i ♦—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE f Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter be- the Legion hall Wednesday night. Pop s pre­ THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 1954 I came the parents of a baby boy, tent­ Dewey Flatman of Mom atively named Phillip Noble, at the pared the dinner for them. The 40 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett and Santiam Memorial hospital in Stay­ & B’s main program this year has Rosalie, spent Sunday boating on De- ton Tuseday, April 20. This is their been child welfare in Marion county. troit Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bibler (Ar- Dolores Poole, daughter or Mr. and third child, and second son. overnight Dave Epps, of Sweet Home, former Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto and lone Kuhlman) visited J publisher of The Enterprise, was a Mrs. James Poole, was home for Sharon Gray met Mr. and Mrs. James Monday with her parents, the Lee business visitor in Mill City Monday. Ea-ter from OCE at Monmouth. Lundahl of Silverton in Salem Sun­ Kuhlmans who live near Gates. They Mr. and Mrs. Charles L mphress and Mrs. Russell King, is in a Portland day, where they enjoyed dinner. The had been living in Santa Ana where he hospital this week, where she is under family motored to Empire where they Vetetos and Sharon spent the after- was stationed with the US Marines, spent the Easter weekend at the observation. ■ noon at the Lundahl home and re- They drove, by way of Nevada, to St- home of their son-in-law and daugh­ Maiies, Idaho, where they visited her Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde , turned to Mill City in the evening. ter, Mr. and Mrs. David McIntyre. The Mill City Christian church will grandparents, then to Seattle ar.J Rogers were their son and wife, Mr. Bob Mather of Salem stopped to and Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Jr., of Albany. have breakfast coffee with friends ob?erve Northwest Christian College Bremeiton, Wash., where he was dis­ Lawn Sweepers Garden Tools The Dub Stewart and Charlie Stew­ day this Sunday, April 25. Josef Palat, charged from the service. They a’e here Monday morning on his way to 1 Lawn Mowers Garden Hose a student of the college, will preach spending some time with his parents. art families spent Easter Sunday in Bend. at the morning worship service, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bibler of Salem. Scio with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart, Jim and Lester Poole, and Leo Poole Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGrandte Sr., and Tommy. of Monmouth, spent Sunday fishing I a special offering will be received for made a business trip into California the general fund of the school. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup spent in the Willamette slough. No fish weie , where they stopped to see Mr. and Sunday at the home of their son and caught. Mrs. Leo Poole and baby spent j Callers at the Christian church par­ Mrs. Wm. Carlile and two children of sonage Sunday, were minister and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. the day with Mrs. Jim Poole here. Bone Meal Weed Killers El Cerrito, former Mill City resi­ Walkup and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thompson Mrs. L. O. White of the Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. J. II. F’race and and sons, John and Patrick, and Was Christian church, and Nancy Whitak­ dents. Mrs. Carlile has been seriously Ammonium Sulphate Insecticides ill, a victim of multiple sclerosis. daughters, Linda and Claudia spent Greene spent Easter at the home of er of Billings, Montana, a student at Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuey called Saturday night and Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhlman and fam- ( Northwest Christian college in Eu­ on Dr. and Mrs. David J. Ferguson gene. home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt. ily. Mill City members were hosts to the at Pratum Easter Sunday. The Fer­ Alona Fay Daly, who is in nurse's, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Hoeye and fam­ training at the U of O medical school ily started out for an afternoon drive Marion County Voiture of the 40 & 8, guson's daughter and husband, Mr. in Portland, spent a day’s vacation last Sunday and ended up by enjoying service organization of the American and Mrs. James Jensen, were also there. • Floor Sanders with her mother, Mrs. Rose Daly. the scenery all the way to Bend and Legion, for their monthly meeting at I Mrs. W. O. Hamrick of Parks Air­ back. *~- • Vigoro Spreader force Base, California, is here at the Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mason spent ll the — piesent time visiting her sister, Mr*. weekend in Lowell, Oregon with Mr. 1 Jack D. Colburn. While here she is and Mrs. Glen Blegen, former resi- I • Paint Sprayers working at Woods Store, giving Mrs. dents here. They went over Saturday | Wood a well-earned rest from her and returned Sunday. • Lawn Rollers duties. Overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCarthy and i C. M. Cline Tuesday evening were 1 will be unable to do any mine locating until daughters spent Easter Sunday in Eu­ Mr. and Mis. Fled Olin, Jr., of Klam- 1 We give S & H Green Stamps gene visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leo ath Falls. They also called briefly on 1 in the fall, because of other building work Nicolai. Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Mrs. J. F. Potter. Phone 2206 Mill City Nicolai are sisters. They reported a this summer St. Catherine's Altar society met at great deal of building in the Eugeen the home of Mrs. Lowell Stiffler Wed­ area. , nesday. Plans were made for the Thanks to all who wrote requesting to be cooked food sale which is being held shown mineral lands. at the Hinz Coffee shop today. Mrs. John Muir and children spent Easter Sunday in Salem at the home I of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Iverson, where three family birthdays were celebiated with the Easter din­ OREGON MILL CITY. ner. Guests Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kliewer were Mrs. John Oveiman, mother of Mrs. Kliewer, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kliewer, parents of Mr. Kliewer, Art Hempeck and Miss Helen Kliewer. The Altar Society Baked Food Sale I foot, regular $4.40 5 foot, regular $5.50 will be held Thursday, April 22 at the former Hinz cafe in Mill City, Coffee and sandwiches will be served beginning at 10:30. adv. 2t Tickets for the Eugene Gleeman 6 foot, regular $6.6(1 concert can be purchased from the Mill City Pharmacy, Mrs. Arlo Tuers oo Mis. Mildred Allen. Proceeds will be used for the Santiam Memorial “At the Bottom of the Hill*’ Necessary for hundreds of jobs around the hospital. home and yard. Sturdily constructed of good Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Charles Kelly home were Mr. and Mrs. grade ladder stock; well braced throughout. Bob Hill and children, Bobby and Each with handy bucket shelf. Stewart, Mrs. W J. Robinson and Mill City, Oregon Byron Davis, Owner Miss Leia Kelly, who was home from Oregon State. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Jenkins Hardware Clean-up Fix-up Yard Equipment & Supplies FERTILIZERS Rental Tools Notice Paul Smith PAINT-UP CLEAN-UP Household Stepladders Never $4.29 $3.29 a Dull Moment $5.29 MILL CITY TAVERN Regular 1.95 Roller and Trav Set Make your painting jobs better and easier with this handy set. No lap marks, no dripping. April 23 and 21 Regular 4.25 4 in Paint Brush 'or inside n.' oistiKÍ: Specials for Friday and Saturday Good quality, pure bristle brush, vulcanized in rubber. An out­ standing value! OYSEN 100% PURE PAINT Lasting baauty and protection (or •11 exterior walls. Unsurpassed in quality. Boyse SUBURBAN WHITE House A DURABLE PAINT TH AT WILL GIVE YOU PROTEC TION FOR MANY YEARS (Can be tinted if you wish) Baby Food“» 4 35 c Shortening 3 '.t 79c Cool Aid 6 pk»s- 25c WASHDAY AIDS Í PLAN YOUR GARDEN NOW! We handle the famous Northrup-King Seeds ('lean-up—Paint-up—Fix-up Make our city a better place in which to live FIRE RESISTANT. WEATHERS GRAD­ UALLY. BEAUTIFULLY. Lasts for Years Soap Detergents Large Package 29c Sta-Flo LIQUID STARCH 25c FOR MEALS IN A HtlRRY Cockers The Worlds Favorite Brand CAJWAHON M/UC Tomato Soup Campbell's 2 for 25c Sunshine Krispy Kelly Lumber Sales SOAP POWDERS Large Package 29c Quart Bottle Boysen’s Shake and Rustic PUREX BLEACH 1-2 Gallon 29c Crackers 1 lb 25c Open Daily 8:00 A.M. t. 7:00 P.M. Authorized Shopsmith Dealer Eaat City Limit«. Highway w Phone 6803 Telephone 2744 MILK Swift’s PREM 12 ounce tin TREE TEA 48 bags .... 49c ASSORTED COOKIES, __ _Nabiseo. 1 pound pkg 49c 49c Closed Sunday, and Holiday« HILL TOP MARKET Mill City, Oregon.