Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1954)
V E R NES BARBER SHOI Broadway, Mill City • • KELLOM’S HAMBURGER ST A N D Delicious Hamburger Sandwiches Greaseless Doughnuts (■<>014 (OF FEE Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Open Sunday» 4 p. m. to 8 p. m. MILL CITY, OREGON Hours Hardboard Special 1-8 in. Hardboard only a square foot. This material is excellent quality. We invite you to come in and see it.. Can be used for Wall Board, Floor Cover ing, Ceilings, Cabinets. Can be nailed. Sawed, Glued or Screwed. I’aint-up—Clean-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live Authorized Shopsmith Dealer East City Limits, Highway 222 Phone 6803 KELLY LUMBER SALES Such good taste Memorable meals begin at the market. For good taste at supper, tonight... choose refreshing Olympia Beer, today. * S TH* rHAT p<o litairp C© , >u VWn , U b A ji MEHAMA New Superintendent Hired UNN COUNTY FARMERS UNION CONVENTION For Schools at Gates 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. APRIL 29, 195»______ G. B. Fiost is the new superintei. 1- By Mr». John Teeter« ent of schools hired by the schor. The Mehama Women’s club met at The Linn County Paimers Union' ~ Jensen gave -nine of hi* im board of Gates district 2IJ recently. ' the club house for their regular meet convention Vai held at the Santiam Mr. Frost is presently athletic d • pressions of the National Convention ing Tuesday evening, April 20. The Central hall Saturday, Apiil 10, with rector of the Sweet Home Union hig-. I nominating committee reported and a good attendance from the various at Denver, Colorado, e He said he at , the election of officers, to be installed locals in the county. The meeting be tended the 1948 convention and there school. He has been connected wr.n next fall, will be held at the next gan at 10:30 a. m. with Pres.dent Will was plenty of room but th s year the the Sweet Home schools for the past The club Collect was read White presiding. The morning ses building was completely filled and seven years. He received his bache by Mis. Eugene Coles, Shiiley and sion* consisted of the secretary-treas that the enthusiasm of the delegates lor’s degree from Pacific college art ♦ ELetta Kirsch gave several numbers urer's minutes and financial report was much greater. He stated that his Master’s degre from Oregon State. Mr. Frost is a past president -f on the Hawaiian guitar and piano and oy Mrs. Inez Campbell, the piesident's the Farmers Union has experienced Mrs. Gerald Rockwell gave a humo ■ report of the County Farmers Union a growth in membership and prestige. Kiwanis at Sweet Home and is serv A. C. Hoyman, chairman of the res ing as Lt. Governor of Division 14 th s ous reading. The “Reds’’ and "Blue ” activities the past three months and tied for the fiist time since the slides illustiating what the Farmeis olutions committee read the follow year. He is married and has a daugh contest started. The next meeting will Union is and what it does in working ing resolutions which were adopt ter and a son. Darrell Crossler will return to be the last of the contest and the los for the farmers on the family size ed by the convention: teach mathematics and science in the ing side will entertain the winners a' farm. Stressing the fact that man The first was presented to the com the following meeting. Mrs. Eugene opoly is a menace to farmers as Well mittee by the legislative committee. high school. Two other high school Coles, Mrs. J. M. Teeters, and Mrs. a- to industry; that coiporation farm It urged that we go on record as positions are not yet filled. Dale Reynolds has resigned and w .. Ken Golliet were hostesses for the ing is on the march and that family favoring farm price support and the teach English and Journalism in the evening. farms are important to democracy; ten point program adopted by the The Mehama local of the Fai mer- and the Farmers Union is the be.-t National Convention. These were in Lebanon high school for the ’54-55 Union at its last meeting went on frontier for farm people to help im- cluded in the reading of the resolu term. .Mis. Dibblee also resigned and will join her husband at The Dalles record as being in favor of the pro prove rural progiams along the lines tion. at the end of the current school year posed Marion County Youth Sei vice of health, education, living facili The Santiam Central local pies- The plans of Don Miley, who resigned center, which is to be voted on at the ties and farm price supports. ented the second resolution suggest the position of superintendent after coming election. The meeting which Harold Poling, democratic can ing that a nominating committee be four -ears, have not been announcer. was at the Women’s club house Fri didate for county commissioner and appointed to choose at least two can Returning to positions in the ele day evening was not very well at Rolla Shelton, demorciatic candi- didates for each office in the State mental y school for the 11*54-55 schoo. tended but those not going missed a didate for County Judge were intro- Farmers Union and that those be term will be Mrs. Gwen Schaer, teach good time. The expected film did duced and gave short speeches as did chosen at least two months prior to ing principal, Mrs. Olive Barnharut not arrive so it will be shown at the John J. O’Malley, also a demo- the State convention. and Mrs. Margie Parker. Miss Joa:: next meeting. Following a short busi cratic candidate for Judge, who was The third resolution was to re-af- Currie from Bridger. Montana, ha- ness and discussion period a short intioduced during the afternoon ses firm foimer action favoring the gov been engaged to complete the grate program consisting of readings and sion. ernment building of Green Peter dam. school faculty. guessing games was enjoyed. The Following a bountiful pot luck din evening closed with the usual pot luck ner served by the ladies of the Jordan A motion was made that a committee refreshments being served to the 13 local, the host local for this conven be appointed to study the tax struct for machinery, gas, repairs, etc, th s ure of Linn County and report at the next to pay the taxes and I’ll get th s membets present. tion, the aftenoon program was be The motion carried section that is left and sometimes it s The meeting of the Ladies' Aid gun with the following program num next meeting. Thursday afternoon, April 22, was bers announced by Mrs. Karl Ar and W. W. Abraham and A. C. Hoy not very much.’’ Mr. Libby then, held at the Ken Golliet home with nold. Two duet numbers, “Tell Me man weie appointed to the committee. asked his listeners if they had noticed The main speaker for the afternoon Mrs. Golliet as hostess. Rev. Streeter Why,'’ and “Now the Day Is Over’ any appreciable difference in cos’, gave an interesting talk and showed by Bonnie and Carolyn Plumboo of was Charles Porter of Eugene, Dem of these things and reminded them slides of religious work by various Riverside local; a piano solo by San ocratic candidate for Congiess from that the flexiable scale of prices wou.i the fourth district, opposing Harris effect only that last section of th; chuiches in diferent countries; and dra Johnson of the Riverside local; also conducted the devotions for the two violin numbers by Will White Ell worth. He discussed the question field left after the other things wets “What's all this about a partnership afternoon. of Central local, and Kelly Arnold, between government and the private paid for. The date for the ham dinner was set also of the Santiam Centra local, utilities?” from the viewpoint of the for May 11, and will be held at the played two numbers on his accordion. utilities and the public and with par THE MILL CITY Women’s club house between the hours President White had asked his com ticular reference to Green Peter of 5:30 and 8:00 o’clock in the even ENTERPRISE mittee to meet during the noon hour dam. Mr. Porter stressed two ing. Most of the money taken in at and report during the afternoon ses points. One, that any power develop- this dinner will go toward paying for Entered as second class matter N j - sion. I ment that was not done by a public the new folding doors between the Bill Jensen of the educational com agency would mean higher interest vember 10, 1944 at the post office a. the sanctuary and fellowship hall in mittee, in his leport discussed the rates and theiefore higher rates. Mill City, Oregon, under the Act o’“ church. March 3. 1879. County library plan. His second reason for such develop Mr. and Mrs. Ed Castle spent sever Dave Boshart, legislative commit ments being built by some public a- al days over the weekend in Portland. While there thev attended the fun tee announced that his committee will gency was that they were more rep- NEWSPAPER meet at his home on the Crabtree responsive to consumer interests. He eral of a cousin. PUBLISHERS of April called attention to the fact that the Jefferson road, the evening Mrs. Mabel Patton visited most of matters 308 repoit of Army engineers call ASSOCIATION last week in Lacomb and Lebanon 19, for further discussion on I concerning the farmer. ed for building of Green Peter dam with relatives. stated by public agency and that it would Mrs. Josephine Sommer Petei Brusasco returned home from California, where he has been work that the organization and publicity be bad policy to stait a program of | Per Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.514 committee made plans to get reports breaking up unified power develop- j ing for several months, Saturday. Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.0U Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith and | of the County Convention and an- ment that the engineer report called i I nouncements of all meetings to all for. He said, “If local people want a DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher son, Gregg, of Oregon City, visited friends and relatives here during the [ the county papers and to the radio local agency to be a partner in the weekend. Mrs. Smith’s aunt, Mrs. Lula I stations. Green Peter dam it would much bet Mrs. Karl Arnold and Mrs. Inez ter to have this partner a P. U. D. or Beringer, who has been visiting in Campbell told of tentative plans for Oregon City 1 eturned home with them. some other public agency.” Miss Phyllis Wallen a teacher in the i the entertainment committee and After some discu-sion it was de Bend schools spent the weekend at said the committee planned to meet cided to leave it up to the executive soon and make further plans. her home here. and other rectal disorders, committee to decide whether to have W. W. Abraham, in reporting ri • COLON ANO STOMACH AILMEHTI a county picnic in July. It was vot for the cooperative committee stress ed to accept Riverside’s invitation to • UPIURE Hina) ed the needs for more seed and gtain meet next at their hall. This will be Wittmt hospital OpentM cooperatives. C J I • - M 1). in October if the July meeting is a O tr F E D E E Dejcriptiv© Booklet Reports were given of the activi r K K K A e picnic. ties of the Santiam Central, Jordan, Mr. White, in introducing State THE DEAN CLINIC Oakville, Calapooia, Riverside and Pre-ident Harley Libby, said, "We Op«n 10 unfit 5 Monday through Friday. Riverview locals. Will Jensen, State Until 8 pm. Monday, Wedneiday and Fr<day. have endeavored to save the best for Chiropractic Phyiicion« ... In our 43rd year. Field Representative, announced that the last, not meaning that this is a 2026 NORTHEAST SANDY BOULEVARD a new local had been organized in the Telephone EA4t 3918 Portland 13, Ore. lam at all the good speakers we have southern part of the county and heard today, but we always conclude had been named the Irish Bond local a meal with dessert, you know.” Mr. The officers elected were Albert Libby the man with the fast working Lloyd, piesident; Mrs. E. C. Reese, mind and tongue that can keep up vice-president and Mrs. Bonnie Laur with it, came back with, “If this is to ence, secretary-treasurer. be compared with desseits, which Dave Boshart, reporting on the pro usually are served in small portions. gress of the proposed soil conserva I'll try to make my talk fit that de tion district in this area, urged that scription and as Franklin D. Roose members watch their papers for an- velt told his son when he asked how nouncements of meetings at Scio and to make a good speech. “Talk sim Lebanon and to attend. ply, be concise, and sit down.” Aithur Bone, editor of the State In commending Mr. Porter’s speech, Farmers Union paper, was introduc- Mr. Libby suggested we give a long ed and during his brief talk suggested that personal cards and letters be look at this partnership deal. With reference to farm price sup- sent to Representative Ellsworth and Senator Cordon during the passing of ports and the sliding scale, he said, the Wool bill and also stressing how’ “I have never yet seen anything serious the school lunch bill cut would sliding in any direction but down be in Oregon. In mentioning pos hill.” Mr. Libby told of a visitor viewing sible programs for local meetings, he stated that Paul Youngman was a g’een field on his farm and saying, available to show his pictures and “You’ll have a nice little pile of money 7 „.T tell about his trip to Europe, and that from that when you harvest it. won’t exchange students were available and you?" In reply he divided the field iW ft fall could be contacted through the 4-H into sections, saying, "This much will Pd. adv. by Com. for Jason Lee go to pay for seed and fertilizer, this office. HELD RECENTLY AT - WHAM CENTRAL HALI : Don t Miss The LIONS’ CLUB aient Show Thursday Night JASON LEE April 29, 8 p. ni. Theatre Hear the colored boys from Mari-Linn school sing "Dark Town Strutter’s Bail." Mari-Linn Sth grade quartet sing "Mocking Bird Hill.”’ Vocal solos by Terry Dustin and Dale Woodard. Electric Guitar number by Phillis Pate. Piano solo by Donaiee Oliver. Accordion number by Barbara I’odrabsky. Electric Guitar number by Lwn McCall. Musical and dance number by the members of the Veness family. Pantomime by Gloria Klecker. UNDER 13 DIVISION — Broncho boy number by boys and girls from Mari-l.inn school. Accordion and piano number, Jean and David I’rideaux. Marimba number by Judy I’odrabsky. Vocal duet. Marcella Warriner and Sandra Olson. Baton twirling, JoEllen Agee. Dance. Alliene Agee and Laraine I<ee ANNOUNCEMENT! I wish to chased the Toman and ment announce that I have pur Hilltop Market from A. W. will assume active manage- Monday, May 3, 1954. Mr. Toman has agreed to remain in the store for some time. We hope all present patrons will continue to trade here and we will strive to make this one of the best Markets in the Canyon Harold Kliewer