Social Events Gooch Logging Supply "Everything hr tne Logger" CLUB, LODGE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor Phone 625 BASSETT S WELDING SHOP Phone 1141 Phone 116 Loucks-Shelton Wedding Held dotted Swiss over yellow taffeta, with ' matching headbands. The church was effectively decor­ ated with baskets of dogwood, white j The wedding of Veia Loucks, lilacs, and deutzia. Lighted candles of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Loucks, and flowers were in the windows. See The Mill City Enterprise for your Printing Needs daughter and Robert Shelton, son of Mr. and Soloist for the impressive ceie- I Mrs. Glen Shelton, took place at the mony was Kirk Wirick of Roseburg, i First Christian church on Saturday- who sang “Because,” “Through the evening, May 15, at 8 o'clock. Rev. Years,” and “The Wedding Prayer,” Thomas H. Shelton, brother of the accompanied by Mis. Eldon Hutchin-1 bridegroom, performed the ceremony, ion. and Minister Hugh Jull, performed Mrs. Loucks, the mother of the the home dedication service for the bride, wore a navy sheer crepe with | couple. The bride's father gave her pink and navy accessories, and a cor­ in marriage, sage of pink carnations. Mis. Shelton, The bride wore a gown of white mother of the groom, wore navy chantilly lace over white taffeta, with lace over pink with navy and white long sleeves, pointed at the wrist, a accessories, and a corsage of white calla lily neck-line, with the skirt carnations. fashioned of lace and pleated tulle. At the reception in the church par­ The fingertip veil extended from a lors, Mrs. Ernest Miller, sister of the bonnet-shaped lace Juliet cap with a groom cut the wedding cake, assisted row of orange blossoms at the back, by Mrs. Art Bassett, another sister, worn by the bi ide's mother 25 years and Mrs. Tomas Shelton, sister-in-law. ago. Her bouquet was of white lilies- Mrs. John Wolfe, aunt of the bride. of-the-valley, centered with a white Mis. Harold McCollister, cousin of orchid with a lavender throat. the bride, served the punch. Paul Maid of honor was Miss Donna Loucks, brother of the bride passed Cooke, wearing a ballerina length the groom’s cake. dress of baby blue imported embroid­ Mrs. Hugh Jull was in charge of ered organdie over blue taffeta with matching taffeta sash and headband. the reception, assisted by Mis. E. She carried a basket of yellow daisies. . K. Fish, Mrs. William Misner, Mis. and 1 Bridesmaids were the JCSSCS Misses Willa UJ v,c,c me W Illa 1 Harold Mason, Mrs. Ike Myers . and Roberta Louck., sisters of the 5?! bride, and Miss Ellen Shelton, sister l was in charge of Miss Dolores Poole. of the groom, all of whom wore', The Misses . Kay . and piiscilla Mil- dresses identical to that of the maid- *"’, ™ of-honor, except that their sashes and gifts at the door, with the Misses headbands were of matching organdie. Alona Daly, Ardith Jones, Yvonne Bibler in They also carried the yellow daisies. Dart, and Mrs. Marvin Seiving as flower girls were Miss ! charge of the gift table. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Glenda Miller and Miss Sharon Bas- Shelton left for a short honey-moon sett, nieces of the groom, they were SEND FOR "SHOWDOWN COMPARISON” CHART! at the beach. The groom, who is in dressed-identically. Send for your free copy of the Republic Steel Kitchens "Showdown Harold Park was best man, with the U. S. Army, will soon report for ( ompariton' Booklet. Compare for yourself! No ohlieation Buy on ushers being Ben Loucks, brother of duty at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where Proof! Mail Coupon now! the bride, Francis Clark and Gary he will leceive eight weeks of radio Na m e ______ Gaining. The bride will continue Peterson. Address__ ___________________________________________ Candlelighters were Miss Wilma working at the State Tax Commission Jull and Miss Beryl Mason, who wore in Salem, and will join him when he is State ballerina-length dresses of yellow stationed permanently. For going away, the bride wore a white linen suit with lavender accessories, and the oichid from her bridal boquet. Out-of-town guests at the wedding and reception included Mr. and Mrs. Colored Fryers I Kirk Wirick of Ro.-eburg, Mr. and ; Mrs. Hugh McQueen of Sweet Home, Hours: 9 a. m. until 7 p. m. Dressed to Order Closed Sunday Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Williamson of Custom Killing I Lebanon, Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest Mil- i ler and family of Prineville, Miss Phone Lyons 678 Marian McDonald of Hillsboro, Mr. , and Mrs. John Wolf of Oswego, Mr. Mehama, Oregon and Mrs. Harold McCollister of Port­ Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon land. j From Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson, Mrs. C. J. Dahlen, Gary Peterson, Orville Carroll, Craig Ebry, Miss Reth Denton. Miss Doro­ thy Rose, Miss Darlene Staab, Mrs. Bess Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerper and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker, George Ditto, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Herman Valeneourt, Mr. Mis. Frederick Hugh, and Mr. Mrs. Sam Ruhl. Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store at Lyons rompa«* Stay ton-Jefferson ANTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1954 DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has motad his Mill City office to Stay ton in the Post Office Building, 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. HOME OFFICE: 343 V. FIRST, ALBANY Viv's Steak House Mill City Phone 5807 • • Open 6 a, m. to 11 p. m Closed Mondays LICENSED garbage SERVICE $1.50 Per Month and Up Also servicing Gates, Lyons, _ Idanaha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Subscribe to The Advocate today. Phone S952 LEONARD HERMAN RADIATOR - CRANKC ASE FLUSH, FOR PEP Our method rids your engine of rust scales—gums— sludge . . . makes a clear pathway for clean coolants and free flowing engine oil. Takes just a few minutes and REALLY PAYS. Drive up for service, today. l Rainbow Girls Honor Mothers Wednesday Night ES THE REMAINING FIVE ( I.B.IIOMES ARE NOW OFFERED FOR SALE THESE ARE NO. 15. 19, 21, 23 AT S. W. PARKSIDE; J ♦ AND 638 S. W EVERGREEN Members of Marilyn Assembly, Or­ der of Rainbow for Girls, honored their mothers at a 7 o’clock “dessert’’ at the lodge hall Wednesday evening, preceding the regular meeting. Over 50 mothers and girls attended. The program in the dining room in­ cluded: Welcome, Judy Haseman; ac­ cordion numbers, Barbara Podrabsky; clarinet numbers, Rosalie Rassett, ac­ companied by Mrs. Delos Hoeye: and a Mother’s Dav degree, honoring Mrs. Wm. B. Shuey, the mother advisor, who was piesented with a silk house coat. At the meeting in the lodge room. Penny Gould, worthy advisor; Sherry Hansen, Charity; Joyce Watkins, Hope: and Frances Ward, Faith. 1 Others were to be appointed. At the close of the evening, te- freshments were served by the girls and their Mother advisor. FOR PAUL PAVED STREETS BEAUTIFUL LAWNS SHADE TREES SPACIOUS HOMES PATTERSON BUY A GOOD HOME IN A GOOD COMMUNITY. THESE ARE EXCLUS­ IVE LISTINGS AND ARE SHOWN BY APPIONTMENT ONLY. He is giving Oregon o’ fresh, vigorous leader­ ship that people like and completely trust. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB TEN ANTS. F. H. A. TERMS David M. Reid PHONE 207 MILL CITY. OREGON REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE May 21st Pink Mason’s Shell Service MILL CITY, OREGON TRY A TANKFULL OF T. C. P. SHELL GAS’