fl Kor Rent CLASSIFIED RATES Ten cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for less than 50 cents per week. Count five words to the line in •rdering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mil) City, Oregon. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, etc. will be run under “Special An- nouncement»” classification with a minimum charge of 50 cents per in sertion. MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1.50 per month Also light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 3952 WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME • Factory-Trained Export« • Genvine Hotpoint Farts Also Complete Sen ice on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2964 STAYTON LITTLE ILLS MAKE » • True, that ’’link ilJner' you’»» beer mentionin* in • a offhand way, mar nv* •eem to »mount to much— just a few faint symptoms^ But, neglected, tbes« "little ills” can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; no« •o mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now— you'll save by it in the endj And, of course, see hope you'll bring his prescription to ns $M ewehsi compowndiq» Capitol Drug Co. Salem PWfrSCWIPTIOHS Special Announcements FOR RENT T wo bedroom furnished JAC K S SPORTING GOODS former cabin, utility and laundry room. ly < amp's at Stayton will be open Available about May 1. Lak ’o Wam evening- until further notice. 17 ACREAGE FOR SALE Fruit trees, pum Cabins, Mehama. Oregon. I7p livable house on school bus route. NOTE for .1 Laurance Siegmund for Write V. C. Wilcox, Bo.x 726, Mill FOR RENT- Housekeeping units at county lommissioner at the May City. 20 Oak Paik Motel, Gates, Oregon. primary election. -6tf 18p Day, week or month. FOR SALE—Level building sites on hill west of school. See Mrs. Ogden, F('R RENT—3 room duplex apart Business Services West Evergreen, Mill City. 19 ment in Swift addition. Reasonable rent. See E. D. Cooke. Mill City, SEE US when in need of T. V. An FOR SALE—One bedroom modern Oregon. 1-P tennas and supplies. We handle a house in Swift’s addition in Mill complete line of Philco television City. See Sonny Nelson, or phone FOR RENT Furnished apartment in sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio business district. Mrs. Nita Horner, 17 Mill City 3402 evenings. and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill phone 6142, Mill City. 15tf City. ltf WILL TRADE equity in two bedroom FOR RENT Furnished two and, home in Mill City for good small Inegal Notices three room apartments. Phone 1707. tractor and equipment, late model D R. Hill, Mill Citv. tf i Phone 602 car or what have you. NOTICE 17p FOR RENT — Kitchenette apartt- evenings. THE COUNTY BOARD OF ments. Inquire at Thiel's Store, FOR SALE—Watts flat top house, I Lyons. Phone Lyons 234. will convene on 17 EQUALIZATION between Mill City and Gates. Phone Monday, May 19, 1954, at the Court Mill City 705 for information. 18p House in Albany, Linn County, Ore gon, and remain in session three modern I Miscellaneous FOR SALE—3 bedroom weeks or until the examination, cor I home in three good lots, Berries, I fruit and garden.-—H. E. Smith, FISHERMEN ATTENTION—We can rection and equalization of the as now supply you with any amount of sessment rolls have been completed. 13tf Phone 1406. Mill City. night crawlers or worms. Gates Application for reduction of assess RESTAURANT FOR SALE—Just re Worm Gai dens, across R.R. tracks ments shall be in writing, verified decorated. Doing good business. Lo- 1 from Jerry’s Tavern. 20p as by Law required, and filed within cated in Oddfellow Building in Mill ( City. Inquire at Mom & Pop’s Cafe. SPINET PIANO—Famous make and the first week it is by law required in perfect shape. Big savings for to be in session. 12tf JOHN W. SHEPPARD, quick sale, or rent with option to Assessor for Linn County. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Mill City- buy. Write Stone Piano Co., 1280 April 22. 29, May 6 Hotel, easy terms. See L. A. Rada, State Street, Salem. 17 8tf Mill City, Oregon. FOR SALE- 25 foot, 1941 Superior Business and Prefessional WHY RENT! BUY a good home in Trailer House. The Master Built Mill City. Let us show you modern DIRECTORY Coach. Very good condition. S. E. home that is priced right. See Don Kingwood and 3rd.—J. H. Hersh Walker, Swift Addition, Mill City, berger, P. O. Box 496, Mill City. 15p Oregon. 5tf JOHN W. REID. M. D. FOR SALE—Old newspapers, 10c a FOR SALE—100x250 foot lot in Riv bundle. Fine for starting fires, Physician and Surgeon erview addition to Mill City. In wrapping dishes, etc.—Mill City quire at Mom and Pops Cafe, Mill Enterprise. MILL CITY, OREGON City. 6tf I WILL PAY up to $125 for Colt Re REAL ESTATE volvers weighing four pounds. Hugh Why pay rent when you can buy a Husted, Box 3, Mehama, Oregon. WOOD’S STORE 12tf two bedroom house mostly furn- General Dry Goods ished on easy terms. Also 5, 8 and NOTIONS LINGERIE 20 acre places to sell on convenient WANT TO BUY TIMBER RE \IH IOW EAR Small or large tracts terms. HOSIERY EitJier cash or stumpage basis Glen Shelton, Broker LI ZIERS COSMETICS Ph. 2207 STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. West side Mill City % mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf FOR SALE by Owner. 4 bedroom PLUMBING—WIRING house and four lots. Real bargain. OFFICE FURNITURE and equip ment, typewriters, adding machines, Inquite at Enterprise office for ad Water Pumn Service calculators, cash registers, duplicat dress. ______ 18p 24 HOUR SERVICE ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, BROWNIE VALDEZ FOR SALE—2 bedroom home. Could rent, swap and repair. Bargains in I Phone 2-378« Salem. Oregon easily be made three. Double plumb used machines. Roen Typewriter ing, good location with acreage. Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf Garden soil and shade trees. Pos sible business location on highway. W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to J. W. GOIN Low price, small down payment, Lyons yard. For further informa VETERINARIAN balance like rent. Also have large tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 STAYTON Phone 4148 lots for -ale. E. D. Cooke, S. W . __ 8th Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Opposite avenue, Mill City. 1 12tf — I Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf ----- 1 Claude Lewis' Service Station FOR SALE — Small, three-room , Sawmill LOGS WANTED house and lot in Shaw's addition to Top prices for Second Growth Mill City. Will sell cheap. Inquire I Real Estate 7»;. »»•% 7tf I Enterprise ( lass Ads Pay Try One Today! I) A N C E AT JORDAN VALLEY Saturday, May 1 stout creek lmb . co. west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf STUD LOGS WANTED Modern Funeral Servire 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 j OREGON STAYTON feet plus trim. Six inch 16 inch diameter. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 ROUND AND ROUND THEY GO Millions of revolutions throw’ wheels off balance, out of line. Tire wear, steering shimmy, result. We have installed a new Hunter wheel balancing machine. Why not let Hunter check your tires to day and balance your wheels on the car. You'll no tice a great difference. Serve yourself and save up to 33iXj % on Gates Tires and Tubes. See us. LICENSED garbage SEE HIRTE’S FEED STORE when in need of feeds or fertilizers. We carry of complete line and our prices are right. Fertilize your pasture now. It will pay dividends in extta growth. Hirte’s Feed Store, Mill City, Oregon. Chevrolet. 2 door Ford V-8, Fordomatic, fully equipped Buick Convertible, fully equipped Chevrolet, 2 door Mercury, 4 door Plymouth. 4 door Del uxe Chevrolet, Del.uxe. 4 door. RAH Pontiac Sedanette Buick, 4 door Ford V-8. 2 door All Fully Reconditioned and Guaranteed Sitili $1 nt-> $1595 smi :> $895 $845 $595 $495 $515 $515 Many More to Choose From GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON DR. MARK W. N. SIMMONS HAMMERICKSEN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Building. 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY Tax Consultant Auditor Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service Corner 3rd and Morion STAYTON, OREGON Phone 4114 P. O. Box 1321 Gooch Logging Supply Everything for trie Logger" BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Phone 1141 Branch Store at Lyons Sweet Home, Philomath Paint-up—Clean-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries SERVICE FOOD LOCKERS $1.50 Per Month and Up Also servicing Gates, Lyons, Idanaha and Detroit FROZEN FOODS MILL CITY Feed •53 '52 ’51 ’50 •49 '49 •48 ’47 •47 ’48 MIKE'S Septic Service ; YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT month on a modern automatic pro 1079 Elm St W. Salem pane range; clean, fast, dependable. Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also heating, water heaters, refiigerat- tion, brooders and Norge appli ances. 9tf | Weddle Funeral Home Larry's New Western Barn Dance Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 Gang—Cascade Range Riders Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 46tf Sponsored by V. F. W. Everyone Welcome Join the Fun The Mill City Enterpise will be Adm. $1. Inc. Tax. 9:30 to 12:30 ! happy to give you figures on that Dancing Every Two Weeks printing you are needing. We will be pleased to assist you in design-, ing it to suit your wishes. DEPENDABLE DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN “Se Scat TVctA. Home Appliances HOME Foc tory-Svporvi» FOR SALE—Late model electric range. Three burner with deep well cooker, clock, automatic timer.—E. D. Cooks, S. W. Sth Avenue, Mill City. 14tf Automobiles FOR SALE—1941 Chev club coupe, with 1947 motor. Body rough, motor good. Three good tires and good battery. $75. Stanley Walczak, phone 5984. 17p ANY MODEL FOR YOUR TELEVISION OR RADIO 3207 Stiffler’s Radio & Applinace Co. Mlil City, Oregon Garden ¡ Show! Paint-up—Clean-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live Shuffleboard I -V X Admission FREE! FREE! I Good Music Three Big Deys! Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 29-30, May 1 WHERE FRIENDS MEET We give Penny Saver Stamps Service Phone 903 Mill City, Oregon On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY, OREGON George “Sparky” Ditter it » ,15*»’! ,S<orr’ of Hundred, of Mew far .he Home and Garden* Special Mtrartiaas! Free Prizes_ lour ijs Gift Certificate« daily plus $50 00 < ertiflcate Fairgrounds I Sponsored By 1 Tcns Sale l V 4 C Sat. I I Show Open* • p. m. T h u r a. I »nd FH I 8. noon on