»— THE MILL CITY ENTER)*RISE THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 Arev Podrabwky caught the biggest Ill at her home the past ft w weeks fish we’ve heard of so far this season. has been Mrs. Ernest Graham, with Mrs. Russell King has returned Sunday, up near Gates, he hooked and her neighbor, Mrs. Louis Veibeck. also home after spending several days at landed a 36 inch steelhead, which having been ill with influenza. St. Vincent’s hospital in Portland un weighed 16 pounds. der obsei vation. Several local women drove to Scio Reports come here that Ed Kellom. Monday ___________________ afternoon to attend funeral Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thielke spent who is in the Vets hospital at Port- I services at the Scio Christian chutch a recent Sunday in Molalla, visiting land, is improving somewhat. It was for Mrs. Cora Calavan. mother of Mrs. with old-time friends, all former resi not learned when he was expected Clayton Baltimore of Redmond, but dents of Idaho. home. formerly of Mill City. Going fi om Miss Evelyn Johnson, and the len- here were Mrs. Louis Slaton, Mrs. Spending the weekend at the home Anna Swift, Mrs. Fred Duffy, Mrs essess family with their Bavarian trio of her parents, was Betty Lou Cree, will appear in Silverton this Friday Melbourne Rambo, Mis. Charles Kelly, Mrs. John Swan, and Mrs. Charley is attending Pacific university at For- evening at a program which is being Stewart. est Grove. put on at that place. Paint-up—(’lean-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live I Arthur McGrandle, former worker on the Detroit dam, has left for Rose i burg, where he will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. George McConnell of Portland, spent the weekend at the Jay Mason home. The men did a little 1 , fishing over the weekend. Lee Knowles, Dub Stewart and, Mrs. Fred Duffy and her brother, Verne Shaw fished over the weekend ’ Lee Morris, visited in Prineville from on the Wickiup river, but repuiteu Friday until Sunday at the home of an uncle, who is also the brother of not too good fishing. Bert Morris of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. George Mird, the lat ter the owner of Shirley’s Beauty , shop, diove to Idanha Tuesday even ing to be dinner guests of Mr. and • Mrs. Jack Haseman. Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Huber Ray. Shuffleboard MEANDER INN WHERE FRIENDS MEET On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY, OREGON George “Sparky” Ditter Enterprise Class Ads Pay Try One Today! Moving to Molalla this past week Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhlman re- were Mr. and Mrs. Don Flatman. Mr. turned Wednesday of last week from Mrs. Howard Farmen, Mrs. Kay Flatman la working for the Weyer- St. Maries, Idaho, where they had Roberts, Mrs. Pear) Ketchum and Mis. haeuser Timber company. gone to visit with Mr. Kuhlman's par Farmen’s niece, Janice Strickler, made ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kuhlman. a “flying” trip from Salem Airport Roger Nelson and Lowell Stiffler to Victoria, B. C., from Friday until spent Saturday and Sunday fishing Attending the Lion club talent show Monday. Purpose of the trip was to on the Metolius river. They report Thursday night, were Mr. and Mrs. attend a wedding of relatives in the poor luck on the trip. Glen Blegen, of Lowell, former resi- Canadian city. dents here. They spent the night at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack and the Jay R. Mason home. Recent guests of the Charley Stew Monte, spent Sunday in Salem at arts were her mother, Mrs. Anita Ar the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy A nursing conference with immuni lando of San Jose, California, her bro Lalack. zation for diptheria. whooping cough ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. and tetenus will be held at the Mill Robert Saltalamachia and two child- An overnight guest at the Lee Ross City Elementary school from 10 to ¡ len, also of San Jose. Mrs. Arlando home Monday night was his brother, 12 o’clock Tuesday, May 11 by the and her two grandchildren remained Bob Ross, of Madras, who went on Marion County Public Health Nurse. for a month's visit. to Salem Tuesday morning. At the First Christian church Sun Mrs. Gladys Trask of Fresno, Cali Miss Leola Hathaway of Redding. day, Mother’s Day will be observed. fornia, arrived early this week for California, accompanied by Miss Ca Each mother present at the Bible a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. F. thy Marmaras, spent the weekend school will be given a flower and Potter. She had made a stopover with with the Lester Hathaways. Also re special invitation is extended to each J their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. turning to Mill City with them was mother of the Bible school pupils. | Clyde Hill of Salem. Mrs. Potter spent Mrs. Clyde Hathaway, who is rejoin j the weekend at her beach home at ing her family after having been em Mrs. Lee Bassett, son Maurie and Roads End. ployed at the junior college in that Miss Shiiley Mohler, went to Salem I The . Mill ------------------------ I city. Sunday to take in the ball game be City Ministerial Associa-| tween Calgary and the Senators. Both i tion met Sunday afternoon to further games were won in overtime periods plans for a Vacation Bible school to Business and Prefessional by Salem. be held June 7 to 18. Three depart DIRECTORY ments will be provided as heretofore, | Wilma Jull, who has been under to include children from 5 years of the doctor's care since April 1, suf age to those who will have finished fering with an eye infection, returned the 6th grade. Further announcement JOHN W. REID, M. I). to her work in the student nurses will be made later. library at the Oregon State hospital in Physician and Surgeon Salem, this week. Jim Poole Sr., accompanied by his sons Jim Jr., and Lester, fished on MILL CITY, OREGON Mrs. E. K. Fish. Mr. and Mrs. Rich the Wickiup river over the weekend. ard Freeman and child, en. Mrs. Susie They went up Friday night and re Haynes, Mrs. Eathel Hill, Mrs. Ike turned Sunday. A 21 incher was Myers, Mis. Glen Shelton, and minis- caught by Lester, but they stated WOOD’S STORE j ter and Mrs. H. E. Jull attended the the fishing there was not too good. It Genera) Dry Goods convention of the Willamette district was only 5 above zero Saturday morn NOTIONS LINGERIE I of Christian churches at Lebanon, ing. They brought home a good catch READY-TO-WEAR but got most of them at Detroit res Monday of this week. HOSIERY ervoir. LUZIERS COSMETICS The Lions Club Auxiliary held an important meeting at the Bank Cafe last Wednesday evening, with Mabel PLUMBING—WIRING j Nelson as hostess. Plans were made Water Pumo Service for Charter Night, following the regu 24 HOUR SERVICE lar pot-luck dinner. The next meeting BROWNIE VALDEZ I will be held May 26, with Mrs. Don Salem. Oregon Phone 2-3786 as hostess at her home. Good Music Make Sure It Fits You can be sure of satisfaction when you deal with the Mill City State bank. Our commercial loaq department can furnish you tailor- made financial arrangements to fit your needs. Informal and friendly, we are at your service—to discuss the type of loan best suited to your budget. Stop in and see us about your Commercial Finances. MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hathaway, who spent several weeks al the co?st, J. W. GOIN ¡were at their home m Mill Ci.v thi- VETERINARIAN week, but will retu>n to the beach for STAYTON Phone 4148 additional rest. Mrs. Hathaway is Opposite much improved from injuries received Claude Lewis’ Service Station in a car accident months ago. Mr. Hathaway still is wearing a body cast. ! have Mrs. Harry Wood, owner and pro- prieor of W’ood’B store, has been con- fined to her home because of illness Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned for several weeks. During her absence, the store has been operated by Mrs. Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT John Swan and Mrs. W. O. Hamricks 1079 Elm St. W. Salem of Parks Airforce Base, California, the latter being a sister of Mis. Jack Colburn. Weddle Funeral Home II Sgt. and Mrs. William N. Me- ' Clintock (Patricia Cree) are receiving Modern Funeral Service congratulations on the birth of their OREGON first child, a daughter, born April 29 STAYTON at Salem Memorial hospital. The baby ■ has been named Patricia Elaine and I weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces. Grand parents are Robert McClintock of Suie "fáctá Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree of Mill City; great grandparents, Mrs. J. C. Dickinson of Salem, and Mr. and fo< rory- Suparviiaa^ Mrs. George Cree of Mill City. Great ANY ANY great giandmother is Mrs. Alice Burt- MAKE MODEL i on of Albany. Mayor and Mrs. J. C. ! Kimmel are great uncle and aunt. FOR YOUR Sgt. McClintock arrived in Mill City rELEVISION OR RADIO Wednesday evening from Camp Pen dleton. Oceanside, California for a 30- 3207 I day furlough. He returned Friday I from Hawaii where he has been sta- Stiffler’s Radio & I tioned for the past six months. Mrs.1 Applinace Co. ! McClintock has been at the home of Mill City, Oregon her parents while her husband was overseas. MIKE'S Septic Service Se Cake .4» world’s largest meuter a completely new The V-8 engine has come a long wav since Ford introduced its first V-8 over 22 years ago. During these years, preference for the V-8 engine has grown steadily . . . and today there are twice a* many V-S’.s being built as there were right after World War 11. This demonstration of car buyers' preference is proof that the V-8 engine is best suited to modem motoring needs. For 1954, Ford has stepped even farther out front with the revolutionary new Ford Y-Block V-8 . . the most modern "eight in any car at any price! This new deep-block, low-fric tion engine brings you even smoother, quieter power . . . even longer engine life and less gas waste. And this great, overhead valve V-8 costs les« than any other “eight”. . . less than prac tically any other "six," too. But the new Y-block V-8 engine is only one of the many "Worth More" features you get in a V-8 Ford. You also get the smoother riding and easier handling of Ford’s new Ball-Joint Front Sus- pension. You get your pick of 14 brilliant new body styles— with trend-setting interiors. And you can have power steering, power brakes, power windows, power front seat, and Fordo- matic Drive as options. •<it ntra cost Morn Likes It! Snow-flake Light Roses-ln-Snow Cake For Mother’s Day Sure as your mother likes a light tender cake, she’ll love our Roses-ln-Snow C ake. >»e take the highest quality ingredients to make a rich batter _ bake it with care to form two fine layers of moist white cake. Spread it thick with creamv white frosting and heaps of sweet milk cocoanut. Topped with a bright red rose, it will really please Mother. Order one fresh baked ttxlay. MUIR’S BAKERY Phone 2222 Mill City. Oregon Come in and try the "V in the MILL CITY, OREGON Phone 2724 ’54 FORD HERROLO - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2344