Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Flande is operator. It is located across the street from the Gas Heat Co. Mrs. Otto Weidman and daughters, i Miss Hazel and Kathryn have re By Eva Bre«sler turned from Denver, Colo., after Concerning the last days of school, visiting at the home of her daughter, Orin Morgan, principal, lists the fol Mrs. James Basch. lowing activtities—May 23, Commun Mrs. Herman Free was hostess for ity-school picnic, 1 o’clock at school; a group of friends honoring her sister Monday, no school. Memorial day ob on her birthday anniversary with the served; Tuesday, Regular school day party at her home. The time was spent and graduation in Gym at 8 p.m.; in playing bingo, and each guest June 2, regular school day; June 3, worked on a tea towel for Mrs. Sieg teacher's day, no pupils; June 4, last and gave her their favorite lecipe 1 day, regular bus run in the morning, card. . but about 11 o’clock busses will leave The regular meeting of Faith Re I taking pupils home. All library and bekah lodge was held Wednesday text books must be returned before evening at the hall, with the regular ieport cards are issued. routine of business carried out. and Recent guests at Jhe home of Mr. reports from various committees were and Mrs. Ait Ayers were Mr. and heard. Plans were discussed for the Mrs. Clayton Ayers of Ione, and Mrs. delegates attending the Rebekah as- Roy Coxen from He: miston. sembly which met in Medford. Airman lc Jack Roy, who has been Mrs. Percy Hiatt was hostess for stationed in Alaska, is spending a 30 the Garden club at her home Wednes day furlough with his jiar.nts, Mr. day afternoon. Roll call was responded and Mrs. Chester Roy. to by “Things to do this month.” The The PTC club of the Mari-Linn school usual business was carried out, and held their meeting at the schoolhouse it was voted to give $5 to the Santiam Tuesday evening, with election of of- Memorial hospital to go toward the ficeis the magi business. New officers landscaping. A general discussion was , elected were Mrs. John • Prideaux, held in regard to getting and placing president, Ralph Hurst vice president, garbage cans in town to help get rid Mrs. James Phelps, secretary and of surplus paper and lubbish. Mrs. Ed Goschie treasurer. Following Fire completely destroyed the little the regular business session, Mr. house on the Ina Stockwell place Zeigler from New Zealand, an ex Thursday night about 12 o’clock. The change teacher at the Parrish high house which Mrs. Stockwell used for school in Salem was the guest speaker rental purpose was practically furn-; and showed intel esting pictures of ished. Cause of the fire is unknown, j that country. The Santiam Chanel will present a Mrs. James Hollingshead is spend- free 16 MM sound film “Stephen, ing this week in Salem at the home The First Christian Martyr,” Friday- of their daughter, helping care for evening, May 11 at 7:30. Everyone is their new grandchild. welcome. The new beauty shop in Lyons is Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hayward of Port | now open for business with their land were Sunday guests at the home i opening, Tuesday May' 11. Florence of Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen spent the weekend at Blue River, where they were guests at the home of his aunt, Mrs. George Allen. John Tomb, who is with the u. s. Army and stationed at West Palm i Beach, Florida is spending his fur-1 lough at the home of his parents, Mr. I and Mrs. James Tomb. Saturday, he . with his parents, went to Seattle where they visited his brother, Jim Tomb Jr. A group of Girl Scouts, with their leaders, enjoyed an overnight outing at the CC Camp at Silver Creek Falls, going Friday and returning Saturday. Scouts making the trip were: Irene Turner, Bonnie Cruson, Marjorie Worden, Susan Bowers, Beverly Pow er, Ann Powell, Nadine Carr, Betty Trahan, Marla McWhirk, Alta Matt son, Pat Mattson, Kathryn Johnston, Lonna Downer, Joan Trahan, Mabel Nydegger, Janice Wilson, Diana Wal len, Marlene Philippi, Joan Helvey, Linda Monroe, Janice Berringer; Leaders, Mrs. Charles Power, Mrs. Donald McWhirk, Mrs. Marshall Pow ell, Mrs. Ercill Wilson, Mrs. Dale Crandell, Mrs. Helen Fletcher and ' Miss Rean Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegler and little daughter of Portland, were Sunday | guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield and Bob. Mrs. Mc Coy is a sister and Mrs. Zeigler a niece of Mr. Brassfield. THI RSDAY, MAY 20, 1M4 LYONS SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 45c 45c 34c 19c Nabisco Cookie Assortment, 1 lb. Bag Sunshine Choc. Chip Coconut Cookies, 1 lb bag Red & White Tuna, Bite Size, 6^ oz. Can Anchovies—Nice Brand, imported. 2 oz can Picnic Supplies We have a full line of Picnic Supplies, including paper cups, plates, dessert dishes, napkins, straws, spoons and forks. We always have a good supply of ICE COLD DRINKS WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9:00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M. Your dollars buy more when you shop at Red & White Store Mill City, Oregon Phone 2671 n . THE Fici or uri r F > w 2 f f r RE-ELECT Senator Douglas R YEATER Republican Candidate —For— State Senator MARION COUNTY YOUR SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE In the State Legislature For the Past 8 Years Primaries—May 21, 1954 VOTE 20 X Pd. Political Advertisement J. F. “Fred Remington REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR MARION COUNTY ASSESSOR .1. F. (Fred) Remington is a native born Salemite. He is 44 years of age. married and has two daughters attending the Salem schools. Mr. Remington has made his home in Salem most of his life, being ed ucated in the Salem schools and the Willamette University. Mr. and Mrs. Reminton own their own home at 2133 Trade St., Salem. Oregon. His past employment always has been in and around Salem, work ing for the Salem Steel and Supply, The Shell Oil Co., the State Division of Audits as an auditor, and presently for the Marion School Office. Mr. Remington is a World War II Veteran serving most of hi» duty overseas. His purpose in seeking this position is to further his desire to render public service. He believes the office of the Marion County Assessor is one of the most important in the County Government and its efficient operation requires constant study and research to the end that all property is equitably and fairly appraised. He pledges fair and unbiased treatment to ALL regardless of Race. Color, Creed or Politics Pd. Political Advertisement re’s a big difference the Life is much like this race. It is a handicap, a strugg'e against odds, a contest to be won. /z Thi» race begin» in the cradle when the "little man" bangs his first rattle against the crib. It con tinues when he takes his first step, rides his first bike, carries his first books to school, and comes home with his first girl friend. 7 Preparation for living is all-important. Our chil dren have so much to gain, so very much to lose. They will need robust health, a well-rounded edu cation. but most important of all, they will need moral and spiritual strength. They must learn to interpret God's will concerning their lives CHURCH FOR AU . . . FOR THE CHURCH AU tor on ,arlh for th. building of « ri sand 9°°d c,"“"«hiP It W^°.r,h0U“ 01 ,p4,‘,ual Without a strong Church n.uh.r "u"^aCyThnO' “2 * Th*'* ar* lour sound r.«on. why ,,ery wson thound »71 rsgulorly and .up- PO • th. Church Th., ar. For his own sake (2) Fnr l childr.n , ,ok. (3) Foi )h< J1” £'h* co,""’uni'’' nation (< | ’•rial support church regularly Bible daily Take your children to Church, so that their future destiny may be guided by God's word And by eaample, show them how the most impdatant race of all can be won—the race of life. 9 I'll, , ' illimn w. u mu i h i iî 1 11 h li li i ifc Thin Serie« of Ad« I« Sponsored be «he Following Firm« in Interest of All Churches MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon ADAS NEEDLE SHOP Dry Goods and Dressmaking S.W. Broadway.Phone 2213, Mill City KELLOM’S GROCERY “Your Personal Service Store" Mill City, Oregon IIIRTE’S FOOD LOCKERS Phone 7213 Mill City, Oregon RED & WHITE STORE Mill City, Oregon Steaks Sea Foods CHUCK’S FINE FOODS Modern Cabins ?L4V\) MNVH uo K ojo GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon KELLY LUMBER SALES Building Material Mill City. Oregon IDANHA SUPER SERVICE Don Lloyd Idanha. Oregon WRIGHT TRUCK LINES Ship The Wright Way Stayton. Oregon DR. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proct ologist-Nau ropath 1144 Center Street Salem. Oregon when you do it ^lecfrically • Buy youne I a b g p ece of leisure nme with on electric range It cookt while you're gone .. in the completely automatic o»en that can be tel to turn on or off at prede’ermmed timet Automatic electric ranges ore See the new 1 954 modelt at your ELECTRICITY AN D0E5 50 MUCH THÍ CO5T5 50 UT7LE ul for buty wivet. ctncal dealer ». ELECTRIC RARCt,,, BEST NOVI YOU (AH MAKÍ