The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, May 13, 1954, Page 3, Image 3

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Integrity Plus Ability
Pd. Political Advertisement
Singer Floor Models
Ancl Demonstrators
I wish to see the new Singer
I wish to see a floor model -
1 wish present machine repairs
Please check the above.
Singer Sewing
Machine Co
130 North Commercial Street
• This advertisement is appear­
ing in 21 newspapers within
company service areas of Linn,
Benton, Polk. Tillamook. Lin­
coln, Marion and Lane counties.
‘A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying Privato Enterprise
rm BSD AY. M AY IS. 1954
Mrs. Albert Millsap
.Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier had as
guests Sunday her son-in-law
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stutz­
man and two sons, from Portland,
and a friend, Mrs. Ann Heats, of
Mothers Day was observed in Gates
with the usual homecoming of sons
and daughters, while many journeyed
to other places to «pend the day. Spe
cial services were held at the Gates
Community Church of Christ. A
children's program was presented dur­
ing the Sunday school hour.
Mrs. William Pennick was given a
surprise party on her birthray anni­
versary, Tuesday, May 4, by members
of her Brownie scout troop. The group
l“trouped” to her home after school
all prepared for a real party. Those
complimenting their leader were Caro]
Schaer, Patsy Pennick. Barbara and
Shryl Hirte, Peggy Vail and Jimmie
and Joey Hirte.
A crew of men have been engaged
this week digging ditches in prepara-
tion for laying of water mains and
it is hoped that the city water system I
will_ be ... in opeiation
______ by the
__ ____
last __ of
June. The well has been dug, pump
and other necessary equipment pur­
chased and an adequate supply of
water for the city assured.
Mrs. Martha Bowes was taken to
Salem Memorial hospital Sunday |
evening where she will be confined!
for several days following the re-‘i
moval of a metal plate she has worn
on a fractured hip, sustained several|
yeais ago. Mrs. Bowes received news
of the death of her elder sister, Mrs.
Viola Miller, 95, of Waterford, Cali-1
fornia, whose death occured last week..
Mrs. Clyde Olivei left Wednesday I
i of last week for Rich Creek, Virginia,
where she will visit at the home of
her son-in-law' and'daughter, Mr. and
I Mrs. Gill/ert Smith (Jean Oliver.)
Mrs. Velma Carey took her son, i
, Pvt. Janies Carey, to Portland Sat-1
urday where he caught a plane for
his new station in Geoigia. Pvt. Carey-
had spent a 10-day furlough at the !
home of his mother, from Fort Ord.
California, where he received his |
basic training.
Mr. and Mis. Harold Wilson visited i
■ in Portland with friends for two days
| the past week. They also vacationed
at the beach for four days. Wilson
I was on a week’s vacation from the
•Marion Folks fish hatchery, where he
is employed.
Mr. and -Mrs. Orville Nygaard and
family drove to Corvallis Sunday to
spend the day with Mrs. Nygaid s
mother, Mrs. Emma Lofstedt, who
was visiting there at the home of an­
other daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Vierra and
| their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. N.
Vierra, all from Richmond, California
spent Tuesday and Wednesday at tne
Joe Joaquin home. Mrs. A. Vierra and
Mrs. Laura Joaquin are sisteis.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison ac­
companied Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith
of Mill City to Lakeview over the
weekend, wheie they were guests at I
the home of Mrs. Morrison's sister I
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood had I
as their Sunday guests their son-in- I
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben I
Beisell and two tons fiom Gresham. I
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon were |
hosts at a family dinner Sunday, at
their home, entertaining Mrs. Levon's
mother and brother, Mrs. Frankie
Johnson and Royal; her sister and
family, Mrs. Gwen Schaer and four
children and cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hughes, from Portland.
Mrs. Fred Kist drove to Portland
Monday on a combined shopping and
pleasure trip. Enroute she visited at
the home of her daughter in Wood­
burn, Mrs. Melvin Bilyeu and in Pmt-
land with another daughter, Mrs.
James L. Dixson.
Mothers day visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were
their daughter, Mrs. Edmund Fleck­
er, Lee, Jeffrey, Janet and Kristine,
of Stayton and her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Swan
and Kathy, of Salem.
If you're scared to drive on your
present, old tires tell your husband
about the big GENERAL SAF-T-MILER
Tire Sale — 30# OFF FOR 30 DAYS!
And you can name your own terms
— — —_
You don't need cosh —
Your old tires are the
down payment
Philippi Tire Service
“Saving YOUR Tires is OUR Business
Auto Repair Work
Welding and Auto Parts
Silver Saddle Garage
BII.LGUIER. Proprietor
On old highway
Phone 903
It in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office