Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1954)
DETROIT 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, APRIL 22, REPORT OF CONDITION OF MILL CITY STATE By Boots Champion of Mill City in the State of Oregon A group of relatives drove to Bates at the close of business on April 15, 1954 Park, near Lebanon, to the home of ASSETS Willard Booker, where a family picnic Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, was held Easter Sunday. Attending and cash items in process of collection $ 304,133.89 were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booker and United States Government obligations, direct and guaianteed 969,821.88 children, Roberta, Darrell and Rose Obligations of States and political subdivisions 3,498.20 Ann of Mill City, Mr. and Mr-. John Loans and discounts (including *181.56 overdrafts) 515,853.81 Estey, and grandchildren Donna and Bank premises owned *29,904.38, furniture and fixtures Linda Brown of Detroit, Charles Gold 38,816.18 *8,911.811 en of Idanha, the host Willard Book Other a.-sets 431.51 er and daughters, Joan, and Mrs. *1.832.555.50 TOTAL ASSETS Margie James of Lebanon. LIABILITIES Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore, were Mr. and Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpoiations 776,696.58 593.235.13 Mrs. Eiank Steenhout and children, I Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpoiations. and Mr. and Mrs. James Kubesh and Deposits of United States Government (including postal sav 29,522.83 ings) son of Cascadia. 278.047.57 . The Steenhouts and Kubesh’s were Deposits of States and political subdivisions 15,320.89 former residents of Detroit. They also Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS *1,692,823.00 visited with friends in Idanha and 10,746.21 Other liabilities ....................... Detroit while here. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated Mis. Francis Johnson <J Detroit *1,703,569.21 obligations shown below) narrowly escaped serious injury when CAPITAL ACCOUNTS her gas range blew up. The accident * 50,000.09 occured Monday morning when Mrs. Capital 55.000.00 Johnson pulled out a drawer on the Surplus 20,986.29 range to put away cooking utensils. Undivided profits 3,000.00 The explosion blew out a kitchen Reserves window and the bottom of the range. 128,986.29 Mrs. Johnson's bedroom slippers TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS caught file burning one foot quite TOTAL LIABILITIES ANI) CAPITAL ACCOUNTS *1,832,555.50 badly. John Estey, who was working This bank’s capital consists of Common stock with a total in his yard and heard the explosion par value of rendered aid to Mrs. Johnson. Cause MEMORANDA of the explosion is not determined to Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities date. and for other purposes ........................ ............. ........ ........... ..... * 319,531.25 Vesper services for the Girl Scout I, C. E. Mason, vicepresident of the above-named bank, do somemnly swear Court of Honor Awards held last or affirm that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly rep Thursday evening, April 15 in the resents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, library at the Detroit school was op to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. E. MASON. ened by the presentation of colors by Correct—Attest: Mildred L. Allen, Frank Rada, Directors. the color guard, Brenda Humphrey, State of Oregon, County of Marion, ss.: Martha Mason, Darlene Storey, and Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of April, 1954, Evelyn Harper. D. B. HILL JR.. Notary Pubi><- Presentation of awards was My commission expiies April 10, 1958 (SEAL) scout leader. Mis. O. J. White, sisted by Mrs. Francis Kettleson Mrs. Rose Mermillion. Presented to Evelyn Harper was a 1st class badge, (achievements) hostesB, garden flow er, handy woman, sewing, leather and horsewoman. Receiving 2nd class badges were Delores Gescher, Lyn- dia Storey, Carolyn Beeson, Brenda Humphrey, Nancy Storey, .Mary Lou Moore, Sherry Shepard, Darlene Delk- er, and Catharine Harris. Presented to Barbara Robinson, a tenderfoot pin. Proficiency badges were awarded to the following: Becky Stoll, needle craft, clerk, design and sewing. Mar tha Rarey, cook and housekeeper, Clydia Storey, child care, housekeep er and cook; Darylene Storey, garden flower and cook; Susanne Moore, sew ing, cook, tree, out door cook; Delores Gescher, cook, tree out door cook and camp craft; Martha Mason, sewing, weaving and cook; Dona Rae Stevens, drawing and painting; Gloiia Even- son, clerk, sewing, homemaker, needle craft; Linda Storey, pen pal; Nancy Storey, pen pal and tree; Darlene Delker, dabbler and Catharine Harris dabbler. Services were closed by the with » drawing of the colors by the color guard, and the singing of America ac companied by Sui-anne Moore at the piano. Subscribe to the Mill Citv Enterprise I Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY 319 West Washington Street. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Telephone 6684 STAYTON OREGON More people are buying Ford cars than any other make because they have found that Ford gives them more of the things they want —and at the price they want to pay. 1TSSY < REAM DEODORANT National new car registration figures* for the latest six-month period available show Ford out front by thousands iobd AhuBHcat 'Best Seller/ Instantly slop perspiration odor! Checkt perspiration moisture! Famous Tussy Cream Deodo rant protects your daintiness from morning to night. In stantly stops perspiration odor, checks perspiration moisture. Leaves skin smooth. Safe for normal skin and filmiest fab rics. Stays creamy-soft. 4 MILL CITY PHARMACY i MILL CITY, OREGON Phone 2724 HERBOLO - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON I "hone 2344