LYONS Auto Repair Work Welding and Auto Parts OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage BILL GUIER, Proprietor On old highway Phone 903 _______ MILL CITY, OREGON , ------------------------ If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office 3 9c i Bisquick PET MILK TIDE Washing pkg. ♦ .1 Powder 69c I 12 Ounce Jar I. G. A. 46 Ounce Can I. G. A. Brand ONE-HALF GALLON Orange Juice 4 for $1 1 lb. box NABISCO S(OCRING PADS IQ 25c CRACKERS S. O. S. Quart Jar MIRACLE WHIP 19C PADS FOR SUNNY MORN Grind Your Own Salad Dressing Package Blue Bird Frozen French Fried toffee iound98c POTATOES frF GARDEN FRESI Bunch [LOCAL FRESH VEGETABLES j: Radishes & Onions Tomatoes 2 .29 NU METHOD 5c FRESH and TENDER 2 ASPARAGUS Per Pound .19 Large Heads Pan ready fresh fryers Per pound WHITIE'S SOTIAMCAFE DRIED BEEF RABBITS 69c Swift’s Premium *4 pound Cello package BACON Ends and Pieces Per pound THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 39c El" 1 J 1 pound Cello package Per pound were Easter Sunday guests at the By Eva Bressler home of hi* mother, Mr. and Mr». Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem spent Loren Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard of the Easter weekend at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mr*. Eugene, and Mrs. Opal Strom from By Pon Moffatt Pasco, Washington, were weekend Clyde Bressler in Lyons. Open house was held Wednesday guests at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. All evidence point« towards the fact evening at the Mari-Linn school George Huffman. Mrs. Huffman is a that the businessmen of Mill City when each teacher opened her room daughter of the Hubbards and sister certainly can work together for the to the public displaying the work of of Mrs. Strom. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and betterment of conditions when they her pupils, and discussed any prob­ want to. This was poven to me con­ lems with the parents that was need­ family have moved into their new clusively last week when 38 men ed. A good display of the pupils work house in Fox Valley. Mr. and Mr». Willard Hartnell, who have been liv­ arre to McCarthy’s Furniture store for the year was exhibited. to discuss plans for city betterment. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Long of Ore­ ing in the Lyons Motel, moved last A lot of good ideas were brought gon City visited relatives in Lyon* week to their new house west of town. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington, and forth on manners in which we can Thursday afternoon. Long is a neph­ improve ourselves and make our city ew of Elmer Hiatt and cousin of Mrs. daughters spent the weekend in New­ more attractive to outsiders, who are Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Clyde Bress­ port, where they were guests at the home of her mother, Mr. anil Mi» coming in everj day seeking a perm- ler. anent home. The social meeting of the Santiam Sid Gruggett. A large crowd attended the Easter Committees have been appointed to Valley g’ange was held at the grange work on the-e projects and if the meet­ hall Friday evening, with a hard time morning services at the Lyons Metho­ ing this past week is any sample of party. Various games were played dist church Sunday morning. The Sun­ what can be expected, we are assured with -everal prizes given. Many guests day school presented an Easter pro­ of success now and in the future. An­ were present, among them being Mr. gram prior to the morning worship other meeting of this group is sched­ and Mrs. Hairy Wiley of Lebanon. At service. Mrs. Merwin Knox, Mrs. Ike Myer», uled for tonight (Thursday.) Plan to the close of the evening venison stew be on hand to express your views. If was served by Jerry Coffman, assisted Mrs. Bill Bickett, Mrs. Ca'l Long- pecker and Mrs. Kindred were host­ you’re not there and things then don’t by his daughter, Alemeda Coffman. go to suit you, you have no right to Sunday dinner guests at the home esses for a shower honoring Miss Lois complain. of Mrs. Alice Huber were Mr. and Roberts, bride-elect, held the the • » • Mrs. (ieorge Keeley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox home Thursday afternoon. In a full page advertisement in this E. Cochran of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Games and refreshments helped furn­ issue of The Enterprise, price $2.50 Don Huber, Dennis, Donna and Dar- ish the entertainment. Honoring Mis» per year, why don’t you subscribe, ell, Miss Vivian Boyce and Miss Nor­ Roberts were Mmes. Ercill Wilson, business houses have taken space to ma Miller-. Harley Scott, Alex Bodeker, Floyd ask for assistance in cleaning up the Mi. and Mrs. Duane Downing and Bassett, Steve Dark, Ralph Downer. city in general. Full cooperation is daughter, Paula, spent the weekend Horace McCarley, Melvin Peck, Gene needed to make this a success. Let's with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton Johnson, Ray Roberts, Pearl Alloway, get our shoulders to the wheel, or i and children at Bonneville. Mr. and Jackie Bickett and Sandra Knox. Mi»» better, on the end of the shovel and Mrs. Orville Downing and Mr. and Roberts was the recipient of many ’ake and clean up the winter debris. Mrs. John McClurg were also Easter lovely gifts, Make our city one of which we all dinner guests at the Carleton home. Mrs. Sheldon Titus of Seattle, i» may be proud. A good slogan for our Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, Doug­ spending this week at the home of city is “the City of Hospitality.” It las and Margo Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgs is a true slogan and one that should man Johnson, Christ and Curt were Huffman. he used continually. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt were Sun­ Sunday dinner guests at the home of » • • their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo­ day visitois in Portland, they were guests at the home of her uncle and Frank Hunter up at the Silver deker. Saddle Service station sort of got the Mrs. Minnie Kimery, who has been aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reeves. Charles Hiatt returned to Redmond jump on some of the rest of us. He’s quite ill at her home is reported to after spending several days in Lyon» already started a clean-up campaign be some improved at this time. of his own, painting the interior of Sheldon Titus of Seattle spent the with relative.-. He also visited at the his work shop at the station. Good weekend at the George Huffman Carl Winzer home in Mehama. work, Frank, it's looks fine. I home. Mrs. Titus, who had spent the Pink Mason, too, has had workmen past week at the home of he* parents, Men of the North Willamette du I working on his building, occupied by, returned to Seattle with him. trict of the Ninety and Nine organiza­ the Mill City Variety. The roof is be-1 Mrs. Carl Smith and daughters, Joy tion will hold their regular meeting ing repaired. '} and Lola from Coos Bay spent the at the local Christian church, Mon­ « • • weekend with Mrs. Donna Smith and day, April 26. Women of the church How many residents of Mill City sons, Jimmy and Jay. will seive dinner at 6:45. Wayne know that Leonard Herman, our gen- I Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard spent Greene, minister of the First Christian ial garbage disposal man, is at the the weekend in Ranier, visiting rela­ i church in Salem, will be the speaker city dump west of town every Satur- j tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue of San­ day from 1 to 4 o’clock, to enable citi­ zens to dispose of their rubbish? Some dy, Miss Ruby Naue of Salem and evidently don't know or don’t care, Wayne Coser of Lacomb, were Sunday as many times one can find garbage dinner guests at the home of Mr. and dumped on the outside of the fense. Mrs. Oscar Naue. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell and This practice should cease. With the reasonable rates of garbage pickup in children were Sunday guests at the Mill City, everyone should avail home of his mother, Mrs. Powell in Silverton, returning home in the even­ themselves of this service. ing, bringing Mrs. Powell home with • • * Boy I really got a scare of my life , them. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Salchenberger, | this week. I ve had three half dollars of old mintage in my possession since 1 Donnie and Marilyn from Arcata, Cal­ the big depression in the early 30'*, | ifornia, spent the Easter holiday at ' aw iwi ! one of them even dates back to 1857. | . e(prOnl ■ie of her brother-in-law Kunkle. I dug them out of my old sock this i ’ Mr. and Mrs. John k_ past week, and was showing them to They also visited her father Ben. some of the fellows around town, and o.‘.e ® ' 1 I had planned to nut them into a L Virgil '’rgl1 Smith of Portland spent safety deposit box down at the bank.. 'J'*. ls sons’ and Jay Bob said old socks and tin cans were Smith of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly of Sheridan, not in style. The part that worried Guaranteed Cleaning me was, after showing them to sev­ Wyoming, who have spent the winter eral people 1 went about my work. at the home of their son-in-law and That's what you get »hen you let Then when the bank opened, I dug daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albefrt Stev-I Vs Take Care Of Your into my pocket for the safety deposit ens, left to return to their home last week. box key, and discovered that I had Cleaning Problems Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wright, Mick- left it home. So at noon, after lunch, I sat down in my easy chair at home, ie, Deborah, and Ronnie of Portland to rest my weary bones. Of course the halves and my wife still had the third three halves fell out of my pocket. one. I came to work, and thought I'd better | I talked her out of that one, and e 18 HOIR SERVICE I put them into the safety box and low now I have them safely under locx • behold they were not in my pocket. and key. What a relief. I’m glad I’m « Mill City, Oregon I scratched my old bald head con- a poor man. If $1.50 could cause me a Hours 9 to 6 sidcr able during the afternoon trying that much trouble, what would it be to think to whom they were last like to have a million. Hmmm! shown. I was about ready to call on the local gestapo—but felt so foolish that I just kept quiet. During the course of our dinner at home in the evening, my wife sard, "guess where I got the money to pay for my hairdo this afternoon.” I bit,, and she informed me she found some I money in my chair. 1 hit the roof, and . asked if she found my precious half dollars. She didn’t know I had dug them out of my sock, so naturally SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS I didn't pay any attention to them. ‘ I Sure enough she had spent them or at least I thought so. I gave the old CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY phone a healthy twist and found the I beauty shop was «till open. Then I I —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— looked into the chair and retrieved one that had escaped my wife s eagle I eye. Then we hit it for the beauty shop i —sure enough, she had one of the | The Avenue AI.L WORK GUARANTEED GIANT PACKAGE 39c 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 19»* One pound Cello package Per pound 69c SEE US FOR LOCKERS and locker meats. We have low prices and high quality products , Enteret! a« second class matter No­ vember 10, 1941 at the post office at i Mill Citv. Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Per Year Marion-Linn Counties 92.58 Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.00 PON W MOFFATT Editor Publisher KEN GOLLIET Viv's Steak House Mehama, Oregon Open fia. m. to 11 p. m. We reserve the ritfht to limit quantities Phone .’»<07 • • Mill City Closed Mondays : * * «