THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Leu Dibblee left Friday afternoon Enterprise Class Ads Pay for The Dalles to join her husband, who is employed there. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Reynolds and son left for their By Mrs. John Teeters Mr». AU>ert Millsap Taking part in the services Memor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kist had as their new home in Lebanon. Mrs. Dibblee weekend guests their son-in-law and and Mr. Reynolds were members of ial day at the Mehama church were laughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. the high school faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Potts, Ivan E. Kenagy and James L. Dixson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley and two children will leave Orvii Cat per all of Albany. These PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Harry Kjelmer, all of Portland Satur- the last of the week for Longbeach, men are members of The Gideons In I day. On Sunday they were sut prised California, for an extended visit at ternational and special offering was Tax Consultant Auditor l by a visit from friends, Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. Miley’s parents be taken up at the close of the morning Bookkeeping. Accounting and William C. Minea and Mr. and Mrs. fore deciding upon their plans for the services to be used in their work. Tax Service winter. Joseph Turner, from Portland and Mr. Ronald Ledke of Boulder Creek, I Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards visited California, was here transacting busi Corner 3rd and Morion | and Mrs. Paul West of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garrison and Friday at Elkhorn at the home of ness last week. He also visited with STAYTON. OREGON I -on, Larry, of Richland, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett. Thursday old friends and neighbors. The Ledke’s Phone Ill« P. O. Box 1321 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison, of they were guests at the home of their lived here at one time. . Mis. Ara Howard, who is employed ' Corvallis were Sunday callers at the gianddaughter and family, Mr. and , Bob Oliver home. THe Garrisons were Mrs. Harvey Kanoff »nd thiee child in Sacramento, California, spent part ren in Lyons. former residents of Gates. of her vacation here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gordon and friends and relatives. She was a Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Peetz I and two children, of Berkeley, Calif., Dalles, where they plan to make their house guest at the Harry Monroes have moved to Gates to make their _wo children left Sunday for Th< while heie. 1 home. Mrs. Peetz is the daughter of home. They had resided in Gates tor Bob Crook and Ronnie Adams left THURSDAY i Mr. and Mis. Phillip Cann and Peetz ' the past four years, while he was em for California May 31 for a short i is the nephew of Mrs. W. R. Hutche ployed at Detroit dam. They have vacation trip and returned home June j occupied the George Bajley home for 6. While in California they visited foi | son. FRIDAY, SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Moore and the past year. several days with Clifford Crook, who I Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson and is stationed at Edwards Air Force June 19, 11. 12 | family drove to Hamelton, Washing two youngsters will move from the Base. BROD CRAWFORD. ton, to spend the Memorial holidays. MARJORIE REYNOLDS in The Gates schools closed for the Jerry Lyons residence, which has been Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Branch I summer vacation Friday, June 4. Mis. sold, into the Bailey home just vacat went to Klamath Falls Saturday morn BADMEN OF ed by the Glenn Gordons. ing to attend the graduation exer Many new families have moved to cises at OTI. Their brother-in-law and TOMBSTONE Gates in the past two weeks. The nephew, William Holfuss and son, motels have “no vacancy’' signs up. W'ayne, were both members of the Plus—in Color The Wison cottages are all rented and giaduating class. This was the first MILL CITY DEBBIE REYNOLDS, still more looking for accomodations. time father and son had been gradu THE ( HAMPIONS, in Mr. and Mis. Charles Tucker and ated together from the institute. The DISPOSAL SERVICE two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Branchs i eport snow in several GIVE A GIRL Henness and Kandee, left Saturday places between Bend and Klamath Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc for a trip which will include a visit Falls on their way down, but the weekly pickuoa J1.50 ner month to Yellowstone park. Mr. and Mrs. weather was much better on the re A BREAK Tucker and famib- will continue on to turn trip Sunday afternoon. Also light hauling Colorado to visit relatives while the Dickie Bijyeu, son of Mr. and Mrs. SUNDAY, MONDAY Hennesses will go to Ogden, Utah, to Orville Bilyeu is recovering from se Leonard Herman Phone 3952 visit at the home of Mrs. Henness's vere facial lacerations which he re June 13-1« sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray ceived when he was attacked Friday Salchenberger. Upon their return Mrs. afternoon by a neighbors dog. He was ANNE BAXTER. Salchenberger and daughter, Linda taken to a Salem hospital where he STEVE COCHRAN in will accompany them to Gates to visit could receive the care of a specialist. CARNIVAL STORY her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur It was expected that he could return Blackburn; her sister and family and home the last of this week. In Technicolor Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball and other Mrs. Orval Greer from Marion relatives. Forks was a Mehama visitor the Colorful—Excitement Packed Weekend guests at the Burrel Cole first of the week. / y Drama of Circus Life home were their son and family, Mr. Mrs. Pearl Alloway and Mrs. Je- i and Mrs. Darrel Cole and three child nette Behrens spent Tuesday of this ren from Klamath, California. week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Henness and TUESDAY, son, of Mehama, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Henness’s parents, WEDNESDAY, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Haines, who re June 15-16 cently opened the “Oak Cafe” former ly known as Pauline's Cafe, had as JOHN DEREK, WANDA their guests, their son and daughter- j HENDRIX, W M l BBSNN IN in-law, Chief HMC J. E. and Mrs. I in Haines of Astoria. Haines, with the U. S. Navy, is stationed at Tongue I SEA OF LOST SHIPS Point. They were enroute to Albion, When you need Coast Guard Thrills Idaho, to visit their brother and fam NEWS ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Haines, where i PRINTING Haines is principal of the grade ' school. Telephone 2651 Doors Open at 7:09 P. M. Mis. Gilbert Brosig and daughter, Complete show can be seen am Mrs. Robert Wilson and infant son MILL CITY ENTERPRISE time up to 8:30 were in Gates, frora their home in Klamath, California, to attend the I graduation from the local high school, j of their son and brother, Jerry Lar- I son. They were guests at the home ! of Mrs. Brosig's parents, Mr. and Walter Bresbin during thir stay. Recent guests from Hillsboro visit ing L. T. Henness and his (laughter, Lillie Lake, were Mr. and Mrs. Ken- | neth Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Merle , Sineolt, who spent the weekend. From I Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratze- I hurg and son, Robert and his two ' daughters, from Sacramento, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap accom- 2*/j tin for j panied by Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and i three boys to Stayton Thursday of in Heavy Syrup “At the Bottom of the Hill" ' last week, where they were guests at i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mace, of Newberg | were Saturday callers at the Joe Byron Davis, Owner Mill City, Oregon I Joaquin home. THURSDAY, JUNE 10. 196«. GATES MEHAMA W. N. SIMMONS iuoäiü WE'VE SIFTED OUT ¿subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise Never - - Peaches Hunt’s, Sliced or Halves Margarine Holiday Brand A Pounds for QQ1’ O 7 Catsup HUNT’S 11 ounce bottle COFFEE a 54c MILL CITY TAVERN Beef Stew DINTY MORE 24 Ounce can 4 Oc J COOKIES O bottles for OO<‘ Announcement! Vanilla coconut about 130 cookies 47’ 21 ounce package J BISQUICK <t| .03 Chase and Sanborn’s round Can 2 a Dull Moment 10 ounce package each 40' I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE LEASED THE New Associated Station IN MILL CITY AND WILL APPRECIATE MAKING YOUR ACQUAINTANCE I NALLEY’S BRAND 15 Ounce Can—J Cans for Spaghetti dr Meat NALLEY’S BRAND 15 0*nci S m 2 *"r Specials For Friday and Saturday STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 /■ Q 4/C June 11 and 12 Except Holidays and Sundavs STEWART'S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 4407 Order Deadline 3:00 P. M. Mill City. Oregon We will handle a Complete Line of FEDERAL TIRES FLYING A BATTERIES AND ACCESSORIES Watch For Our Grand Opening Eddie’s Associated Station Highway 22 at Tth Street Phone 512 MILL CITY