Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1954)
»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. MAY 6. 1951 W. N. SIMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Tax Consultant Auditor Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service Corner 3rd and Morion STAYTON, OREGON Phone lilt P. O. Box 1321 Mrs. John Edward Lindenmeyer of Eureka, California, arrived Saturday evening to visit her parents, Mr. and M s. L. E. Dike. Mrs. Dike has not been well the past few months. Driv ing Mrs. Lindenmeyer to Mill City from the Salem airport were Miss Mary Holthouse and her mother. Mrs. A. A. Holthouse of Corvallis, who visited briefly with oldtime friends | here. 0M O O 4 Subscribe Todav: üliBWn THURSDAY ONLY May •> PT A BENEFIT SHOW MICKEY ROONEYIn YOUNG TOM EDISON You will enjoy seeing the great inventor as a boy genius FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 7-8 AUDREY TOTTER in THE WOMAN THEY ALMOST LYNCHED ---- I'll!-- ---- RED SKELTON in THE GREAT DIAMOND ROBBERY SUNDAY, MONDAY May 9-10 CLIFTON WEBB and GEORGE W INSLOW in MR. SCOUTMASTER —Comedy— Clifton Webb at his best with “Foghorn" Winslow TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY May II. 12. 13 A MAGNIFKTENT EXPERIENCE MARTIN LUTHER Special Matinee 2:00 I*. M. Wednesday Price»: Adult» $1.10 nights 82c Matinee; Students 50c Children 20c at all show» Doors Open at 7 :0® P. M. Complete show ran be »een aay time ep to 8:3® I Driving to Detroit Friday for the I all-day ses.-ion'of the Marion County Fedeiation of Womens Clubs were Mrs. John Muir, local president, Mrs. I J. F. Potter» Mrs. Gladys Trask of Fresno, California, Mis. Coia Good- 1 man, Mrs. J. R. Geddes, Miss Daisy Gediies, Mrs. W. W. Allen, am! Mi I Charles Kelly. Mrs. Delos Hoeye I played a piano selection during the 1 morning session. Repoit of the past j year's achievement by the local club ' was given by Mrs. Muir, who also introduced Mrs. Geddes, as the eldest member present. In a letter received by the Sig Jepsen’s, their daughter, Mr». Max Kelly of Barstow, California, re- I vealed that her flower display in the Women's Improvement club garden show there won a $100 bond as first piize. Her double white petunias won a second prize, and an honorable men tion went to 9-year-old daughter Pa- ! tricia for a table arrangement she displayed. Mr. Kelly, who recently re tired from the U. S. Marines, has bought a home in Barstow, where he is now a civilian employee at the base there. I Mrs. Georgia Oliver Dies; Funeral Saturday at Lyons MEHAMA Cars, Materials Are Project Needs Several things are needed in Mill drivel City to make the proposed tiaining project for students ot high- school age. This project is now in the formative stage and is not to be confused with a regular school dtiver tiaining course. This is being done by the boys themselves with the aid of Police Chief Meader and other interested citizens. It is said that over 20 boys from the local high school have signed up for the instruction. Needed for the program are one 40- acre tiact of land, to construct the oval track, old car», metal bucket seats, two-inch pipe, and some help in rebuilding the cars to conform to the standars set up by the club. Only jalopies can be used and “souped-up” cars will be allowed. The cars must be cut down to the | bottom of the windows, and all doors ; welded shut; two-inch pipe must be welded fiont to back and fhom side to side in arches to form a “rocking- chair,’’ top; all inflammable upholstery I must be removed from the interioi I and metal bucket seats with safety belts used. Drivers must have crash helmets and goggles. The drivers must take instruction under a qualif'ed driver at the tiack in hand signals, stopping, parking, pas sing, turning and other driving in structions before they will be allowed to be on the tiack with other cars. ■ After instructions have been given a sufficient number of times to qual ' ify the boys, short runs and races, cal led Road-eos, will be open to the pub | lic. Several Mill City citizens have al ready offeied to donate old cars and help the boys get them into safe driv ing shape, but more cars are needed. Those having old cars or any oth^r of the above needed articles aie ask- ad to contact Chief Meador. Word was received here Wednesday morning of idle death of Mr». Georgia Oliver, who passed away at Stayton Tuesday. The deceased was born at Montrose, Missouri, and would have been 71 years old Wednesday. She is survived by her husband, Wood Oliver and three nieces. Funeral services will be held at the By Yvonne Dart Lyons church Satuiday with inter- The Senior class is giving their ment in Fox Valley cemetery. class play, “Inner Willy,'’ Wednesday and Thursday. Mill City Defeats Lebanon The Mill City band motored to Eu gene last Saturday to the Western C Softballers in First Game The Mill City softball team de Division contest. They played “Bill feated Western Veneer of Lebanon in board March,’’ Lyceum “Overature” the first softball game of the season and "Band Box Overature.” They got a rating of 3 or good. at Allen Field Thursday night. The G.A.A. is having the Mother's The locals collected 14 hit» off Wim py Carvel of Lebanon, while Don Tea on Friday, May 7. The program Carey allowed only five hits. Joe will consist of several musical num- bers and ___ a school fashion show. We Lalack was catcher for Mill City. Mill City won the nine inning game are hoping that every mother will attend. 8 to 5. Mill City Hi-Liies | Specials for Friday and Saturday Mill City looses to Jeff; Wins from Sublimity HUNT’S FRUIT COCKTAII 34M> size Catsup 2 for 45c Hunt's DILL PICKLES 24 oz jar 31c I I ounce bol tie Cheddar Cheese Bisquick 4 oz pkg 43c Jewel Shortening 3 89c 50 cent coupon in each tin M M • Holliday brand /'"X /'"X Margarine 4 ibs 89c Clean-up Paint-up Fix-up Make our city a better place In w hich to live STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays STEWART'S GROCERY Dailv Delivery in the City Phone 4107 Order Deadline 3:04) P. M. Mill City, Oregon May Day Program Presented by Grades By Mrs. John Teeter» Visiting recently for a week at the Martin Diesbergs was Mr. Diesberg’s , An interesting May Day progiam mother from Centialia, Washington. Delegates and visitors from the Me was presented in the elemental y gym hama Women's club who attended the , Friday evening, by Mrs. Baldwin's Marion County Federation of Wom first grade, Mrs. Sletto’s first giade, en’s meeting at Detroit last Friday and Miss Prichard's second giade. The were, Mrs. Chi is McDonald, Mrs. program included: procession; ciown Frank White, Mrs. K. O. Winzer, Mrs. ing the queen; song, “All Hail the J. M. Teeters, Mrs. Larry Prichaid Queen of May;” "Kinderpolka,’ dance Mrs. Keith Henness and Mrs. Lester by six couples; clown act; dance duet; I Luke. All tho.-e attending report an “Pop Goes the Weasel,” dance by five couples; May Pole Dance; song, "Over enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Hemy Kornmann and the Heather;” and recessional, piano four children from Vancouver, Wash accompaniment by Miss Alice Smith. ington, visited during the weekend Participants in the program weie: • with Mrs. Kornmann's mother and May Queen, Laurene Podrabsky; prin : sisteis family, Mrs. Jennie Moe and cesses, Cecilia Keirsey and Claudia the Larry Kimseys. . Budlong; flower girls, Glenda Logan, : The Marion County Home Extension | Ellen Longfellow, Sharon Pate, and ♦ office is announcing a Freezer demon-1 Giant Merrill; trumpeters, Billy Pro : st rat ion meeting to be held at the' vost and Raymond Goodwin; kinder • Women's club house in Mehama on; polka, Coleen McCarthy. Stephen Todd May 27 at 1:30 p.m. There will be Carol Jean Ward, Dickie Blocker, : discussion of types of freezing con Nancy Stewart, Ronnie Warner, Mary : tainers and wrappings as well as the Ann Meader, James Healing, Chris actual pieparation of the fruits and tine Chance, Stephen Donovan, Donna vegetables for the freezer. This meet Turner and David Minton; clowns, ing is open to anyone interested. Frank Anglesey, Gene Calkins, Len Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards of Gates nie Herman, Gary Jennings, George visited relatives and friends here Mon Nielson, Freddie Mundt, Eugene day. Roebke, Lonnie Steven-on, Arthur Sunday visitois at the Orval Land-i_„ ___, Wesley _____ ,__ Lyons, Dennis, Fieddie Roten, ers home were Mrs. Harry Henry 1 and Neal Stiffler, and Howard Henry from Salem. | Dance duet, Alliene Agee and i aine Lee; Pop Goes the Weasel, Suz- Caubie, C'lell Goodwin, Mary ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bates I j anne Moore, Tommy Thacker, Nancy Niel-1 Honored on 10th Wedding son, Jack Baldwin, Karen Shepherd, Anniversary at Jordan Hall Johnny Kelly, Laura Lyons, and Dav- Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bates of this . id Cline; May pole dance, Belinda city were honored Sunday by their Bengston, Mary Moore; Caiol Brown, children, who held a pot luck dinner Carol Moberg, Kathy Fairier, Fran-, for them at the Jordan community ces Reid, Suzanne , Caubie, Karen hall. About 80 guests, bringing gifts, I Shepherd, Dinah Herion, Christine were present to enjoy the dinner Story, Laraine Lee, and Sharon Stone. and the social afternoon. SOMETHING NEW A three-tiered wedding cake was Vera Hathaway the center piece on the table at which 1 bought a purse the honor guests were seated. Those piesnt were: Mr. and Mrs. A chic new gown Lloyd Jensen and family, Mr. and A tricky hat Mrs. Ncvrthrup Bates and family, Mr. To wear down town. and Mrs. Harry Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Limbeck and son, Mr. and Today I strolled Mrs. Roy Bates and daughter, Darlene The avenue Now I must shop Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lim- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip For something new. beck, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ruiton Pietrok, Raymond Holzfuss, Mr. and YOUR GIFT Mrs. William Kuiken, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Hathaway Charles Bates and family, Mr. and You found a flower Mrs. M. O. Arnold, Mrs. Dean Music, By a woodland rill Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Mr. And gaze me beauty and Mrs. F. E. Fleming, Mrs. Edwin For my fill. Janies and family, Mr. and Mrs. David You pulled the fruit Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thiel. For autumn wine Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roten and I slip beside family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Otto Lyons, This hearth of mine Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Montgomery, But you gave Ronald Burton, Karlene Button, Mrs. Of yourself Earl Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. And a night of song Orval Bates and family, Mr. and Mrs. That is the gift Carl Stavang and sons, Mr. and Mrs. That lingers long. Stanley Walter and son. Mrs. Marvin Edward and family, Mr. and Mrs. Items of improvement of your home Donald Bates and son, and Mr. and or business are wanted by The En Mrs. Clyde Moigan and family. terprise. Our phone number is By Richard Anderson Jeffetson edged Mill City 7-6 at Jefferson, April 30 and Mill City whipped Sublimity 10-2 at Mill City, May 3. Both baseball games were in the afternoon. Mill City now has five wins and three losses on the record. At Jefferson Mill City took the lead with four run» in the second in ning. Jefferson came back with a five-run fourth to tie the game 6 all. Another Jefferson run in the fifth won the game 7-6. as Mill Citv failed to score in the last two innings. The Sublimity game was a rout, as in the second. Mill City scored six times with 11 men at hat. and in the fifth, three men scored, as the whole lineup saw batting action. Mill City battel y both games: Elton Gregory and Al Ward. Jefferson: Meyers and McGuire. Sublimity: Biet- al, Riesterer, Patris, and Rei-terer. Ward Leads Mill City Batters The Mill City Timberwolves, coached by Burton Boroughs, now- have a recoid of five wins and three losses. Al Ward, catcher, has blasted 13 hits in 28 times at bat for a .464 percentage. Al has been on base 17 times, has scored eight times, and has been left on base six times. Al Ward, c Elton Gregory, p Lloyd Ro»», rf Tarry Dustin. » Don Ellingson, lb Phi) Carey, cf Dick Crook, a Delmar Syverson, Jack Melting. 2b Maurie Bassett. 3b Chuck Kuhlman Bob Stettner Don Lemke Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY 319 West W ashington Street. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Telephone 6681 STAYTON OREGON Qaalitv J«h Printlag at Tb» Mill CiW Enterprise ; ♦ ♦t ♦ : Heating Installations Electric Supplies Montag Ranges Peerless Pumps LYONS PLUMBING Phone 1634 Lyons, Ore I I JERRY’S CORNER . . Things that are certain Taxes Death And that I will give you The best deal I can on a New Chevrolet or a Good used car. Jerry Gene Teague Chevrolet Stayton, Oregon Crossler's Grocery A FRIENDLY STORE THAT GIVES— SAH GREEN STAMPS Always High Quality Groceries at Consistently LOWER PRICES ON THE HIGHWAY Phone 3206 MILL CITY 2651. Make our city a better place in which to live Paint-up—Clean-up—Fix-up SAYINGS CARN1YAL ► ORA 0'B PI bi I k CnoPfrnTpepsodent SMUT MAAARtMf OEOOORANT Sprtv !•»’>• $125 fevto $1.10 • •9 Valu* $2 35 ( «"'»' 60 < I®’* 50C >•9 $1.10 Both for Spacial Combinat ten >p«Ciai Lomoinoircn __ __ - - Ckloiaptiyil Toctl P k I i o«t tun tait 69 e oat nut itti 43< t»9 V«lv» »1.12 ® LIQUINET / WILDROOT I RRFCK OttAMHM 4 tu« $1.25 i WllteVI* rDflid CREAM OIL Î ?*< So® T«tet »•» V» r »8« Special nanti (2^3?<V98<@ 1 I CHLORODENT k Hazel Bishop i Dr. WEST’S/ TOOTH PASTE / »1.10 TOOTH BRUSHES ! ulti un 43< Yvitv Army Private Ed. Roney With Artillery Battalion Stationed In Korea Army Private Edward A. Roney, »on of Mr. and Mrs Edward Roney. Route 1. Lyon». Oregon, is serving in Korea with the 159th Artillery Bat talion. Part of I Corp». Roney’s unit ar rived on the peninsula only 19 .lays after the start of the Korean conflict. It is now training to maintain combat efficiency. Private Roney, whose wife. Phyllis, live» in Mill City. 1» a wireman in the batallion’s headquarters battery He arrived in the Far East last November from Camp Roberts. California t Fowler Clothes Dryers Mtradvcar* 0<»r GIANT HZt 50: Far as/» EVENING IN PARIS I atm $1.1$ ■ »oaitt 7S< »7 00 Mill City Pharmacy J. C. Kimmel Phone 664)7