Mill Ends 4 The Cookes elder daughter. Miss Donna, was brought home Monday from Good Samaritan hospital in Por rtland where she underwent plastic sur| gwj on her face last week, made necessary by an automobile accident last December. 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 10. 1054. Maurie Bassett and Terry Muir went to Salem Saturday to attend the Joie Chitwood daredevil show. Sunday they went to Sisters where they vis­ Camille and Rodney Goble left Sun­ ited Charles Henderson, son of Mr. day for Utah, where they will spend and Mrs. Wallace Henderson and with Mrs. Ruth Witt and Rudy Tohl were th« summer with their grandparents. recent dinner guests in Salem of his Jimmy Baltimore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup were sister, Mrs. Clara Boals, widow of I)i. R. T. Boals, who has a new home on in Portland Sunday and Monday buy­ The Christian Woman’s Fellowship ing stock for their Variety store here. 24th street. Additional guests at the Sunday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Max met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Fisher of Wheeler. Susie Haynes. Newly elected officers A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. were installed, and will assume their Darrell Schroeder of Forest Grove Enjoying a late morning "coffee" duties July 1. Mrs. E. K. Fish suc­ in the Hillsboro hospital, May 28, ac­ at the country home of Mr, and Mrs, ceeds herself as president; Mrs. Ike cording to word received here from O. K. DeWitt last Sunday were Myers is vice president, and Mrs. H. Mrs. H. A. Schroeder. Elizabeth Slaton, Ruth Witt, and Miss E. Jull, secretary-treasurer. Nancy Johnson, visiting here from Members of Santiani Rebekah lodge Portland, Others attending the in- Miss Margaret Ramsey, head of attending a meeting of the Eva Re­ I formal occasion were Colonel and Mr-. the niethematics department at Lin­ bekahs at Stayton Tuesday night Allison, of Salem. field College, and Miss Victoria Case, were Eva Dufry, noble grand; Jennie one of the prominent writers of Ore­ Davis, ar.d Gladys Mason. W. S. (Buck) Wharton, director of gon, were guests of Mrs. P. F. Will- Marion County Civil Defense ac­ oughby a few hours last Saturday Attending the State Convention of companied by 0. K. DeWitt, were busi- while the McMinnville ladies were Lions clubs and Auxiliaries to be held nes visitors in Mill City Monday af­ enroute to Bend. at Coos Bay this weekend, from June ternoon. Mr. Wharton was here in 12 to 15, will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles the interest of organizing a civil de­ Miss Lucille Horner is now vaca- in M 11 City. Kelly’, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means, I fense group ________ ______ ___ tioning in the southwest and Rocky and Frank Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel were in Mountain states. Making the drive Portland Sunday to attend a merchan­ alone she will go into Mounment Val­ Miss Leia Kelly will finish her ley, Arizona, by way of Grand Can- studies at Oregon State college on dise show. While aw»y Mr. and Mrs. I yon, Zion Park, Brice Canyon then Friday, June 11, will be home until Walter Erickson of Mountain View, returning through Santa Fe, New Monday when she plans to leave for California, arrived for a short visit. Mexico; Garden of the Gods, Colorado, West Yellowstone where she will be The Ericksons had been on a trip to the middle west. Mrs. Erickson and and the Teton National park in Wyom­ employed for the summer. ing. I Mrs. Kimmel are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Todd and child­ Mrs. Ed Ccirke reports that the Mrs. W. R. (Rachel) Olmstead suf­ ren, Stephen and Allen, expect to leave on Friday for Laramie, Wyom- Cooke’s son and wife, Ensign and Mrs. fered a severe heart attack at her ing, where Mr. Todd will attend the Ja mes Cooke, are now located at 1433 home early Monday morning, and was summer session at the University as Devon Drive in Corpus Christi, Texas, later taken to a Eugene hospital. It having recently moved there from was reported Wednesday, that it was he did last year. Pensacola, Florida. Ensign Cooke of hoped to take her to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farmen and the Naval Air Force is attending the her son-in-law and daughter, the Ed daughters, Linda and Karen, and all-weather school and studying ad­ Olmsteads, at Coburg by Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Farmen and three vanced instruments. He will receive this week. Anyone wishing to send her a card could send it in their care. children, Bill Ann and Bob, spent his wings in October. the weekend at the home Mrs. Guy Sorensen. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means and family spent from Friday until Sun­ day at Astoria, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Reed. '• The Reeds are former residents of Stayton. I Only FORD gives you Mr. and Mrs. Orville Britton have recently purchased a home in Gates. They have been living near Lyons. Mr. Britton owns the Santiam Equip­ ment Co., located in the former Shake Shack east of town. features now which Mrs. H. E. Jull entertained at din­ ner Sunday in honor of minister Jull’s birthday anniversary. Guests besides the members of the Jull family were: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and son, William, and Ellen Shelton. other low-priced cars may Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Plymale. accom­ panied by Mrs. Plymale s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan, motored to Idanha Sunday, where they enjoyed a trout dinner at the Clyde Golden home. offer tomorrow ! Received their third and last polio shots in Stayton last Thursday were Karen Shepherd, James Hearing. Bai ■ Lara Tickle, and Johnny Kelly. The Marion county second graders were driven down by Mr. and Mis. \ ernon Todd. * Word »as received here this week from Mrs. Floyd Jones, requesting that The Enterprise be sent to their new address at Riverdale, N. D. Mr. Jones is already there and Mis. Jones, Ardith and Truman will drive there this month. Ardith is finishing her sophomore year at the U. of O. Union Vacation Bible school began Monday moning with three depart­ ments meeting in the Christian and ■Presbyterian buildings. Attendance the first day totaled 57 with 62 present Tuesday morning. The school will continue through Friday of next week, with a demonstration program the evening of the last day. Stavton-Jefferson AI TO WREC KERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Ford gives you: z V-8 POWER Only Ford of the low-priced care offers V-8 power - the type of power more and more car owners are adopting. And Ford’s new 130-h.p. Y-block V-8 is the most modern V-8 in any car regardless of price' BALL-JOINT SUSPENSION For ride and handling ease that no other low-priced car can match, Ford brings you new Ball-Joint Front Sutqrenflon. It’s another Ford exclusive in the low-price field. TREND-SETTING STYLING Ford styling has set a new standard for the American Road. It is modem, forward-looking styling that will keep your Ford out front in appearance, not only this year but in the years ahead. Phone 6284. Stayton. Ore. Crossler's Grocery A FRIENDLY STORE THAT GIVES— S * H GREEN STAMPS SO WHEN IT COMES TIME TO TRADE . . . Ford’s value will be higher. It’s an established fact that Ford returns more of its original cost than any other low-priced car! Always High Quality Groceries at Consistently LOWER PRICES ON THE HIGHWAY Phone 3206 MILL CITY Ford PHILIPPI MOTOR CO Come in! Get the best deal for your dollars! MILL CITY, OREGON Phone 2724 STAYTON, OREGON ITione 2344