3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1954 LYONS Special Prices FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS .49c 25c 2 pound box One pound box NALLY’S PICKLED BEETS 15*4 ounce jar 21c 42c ♦ ♦ I ♦ We have a jjood line of fishing tackle at reas- ♦ onable prices.. | See us for fre^h niifht craw lers and red worms. • We will have them Friday. ♦ For Fishermen I « I««»« «»«« I l lKf l • « li l t* WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9:00 A. M. until 5:00 I*. M. Your dollars buy more when you shop at Red & White Store Mill City, Oregon Phone 2671 | The annual mother and daughter son Stevens, vice president; Mrs. I banquet sponsored by the M omen's Floyd Bassett, secretary and Mrs. ■ Society of Christian service will be Clyde Bressler, treasurer. Mrs. Alex . held at the Mari-Linn school in the Bodeker is secretary of promotion: By Eva Bressler all purpose room, Thursday evening secretaiies of social relations. Mrs. E. Mrs. Marvin Barry was taken tOjMay 6 at 6:30. Mrs. Lochenour from L. Roye, Missionaries, Mrs. Alice Hu : the Memorial hospital in Salem Mon ■Salem will be the guest speaker. The ber; youth work, Mrs. Ivan Smith; day even.ng where she undeiwent food committee met Monday after student work, Mrs. Leonard Cruson; noon at the home of Mrs. Samuel childien, Mrs. Glen Julian; spiritual surgery. life, Mrs. Marshall Powell, status of Mrs. George Osburn from Ashland, Roberts, who is the food chairman. ' visited last week at the home of her Mrs. Alice Huber clerk of Mari-Linn women, Mrs. Harold Sheriff; litera daughter, Mrs. Joe Johnson, and fam- school reports that all teacheis have ture and publication, Mrs. Clyde Bres ! il> • signed their contracts, with the teach sler, supply work, Mis Charles Cru Mis. Harley Scott, Mrs. Ivan Smith, ing staff as follows: Principal James son. Devotions were led by Mrs. Alex Mrs. Fred Lindemann, Mrs. Al Aron Wright, who will replace Oran Mor son and Mrs. William Hargin a sisted gan, Katie Skillings, first giade; Bodeker. The budget was read and the health officer and staff at the Norma Miller, second; Elva Kuiken, approved, and the treasure chests for pre-school clinic held at the Mari- third; Martha Poole, fourth; Rean missions were turned in. Plans weie Fletcher fifth; Ivan Smith, Sixth; Ha made for the mother and daughter Linn school last week. Ralph Hurst, banquet which will be held May 6 with At the morning church service at zel Wirth seventh; i the Lyons Methodist church next eighth and Duane Burgess music, re the following committes appointed: 1 Sunday morning, May 2, a speaker placing Vivan Boyce. Van Prichard dinner, Mrs. Samuel Roberts, Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mrs. Marshall Powell. will be present from the Gideon So will be custodian. Mrs. Wilson Stevens, Mrs. George ciety, a w-ork cairied on by laymen Jerry Gustafson went to Salem to spread the word of God. Everyone Thur.-day, where he took his examina Huffman; dining room: Mrs. Glen Julian, Mrs. Charles Cruson, Mrs. Don i is invited to heai of their work. tion for his Boy Scout Eagle badge. Mi-Whiik, Mrs. E. L. Rove and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Landeverk of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rodich, Lynn Donna Sm.th; cleanup: Mrs. Clyde Portland, were weekend guests at the and Ka:en went to Hood River Sun home of Mr. and Mis. Wilson Stevens. day, where they visited their son, Bres.-ler, Mis. Harvey Grimes, Mrs. Ivan Smith; program, Mrs. Alex Bod Mrs. Landeverk remained for a few Grover Rodich. eker, Mrs. Leonard Cruson, Mrs. Floyd day’s visit at the Stevens home. Paul Pennington is suffering with a Bassett. The next meeting will he held The Lyons Extension unit held a badly bruised hand which he injured special meeting at the Rebekaha hall while at work at the M & M plant. at the home of Mis. Floyd Bassett May 4. Friday, April 23, for the Lamp Shade Mrs. Cyril Lyons and Mrs. Jerry- Mrs. Bob Free with Mrs. Al wood work shop, beginning at 10:30 in the Lyons and son, Larry from Klamath, morning with a -ack lunch at the noon Callforma, spent the weekend in Aronson as co-hostess was hostess for hour. Project leaders were Alma Spell- Lyons. They- weic guests at the home the meeting of the preschool mothers rneir and Laura Sundquist. Those mak of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons and the at the Free home Wednesday evening. New officers for the coming year were ing lamp shades were Virgeen Scott. Wayne Ransom homes. elected as follows: Mrs. Frank Spell- Rose Thayer, Evelyn Julian, Lucille Recent guests at the home of Mr. Huber, Verna Jenks, JoAnn Cruson. and Mrs. Albert Remmenga were his meir president, Mrs. Ralph Hurst se- Luella Harg n, and the leaders Alma sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. i cretary-tieasuier and Mrs. Gail Pen secretary, corresponding Spellmeir and Laura Sundquist. Mabel Kenneth Hopkins fiom Woodland, nington, Downing and Evelyn Julian went to California, and Mrs. Esther Hanson Plans were made for the last day of school picnic. Albany where they attended a meet of Junction City. Mrs. Wilma Flee was hostess for ing on "Herbs and other seasonings Mrs. Willard Hartnell is visiting the afternoon card club with her party for variety and accent,” and will pre- with her mother and sister at Kenne sent the project at their May meeting wick, Washington. She will also visit I held Wednesday afternoon at the i Catholic community building. A 1:30 her son and family in Seattle. I des ert luncheon precee.ied several Mr. and Mrs. George Kimmery and | tables of 500. High score was held by children from Portland spent the week Doieen Helemn, second high by Ber- end in Lyons. His mother. Mrs. Min ; nice Bridges, low by Mrs. Inez Ring nie Kimmei y is quite ill at her home and Carrie Naue drew the traveling here. | prize. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Laverty, Kathy The directors of the Lyons Rural Ann and Rande of Powers, and his i Fite district have purchased a com- mother, Mrs. Opal Stone from Pasco, I pletely equipped fire truck. It will be Washington, were Monday evening I delivered within 60 days. dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lambert visited Mrs. George Huffman and Jeanette. i at the home of their son, Roy Lam- The Women's Society of Christian | bert and family in Bandon. Miss Wil- service held their meeting at the I ma Lambert who had been visiting home of Mrs. Leonard Cruson Tues | at the Lambert home returned home day afternoon following a progressive I with her parents. luncheon which started at the home Mrs. Eugene Sperle and children of Mis. Oscar Naue, who served the i left Wednesday evening for North salad. The entree was served at the l Dakota, where she was called by the home of Mrs. Wilson Stevens, assisted | serious illness of her mother. by Mrs. Floyd Basset and Mrs. Joe Johnson. They then went to the Leon- aid Cruson home for their dessert, served by Mrs. Cruson assisted by Mrs. Chas. Cruson, Mis. Donald Mc- Whirk. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. George Huffman, with Mrs. Virgil Rogers secretary. The 1 following officers w-ere elected: Mrs. Samuel Roberts, president; Mrs. Wil- See The Mill City Enterprise for your Printing Needs What a thrill to land that old "granddaddy of all fish ... to feel his vicious tug at the line . . . to see his silver side gleaming in the sun as he rolls and breaks the surface. Then the big moment . . . out of the water with a final great splash and into the landing net. He is yours 1 The catch of a lifetime. You tell about it a hundred times over—about your new fly-rod, that special lure, the deep hole in the lake, the big rock where "granddad" used to lie. But somehow you can't put it all in worda. It was your own persona1 experience with old "granddad.” In a way. religion and fishing are alike. You can't put religion all in words either. It's not just rules for living, or doctrines, or spiritual values Religion is a personal experience with God. It’s your struggle with God until you surrender your rebellious •pint and become is. F0" AU . CHUflC« '• a «lorahom. a/ . c,h*<"»hip h Wnnoui a Chi'^h1 d«moc,acy no,’h nsilh.,' •urv.v. Th,r< '.'’“'.»'"on can Thl'J 2?^ -Yr- They are * a ‘ - Ml. (3) ,For *»• *»• commi «unify Jnd * ’ • F°r ih. ,oir Ü Chaichn|fJi 5h,c,h n..j, h .uPpor. • «oral ar.j church ,.,u!ari P-an to read Bib.» dolly ' Church ?*V Book Sunday.. . p_M. MonJ.\ Chtpttr V« y? LA?” te*' Come to church. There you wig learn to know and love God It’s the one great ex perier.ee of a lifetime —a - eternal lifetime .-.-xccyk • This Series of tds la Sponsored hv the Following Firms in Interest of 511 IRS BAKERY Mill City. ’ »resoli ADAS NEEDLE SHOP Dry Goods and Dressmaking S.W. Broadway.Phone 2213. Mill City KELLUM'S GROCERY "Your Personal Service Store" Mill City, Oregon HIRTE’S FOOD LOCKERS Phone 7213 Mill City, Oregon RED & WHITE STORE Mill City. Oregon Steaks Sea Feed« CIIU( K’S FINE FOODS >l«»dcrn Cabins XII Churches J MN VH uoîtoj() *Á|ij ||!K GATES GENERAL STORE Gates. Oregon KELLY LI MBER SALES Building Material Mill City. Oregon IDANH A SUPER SERVICE Don Lloyd Idanha. Oregon WRIGHT TRUCK LINES Ship I’he Wright Way Stay ton, Oregon DR. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proctologist-N auropath 1144 Center Street Salem. Oregon Liquor, Amusement Tax Melon Divided Apportioments, involving liquor privilege tax moneys and amu-emen device tax moneys, both for the quar ter ending March 31, 1954, were an nounced recently. The liquor privilege tax apportion ment aggregated $190,000 These funds were distributed on the basis of 75 per cent to the counties and 25 per cent to the general fund of the state. The law provides for shares to pensions, mother s aid an! direct relief to the indigent. Multnomah, with the largest ^pop Lane ulation, received $44,167.63. county received $11,761.11, Marion C ounty $9497.97, Jackson Cnunt< $5480.48, Douglas county $5019.4«, Linn county $5175.24, W shington county $5738.91. Other counties received less thaa $5000. The amusement device tax appor tionmeit totaled $11.070.89. This a- mount payable to the counties is based on amounts expended for old age assistance duiing the year ending June 30, 1953. Multonomah with an apportion ment of $1835.42, was the only county in the sta'e receiving in excess of $1000. Mill City’s share amounted to $623.07, Detroit $95.27 and Idanha. $153.68. Linn County Livestock Ass’n. To Hold Tour The Linn County Livestock associa tion will again hold a spring pasture and livestock tour, a summer picnic and a fall livestock tour, reports Jack Cochran, Brownsville, president. Dates selected are May 25 for the pasture and livestock tour. June 11 for the picnic and October 26 for the fall tour. Cochran says that arrangements far the spring tour are lieing made by Virgil Rogers, Lyons, Floyd Mc Reynolds, Lebanon, and 0. E. Mikesell, county extension agent. The areas to be covered this year are Lacomb and Lebanon. Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 Mill City • • • S’ bscribe to the Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Mill City Enterprise Closed Mondays