4— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 Mothers' Day SUNDAY, MAY 9th Nylon Hose from g0C to $1.15 Costume Jewelry from Q3c to $3.50 Mother’s Day Cards Ladies Bill Folds and Purses A Nice Selection of Stationery Cloth and Plastic Aprons MILL CITY VARIETY HUGH and ALK E WALKUP, Props. Mill City Garden Club Food & Plant Sale SATURDAY, MAY 8, from 1 until 5 o’clock FRIENDSHIP HALL, Presbyterian Church There will also be a flower festival and display of flowers. Buy your Mother’s Day plants from us. The cakes will be especially decorated for MOTHER’S DAY MOTHER 222 MAY 52 £ Ma‘ CLUB, LODGE AND LO( AL ACTIVITIES Phone 625 Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor A banquet honoring their secret Fathers” was given by . the Rainbow Girls at the lodge hall M ednesday evening, with 30 members of the Ma Music Week Observed by sonic lodge attending as guests of honor. Invocation was given by W. B. Mill City Woman’s Club i Shuey, with Penny Gould, worthy ad- l visor, giving the welcome. Response The -Mill City Woman'« club ob- A group of about 50 persons at i was made by Robert Draper, worship- served Music Week at its regular meeting at Fellowship hall on Tues tended the no-host fellowship dinner i ful master of the Masons. Mistress of ceremonies for the oc day evening, May 4. In charge of the held by the Presbyterian church mem business meeting were Mrs. John bers and friends Wednesday evening. casion was Geialdine Hamblin, past Muir, president and Mrs. Vernon Todd, Following the dinner, Dr. Hugh Pen worthy advisor, who introduced the secretary. Members passed an amend iston of the Cottage Grove Presbyter j "Fathers.” Each daughter after re ment to the constitution, changing the ian church, showed colored slides of vealing who »he was, presented her meetings to one a month, rather than his missionary trip into Alaska. guest with a gift. Showing of the beautiful pictures was Following a covered dish dinner, , twQ as at preesnt. It was announced by the leader, accompanied by a tape recording of I the initiatory degree was. put on dur- Mrs. Delos Hoeye, that a Campfire Dr. Peniston s voice with interesting , ing the regular meeting for Louise ceremonial will be held Friday even descriptions of the places and people Haun and Helen Johnson, both of Gates. Special guests introduced in ing, May 21, in the high school recte- there, especially the Indians. Of especial interest to the local cluded Miss Marilyn Cederbe g. local tion room. All interested are invited group were pictures and stories con high school teacher, who is a holder to attend. The music week program, arranged cerning Haines House, an orphanage of the Grand Cross of Colors from by Mrs. Donald Sheythe, consisted of to which donations of cash and cloth the State of Washington; and Miss the following numbers: Clarinet solo, ing have been made many times from (Carol Newkirk of Turner, grand Rosalee Bassett; accordion solos, Bar the cchurch groups here, also the representative and a past worthy ad- bara Podrabsky; two numbers by the Sheldon Jackson school has been the .' visor of Acacia Assembly of Stayton, high school girls’ chorus, conducted recipient of many gifts. j Several other members of Acacia As- by Miss Marilyn Cederbetg; and sev 1 sembly were also in attendance. eral spirituals by a trio made up of At the close of the ceremonies, re Rosamond ReMine, Edna Ross, and freshments of cake, punch, and coffee Dorothy Dyhrman, accompanied by were served by Mrs. George Huffman, In a letter received this week from Doris Sheythe on the electric organ. Mrs. Robert Draper, Mrs. Wilson Stev the D. B. Hills in Paris, France, to As the program featured Negro mu ens, Mrs. R. Roberts, and Mrs. W. B. relatives here, Mrs. Hill states that sic, several recordings by Marian An Shuey, mother advisor. the crossing on the Queen Elizabeth derson were played. was wonderful, although a bit rough. 'The ship contains a bank, men's cloth- Pauline Bridges Honored I ing shop, women'» shop, souvenirs, I swimming pool, theatre, and a large At Shower Friday Night LYONS—Miss Pauline 1 Bridges ma*n l°unge where tea is served. bride-elect was the honor guest at a Among the ship’s passengers were the Represented at the district meet shower held at the Catholic commun ! Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Leo ing of Garden Clubs held here at the ity hall Friday evening, with Theresa pold Stokowski and Marjorie Main. Mrs. Hill was a little worried when Legion hall last Wednesday were clubs ’lansom, Doreen Helemn, Thelma Ny- ' she heard that they were to be "ten from Scio, Lebanon, Dallas, Stayton, degger and Leao Johnson the host derized” at Cherbourg, until they Independence, Marion, Salem Heights, esses. I found that a tender was coming out Corvallis, Albany, Sweet Home, Crab Games furnished the entertainment I to meet the ship and take them ashore. tree, Cottage Grove and. Brooks. with Doreen Helemn in chaige, and A train, very comfortable and with Registration opened at 9:30 a.m., after opening of the gifts, refresh- I large windows for sight-seeing, took with members of each club wearing, I ments were served to those honoring in some manner, flowers alike. Some Miss Bridges as follows: Mary Volten, them to Paris. They couldn’t help.but wore flower hats, some flower ear notice the absence ofautomobiles and Willeatha Thompson, Eleanor Smith, rings, some corsages with club initials I Doiothy Helemn, Dora Gustafson, the presence of numerous bicycles. on them, and some wore their club The country-side was beautiful, it be Glenda Lindemann, Millie Jungwirth, ing “Apple Blossom Time in Norman flower pinned on each one. Doris Gerath, Millie Aronson, Alta The meeting was called to order by dy.” Stone houses, two and three Bodeker, Wilma Free, Barbara Ny- Mrs. Burch, the district director, fol stories high, and ornate cathedrals degger, Ida Free, Cairie Naue, Don were especially noticed, there being lowed by the flag salute, conserva na Peabody, Carol Kruse, Helen Piet- tion pledge, and group singing. rok, Louise Pietrok, Alice Huber, many thickly-populated cities and vil State officers were introduced, after lages enroute, Ruins from the war Garnett Bassett, Ruth Lyons, Bertha which secretaiys reports were given. were still in evidence. Allen, Bea Hiatt, Norma Miller, Leola The Hills were warned not to drink Roll call of clubs preceded the reports Phelps, Doris Roy, Annie Pietrok, milk while in France, because of the of presidents of the various clubs Bernice Bridges, Thelma Nydegger, in Paris, was described as very old, on their achievements for the past Theresa Ransom, Doreen Helemn, and lack of sanitation. The Grand hotel year. Leao Johnson. A covered dish luncheon was served but beautiful, covering an entire citv Those unable to attend sending gifts block. The Arc de Triompe, the Eiffel at noon, with Mill City, Scio, Stayton, were Fiances Garsjo, Alma Olmstead, Tower, and the site of La Bastille had Jordan, River and Scio Countryside Eva Bressler, Katie Skillings, Kean already been viewed, as had Napol clubs as hostesses. The afternoon ses Fletcher, Martha Jungwirth, Nova sion opened with musical numbers by eons tomb. Ann Gerath and Goldia Brassfield. There was also mention that find Judy Podrabsky. Main speaker of the day was the ing mail waiting for them in Paris was an added thrill, as nothing takes state president, Mrs. Franks, who MAY 7 and 8 the place of news from home. The spoke on the state convention, as well travelers should be in Italy until as showing colorod slides taken at around May 15, having gone on from the national convention which she at tended. France on May 4. Dr. Hugh Peniston Talks At No Host Dinner D. B. Hills Enjoying Sojourn In Europe Garden Club Holds District Meet Here Plan to Attend 4 Social Events 50 Remember Mother this year with a practical gift from our store. . We have a nice line of LINGERIE which would make a lovely gift FOR MOTHER ON HER DAY Ads’s Needle Shop DRY GOODS and DRESSMAKING Phone 2213 Mill Ctiy, Oregon Specials for Friday and Saturday emu wiih Radishes & Onions garden fresh 1 Í izv 3 bunches New Spuds IO - 29c Lettuce 2 heads 19c Fancy CARROTS 2 Bunches 15c No. 1 Shafter CRISP. RISI*. TENDER Make our city a better place in which to live HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2744 Rainbow Girls Honor "Dads MiU City, Oregon. Paul Patterson is giving Oregon a fresh, vigorous leadership that people like and completely trust. HE IS DOING THE JOB THE PEOPtE OF OREGON WANT DONEI Keep Oregon’s Working Governor on the Job Vote for Paul PATTERSON PdAd Pa Ur r »on for Governor Cum Ted R Cambio,' Chairman., 81S S. W.Oth Avenue. Portland. Oregon.