S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1954 Shuffleboard MEHAMA Bj Mr*. John Teeters Six girls from Girl Scout troup No. 130 joined with the Lyons troup in an overnight camping trip to Silver Creek Falls. They left Friday evening after school and returned home Saturday afternoon. Those going were Linda Monroe, Janus Berringer, Joan Hel- vey, Diana Wallen, Merleen Philippi, and Janis Wilson. They were accom panied by their scout leader, Mis. Er- cill Wilson and Mrs. Dale Crandall. Mrs. Cliff Parrott of Gold Beach visited several days the first part of ,' last week with Mrs. Peail Alla way. Saturday night guests at the Robert Draper home were Mr. Draper’s mo ther and aunt, Mrs. Jack Johnson and Mrs. Hattie Straughn of Portland. They all attended the Rainbow in stallation in Mill City Saturday night. Donald Wagner, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wagner was brought home from a Salem hospital last week where he spent several days receiving treatment. Mrs. Jennie Moe was called to Sil verton again last week by the illness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Albin John son. Good Music YOUR VALUABLES MEANDER INN WHERE FRIENDS MEET On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY, OREGON George “Sparky” Ditter ( A good compan on When you’re in a relaxing mood, settle back with a sparkling glass of Olympia Always a tasteful companion. Protect Your Yaluables Prom FIRE, THEFT and MISPLACEMENT */T* T«** T hat Business and Professional DIRECTORY Rent a Safety Deposit Box Today JOHN W. REID, M. D. MILL CITY STATE BANK Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY, OREGON MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LUZIERS COSMETICS ; PLUMBING—WIRING Water Pumo Service 24 HOLE SERVICE BROWNIE VALDEZ Phone 2-3786 Salem. Oregon -new FORD Triple Economy Pickup! J. W. GOIN V ETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lewis’ Service Station MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT 1079 Elm St. W. Salem Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON Li PHI KO factory-Supervised^ FOR YOUR rELEVISION OR RADIO 3207 Stiffler’s Radio & Applinace Co. Mlil City, Oregon HAROLD DOMOGALLA MOST POWER Republican Candidate COUNTY ASSESSOR With new 130-h.p. Power King V-8 engine, the new Ford F-100 Pickup is the most powerful ever built! Or, choose the 115-h.p. Cost Clipper Six—the most efficient 6-cylinder engine in its class! Both engines develop more horsepower per cubic inch of displacement than any other Pickup engines. High power with small displacement normally means gas savings! ONLY FORD gives you a L ow -F riction , high-compression, over head-valve. deep-block engine in every truck model! Why drive a "uown payment”? Come in today and trade for one of the new... 12 years experience in of fice of tax collector. Present Chief Deputy Assessor fas vov • • • For equalired aMeMtnenta. For eonrteoua, efficient, mod em, impartial and economic •peration. Pd. Political Advertieement I offers so much to help the driver do a better day’s work— faster and easier! The new Ford Truck Driver- ized Cab gives you more glass area, wider seat, and wider opening doors than iany of the other five leading truck makes! ONLY FORD gives you seat shock snubbers, to iron out the bumps and give you real riding comfort. Options at low extra cost: Power Brakes -ONLY FORD > rtonners offer them! Fordomatic Drive—takes 90% of the work out of driving! Phone 2724 ONLY FORD Trucks for ’54 give you Triple Economy! 1. New gas-saving L ow -F riction engines increase power up to 23%, cut wasteful internal engine friction as much as 33%. 2. New Driverized Cabs, and controls like Fordomatic and Power Braking at worth while extra cost, Reduce costs by helping the driver do a better job. 3. New Capacities! Over 220 models with strong low weight chassis for trip-saving payload capacities! And Ford Trucks last longer! ONLY FORD FORDiTRUCKS Stoor, ifop sofoly? Cbock your truck—chock occidontt. MILL CITY, OREGON MOST ECONOMY MOST COMFORT .. MONK TRUCK FOR YOUR MONEVI HERROLO - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON ITione 2344