THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 1». 1954. t Quality Job Printing at G^ Auto Repair Work \ • • ! Sno*> rut doctor YPIANS, MEDES PERSIANS NY tAurses ■ Mill City Enterprise O'**- KT >N ALL WORK GUARANTEED a Welding and Auto Parts BEPS of stone , 'M~rA< or *e OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage BILL GUIER, Proprietor Phone 903 On old highway MILL CITY, OREGON SOME CHEEK and ROMAN 0cOS WERE BRONZE, IVORY OR SILVER, INLAID WITH tor ­ toise shell . B y the S tu Cew s Y ury . BEDS RAD BECOME HUGE, If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office j C urtain to edifices . way eoa rut Dwe's WiP. CHARLES THE BOLD. 1 (jHJS-MITj, PuNE OF BuRCUNPY, OWNED THE F irst portable bed . L ater , many bines and nobles traveled W ith , No need to have clothes with spots when you can have them cleaned • by us for so little. , Just call Mill City 3418 We'll pick up your cleaning and deliver it to you promptly. AND SOME IN. THEIR PEPS >• f* < f LATEST A merican BE'/c -OPHENT tS Tu£ H ide - a -8 ed . a comc - qr - NU METHOD TA 9 . f DOUBLE BED AT £ NIÇHTI by PAYA LUEUR!----- C JS SCF’, ~REL/ViNC ROOMS I - :• I ._i 48 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon Honrs 9 to 6 i. point ofpealty ano Gooch Logging Supply "Everything hr tne Logger' BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Branch Store at Lyons Sweet Home. Philomath TINA FISH rl«ht t» • Subscribe Today: Phone 1111 LG. A. Solid Pack Albacore Dear Customer: Every housewife has dreamed of the day she could have Formica Kitchen counter tops, because of its beauty, dur­ ability and ease in cleaning. Do you know how much it would cost to equip your kitchen with this fine product? If you are an average person you probably think it would take all the gold in Fort Knox. That is not true, and we would like to prove it to you. New Liquid Gives Easy Mothproof Touch to W’ool Mothproofing washable woolens being stored tor the summer will be easier this year with the help of a new solution, according to Mui le i Scales Osegon State college extension clothing specialist. The liquid product, EQ-53, was de- I velloped by the U. S. department of ! agriculture. Miss Scales said it is sold under several brand names, but ' EQ-53 aplicares prominently on most I containeis. The advantage of this insecticide is that it premits pestproofing while laundering by hand or in a machine. A few spoonsfull in the wash or rinse W'ater leaves a small, invisible quan­ tity of DDT in the wool to ward off insects. One tablespoonful of the product is used for each pound of wool to be washed. When wool is immersed in the solution picks up and retains enough DDT to make it immune to the moths. This treatment protects wool in storage for year or more. Miss Scales I said. If the woolens are worn, they will protect for a season unless they ares washed or dry cleaned. Then they need treatment again. The solution ; leaves no odor in the woolens, and it will not effect shrinking or matting of i the fabric. To avoid irritation of infant’s skin, ¡ the recommendation is to treat their clothing and blankets only if they aie I to be stored. Before they are used again dry cleaning is advi.-ed. I Directions for using this product are given in detail in the publication, “Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles,“ (HG-24). Copies are available from county extension agents or Oregon State College. We would welcome an offer to make an estimate on your kitchen. Come in ferns and see us and look over our many pat- and colors. “mber Sal Linn County Health Department Holds Clinic Preserve Your Hoy The Lyons Way 500 pounds Hay Salt Given With Each Salter Installed Have Us Mount a LYONS AUTOMATIC SALT DISPENSER On your hay baler now before the rush starts Salt will preserve your hay and make it much more palatable. SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Telephone 5021 STAYTON, OREGON Feeds Grinding and Mixing Machinery Seeda Cuatom Cleaning Hardware Seed Marketing Prtroleaai Produrti Fertilizer Household Appliaarea The I.inn County Health Depart­ ment conducted 17 preschool clinics throughout the county this spring. | A total of !M>5 children who will en­ ter the first grade next fall were ex­ amined. Since this number repres- ents three-quarters of the prospective ' first graders, the information gained at these clinics gives a good picture I of the health of this age group. • Tooth decay was the most common defect found. Thirty-six per cent of the children had decayed teeth, not counting filled or missing teeth. Fifty | four precent of all the children been to a dentist at least once, the 1950 clinics 39 percent of children were found to have decayed teeth. Five-fifth percent of the children h«ri eye defects including impaired vision and muscle weakness. Four percent had nose and throat defects which required attention. Two per­ cent had defects involving muscle or bone. Ten children were classed as having nutritional defects, 6 being overweight and 4 being underweight. Eighty-three pecent of the children had already been immunized against diptheria as compared with 69 per­ cent in 1950. The precentage of those immunized varied in diffenrent parts of the county from 67 percent to 91 percent. Sixty-two percent of the children had been immunized before the age of 2 years as compared with 50 percent in 1950. The precentage of those vaccinated against smallpox was 70 percent a< compared with 56 percent in 1950. Eighty percent of the children had been born in Oregon as compared | with 64 percent in 1950. When you need P R I N T I N G Telephone 2651 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE BISQUICK 40 oz pkg Salad Dressing >« ' Quart 39c SUNSHINE BRAND 1 lb. bag Large Jar 31c Marshmallows 28c RED LABEI c KLEENEX Karo Syrup TREND i| SOAP POWDER 11 Giant Package 200 SIZE QUART BOTTLE 49c Garden Fresh Produce 6 K*rs 39c Tomatoes Fresh, Ripe lb 19c Cantaloupes V1 ' EJU m \ k ?E,) lb 9c SWEET CORN Eresh and Tender I QUAUty MEAIS SLICED BACON BEEF ROAST Chuck blade per pound Chuck round bone per pound 39c 45c BOILING BEEF Lb. 59c (¡ROUND BEEF Still everyday low price Plate, Brisket or Short Ribs. lb. JJc Steer Round Steak i.b. : Lb. 65c Yearling1 Lamb Chops ih 45c ♦- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ken Golliet Mehama, Oregom We reserve the riifht to Limit Quantities 1