the general near Falls City. Camp director, Vir that an additional 1,000,000-kilowatt day. practice of dentist!y. extending about 1,500 feet down ginia Moses, and staff will be on hand Drivers License Examiner development may soon be started at i ------------------- ■ Dr. Foster has the office completely stream from Big Cliff Dam on the I to welcome parents and visitors. There • i n . 1 North Santiam River. ecniipped, including X-Ray machine the John Day site on the Columbia To Be in Mill City June 21 are no visiting days after the camp Dr. Foster has been practicing for river as a result of joint efforts now Santiam Memorial Hospital The bids will be opened at 2 P. M. A drivers license examiner will be ing sessions begin. being made to get that project Ask* f or J am ant j .Jellv the past five years, since his gradu June 24 in room 628 Pittock Block, in Mill City at the fire hall June 24 At the present time the session 1 _ ation of the University of Oregon den- started. Portland. The work must be com- between the hours of 9 and 4. from July 12 to July 19 is the only Pacific Power & Light and three of I The Santiam Memorial Hospital tal school in Portland. He received his Persons are asked to file their ap one that is filled. A bus taking camp pletedb y November 15. Bids have «•liege education at the University its neighbor companies have under j Auxiliary is having a jam and jelly been invited under serial No. plications for licenses or permits to ers to Kilowan will load on the Front * • • - drive for the hospital at Stayton. study a group of hydroelectric pro- 1 f Southern California and at Walla CIVENG—35-026 54-169. drive well ahead of the closing hour. Street side of Marion Square, in Sa Walla college at Walla Walla, Wash ejects totaling 1.181.000 kilowatts to I It will be appreciated by this group lem, at 9:45 the morning of June 26, that those having either jam or jelly . meet power growth neds after 1960, ington. July 5, 12, 22, 29, and August 5, I to donate to please leave it at the This Is The End he reported. He has just completed a term of lec which are the beginning dates of each i Mill City Pharmacy. This same group of companies, he turing to students at the U of O den- camp session. The auxiliary is also desirous of 1 said, also are working with the ta. college in Portland. Those wishing to attend should call Mrs. Vem Shaw has been employed I Atomic Energy Commission in an in ' securing small cheese glasses, which Virginia Hoeye at 1952 or Thelma as dental assistant to Dr. Foster here. vestigation of the possibility of a are to be used at the hospital. Parker at 3542. I nuclear power plant for the produc- Crews of volunteers are busy work of electric energy. >ubmit Soil Samples Early I tion ing to get the camp in shape and The merger of Mountain States Bill Stewart Baek in parents wishing to help are asked to For Lime Application Power into Pacific Power 8c Light Business at Multnomah do so Sunday. Linn County farmers who are plan greatly strengthens the ability of the Bill Stewart is now located at Mult ring to apply lime under the 1954 | combined systems to keep up with nomah, where he is now owner of Agricultural Conservation Program, , the rapidly growing service require- a grocery store. He traded his apart Fire and Smoke Damages and who haven’t yet submitted a soil I ments of their 285.000 customers. ments in Mill City to Al and Bert Sophy Home at Detroit A total of $124.000,000 has been Bruns for the store. •ample, are being advised by County DETROIT—Fire and smoke did 11ten-ion Agent O. E. Mikesell to do I spent on new construction by the now- He is there at the present time, extensive damage to the living room | merged companies since the end of and his family plans to join him as >< at an early date. of the Raymond Sophy home Satur Approximately three weeks are re the war and expeditures for 1954 are soon as suitable living quartei day evening, when a log rolled out paired to complete a test at the Ore I estimated at $11,500,000. be found there. of the fireplace onto the floor, while Service pins for employees who gon State College soil testing labora no one was at home. tory. says Mikesell. Early submitting l have been with the company for 10 A hole was burned through the Denny Sheythe. «on of Mr. and Mrs. f soil samples will eliminate last min- year« or more were presented by D. I floor, an easy chair practically des- The old approach to Mill City in no more. Thin «hot w*n taken a* te rushes, and possible delays in get R. McClung, executive vice president, Donald Sheythe, “whittled” the index ' tro' -d and telephone connections the dump truck unloaded a pile of rock sealing this approach, which as a feature of the dinrer Among finger of his left hand recently, cut ting lime applied. i bur. ed. The family discovered the fire has long been deemed a hazard in Mill City. Thin hill han a record Soil cartons and directions for tak-1 those receiving pins «ai Robert L. i ting the tendon, and forcing him to on their return home and extinguished of many wrecks, -omr them landing light through the front door ■g soil samples are available at Stewart, Stayton manager, who re- spend a i ouple of days in the Santiam the blaze. of the Mill City Ta»ern. eeived a 30-year pin. I Memorial h spital at Stayton. .runty extension offices. I Legion-Auxiliary Hear Commander Big Cliff Generator To Begin Operation