7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. MAY 27, 1954 CLASSIFIED RATES Ten cents per line each insertion. Business Services WWE US when in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a •emplete line of Philco television aets. See us first. Stiffler Radio and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill City. ltf Fowler Clothes Dryers Heating Installations Electric Supplies Montag Ranges Peerless Pumps Real Estate FOR SALE CHEAP—12 element Long John T.V. Antenna. Good FOR SALE—3 Bedroom home, fruit, for this area—See Bill Krone, berries and good garden spot. Pay Fir Grove Trailer Court, Mill City, our equity and the balance, in Oregon. 21p payments less than rent—H. E. Smith, Phone 1406, Mill City. 19tf FIRE WOOD—Summer prices. Cores from Lyons M&M plant cut to ord er, $8.00 per cord. Split log ends RESTAURANT FOR SALE—Just re lnder 17”, $10 per cord. Delivery decorated. Doing good business. Lo in 2 cord lots. Write Carl Tonak, cated in Oddfellow Building in Mill General Delivery, Lyons. 13tf City. Inquire at Mom & Pop’s Cafe. 12tf 1 FOR SALE—Model 549 McCulloch Chain Saw. Completely rebuilt and WHY RENT! BUY a good home in repainted. 40 inch blade and chain. Mill City. Let us show you modern Guaranteed. Special price, $140.— home that is priced right. See Don Santiam Equipment Co., just east Walker, Swift Addition, Mill City, of Mill City, Phone 4572. 21 Oregon. 5tf FOR SALE or RENT—1 bedroom home, completely furnished. On 2 nice lots. Call 3952, Mill City. 18tf LYONS PLUMBING Phone 1634 Lyons, Ore. Glen Shelton, Broker West side GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Mill City Ph. 2207 FOR SALE — Small, three-room house and lot in Shaw’s addition to Mill City. Will sell cheap. Inquire at Mom and Pop's Cafe, Mill City. 7tf Plants IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME FOR SALE—Geraniums, fuscias, bed ding plants by flat or 35c a dozen. John Lengacher, 4 miles west of Mill City on old highway. 22p ; tlotpoini _ A —P UA y 5 F. .SERVICE Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage has'» OFFICE FURNITURE and equip ment, typewriters, adding machines-, calculators, cash registers, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, rent, swap and repair. Bargains in used machines. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf TIMBER WANTED STAYTON, OREGON see us first for . . 7’ WANT TO BUY TIMBER FOR SALE- -100x250 foot lot in Riv STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. erview addition to Mill City. In 'n mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf quire at Mom and Pop's Cafe, Mill City. 6tf FOR SALE—Like new propane gas water heater. Inquire at The En- REAL ESTATE tei prise office. 12tf WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS WOMEN WANTED ■■ CHANCE MAKE MONEY every week mailing postcards. Work home spare time. Box 9 Watertown, Mass. 21p Farms & Mills With Timber L. E. KLUMPP P. O. Box 51, Salem, Ore. Automobiles Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2964 STAYTON FOR SALE—1952 % ton Ford Pickup. Good tires, low mileage.—See Jack Scott, Mill City. 21p FOR SALE—1946 Fold 4-door sedan. Very good condition. Radio, heater, seat covers, nearly new motor and good tires. Call 3424 Mill City. 21 Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Fiibert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 57^5, Pugot Timber Co. ef Oregon. 24tf Sawmill L6GS WANTED Top prices for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per month on a modern automatic pro pane range; clean, fast, dependable. Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also heating, water heaters, refrigerat- tion, brooders and Norge appli ances. 9tf STUD LOGS WANTED 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 feet plus trim. Six inch 16 inch diameter. Card of Thanks SEE HIRTE’S FEED STORE when | A THANK YOU—To Mr. and Mrs. in need of feeds or fertilizers. We ; Muir, who so generously donated cake carry of complete line and our prices I for the cpremonial of Camp Fire Girls are right. Fertilize your pasture and Blue Birds, also Stewart’s groc- • Whether you think an now. It will pay dividends in extia ' ery, Hilltop Market and Mill City illness ia contagious or growth. Hirte’s Feed Store, Mill Meat Market, and the three girls, not—call upon a physi City, Oregon. I Lynne Smith, Delores Andrews and cian to make sure. Let him . Naomi Taylor, who helped with the Home Appliances make a thorough check I cleanup. In behalf of everyone I thank of your condition. Then _____ 21 p FOR SALE—5-room Norpe circulat you again.—Ruth Keir. follow his instructions ing oil heater, with tank. Good con closely. We hope, too, dition. Make offer. Phone 1278. Mel Ilegal Notices that you will bring the vin Foster, Mill City. 21p doctor's prescriptions No. 40,929 FOR SALE—Zenith Wringer wash here for careful com er, $25. Thor wringer washer with IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE pounding. Just try usl STATE OF OREGON FOR THE pump, $35. Call 6802 between 9 and COUNTY OF MARION 5 p.m. or see Ken Chance after 6 EQUITY p.m. 1 block west of high school. Mill City. 21 EDGAR L. KELLOM and ) AGNES R. KELLOM, ) FOR SALE—Daveno, sleeps two, $10. ) Husband and wife, 200 feet metal wire fence, including Plaintiffs, ) iron posts, rails and two gates, also VS. ) ••••••• cement blocks holding posts. Also 9 JAMES S. WADS > ••••••• 12 inch tile. Can be seen at Mill City WORTH, and MARY ) irrori Lodge. Corner Alder and 3rd. 21 DOE WADSWORTH, ) if married, and if ) James S. Wadsworth ) be deceased, his un ) known heirs; NINA- ) BELLE KAHLOR, an ) HEAVY HAULING heir of Nina Wads- ) Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Kahlor, de- ) worth and the un- ) ceased; Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment known heirs of NINA ) WADSWORTH KAH- ) LOR and JOHN DOE > Ph. SALEM EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION KAHLOR, the husband ) Day 3-9408 band of Nina Wads ) Nite 2-4400 worth Kahlor, if she ) Contracting and Rental was married at the ) time of her death; and ) any unknown heirs of ) JAMES M. WADS ) WORTH and RETTA ) B. WADSWORTH; al ) so all the persons or ) parties unknown claim ) ing ary right, title, ) estate, lien or interest ) The quality of lubricant used on your car is just as important as in the real estate ) the regularity of greasing. You can always depend on us to do described in the Com ) the job right and use the best quality grease on your automobile. pliant herein. ) Defendants ) WE DO WHEEL BALANCING ON YOUR CAR SUMMONS TO: James S. Wadsworth and Mary I Doe Wadsworth, his wife, if married, and his ceased; Wads John Nina Capitol Drug Co Salem Sand & Gravel Co. OUR LUBRICANTS MEET Highest Standards We give Penny Saver Stamps Silver Saddle Service Station Phone 903 - 51tf FOR SALE—1952 Ford 4-door sedan, in Al condition. Low mileage. Must sell on account of illness. Mrs. Guy BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Sorenson, Mill City. 21p Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 46tf Feed I 20-4tc W anted TO BUY — CU« peeled M west of Mehama. Oregon Mill City, Oregon IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OREGON, yju are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed CITY OF MILL CITY, OREGON aga.nst you in the above-entitled Court and Cause, on or before June 3, In a voidance with the provisions of the ‘‘Local Budget Law' (Section» 1954. that being the time prescribed ORS 294-305 to 294-415, O.C.L.A.) notice is hereby given that the budget by the Court m the Order for the committee of the City of Mill City, Oregon, in compliance with said law , service of this Summons upon you prepared and adopted on April 28, 1954 the budget estimates for the City by publication thereof, and after four of Mill City, Oregon for the ensuing fiscal year of July 1, 1954 to June 39 weeks publication successively there 1955, as set forth in the accompanying schedules. of from the date of the first publi- . All persons are hereby notified that on Tuesday, the 1st day of June cation; and if you_f¿ul so to appear 1954. at 8:00 p. M , in the City Hall. Mill City, Oregon, -.aid budget estimate* and answer, for want thereof, Plain- j may be discussed with the Common Council, the levying board for the City tiffs will take a Decree against you of Mill City, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax that they are the owners in fee simple levies will be heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax and in possession of the following levies or any part thereof. An election will be held between the hours of 8:06* described premises, to-wit: P.M. and 10:00 P.M. June 1, 1954, at the City Hall, when qualified voters may cast a vote for or against said budget. Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of a County road BUDGET COMMITTEE levying Board: which point is Easterly 250.0 Freeholders: Win. Slewart, Jr. Wm. Stewait, Jr. feet from a point which is North Harold Kliewer Chm. Budget Committee* John A. Muir 1471.12 feet and West 1855.96 J. C. Kimmel Donald Jenkins D. B Hill, Jr. feet from the corner common to Lowell Stiffler Mayur, City of Mill City section 29, 30, 31 and 32 in Town Arlo Tuers Martin Hansen N. J. Thacker ship 9 South, Range 3 East of the L. A. Knowles C. E. Mason Recorder. City of Mill City Willamette Meridian in Marion ESTIMATE I> RECEIPTS FISCAL YEAR 1954-1965 Actual Estimated Eatimateoi County, Oregon; which point is GENERAL FUND Actual 1953 1951 the Southwest corner of a tract 1951-52 1952-1953 1954-1955. of land conveyed to R. E. Dom- Fine.« and Forfeited Bail __ $ 2,511.50 $ 1,506.75 $ 1,500.00 $ 800.00 46.50 99.50 browsky et ux by deed recorded 50.00 Building Permits ....... ..... 50.00 January 11, 1954, as Fee No. 1.190.50 1,186.75 1,000.00 Business Licenses _______ 1,200.00 468907, Deed Records for Marion 1,815.84 2,162.44 1,700.00 2,000.0« Liquor Fund _____________ County. Oregon; thence Northerly 192.00 105.38 70.00 150.00 Other Receipts ................. ..... along the Westerly line of said $ 5,060.82 $ 4,320.00 TOTALS — General Fund $ $,756.34 $ 4,200.0ft' Dombrowsky tract, 140.0 feet to STREET FUND the Southerly line of a tract of Highway Fund ....................... $10,210.01 $10,791.52 $11,000.00 $11,250.00- land described in a deed to Vern 554.90 500.00 400 00 455.96 County Road Fund ______ on S. Todd, et ux by deed recorded 1,697.46 1,500.00 Power Franchise _______ __ - . 1,169.37 1,500.00- March 10, 1948, in Volume 384, 4,487.73 500.00 734.48 Street Work Reimbursements 500.00 Page 559, Deed Records for Mar 457.50 272.50 200.00 Equipment Rental ..... .......... 160.001 ion County, Oregon; thence West erly, along the Southerly line of $13,027.32 $17,804.11 $13,600.00 $13,900.00 TOTALS—Street Fund said Todd tract to the most South 3,000.00 Less beginning deficit_ erly corner of said Todd tract; thence Northerly, along the West $13,027.32 $17,804.11 $10,600.00 $13,900.0«i TOTALS—Street Fund erly line of said Todd tract, 148.0 $18,783.66 $22,864 93 $14,920.00 $18,100.0*» TOTALS—All Receipts feet more or less to the South HTURES — FISCAL YEAR 1954-1955 ESTIMATED EX PEN I line of N. W. Alder Street; thence GENERAL FUND Westerly along the Southerly Recorder & Judge Salaries $ 1,791.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.06 line of N. W. Alder Street, 133 332.95 300.00 91.09 200.00 Office Supplies _________ feet to its intersection with the 5.744.40 5,264.24 6,620.00 6,000.00 Police Salaries Easterly line of Northwest 7th 22.35 100.00 150.00 55.95 Board of Prisoners ...... Street in Mill City, Marion Coun 1.000.00 1,531.12 1,500.00 859.32 Police Car Expenses —........ ty, Oregon; thence Southerly, 716.40 935.35 900.00 950.00 Insurance ________________ along the Easterly line of said 300.00 221.78 350.00 437.96 Jail Maintenance ...... -..... Northwest 7th Street, to the 500.00 «50.00 550.00 Playground Program ............ Northerly line of the first above- 250.00 190.00 220.00 190.00 Civil Defense ______ __ — mentioned County road; thence 150.00 402.83 600.00 227.53 Interest ____ ___ _________ Easterly along the Northerly line 1,000.00 1,000.00 632.85 320.21 Other Expenditures ............. of said County road, 150.0 feet to the place of beginning; TOTALS—General Fund ... $10,463.86 $11,833.47 $13,420.00 $12,840.00 a further Decree quieting their title STREET FUND thereto and enjoining you, and each of Maint. & Repair Materials $ 4,299.45 $11,972.64 $ 5,000.00 $ 9,000.00 i you, from asserting any interest or 1,000.00 500.00 407.55 Equipment Operation ----- . 1,311.69 claim to said property adverse to 1,250.00 1,250.00 3,448.23 881.27 Equipment Repair . ............ Plaintiffs. 5,400.00 5,000.00 4,315.19 Salaries ............. .............. ...... . 3,460.50 . Service of this Summons upon you 3,600.00 3,500.00 2,375.25 2,628.58 Street Lights .................. -.... by publication thereof is made by 300.00 300.00 33.00 18.00 Park ------ — ----- ---------------- Order of the Honoiable George R. 2,135.77 Grader Payment ............ -...... . 2,340.45 Duncan, Judge of the Circuit Court 29.50 Paving First Street ............ of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, at Salem, Oregon, April TOTALS—Street Fund -... $17,283.07 $22,374.00 $16,450.00 $19,650.00 26th, 1954, and the date of the first 3,000.00 3,000.00 'EMERGENCY FUND publication thereof is May 6, 1954. M HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN i TOTAL—All Expenditures . $27,746.93 $34,207.47 $32,870.00 $35,490.00 By GLEN V. SORENSEN, SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND of Attorneys for Plaintiffs, I TAX LEVIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1954 1955 180 N. Commercial Street, TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ................ $32,870.00 $35,490.00' Salem, Oregon. 18,100.00' -............. 14,920.00 May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 196 I. LESS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS ...... Notice of 1954-55 Unden t Election Miscellaneous PROPOSED TAX LEVY NOTICE OF STREET VACATION AND PUBLIC HEARING TAX LEVY INSIDE 6% LIMITATION Pursuant to the provisions of action TAX LEVY OUTSIDE 6% LIMITATION taken the 5th day of May, 1954 by I the common council of the City of Mill [City, Marion-Linn Counties, Oregon, there will be a public hearing held on the 11th day of June, 1954 at the City Hall in Mill City, Oregon. Said public hearing is to commence at eight (8:00) o’clock p. m. of said day for the purpose of hearing re jections and remonstrances to the proposition as to whether or not the said hereinafter described portion of streets in the Jahnke Addition of the City of Mill City, Oregon shall be vacated by the common council: All streets as shown in the Plat of Jahnke Addition to Mill City, Linn County, Oregon, lying North of the South line of Lot 3, Block 1, extended West to the West line of said addition; and of the South line of Lot 16, Block 1, extended East to the Southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 2, and of the South line of Lot 17, Block 2, extended East to the East line of said Addition. Also that portion of street lying East of Lots numb ered 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Block 2 as extended to the East line of said addition. 1. Posted at both ends of all streets to be closed. Published: May 13, 20 and 27 and ! June 3, 1954. N. J. THACKER. Recorder, the City of Mill 1 City. Per order common council, | City of Mill City, Marion- Linn Counties. Oregon. n lar.ts $17,390.06* $ 4,210.16- $13,179.841 MILL CITY MEAT MABKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS ^’’bscrihe to the Mill City Enterprise Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and We buy *. v junk. » he $17,950.00 Phone 6281, Stayton, Ore. ■