Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1954)
1—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 Mr. and Mrs. Verda Goble are en-1 joying a visit from their son, Pfc Phillip Goble, who is .. home ” on a 20-day leave from the Manne Corp». Phillip will report to Camp Pendleton following his leave and will then be >ent overseas. Mrs. John Muir, accompanied by her gon> Terry, and daughter, Shereen, . • * to « i « . . .. motored Salem Sunday where they . . A Rpent day at the home of Mr», Muir’» parent», Mr. and Mr». L. Iver- son. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyd, Phy! Knight, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duffy and son, Raymond Duffy, spent Sun day on a tour over the Columbia River highway to The Dalles, where they looked over the dam. They went on east and came home via Redmond. They report an enjoyable trip. Make A Salad Crisp Fresh Vegetables From HILLTOP MARKET Radishes Fancy Onions Carrots 2 Bunches X 5C 3 Bananas 2 lbs No. 1 27c Lettuce 2Cristísnder 19c By Mrs. John Teeters Horace McCarley Jr. returned to San Diego Sunday after spending a 1 short leave at the home of his par ents here. He also visited seveial days J with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ammons in Seattle. Horace is in the navy and stationed | on the USS Hecter. A weekend guest recently at the Robert Draper home was Mrs. Drap er’s sister Mrs. Mary Smith from Sweet Home. Mrs. Smith also visited with another sister and family, the Peter Brusascos. Mr. and Mrs. David Piper and children of Independence visited with Mrs. Pipers sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Landers. Mrs. Mabel Patton spent Saturday night at Lacomb with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Patton. Sunday they drove to Port land to spend the day with another son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton. Visiting during the weekend at the R. L. Guilliams home were Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Davis and two children, Mr. and Mrs. LeRo.v Dunnehoo and three children and Johnnie Guilliams all of Vancouver, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Marks visited friends and relatives in Macleay Sun day. Dr. Hess \ Keeps ’em ; Healthy / PTZ garden fresh /A bunches Ivi Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill" MILL CITY TAVERN where I sit... ¿>y Joe Marsh The "Write" Prescription Vote For Wayne E. Downing REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR Commissioner LINN COUNTY, OREGON Present County Commissioner Santiam Farmers Co-op Phone 5021 From where I sit, little things can add up pretty big. A few short notes make a letter. Boys from our little town help build up a strong National Guard to protect our freedom. Even free dom is made up of a lot of things —living where we like, voting the way we think is right, choosing between coffee, tea, or beer at dinner. And anything that adds up to freedom gets my stamp of approval. Noticed three half-finished let ters lying on the counter down at Jones’ Drug Store last week. "Writing three at once, Doc?” I asked. "No,” Doc said, "you are—you and the rest of the town. Those are for the boys from our town who are at the National Guard encampment. "Everyone who comes in adds a line or two. and when a couple of pages are filled, I mail them. That way the boys hear from folks who might not write otherwise. They sure do enjoy it.” FEEDS Grinding and Mixing SEEDS FERTILIZER MACHINERY HARDWARE SEED MARKETING CTSTOM CLEANING PETROI.EVM PRODUCTS HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon Byron Davis, Owner Copyright. 1954, I'nited States Brewers Foundation Dr. Hess PTZ Drench is one way to keep your sheep healthy, because it goes to work on worms. Phenothia zine kills stomach and nodu lar worms, lead arsenate gets the tape worms. PTZ also comes in pellets or powder form for individual or flock treatment. Better get PTZ now. Harold and Willie Kliewer Paid Political Adv. STAYTON, OREGON Subscribe to the BUY A NEW CHEVROLET—TODAY’S BEST BUY IN PERFORMANCE! highes a Kills worms in sheep HILL TOP MARKET r Never - - I % and Telephone 2744 MEHAMA Mill City Enterprise H compression power NEW TIRES I Get FUL^RECAPS on your present tires—get New Tiro Each fire protection all ‘round at gets individual only halt the cost. re—individual >00% cold rubber used OF ANY LEADING LOW-PRICED CAR processing of the throughout for maxi FULL RECAP mum wear—maxi No skimpy thin tread. EV mum safety ERY RECAP HAS NEW tiretreaddepth Improved treed design is cli matic controlled to meet Ore TRY IT AND YOU IL TELL US THAT YOU GET THE BEST OF ALL 3—PERFORMANCE, ECONOMY, PRICE Th* modern trend in engine design it fo higher and higher compression. That’s to wring more work out of less gat. Chevrolet givet you the highest compression of any leading low-priced car. Come in, get the facts and a demonstration. We're sure you'll tell ut that Chevrolet out-performs and out-saves its field! Only Chevrolet in the low-price field gives you all these "Best Buy” values • HIGHEST COMPRESSION POWER • BIGGEST BRAKES • FISHER BODY QUALITY • FAMED KNEEACTION RIDE • SAFETY PLATE GLASS • FULL-LENGTH BOX-GIRDER FRAME CHEVROLET GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE Phone 2344, Stayton, Oregon gon's z« demand for non-skid traction. YOU GET GREATER VALUE AT GREATER SAVINGS! Don'tmisled . .. Don't regroove Don't retread. Get FULL RECAPS FREE’S GARAGE Lyons. Oregon J & P SERVICE Mill City, Oregon