J. LAURANCE SIEGMUND REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For MARION COUNTY COMMISSIONER Integrity Plus Ability Pd. Political Advertisement Singer Portable /g Q5O Sewing Machine < REDICED OVER 15%! Regular «91.50 lightweight Singer Port able now only $19.50. Limited number placed on -ale. AGAIN! LOOK Price include.« complete set of accessories, course in home sewing and Singer Guarantee of a lifetime satisfaction. Come in. Phone for a demonstration, or mail coupon immediately. This price is good only while supply lasts. SINGER SEWING CENTER. 130 North Commercial, SALEM. OREGON. Please send one of the above advertisea Singer Sew ing Machines to my home for trial. Name \ddress or Direction« City Please Call (Date) »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THIRSDAY, MAY 20. 1954 DETROIT By Boots Champion Installation ceremonies will be held Sunday, June 6th, at 2 p.m. at the Detroit school auditorium for officers of the FOE Auxiliary Aerie 2745. Officiating at the ceremonies will be the officers and drill team of the FOE Auxiliaiy of the Albany Aerie. All officers will be in formal dress, and ceremonies are open to the public. A luncheon will be served to members and their families. Officers nominated are as follows: Oskie Nybeig, presi dent; Helen Bryant, vice president: Margaret Howland, junior past mad am president; Boots Champion, chap lain; Irene Stout secretary; Dollic Kite, tieasurer; Melba Harlan, outside guard; Fay Cooper, inside guard; Tude Ru-sell, trustee; N'ickey Clester. trustee. The Pete Eliason Logging Co., went on "Hoot Owl” the last of the week. Low humidity in the area is still halt ing a full day’s work. Mr. and Mrs. Al Stuber of Salem, enjoyed fishing in the area over the weekend. Weekend visitors at the Harold Champion home were Mrs. Emma Ramage and children, Joan and Webb and Evalyne Cxarnetxski of Salem. The Noith Santiam Chamber of I Commerce met at the Detroit school Wednesday evening. Refreshments were served by the Detroit Civic club. Don't forget the rummage sale to day (Thursday) and Friday at the FOE hall in Detioit. Hours 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Reed and fam ily will move to Albany or Lebanon the 1st of June, where Mr. Reed will be employed at the M&M Co., at Al bany. Mr. Reed has been employed by the Foiest Sei vice at Detroit for about two years. A vote of thanks is extended to Lloyd Ketchum for services rendered Saturday at the Detroit Church of Christ. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mis. Archie Mattoon on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week were Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Montgomery of Philomath. When you need PRINTING Telephone 2651 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ALL WORK GUARANTEED Welding and Auto Parts OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage BILLGUIER, Proprietor On old highway Phone 903 MILL CITY, OREGON If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office *”3 For All Your Food Nee SNACK SPRY Luncheon Meats Shortening 39c ß I-bs- 7 9C NABISCO Large Box Honey Grahams 31c Ivory Soap 225c Frostee Ice Cream We have a complete stock of bedding plants— flowers and vegetables 10 Sherbet Mix * »;♦;« »it;« »1*1« w »;♦;« »;»;« » k « »;♦;« ».♦;« »¿¿« CUKES ret SPECIALI »*•*« »V« »V« »NT« »55« »?•% » V« r. LARGE EACH PET MILK 2 cans 25c RADISHES OR Green Onions Peanut Butter 29c Baby Food 6 49c TOMATOES Garden Fresh I’er Bunch FRESH Per Pound 5C 19c ORANGES IQ c 2 I>ozen 288 Size Fryers Gerbers s I CHOICE MEATS g Swift’s Premium Skinless Franks 1 lb Cello 49c Fresh Frozen Pan Ready lb 49c lb 79c T-Bone Steak Sliced Bacon 79c Pork Sausage FrMh TrMade 45c Well Trimmed Nebergall Denco Brand 1 pound Cello All Steel Frozen Food Lockers Available KEN GOLLIET Mehama, Oregon We reserve the right to limit quantities