Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1954)
4— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1954 I Social Events CLUB, LODGE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Phone 625 Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor Nina Knight and Lawrence Poole Exchange Wedding Vows Sundag LUMBERS’ 48P LOGGERS CONYE*™ 41>>>*| >7»II Just watch this McCulloch cut, Olaf! Everywhere you go, you see McCulloch chain saws. You'll find them working in the biggest camps and you'll find them in the hands of the smallest operators. Loggers like McCullochs because they're easy to carry, easy to start, and easy to keep running. And you should see them cut. See a Demonstration— Within the next few day*, stop by our store for a real demonstration of wood cutting. ( Santiam Equipment Co Shake Shack East of Mill City Phone 1572 Miss Nina Elizabeth Knight, daugh- ter of Mrs. Althea A. Knight, became the bride of Lawrence E. Poole, son •of Mr. and Mrs. James Poole, at I ceremonies held at the First Christian church Sunday evening June 6 at 7 o’clock. Rev. Hugh Jull officiated at the double-ring ceremony, also giving the home dedication service, all by candle-light. Soloists were Mr. and Mrs. James Joole, Jr., the latter a brother of the bridegroom. They sang a duet, “I Take Thee Dear,” preceding the cere mony, and Mrs. Poole sang “The Lord’s Prayer’’ when the young couple stood before the altar. Piano accom paniment was by Mrs. Donald Shey- the, who was also organist thiough- out the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by a cousin, Herbert Peterson, of Spo kane, Washington, was lovely in a j full-length wedding gown of white | lace, satin, and tulle, with a short train and long sleeves. The finger-tip veil was attached to a head-piece of white lace, her bouquet being made up I of white baby orchids. Maid-of-honor was Miss Dolores I Poole, sister of the groom, wearing I a ballerina-length blue lace and tulle j formal with a blue head-band, and carrying a nosegay centered with a ' blue iris. Bridesmaids were the Misses Max- ine King and Marian Kernan of Sa lem, both in pink ballerina-length ! formals, with nosegays of pink iris and pink featured in their headbands. Miss Sharon Poole and Miss Enid | Williams of Ft. Klammath, Oiegon, I served as candlelighters in short, | white formals with white headpieces. Little Misses Christine and Kath- ! leen Storey, nieces of the groom, were | flower girls, diessed in pink and blue, ' respectively, and carrying white bas- bets of flowers. Ringbearer was I Stephen Todd. Best man for his brother was Lester Poole, with Leo Poole, another broth- I er. and Elton Gregory as ushers. The altar of the church was banked w*ith all white flowers, intruding i spirea, dogwood, and snowballs, the decorations being arranged and the attendants' bouquets furnished by the Garden club. The bride’s mother, Mrs. Althea Knight, wore pink bouclace with white accessories, and a corsage of pink rosebuds. James Poole, mother of the Watermelons 41c Pound RIPE TOMATOES "Tube 19c Toilet Tissue White Cross, 4 Rolls 27c Hen Turkeys Pound 53c Average 9 to 11 pounds HILL TOP MARKET Harold and Willie Kliewer Telephone 2744 Mill City, Oregon. bridegroom, was dressed in blue with blue and white accessories, and a red rosebud corsage. Cutting the wedding cake at the re ception in the church parlors were Mrs. James Storey, sister of the groom, and Mr.-. Ted Williams, of I Fort Klamath. Seiving punch was Miss Miriam Brown, with Mrs. Leo Poole passing the guest book. In charge of the gift table were M rs. Herbert Peterson of Spokane, and Mis. James Poole. Jr. For going-away, the new Mrs. Poole wore a grey suit with pink ac cessories. Following a short honey moon, the couple will be “at home" in Mill City. A "pink and blue" shower »as given I for Mrs. Franklin Coryell (Jack Business and PrefessionaJ | Lake) recently at the home of Mrs. Edwin Stone, with Mrs. Leiter Mason DIRECTORY as cohostess. Following opening of the many lovely gifts, refreshments were served by the hostesses. Those ! present besides the guest of honor J. W. GOIN Sunny were Dorothy Harrison. VETERINARIAN Chance, Opal McRoberts, Judy Rags STAYTON Phone 4Ud dale, Ada Plymale, Mel Robinson, Opposite Luella Morgan, Alice Walkup, Gladys Claude Lewis’ Service Station Lake, and others sending gifts in cluded Nell Stahlman, Addie French, and Helen Kimmel. MIKE'S Septic Service Too Late To Classify FOR SALE—Three ladies' bikes. One Septic Tanks and Sewers Clean«! 24 inch and two 26 inch. Phone 4102. Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT Mrs. Russell Hoffman, Mill City. 23 1079 Elm St. W. Salem WANTED—Strawberry pickers. Will pick up. Please register now.—Joe Schmitz, Rt. 1, Box 243, Stayton, Oregon. Phone 14F51. 22p Weddle Funeral Home FOR SALE—20 acres bordering river Modern Funeral Service near Plywood Mill. Good house and OREGON other improvements. Price $8,000. STAYTON Phone Lyons 1251 or write Ina Stockwell, Rt. 1, Lyons. 23 FOR SALE—1952 Nash Rambler haidtop, $1045. Can be seen at Riv erview Cafe, Mehama, after 5 p. m. 24 JOHN W. REID, M. D Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY, OREGON NOTICE—Did your children receive satisfactory grades in school this year? I am now available for coach ing and baby sitting. Agness Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett (Ursula WOOD’S STORE Phone 3424 Mill City. 25p Witt) left Monday for Glendale, Cal., General Dry Goods after spending several weeks here WORK WANTED—Anyone looking NOTIONS LINGERIE with her parents, the Otto Witts, and for an experienced diesel or gas READY-TO-WEAR visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. logging truck driver, please call J. HOSIERY Floyd Bassett of Lyons. The younger R. Blankenship, 451, Detroit. 24 LUZIERS COSMETICS Mrs. Bassett and little son, Francis, ANNOUNCEMENT were in Oregon for about two months, Joseph M. Devers announces the due to the ill health of her mother. moving of his office from Stayton, PLUMBING—WIRING Several members of the Lions Club ^reKon 1« 270 North Cottage Street Water Pump Service Auxiliary assisted in the care of (Grabenhorst Building) Salem, Ore 24 HOUR SERVICE young children Sunday afternoon in gon, for the general practice of law. BROWNIE VALDEZ 24 Salem during the Institute for Par Phone 2-3786 Salem, Orel ents of visuallv handicapped children FOR SALE—6x9 and 12x18 all wool held at the School for the Blind. Help grey frieze broadloom rugs and ing from here were Mabel Nelson, l pads. Like new, used only a few Faustina Nesbitt, Mabel Hunter, also months. Will sell at big reduction. Scene TVctá. Frances and Carol Venesa. Call The Enterprise 2651 or Don Moffatt residence at 905, Mill City. Miss Frances Nesbitt celebrated her Mi JîlKÎ’^. < factorY-Suporvitod^ 12th birthday anniversary with a FOR SALE—Boys’ tan dress suit, like any new. Size 10-12. $12.00 — Phone Mill Service party at her home from 2 until 5I mam model City 2651. tf I o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Games, gifts and refreshments were the OR YOUR FISHERMEN: chief diversions for the guests. Those TELEVISION OR RADIO PROTECT YOUR invited included Bernice Potter, Marie Baker, Sandra Thomas, Caiol Merrill, FORESTS AND 3207 Rita Malde, Sandra Meader, Faith YOULI PROTECT Stiffler’s Radio & Baughman, Claire Melting, Brian Mof YOUR FISHING fatt, Teddy Fisher, Kenneth Bolstad, Applinace Co. Don Williams, James Meinert, and Mlil City, Oregon the hostess, Frances Nesbitt. Se Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Buckner of Jeffer son spent from Thursday night until Saturday night fishing at East Lake. They caught their limit, but the wea ther was anything but nice up there. Satuiday morning they were greeted with about three inches of snow and stated their lines froze to the poles when they first went out onto the lake. Members of the Three-Links club were entertained for their regular social meeting at the Oddfellows Hall Tuesday evening, with Maiie Stew art and Mabel Yankus as hostesses. Twelve members were in attendance. At the close of the business session, refreshments were served to Ida Fleetwood, Ruby Brisbin. Ruth Hess, Anna Crook, Dean Jackson, Alma Thomas, Lettie Swan, Blanche Syver- son, Mel Robinson and Ada Plymale. During the regular business meet- ing of the Santiam Rebekahs at the lodge hall last week, repoits from the District convention at Grant Pass were given by Dean Jackson. Antonia Thomas, and Ida Fleetwood, who at- 1 tended. A new. white Bible was put 1 into use for the first time at the meeting, which was presided over by the Noble Grand. Mrs. Fred Duffy. At ,the close of the meeting, reresh- ments were served by a committee made up of Clara Morris, Marie Stewart, Ruby Brisbin, Duffy. I ' I l George Rambo and Ralph Jull attending Boys State in Salem week, sponsored by the American Legion and the Mill City Boosters. Also attending is Allen Vail of Gates, sponsored by the Gates PTA. The boys were taken to Salem by John Muir and Bob Pratt. A group from the Mill City Legion will go to Salem Friday afternoon to hear the National Commander address Boys State. The public is invited to attend. Those going from here plan to leave about 3 p. m. THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM » Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplier 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4534 TRY OUT A NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE Seven day FREE TRIAL in your home. When in need of service for your machine or when yon need a new nr used Sewing Machine, Call or Write • Trade Mar« at THE SINGER MFC. C«k SINGER SEWING CENTER L\»ltd »M »our telephone book Only under SINGER SEWING MACHINS CO. 130 N. Commercial Phone 3 3512 SALEM,OREGON Good Music Shuffleboard MEANDER INN WHERE FRIENDS MEET On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY, OREGON George “Sparky” Ditter From where I sit... fy Joe Marsh f Out-of-town guests in the home of Mrs. Agness Allen, coming to at- tend the wedding of her grand- daughter, Nina Knight, were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jenks of Spokane, cous ins. Mrs. Peterson was one of Mrs. Alien's bridesmaids 52 years ago. Mrs. Jenks is the granddaughter of the aunt who mothered Mrs. Allen after she was orphaned at the age of three months. Others were Mrs. Bertha Parker of Eugene, sister-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hart of Springfield: Mrs. Marian Williams. Enid, Jay and Martha, of Fort Klamath and Mr. and Mrs. Is-alnd Parsons. Mrs. Della Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. I-aze Barton and Tommy and Miss Evelyn Boody of Salem, members of Mrs. Allen's Bible class. Have Something to Sell? Enterprise ( lass Ads Pay Wise Stepmother Have you heird about yonng Skeeter Robert«' unusual pet. the tame owl "Blinky"? He's had her shout three years. I «ay "her” because up to a couple of weeks ago nobody was quite sure. But now "Blinky's'* a mother—of two chicks! ’»eem»"Blinky" had been acting kind of strange—so on a hunch, Skeeter put a couple of hen's eg?s in her nest. Darn if "Blinky" didn't set on them for 5 days! I ast Friday they hatched, and now "Blink»'»” as proud as a rm ther hen! (So’s Skeeter.) From where I sit. there's a les son for all of us. Guess you'd call it “tolerance." Birds and animals often seem to do better in that respect than humans. If I like a glass of temperate beer with sup per and you'd rather have cider— it should be okay with both of us. Neither of us should give a "hoot what the other fellow likes, says, or does, as long as he follows the law of the land. Right? Copyrif 'll, 1954, l rutta ♦ : ♦ :