The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, May 27, 1954, Image 1

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Nt MBER 21
North Santiam
Here In June
Memorial Day To
Be Observed by
Cemetery Services
i, \ | | \\
$2.50 a Year,
THURSDAY. MAY 27, 1954
Kelh and Means Chosen
I'o Attend ((invention
a Copy
City Budget Election
Here Monday Evening
At the Lion dub meeting held*
Monday nig!
night it was decided that the |
Lions and 1 Lions Auxiliary would hold
joint inst lallation of officers at the!
next me, ting. Monday June 7 at
Whitie' ( I afe east of Mill City.
George Veteto won the “pot" and I
Detroit Dam Weather
turned th 1 money over to the conven- '
(Courtesy of Corps of Engineers)
tion ‘und. "Lucky” Jay Mason again
Dailj 7:30 A. M. Readings
won t he pi agressive auction, John
M.S.I.. Pool
Baldwin was inducted as a new mem-
Max. Min. Pep.
3 7
0.00 1563.61
4 May
Charles Kelly and Howard Means Mav 19
0.00 1563.67
were elected to represent the club at May 20
0.07 1563.76
the state convention to be held in May 21
40 trace 1563.37
0.00 1563.21
May M
This was the last meeting of the Mav 23
45 trace IMS. 22
club for the summer, with the ex­ May 24
0.37 1563.22
ception of the installation meeting
and dinner.
Y’oters will have the opportunity of
approving or disapproving the city
budget for 1954-55 at an election to
The North Santiam Chamber of
be held at the city hall between the
Crmmerce will hold its June meeting
hours of 8:00 and 10:00 p. m. Tues­
ir Mill City, according to plans made
day, June 1.
at Detroit recently. At this time, Al­
The budget which the committee
bert Weisendanger, executive secre­
has recommended for passage at thia
tary of the Keep Oregon Green Com­
election is slightly smaller this year
mittee will be the guest speaker.
than last.
At the Detroit meting the highway
, In the year 1953-54 the proposed
department came in for a scorching
tax levy was for $17,950, and ■ *«-
from the members of a committee of
amount asked for this year is $17,-
the Chamber and the Santiam Grange.
The committee had planned to attend
i On the levying board this your
a highway meeting to present theii
were Wm. Stewart, Jr., John A. Muir,
views on the need of a foot walk
D. B. Hill, Jr., Arlo Tuers, and L.
across the bridge between Lyons and
A. Knowles. Freeholders on the bud­
Mehama. As the committee was on
Mrs. Gwen Schaer Hostess 1
get committee are Harold Kliewer,
the way to Portland to attend the
Donald Jenkins, Lowell Stiffler, Mar­
To Gates Woman’s Club
meeting, they read in a Portland pap­
tin Hansen and C. E. Mason,
er, where the project had already been
GATES—Mrs. Gwen Schaer was
Residents are asked to take time
deemed unnecessary. A letter to the
hostess Thursday evening, at her home
out and vote for the passage of thia
department from Secretary Wright of
to members of the Gates Womans
proposed budget at the city hall be-
Richard Verbeck Wins
the Chamber, bi ought answer that the
club. Twenty-seven members and
Only a light vote was cast in both tween the hours of 8 and 10 o’clock,
foot walk would again be considered.
Scholarship at O.C.E.
three guests, Mrs. Clarence Parker of precincts in Mill City at the primary Tuesday, June 1.
A publicity program for boosting
Richard Lee Y'erbeck, senior of Mill Salem, Mrs. Minnie Everton, of Y'ak- election held Friday.
the North Santiam area as a tourist
City has been awarded a scholarship ima, Washington and Mrs. Fred Kist,
Serving on the election boards here
center was ditcussed. It is now being
for his freshman year in college be­ were in attendance.
were: Day board, Linn county, Glen Graduation Exercises To Be
planned to erect a sign at the junction
M rs. Kenneth Martig presided at I Shelton, Lettie Swan, Robert Veness,
ginning in September.
Held Friday for Eighth
of the Noith and South Santiam high­
He is one of the high school stud- the business session. Mrs. Glen Hen- Mrs. Hugh Jull, and Mrs. Hugh Walk­
ways, in an attempt to divert more
of Mill City
i ents of the state who will enroll at
up; and night board, Altha Grimes,
Traffic down the canyon.Placement of
I OCE and will receive a full tuition ing of the Marion County Federation Frances Dolezal, Mel Robinson, Ann
Graduation exercises for the Eighth
this sign, however, must have the ap­
of Women’s club, in Detroit.
Grade graduating class of the Mill
Holman, and Clara Swan.
proval of Jack Sawbert, Cascadia dis­
Installation of new officers was
Mary H. Gordon, Idanha, a sopho­
For Marion county: Day board, City grade school are scheduled for
trict forest ranger.
more this year has received notifies-'held. Mis. W. S. Hudsn, acting as in­ Bette Reid, Mary Turpin, Jennie Friday evening, in the elementary
As a good will gestuie, the Chamber
tion that she will receive a full tui- stalling officer, presented corsages to Maag, Helen Saucier, and Catherine gymnasium. Feature during the even­
will play host at a picnic at Detroit
I tion scholarship for the netx school the retiring officers, Mrs. Kenneth Blazek; night board, Lettie Cline, ing will be the appealance of the
am June 13 for Grangers who will be
Martig, Mrs. Glenn Gordon, Mrs. Phil­ Beatrice Jones, Jennie Davis, Eva I class members in a play, "The Myster­
i year.
attending a state convention in Al­
lip Hess, president; Mrs. Glenn Hen-1 i Duffy, and Pauline Brunner.
ious Stranger,” under the direction of
Pictured above are Richard An­
ness, vice president; Mrs. Stanley
In the gubernatorial lace, Patterson their instructor, Mrs. Donald Sheythe.
derson. valedictorian, at Mill City
E. Rogers, county commissioner was
secretary and Mrs. Albert Mill­ defeated Newbry. For State Senators
Complete progiam will be as fol­
To Stayton-Scio This Week Vail,
introduced and spoke briefly about the
sap. treasuier.
high school, and Donna Bengston,
Mark Hatfield, Lee V. Ohmart. Robert lows: Welcome, Carol Cooke; “I Got
rew Marion county courthouse in
salutatorian. Photo courstey the
Sixpence," Boys’ Trio, L. Urban, L.
lodge will hold a short meeting heie of the secret pals were revealed and Elfstrom and Al Loucke were high.
Ed Rogers won for county commis­ Bilyeu, L. Podrabsky; Class play;
E. C. Kennedy, Huber Ray, Ray
gifts exchanged. Names were drawn sioner, and Harold Domogala was Presentation of Awards, Vernon S.
clock, then go to Stayton where both for the new year. The hostess, Mrs.
Sophy and Len Davis were appointed
■ lodges will join in exemplifying the Schaer, assisted by Mrs. Frankie John­ high for county assessor. Both county Todd; “Italian Medley,” Girls’ Quar­
on a committee to see if more funds
measures were defeated.
tet, Lynda Dyhrman, Helen Joiner,
initiatory degree on candidates from son and Mrs. Robert Levon served re-
for schools could be received in areas
In Linn county, Patterson defeated Sharon Moore, Judith Roebke; Trum­
where most of the land is owned by
, freshnients.
Newbry; Baker won over Allen as pet, Lahny Podrabsky; Processional;
ers will make up the degree team.
the government.
labor commissioner, Downing defeated “I Hear America Singing," by the
F idav, the members will gather at
A movie, “An Idea Takes Wings,'
Grenz as county commissioner and class; Class history, Larry Urban;
the hall here at 7 o’clock for another Local Students To Receive
was show’n prior to adjournment.
0,'Malley won over Shelton for county “Tell Me Why," Class song; Presen­
short meeting, and then adjourn to go Degrees from O.C.E. in .June
tation of Diplomas, Russel Kelly; and
i to Scio, where the)’ will make a frat-!
Baccalaureate services were held
“A Perfect Day,” by the entire class.
The Registiars office at Oregon
Santiam Valiev Grange
, ernal visit.
for the 1954 graduating class of the
Characters in the “Mysteriou«
I College of Education in Monmouth
i Stranger" mclude: Peter Lister Larry
Host for Pomona Meeting Mill City high school in the auditor- Nu-Method Cleaners To
has announced that Marion Frances Funeral Services Held for
iiyn Sunday evening, May 23.
tPaskeck of Mill City, Elva C. Quiqen, Former Resident in Albany ■ ««•■a«., N
®falie’I hi ins ; ,i
\ter Lawauns
At Grange Hall Friday
Numbers on the program were as Move to New Location
Ivan L. Smith, Albert A. Miller and
Funeral services were held Wednes­ I ■ Morgan; M th . Lister, Naomi Taylor;
The Nu-Method Cleaners operated Lester G. Wheeler all of Lyons will day afternoon at 2 o’clock for John Mr. Lister, Lauren Dait; Bernice, the
LYONS—Santiam Valley grange follows: Processional, Virginia Hoeye;
was host for the meeting of Linn I Hymn, , “Near the Cross,” by the con­ ■ by George and Mabel Veteto will move be awarded the Bachelor of Science Needham, 77, who died in an Albany maid, Barbara Fleming; Two Police
i into their new building just west of Degree at the graduation cei emonie.« hospital early Sunday. Burial was in officers, Michael Thomas, and Dale
County Pomona grange held at the gregation; Invocation, minister Hugh
Jull; Vocal number, “The Twenty- • Muir’s Bakery Monday, and will be at the college June 4.
Riverview cemetery, Mr. Needham Smith.
gTange hall Friday evening, with Har­
Graduating class: Larry Bilyeu,
by the Girl«' Chorus open for business Tuesday morning.
The list of graduates includes all was born at Tangent December 5.
ry Wiley, Pomona master and Gerald
directed by Miss Marilyn Cederberg; ! The building was purchased several those who have completed their work 1876. He spent most of his life in Kyron Child, Gwendolyn Christensen,
Truax, overseer, presiding.
for the months ago. This past week they have between the summer of 1953 and June that area, but at one time years ago, Herschel Clark, Carol Cooke, Lauren
Scripture Reading; Player
Henry Henderickson, state deputy Graduates; Hymn, “Let the Lower completed rebuilding and lepainting 1954. Governor Patterson will deliver he worked in the Hammond mill here. Dart, Lynda Dyhrman, Barbara Flem­
and state youth chairman of Portland Lights Be Burning.” by the congre- the interior,
the graduation address.
Surviving besides a sister, Sarah ing, David Jennings, Helen Ann Join­
was introduced and w-elcomed. The gatiop; Sermon, “The Great Chai-1
Jane Wells of Salem, are his nieces, er, Larry Large, Sharon Moore, La-
general discussion of the evening was lenge That Jesus Gave,” Rev. Cyril'
Mrs. Bessie Vandermeer and Mrs. Er­ wauna Morgan, Lahny Podiabsky, Al­
plans for State Grange which will be R. Brewer; Song, “These Things
nest Graham of Mill City, and several vin Ray, Judith Roebke, John Roten,
held in Albany beginning June 14. Shall Be—A Loftier Race," by the i
Dale Smith, Phyllis Smith, Jane Stew­
other nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Robert Schmidt, Pomona lectur­ Girls' Chorus; Benediction, minister!
art, Naomi Tavlor, Michael Thomas,
er, presented the following program: Hugh Jull; and Recessional Mrs.1
Larry Urban, and James Williams.
Trading “I Like Conventions," by Mrs. Hoeye.
Legion Asks Help To Send
Fdna White, Robert Schmidt exempli­
Commencement Here Tonight
Boys To Beaver Boys State ‘Bisket Basket’ Club Wins
fied the procedure of presenting and
By Jerry Coffman
of the party that had never seen an
ceremonies for the ’
This year the American Legion post Ribbons at Silverton
saluting the flag. A closing prayer
Nine members of the Salem Cham­ operation of this kind. Jeiry Chris­ is sending one boy to Beaver Boys
written by Edgar Guest was read by class have been announced for Thurs­
GATES— Several of the “Bisket
day evening, tonight, in the element­ ber of Commerce and the North San- tensen, one of Ercill Wilson's crew State at Salem, June 6 to 12 inclusive. Basket” members received ribbons for
Mrs. Fern Sletto.
ary gymnasium, speaker to be Dr. | tiam Chamber were conducted on a gave a spar tree topping exhibition. There aie four boys in the area who demonstiations at the spring 111 show
Jonas A. Jonassen, professor of his- i tour of the Detroit District of the One member of the party was heard are eligible to attend, and the Ia*gion held in Silverton May 3-8.
Seaplane Lands on Detroit 1 tory at Linfield college. McMinnville, National Forest Tuesday, May 18. The to exclaim that he felt he had climbed is asking that other groups in the Monday Leatta McCall demonstrat­
I whose topic will be “Men to Match 1 trip was lead by Supervisor Spencer every inch of the way with Jeriy. area help in sending one of the boys. ed preparing gtape fruit; Tuesday
Lake To Fish on Sunday
_________ ” Valedictorian is Rich- IT. Moore and Howard Dean. Although The tree was about 200 feet high and It costs $30 to send a boy for the week.
I my Mountains.
Marcia Barnhardt and Sheryl Hirte,
DETROIT—Folks in this area were ard Anderson, and salutatorian Don-1 the tour lasted all day the forest was topped at 170 fet. The tree was
Boys State is a plan for training
__________________________ 1 -. service
— —-2—— —
i ♦ U ♦VlOIF
startled by the appearance of a sea­ ; na Bengston.
men were in foonli
touch W
their 17 inches in diameter at that height. in the functional aspects of citizen­ “Deviled Eggs"; Friday the entira
class with other members of Gate*
tlane on Detroit Lake Sunday.
I office at all times through u-e of two
After returning to the highway the ship. It is a progiam of education
IHers, accompanied by their leaden,
Where the plane came from is any- I The 17 graduates are: Richard An­ way radios.
Mrs. Edward Chance and Mrs. Walter
body’s guess. It could have been a derson, Dale Andreassen, Donna Reng-
Department of Oregon. Its purpose is Thomas, attended the parade. Sharon
I ston, Carol Jane Blazek, Regine Brew-
forced landing, and they just hap-
station at 8:30 a.m. and returned at hatchery personnel. From the hatchery to teach the youth of today construc­
;ened to have their fish poles along. | I er, Frances Brunner, Morris Child. about 9 p.m. Stops were made on the the party returned to Detroit then up , tive attitudes toward the American Healing received a red ribbon (2nd
prize) for her muffins; Marcia Barn­
Fishing on the Lake and its tribu­ James Cuthbert, Donna Ellingson, Beard Saddle road where there was the Breitenbush river to the Hot , form of government.
hardt a red ribbon for her cookies;
taries continues to fascinate fisher­ I Sharon Gallagher, Elton Gregory, | a panoiamic view of the Blowout Springs where a turkey dinner wa-
Any individual or group wishing to
men from far and near. Sunday was I , Geraldine Hamblin, Frances Johnson, Creek area. At this point the Forest served the party by Mr. and Mrs. help in this program should contact Patrillia Lute, Sharon Hirte and Le­
I Dorothy Steinfelt, Richard Verbeck, I
atta McCall received green exhibitor's
the fourth big weekend in a row for
Service personnel explained the meth­ Babe Kennedy, proprietors of Skiff's j Bob Oliver or John Muir.
Western Oregon's newest recreational an<’ Alfred
od used in cutting ripe timber, burning Resort. Mr. Kennedy has had a crew i
---------------------------- ■
Members of the class, girls’ lit
the slash and re-seeding. At this working against time getting ready I
rooking cla.-s, under the leadership of
With the opening of all lakes in the Richard Anderson Receives point the timber had been cut in 1941, for the tourist season. It was noted | Wiley Muise in Training
Mrs. A. T. Barnhaidt, were overnight
area this coming weekend, a much
today there aie 600 new trees per acre at one forest camp that visitors came At Pensacola. Florida
guests at the Barnhardt home, with
■arger number of fishermen is anti- Oregon State Scholarship
growing for the next generation of from all over the nation.
PENSACOLA, FLA, (FHTNC)— their daughter, Marcia. Saturday
I Richard Anderson, who will gradu­ loggers.
• pated.
After dinner the party went on up '
Among the men who completed their morning the girls prepared and served
ate from Mill City high this week, has
Two new bridges across good sized the Breitenbush River to within four
I been awarded a state scholarship for streams were examined with interest miles of Breitenbush lake, where the first helicopter flights at Helicopter breakfast for their mothers and spe-
al guests Mothers present were Mrs,
I study next year at Oregon State col­ as they were of a pet manent type new possibilities of a ski run were exam- training Unit 1, Ellyson Field here wa<
Edward Chance and daughter, Ellen,
tn logging roads. They were con- ined. At this point it would be pos­
a student leader; Mrs. R. Hull, Mrs.
The «cholnr«hip. aw’arded by the strutted of concrete and steel as they sible, with a little money to develop
W. B. Hirte, Mrs. Lute, Mrs. O’Brien,
state system of higher education, cov- will be a part of a permanent i oad a run of seven miles. It would nrovide
Mrs. Glen Hearing, Mrs. G. C. Barn­
, ers tuition and partial fees. Students system in the future.
ski runs for both the expert and the
hardt. Mrs. Herron and Mrs. Edison
A meeting of the Mill City Boosters | must rank in the upper two-thirds of
The party made their next stop at novice without the use of an expensive .
and daughter, Colleen were unable to
will be held at Fellowshipp hall Thurs­ , their high school graduating class to a point where there «as a close view ski lift.
be present.
day night at 8 o’clock sharp. All busi­ be eligible.
of Coffin Mountain and Blowout tim­
It was apparent to all making the I
The young hostesses were Marcia
Anderson has made an outstanding ber. Across the canyon could be seen tour that the forest service is doing
nessmen are urged to attend. Mr. Lid-
Barnhardt, Sharon Hirte. Leatta Mc­
-:rom. of Albany, will be present to
an example of clear cutting leaving a wonderful job of management with
Call. Patnlla Lute, Join Hull, Cheryl
• peak briefly on pet tions relative to I pating in many student activities in seed patches uncut. It had the appear­ what funds they have. The area has
Hitte, Sonja O’Brien and Sharon
the traveling library for Linn county. ' high school.
ance of a giant sized checker board. everything to offer the vacationer
An attempt is being trade to have a
At another point along the route from fishing in the Detroit Lake and
easure to this effect placed on the | for two years, editor of
taken it seemed as though you could i mountain climing in the summer to
I paper, and a member of
almost read out and touch Mt. Jef-| skiing in the winter. All that is lack­
ballot this fall.
(¡rowers Asked If They
Other business relative to the bond ! staff. He was a delegate in 1
ferson. Mt. Hood could also be seen ing are funds to further develop the
(’an Make Five-Ton Club
.«sue w-ill be taken up.
in the distance, It
area, to make it one of the greatest
Will I.inn County have any mem­
speech contest.
that the method of
vacation spots in America.
bers in the Five Ton Strawberry Club
Those making the trip were: Wm.
in 1954? Thia is the question that
Three Shifts Working at
By this time
Hammond, president of the Salem
Rural School Budget
is being asked strawberry grower«
to lunch time «
Chamber of Commerce: J. P. Dudley,
M & M Plant in Evons
this week by County Extension Agent
Three shifts are working steady
O. E. Mikesell.
Linn County’s rural school budget the Santiam hi
dustrial Council; Jock Brydon recre­
row at the Lyons M&M riant, produc­
Grower - of five acres or more who
ation chairman of the Salem Chamb­ Naval AvTation Cadet Wiley E
er g plywood. About 248 men are em- was approved by 599 to 71, it was an­ eaten at Big Sj
think they have a chance of getting an
er; Oliver Willis, president of the nephew of Mr. and Mrs. G. D.
T ioyed at the present time. A few nounced Tuesday by W. H. Dolmyer, wheie a huge p<
average yield of five or more ton«
more men are expected to be employed Linn county superintendent of schools. ing. The lunch was furnished by North Santiam Chamber; Babe Ken­ of Mill City, Oregon.
of fruit per acre are being asked by
Only three districts voted against
nedy, Breitenbush, Otto Russell. De­
refore the plant gets to full capacity.
After lunch the party went to the troit: Ken Golliet, Jerry Coffman, Me­ officer pilots selected from various Mikesell to enter the contest and
Because of the methods used in this the budget. They were Midway, Tall­
keep careful production record«. Prop­
piant, one of the most modem on the man and Sand Ridge. Voting con­ Straight Creek area where modem hama; O. K. DeWitt, an ardent timber phases of flight training for an ex­ er entry forms can be se-u-ed from
and wildlife conservationist, Rt. 1,
west coast, more plywood per man
I the conn*? exters on o'f e.
s4» urtior.
was a high point of the tour for some Lyon«.
get in excess of legal limitations.
V^ur can be produced.
Under the auspices of the Mill City
American Legion Post and Auxiliary.
Memorial services will be held Sun­
day. May 30 at 11 a. m. at Fairview'
Cemetery honoring all deceased vet- J
el ans. Sei vices will also be held at
Fox Valley cemetery this year at
11:30 a m.
All veterans graves will receive new
flags in remembrance ami the firing
squad, and buglers will retiie the as­
sembly after services conducted by
the chaplain.
Residents are asked to stop a few
minutes and pay tribute to those who
made it possible for us to worship and
work and live under the finest flag in
the w-orld. This is the day in which
all lesidents can show their sincere
thanks to every veteran for the part
he has played in preserving our right
to the kind of life enjoyed in America.
Linfield Prof, to
Address Seniors
Chamber of Commerce Men
Inspect National Forest Area
Mil! City Boosters
To Meet Thursday
Vote in City