Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1954)
-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JUNE 3, 1954 Social Events Les's Tavern SHUFFLEBOARD Come here every Friday evening We Hold Shuffleboard Elimination Tournaments Business and Prefessional At a meeting of the Lions club aux DIRECTORY iliary held last Wednesday night at I the home of Mrs. Don Moffatt, Mrs. CLUB, LODGE AM) LOCAL ACTIVITIES I Lee Ba-sett was elected by the group I to serve as president for the coming J. W. GOIN Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor Phone 625 I year. VETERINARIAN , Othei officers elected were Mrs. STAYTON Phone 4144 Bob Veness, vice president; Mrs. Opposite Mrs. women usually take advantage of it Homer Thacker, secretary; Hills Enjoying European Claude Lewis’ Service Station when they have an "afternoon off.” Don Moffatt, treasurer and Mrs. Buzz Trip; Have Interesting Description of the trip through Fleetwood, historian. These officers mentioned the many beau will be installed along with the Lions Visit With Belgian Family Germany tiful gardens and neat wood piles club officers at joint installation Recent correspondence from the “just like the Plambecks at home.’ ceremonies to be held at W hitie’s "touring Hills'* has arrived from Lu- The Black Foiest was of unusual in Santiam Cafe next Monday night. cerpe Switzeiland; Stressa, Italy; and terest. German women weie seen on Following the meeting lunch was Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleanest Amsterdam, Holland. Thev had also their hands and knees working in the served by the hostess. Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT covered Germany quite thoroughly, gardens and fields the entire day. 1079 Elm St. W. Salem and stopped in Belgium. 1 Buildings were mostly bouse and Local Folks Attend Rainbow Of especial interest was a visit in barn combinations under one roof. the latter country with a Belgian fam They saw many results of the bomb Installation in Salem Tues. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuey, accom ily with whom their son. Bob Hill, Jr., ings, and in Fiankfort and Cologne Weddle Funeral Home panied by Rosalie Bassett, attended had stayed when he was overseas were signs of destruction. the Installation of officers of Chad with the Atmy during the war. Mrs. A steamer trip on the Rhine in Modern Funeral Service Hill stated they had no trouble finding cluded lunch aboard the boat. Hillsides wick Assembly, Order of Rainbow for ¡the family and they were very hospit- from the river were mostly terraced Girls, in Salem last Tuesday evening. STAYTON OREGON Mis. Shuey, who is mother advisor ¡able and seemed very pleased that vineyaids, and occasionally an ancient . castle could be seen. The river was for Rainbow heie, states that she has crowded with boats, mostly large been notified through the Supreme ' barges transporting freight. There Inspector, Verna Grey, of Seaside, JOHN W. REID, M. D. Venice, Italy, was described as very was a railload on each bank, and that Marilyn Assembly will have two girls acting as grand installing of ¡beautiful after daik, but after seeing trains running every few minutes. ficers for the institution of Cheiry Physician and Surgeon | the filth dumped into the water of the Assembly of Salem at 1 o’clock Sun canals in the daytime, it somewhat de- Hills Enjoy Visit With MILL CITY, OREGON day afternoon, June 6. traded from the glamor! it wM quite Grandson While in Naples Girls chosen for this hfinor of as a surprise to find so much water: In a letter received this week from sisting in the institution of a new there. They knew there were canals for streets, but didn’t realize that all Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, who are mak- assembly are Judy Haseman, who WOOD’S STORE the streets were canals. Just outside , ing a two-months’ tour of Europe, will take the place of the worthy General Dry Goods the city there is a huge garage that Mis. Hill remarked that they had been grand advisor as installing officer, NOTIONS LINGERIE will store 5000 cars. There are side away just a month, as the letter was and Geialdine Hamblin, a past worthy READY-TO-WEAR walks along the canals, but no place dated May 12, and was from Venice, advisor, who will act as Grand Mar HOSIERY I for cars, and bicycles are not even ! Italy, it taking five days to arrive shal. LUZIERS COSMETICS i by air mail. The last letter had been allowed. The beauty of Switzeiland was de from Rome, and told of the many Marie Stewart Honored at scribed as very awe-inspiring, and sights to see there. Surprise Party Last Week Cities visited so far on the tour quite a radical change from France A birthday surprise party was PLUMBING—WIRING France; land Italy. It reminded the travelers included Paris and Nice, , given for Marie Stewart at the home , Water PumD Service I of home a bit, with its mountains, Rome, Naples, Peiugia, I Florence in of Lettie Swan Tuesday evening of | ¡lakes, and rushing riveis. The Swiss Italy, in which country they will also 24 HOUR SERVICE last week, with Mabel Veteto, Mabie BROWNIE VALDEZ people were especially friendly, with stop at Milan and Stresa. The Yankus and Dean Jackson assisting Phone 2-3786 la distinct spirit of friendliness, while letters from home have been received the hostess. Salem, Oregoa ' in the two former countries tension quite regularly. Several games and the opening of I could be felt at times. Where former- While driving to their hotel in Na gifts served as entertainment for the lly, they didn’t dare eat lettuce, straw- pies, the Hills learned that the U. S. evening. Refreshments were served I berries, or drink milk, now thev could Carrier, Randolph, aboard which by the hostess later in the evening. B O U C H E ’ S ¡relax and eat what they chose. ¡their grandson, Kadarman 2C Richard Attending the surprise party be Interlaken had beautiful formal Haseman of Idanah is stationed, was sides the honor guest, Marie Stewart, gardens, and gorgeous landscaping, at anchor in the haibor. Mr. Hill were Ruby Brisbin, Eva Duffy, Jen Colored Fryers with snow-covered mountain peaks in hunted up some American sailors and nie Smith, Ada Dart, Mattie Root. Dressed to Order the background. Going to Lucerne, by sent a note to Dick, arianging for Ruth Hess, Ada Plymale, Dorothy way of Englewood, they enjoyed a I him and a young sailor friend to meet X ail, Sunny Chance, Blanche Syve**- Custom Killing trip by cable car almost straight up them at their hotel the following son, Anna Crook, Alma Thomas, Mel evening for dinner, which they did. the mountainside, and then farther Phone Lyons 678 Robinson, Wilma Ragsdale, and the still by air lift to an elevation of 6,000 Young Haseman will complete his hostesses, Lettie Swan, Mabie Veteto feet, up into the snow of the Alps. term in the Navy in September, and and Dean Jackson. Mehama, Oregon Their hotel in Lucerne ovei looked the will bring his wife and young son lake, which was covered with pretty home with him from Wilmington, Del-1 Many Attend Social Held little boats, motor launches and even aware. A side trip from Naples to Pom For Gates Teachers swans. The letter from Amsterdam, Hol peii revealed five square miles of GATES—A farewell dinner, spon Stayton-Jefferson land, told of having been in a different ruins still in existance. Near Naples sored by the Gates Parent-Teachei place each night for about the last they vistied the famous cameo fac Association, honoring teachers of the AUTO WRECKERS five nights, there not being as many tory. an art that exists no where else local schools who have resigned and in the world, and drove through Sal leisuie days as they had anticipated, will not be in Gates next year was Rebuilt motors and trans but they were getting along fine erno and were shown the beach where held in the recreation rooms of the missions. without them. The bargain-hunting American troops landed. high school Thursday evening, May A steamer took them to the Isle of 27. About 100 members of the com Cars bought and sold Carpi for a day, and upon reaching munity attended. Following the no We buy junk. the island they transferred to a launch host dinner at 6:30 a short program and taken to the Blue Grotto, the en was presented, which included guitar . Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. trance to which was so small they had numbers by Phyllis Tate and Doug- to lie down in a rowboat to get las liirte; a piano solo by Donalee I i through, A bai efooted boatman Oliver and vocal solos bv Mrs. Dan 1 hahdled the boat, singing “O Solo Morrison, accompanied at the piano i Mio'’ all the while. by Mrs. Margaret Clise. Sate TVitá I The Isle of Capri was described as The honoied guests were Mr. and I “very unglamorous—just a small Mrs. Don Miley, Mr. and Mrs. Dale rocky island, narrow streets, and the Reynolds, Mr. and Mis. Richard |shops full of trinkets for touiists— Parker, Mrs. Leta Dibblee, Darrell lots of horse and donkey-drawn Crossler and Miss Mary Page, who AK* ANY Service MAKi carts.' was ill and unable to attend. The MODEL teachers were introduced an each re- .’OR YOUR sponded with short talks. A social Garden Club Elects Mrs. hour completed the evening's enter TELEVISION OR RADIO Ike Myers as President tainment. The regular meeting of the Garden 3207 club was held Thursday evening at Spending the holiday weekend at Stiffler’s Radio & the home of Mrs. C. M. Cline, with the Carl Kelly home here was Mrs. Mrs. E. K. Fish and Mrs. Ike Myers Kelly's grandmother, Mrs. W. W. Applinace Co. sharing hostess honors. President Mason, and her grandchildren, Martin Mlil City, Oregon Clara Morris presided over the session and Catherine Mason, all of Harris for the last time, as she is one of the burg. outgoing officers. Chief business of the meeting was the election of new officers for next year. Elected weie the following: Mrs. Ike Myers, president; Mrs. Adolph Brunner, vice president; Mrs. Wendell, SALEM reelected secretary and Mis. W. H. Has Everything for Your Davis, treasurer. Discussion was held concerning the sending of a delegate to the combined district and state convention to be held in Ashland from June 6 through Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies 10. Mrs. Ike Myers, the new presi dent, will go as delegate. L41 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4534 At the close of the business meet ing, refreshments were served by the hotsesses, Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Myers. MIKE'S Septic Service GOOD MUSIC Meet your friends here for the Best In Beverages “BILL” GRAHAM, Owner GAIA? You con always make money with a McCulloch! Wherever there's wood to be cut, there's profit to be made with a McCulloch chain saw. Blade sizes are available for every type of cutting operation, from felling giant redwoods to making fence posts. You can increase your earning capacity — make extra dollars for ■> l°n8> l°nR time - by investing now in a dependable, fast-cutting McCulloch. You're Invited— W itliin the next few days, stop by our store for a real demonstration of wood cutting. ó Models Available Santiam Equipment Co Shake Shack East of Mill City Julia Bassett To Head Lions Club Auxiliary Phone 4572 Sc 1 LETTUCE FANCY, NO. 1 WHITE NEW POTATOES 10 lbs 39c OLD FASHIONED FRANKS Ih 3 7c THE COf’^ERCIAL BOOK STORE Large Solid Heads Dolores Pool Vice President Of Sophomores at OCE SHORTENING " a 3 lbs 79c I I | | Radishes B i Onions Always 3 for I Oc HILL TOP MARKET Harold and Willie Kliewer Telephone 2711 OFFICE NEEDS Mill City, Oregon. The Oregon College of Education chapter of Phi Beta Sigma, national professional honorary for teachers an nounced the slate of new officers for the year 1V54-55. Don McKenzie, sophomore from Salem has been elected president with Dolores Pool, sophomore from Mill City as vice-president. Pat Todd, sophomore from Salem is the new secretary, and Betty Beigh. junior from Portland was elected Treasurer-Historian. Mrs. O. K. DeWitt Given Woman’s Club Gavel J The Mill City Women’s Club held ' their final meeting of the club year I in the form of a picnic at the home | of Miss Daisy Geddes Tuesday after noon. The gavel was turned over to ^4rs. O. K. DeW itt, incoming president, by Mrs. John Muir, retiring president. Because of cold weather, lunch was served inside before the fireplace at small tables decorated by Miss Geddes | with arrangements of spring flowers. TRY OUT A NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE Seven day EREE TRIAL in your home. When in need of service for your machine or »hen you need a new wr used Sewing Machine, Call or Write • Trad« Mar* of THS SINGElt MF«. CMu SINGER SEWING CENTER LiiUd »«t yv*r Ulfphon» book 0*1* »«dtr SlNcER SBWINO MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial Phone 3-3512 SALEM.OREGON WHITIE’S SANTIAMCAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS ■Serving Your Favorite Cocktails