Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1954)
2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1954 San Juans, Islands cf Contentment, Draw Visitors Seeking Relaxation SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Stayton Phone 6284 Motorloggers Travel To Puget Paradise _ By Auto and Ferries* The following 1« a condensa tion of a motorlog appearing In the May <3 laaue of NORTH WEST roto section. The Sunday Oregonian magazine ft la one of an annual aeries sponsored Jointly by The Oregonian and the Oregon State Motor association. and elhor rectal disorders, • cuti UH ITIIUCI IHMI1I J. • urn! (itna) IiwM *<M BY KEITH HANSEN Staff Writer. The Oregonian tRutSI Pervading atmosphere of the San Juan islands, sensed even after a brief visit, is the content-' ment of the islanders with their away-from-it-all existence A good many of them left homes and jobs on the mainland to settle on the isolated islands, which make up San Juan county. Wash , after first feeling the spell while on vacation. These new comers now outnumber the “na tives." and the process continues. White motorlog car pause* at coast guard lighthouse on San A resort owner on the sleepy Juan Island, county seat for the Puget sound group. Across the island of I-opez said one trouble water I* Vancouver Island, reached by Washington state ferries. with the resort business was that this summer's paying guest, like via the scenic Hood Canal high Cascade mountains line in one as not. will buy a bit of beach way. direction, Vancouver island's property and will be back next There was no need to hurry at peaks in another and the Olympic summer building his own cabin. She didn't »ay It maliciously, any time In the trip of about 700 range in another. however. She was happy about it miles, a good part of it over San Artificial vacation excitement on Orcas, as on the other islands. She. too. came for a visit eight Juan island roads. Washington state ferries offer Is almost non-existent. You fish — years ago and came back to stay San Juan islanders love folks regular year-round passage to the for salmon on the troll, for bot San Juans, and during the vaca tom fish near the rocks or for who love their islands. tion season through them to Sid trout in the lakes—you go hiking, Isles Number 172 ney, on Vancouver island. The you sit in the sun away from The 172 small, beautiful Islands, ferry ride itself is a scenic mar your office. Take your choice. which are tops of a mountain vel, winding among the many That a great many people love range that sank beneath the sea. beautiful island*, sometime* with restful San Juan vacations is in lie north of Puget sound between in slingshot distance of the shore dicated by the fact that accom the United States mainland and line. modations are crowded in July I-opez island, our first stop. Is and August. The traveler should Canada's Vancouver island, with in a comfortable day's drive from somewhat flat but with the beau have a reservation in those Portland. tifully rugged, rocky shore typi months. If you relish the quiet life, try cal of the San Juans. Farms, them for a full vacation. Should many of them tended by fisher San Juan Historical San Juan island, site of Friday you yearn for bright lights after men in their off season, dot the a brief Interval, give them the landscape. It's a great place for Harbor, the county seat, hasn’t quick tour by ferryboat and car complete isolation from city life, the scenic attraction of Orem, In the familiar white Oregon and only recently has It become but the fishing is just as good and the island history is here State Motor association Ford, we resort conscious. along with the island doctor (who drove to Anacortes, gateway to Resort* Offer Cabin* uses a private plane), theater, the San Juans, and spent the Orcas, the largest and most and liquor store. night there We spent three days Here was the final boundary touring Ixipez. Orcas and San picturesque of the islands. Is the Juan islands, the regular ferry most popular with vacationers. conflict between the United stops; then drove down Whidbey Some 35 resorts make the tour States and Great Britain. Each island to Keystone, ferried to ist dollar a most important part nation claimed the islands, and Port Townsend and came home of the Island's limited economy. in the 1850s each occupied a part As on the other islands, resorts of San Juan island. The old block offer chiefly housekeeping cabins, house of the English camp still comfortable but unpretentious. stands, along with some other Average rental is $35 a week for buildings. two, with $5 extra for each ad Friday Harbor's annual Ren ditional person. dezvous, this year scheduled Aug On Orcas is Moran state park. ust 14. is a summer highlight, a 6000 acres, most of It within vir- free salmon barbecue for visitors. gin forest, with four lakes and This year plans are afoot to feed camp grounds. a crowd of 3500. Orcas’ prime attraction Is Mt. Game is so plentiful in the Constitution. 2400 feet, highest islands that residents look on point on the islands. Its stone ob their small deer and pheasants servation tower affords one of as pests. San Juan island itself the world's most spectacular ma has so many rabbits, offspring of rine views a colony of Belgian hares, that The San Juans lie calmly be high schoolers, it’s said, make . Motorlog took writer north to low, seemingly almost under foot I spending money from a modern Anacortr-«. then by ferry to three There in the near distance is type “snipe hunt" blinding the of San Junn*; home via Uhiilhey Bellingham, there Anacortes; rabbits with bright searchlights inland and Hood Canal route. snow-capped Mt. Baker and the I then netting them! C Dun. M D. O’or Founder E D K E Oescilptive BookkN IMI IMS r K E B WrlH Cell THE DEAN CLINIC Open 10 until 5 Monday through Friday. Vafll • p m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Chlrapra/fic Phyaician* . . . In evr 4^d year. 303A NORTHEAST SANDY BOULEVARD Totephpno EA<> 3Y1B Dortlayd 13, Ore. NEW Enduring PASTEL I HOUSE PAINT Colors SMART! MODERN! ST/V Bff'iHT! $6 Radon in 5 gallon cans Whii». —— tiwuuaid color* Som» color* • lightly higher. i Glidden ENDURANCE ENDURANCE ho. high glo.i, shed, dirt! ENDURANCE is special ly formulated to withstand local climatic conditions! ENDURANCE brushes on with velvet smoothness! Use ENDURANCE and you'll agree! Santiam Farmers Co-op SREDS FERTILIZER FEEDS (.rinding and Mixing MACHINERY HARDWARE SEED MARKETING CUSTOM (LEANING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS household Ai ri i \\< i s 5024 STAYTON, OREGON Quality Job Printing at 1951 Wool Support Price Mill City Enterprise Announced by Agricultural Department This Week price if the wool is not redeemed by that date. Applications for loans are made by the producers through wool handlers who have been approved by Commod ity Credit Corporation to handle Gov ernment wool. Loans may be made by Banks acting as lending agencies for CCC or the producer may borrow di rect from CCC through his approved wool handler. If new legislation is enacted for wool price support it is contemplated by the U.S. Department of Agricult ure that any borrowers under the present plan would be eligible under an new plan when it goes into effect. The U. S. Department of Agricul ture has announced a National aver age support price of 53.2 cents a pound on the 1954 wool clip. This is equal to 90% of the parity price for wool as of March 30, and is one tenth of a cent above last year's National average support price and one cent below the 1952 support. Producers may borrow up to 70% of the estimated value while waiting for appraisal of the wool. This temp orary loan (maturing in six months) The Mill City Enterprise gives you may then be converted to a loan ma turing April 30, 1955. This is a non news of the entire canyon area each recourse loan which becomes a sale week. Why not have it delivered to to the Government at the support you each week for $2.50 per year? -Mili Ends- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sheets of Sale* were guests Sunday at the Paul Hig ley home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mrs. Grace Morgan of Stayton, vin LaVine et Toledo. spent Sunday here visiting at the homes of her sons, Tom and Hyde Mrs. Ann Orlando, who ha> been Motgan and their families. visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Charley Stewart, returned to San Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Tuera and four Jose, California, after visting in Mill sons planned to leave Wednesday of City for a month. Also returning with this week by train, for a two weeks Mrs. Orlando were her grandchildren trip to Michigan. Suzette and Robert Gary Saltala- machia. Mr. and Mrs. Cylde Richards (Was- , da Vandermer) and small son, have Word was received here early Sun ■ moved into the former Pound house, day of the death of John Needham, oi located near the Hilltop store. Albany, an uncle of Mrs. Ernest Gra ham and Mrs. Bessie Vandermeer. Hi Visiting here Sunday with Mr. and was the brother of their mother, Mrs. H. I. Plymale, were Mr. and Mrs. Stone Wells, who has been con Mrs. Ray Plymale and daughter and fined to a convalescent home in Salem two sisters and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny for some time. Plymale, all of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup and l Mr. and Mrs. Perry Willoughby drove I to Silverton Sunday where they en- I joyed viewing the Iris gardens in that area. Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY $19 West Washington Street. Representing the Santiam Rebekahs at the State Convention in Grants Pass last week were Dean Jackson, Ida Fleetwood and Antonia Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Gates, were also there on a visit. OPEN SUNDAYS AN» EVENINGS Telephone 6684 STAYTON. OREGON Dale Bassett of Loe Angeles, ar rived here Sunday to visit at the Otto I Witt home and at the home of his I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett ! in Lyons. Mrs. Bassett and son have been visiting at the home of her par ents, the Otto Witts for the past six weeks. Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 • A meeting of the Mill City Boosters will be held at Fellowshipp hall Thurs day night at 8 o’clock sharp. All busi nessmen are urged to attend. Mr. Lid ström, of Albany, will be present to speak briefly on petitions relative to the traveling library for Linn county. An attempt is being made to have a measure to this effect placed on the ballot this fall. Other business relative to the bond issue will be taken up. Mill City • Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Closed Mondays DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stay ton in the Post Office Building. 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers office« Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. a. HOME OFFICE: 343 W. FIRST, ALBANY THE MILL CITY _____ ENTERPRISE Entered as second class matter No vember 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879. NEWSPAPER \ LICENSED PUBLISHERS J GARBAGE SERVICE ASSOCIATION $1.50 Per Month and Up Also servicing Gates. Lyons, Idanaha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Per Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.50 Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.00 ------------------------ - • DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN NEW TIRES Ge’ FU^^RECAP^ on your present tires—get New Tire Each fire protection all ‘round at gets individual only half the cost. care—individual 100*« cold rubber used SANTIAMCAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS • processing of the throughout for maxi FULL RECAP. mum wear—maxi- No skimpy thin tread. EV- mum safety. ERY RECAP HAS NEW TIRE TREAD DEPTH. CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— r Improved tread design is cl mafic controlled to meet Ore SEND FOR PROOF TODAY! gon s No obligation. Get your free "Com parison" Booklet.) for non-skid traction. h»n! »our pari« YOU GET GREATER VALUE AT Â GREATER SAVINGS! Addreis. City------ demand State s- t-EPUB Hours: 9 a. m. until 7 p. m. Hilltop General Store I Don't be misled ,, Don't regroeve Don’t retread Get FU! I RECAPS FREES GARAGE Lyons. Oregon J & P service : Mill ( ity. Oregon »