Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1954)
♦—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, APRII 29, 19-,| EJ MILL CITY ENTERPRISE When you need I ing ■ a on opens May 1. Ail streams in< ; ling Detroit reservoir are open. Lake, are closed. m Paint-up—Clean-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live Mr and Mrs. Rex Lindley of Rose burg were Easter Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Lindley’s parents, iht F 'i-on Vickers in Idanha. Mr. Lin.iVv ,>n his return to Roseburg will undergo the amputation of the second f-ngei on his left hand. The finger wa injured while cutting wood. PRINTING Telephone 2651 Auto Repair Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED Welding and Auto Parts A the regular business meeting of the Detroit Civic club, held April 7 at Huron Fork, Mrs. Lorraine Sophy w’a- elected president, Mrs. Ella John- e president, Tude Russell, sec- ctet , y, and Audrey Layman treas urer. " Fi day, April 3f, the Marion ( ounty Woman’s Federation will meet in all.lay session at the Detroit school gym. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage BILLGUIER, Proprietor On old highway Phone 903 MILL CITY, OREGON If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office ' / ■ ' ' ’.A* X6 FlRTRKS ARE AMONG THE TALLES’ INTHE WORLD — ARE FAMED F«OR THEIR long C lean , straight trunks - will £ROLV S3 FEET IN HEIGHT IN 40 YEARS shopping ^ lgoqdness Douglos Fir Trees Make Rapid Growth No one has actually come forward light, grows straight and tall.” with the claim that he has actually 1 “These tall, straight and seen a Douglas fir tree grow. But, trees,’’ he stated, “supply man with this is not outside the realm of pos I many of his needs. Douglas fir pil- ■ ing, spars and poles, some as tall as sibility. Y’oung, growing trees of this spec 150 feet, are in demand around the ies average 6 inches a month in height world for docks, whaifs, utility poles, growth fiom May through August hip spars and masts, keel timbers, or 2 feet a growing season, according dredge spuds and many other uses. to W. D. Hagenstein, managing direc This wood is strong and tough and tor of the Industrial Forestry As when sawed into long timbers has sociation. Some tiees in ra’n favored great structural strentgh. Shorter areas like Oregon and Washington lengths of fir aie elue<i together into coastal counties have made a nteasur- arches and trusses which may span No need to have clothes with spots I ed gain of as much as six feet in a an area over 200 feet wide without when you can have them cleaned I single growing season. supporting posts for the strength of by us for so little. West of the Cascade mountain I the wood is built into the fibre by range in the two states are more than I natui e.” Just call Mill City 3418 Present day forest management, a- 12 million acres of new forests, We'll pick up your cleaning and practiced on the West Coast tree i Hagenstein observed, W'hich are push- deliver it to you promptly. farms, Hagenstein said, will insure i ing upward toward the sun at an a- ' mazing rate. At the same time, he a continuing supply of these valuable said, these same young trees are long length trees as long as theie are growing in diameter from a quarter peonle to use them. He cited several tree farm develop inch to an inch a year. 48 HOUR SERVICE “It is the rapid increase in height," ments which help guarantee continu the forester stated “which gives ing crops of trees. Better forest fire Mill City, Oregon this species one of its greatest values. protection has greatly reduced the H oues 9 to 6 The Douglar fir trees while stretching number of man-caused files and to keep its needles exposed to sun- I sharply cut the area burned, has been I of untold importance in protecting young timber. Intensive tree plant ing and direct seeding by private for est owners and government agencies in recent years to put non-stocked areas into new forests bring the re SALEM gion closer to a full timber crop. He said modern logging methods, Has Everything for Your tied closely to good forestry practice in ure rapid natural growth from , solid seed blocks left next to harvest- | ed aieas. Another end product of Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplier | modern machinery which is good for [ forestry, he said, is the effect of Hl N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4531 I power logging. The stirring up of j the ground as the logs aie hauled to the landings after logging leaves the soil in excellent shape for the N natural seed crop to germinate and grow a new forest. t NU METHOD : BETTY CROCKER Hemorrhoids U. S. Good. Plate or Brisket, lb ♦ : White Yellow Chocolate Spice DEL MONTE BRAND 303 Size Per can Peas STEAKS 19c 12 ounce package Veal Shoulder, per pound Rabbits F resh Fryer, tender & meaty, lb. 65 Sliced Bacon Wheaties 20c Powdered Sugar 3 pkgs 35c 1 pound Cello bag SPRY - Shortening 3 Dried Beef Swift’s 1-4 Ib. ('ello pkg. t •PILIS" "Prolapse'' No Operation—No Hospitalization FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET DR. R. REYNO LOS CLINIC NATUROPATH—PROtTO' OG13T 1144 Cantar Straat Salam, Orag.n s— WHITIE'S SANTI AM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— DETROIT Thelma Smith was elected president of the American Legion auxiliary when the group met recently. Other officers are as follows: 1st vice president Ida Tompkins, 2nd vice i president Ruth Nash, secretary Ruth Cole, treasurer Sylvia Wenke, chap lain C. Colvin, historian Rosella Vick ers, Sgt. at Arms Thelma Lady. On the execu..ce committee are Alpha | Everly, Vera Eve.ison and Bernadine Stoll. Date of installation of officers will be announced later. Frances Grund of Dallas, District 2 president 1 will be a guest at the next meeting which will be held at the home of I Mrs. Opal Leming in Idanha, Tues day evening, April 27. The Legion Auxiliary is sponsor- ling a trout derby f. local women. Weigh-in stat; ...» will be at Stoll’s I. | G.A. store in Idanha, and the Detroit Market. Tickets may be obtained at the stores. First prize will be a f._ ro given by Warren Stoll, second prize a reel I by Raymond Sophy and the 3rd prize I $3 cash given by the auxiliary. Fish- QiJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC'- OOO'-JOOOC ooooooooe Beginning May 2 we will be open Sundays 9 A. M. to 9 P. M Open Daily 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. CLOSED SATURDAYS o Old Fashion Franks 1 pound Cello pkg PET MILK Dry—Non fat Large Jar 31c Hunt s Y.C. Halves PEACHES 21, size can GARDEN FRESH fr »I v ■ 1 ■ ■ I M f ‘ 1 » ’ ■ ob ■ Celery Crisp Bunch 14c Can Milk ,ga- <•» 10c 13c Cauliflour Oranges ^»-2i 49c Hunt’s Catsup 2 bottles 29c Marlene SpUdS Ne»r«l 5- 29c MARGARINE 3 i.69 KEN GOLLIET Mehama. Oregon 3JV3MNVS XXKKXKKHX>-0-0-0-00 COOKING Boiling Beef THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS IN All YOU« USE PET MILK CAKE MIX 3 Pkgs 89c We reserve the right to limit quantities 000000000c