Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1954)
GATES THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM Has Eeverything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Phone 3-1531 111 N. Commercial Street Hemorrhoids 'PIUS" "Prolapse'' Operation—No Hospitalization CONVENIENT CREDIT FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC NATUROPATH—PRc'CTC' 1144 Center Stree# Salem, Or.9_n .V Eugene Gleemen CONCERT Benefit Santiam Memorial Hospital THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 8 P. M. STAYTON UNION HIGH SCHOOL Sponsored by FOUNDERS SERVICE ORGANIZATION Adults, $1.00 Admission Grade and High School 50c Mr*. Albert Millsap Sunrise Easter services were held at the Gates Community Church of Christ. At 10 o'clock a? special Easter progi am was piesented by the Sun day school, followed by the regular church service. An Easter party was held Friday afternoon by the pupils of Gates grade school. Piizes were awarded the pupils of each room for Eastei bonnets of their own design. Mrs Olive Barnhardt s room winners wet< Shaion Berry and Kiisti Schaffran; in Mrs. Gwen Schaer’s lonm, Patsy Pennick and Edward Change; Kenny Martig and Sharon Goodyard in Mis- Page’s room and in Mrs. Richard Parkei’s room, Sharon Hebert and Marcia Barnhardt. An Easter eg. hunt wtih prizes awarded to the pupils finding the greatest number of eggs completed the afternoon of fun. Mrs. l.auia Joaquin fell at her home a week ago Saturday and broke hei back. She is now at the home of her I son, Joe Joaquin and in a body cast I which she will have to wear for at least six months. Mrs. Joaquin at first did not realize the seriousness < of hei injury and failed to seek medic al care until the following Monday. Tuesday X-rays were taken, disclos- I ing the fact that her back was frac tured below the shoulder blades. Not knowing how badly she was hurt, Mrs. ' Joaquin, while in Salem waiting for her appointment for the X-rays, just to pass the time, climbed to the top of the State Capitol building She reports the view was wonderful. H ith 1 her courage and grit her friends are ! confident she will be as good as new as soon as she is out of her cast. The former home of Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen was puichased last w-eek by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Swan of Mill City, ■ who with their two small sons took I possession Easter Sunday. MY. and Mrs. Allen are now located in Seattle ■ where Allan is administrative engineer with Boeing Airciaft. Mr. and Mrs. I Fount Paul, residents of Gates while | he was employed at the Detioit dam, i in the engineering department, is also I with Boeing in Seattle. i At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Rush over the Easter weekend I were their son and family, Mr. and ! Mrs. Lyle Rush and two children, . from Salem, Mrs. Bertha Jorgenson, Mrs . Rush’s sister, and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gloss and family, all from Jef ferson and Rush’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rush, of Gates. Easter dinner guests at the hooie of Mrs. Gwen Schaer were her moth er, Mrs. Frankie Johnson and son, Royal and her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon. From Poitland were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stutzman and sons, Billie and Jimmie, at the home of Mrs. Stutzman s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. \ isit r.g at the William Wight home is their gi anddaughter. Miss Geialdcre Betterton and Mrs. Ken- . dal Patterson and four children of 1 Portland. Mi and Mrs. Glen Henness, accom panied by their son, Pvt. Katie Hen ness and his buddy, Pvt. Darrel Smith, both from Foit Lewis and a hou.-eguest from Blackfoot, Idaho, ( Miss \ iola Peterson, attended a fam- ly dii rer at the home of Mrs. Hen- nes.-e- parents, Mr. and Mis. Roy Taylor, in Dallas Easter Sunday. Other membets of the family pre.-ent 'ere Mr. and Mrs. Clare Henness and ■ laugh' . Kandee and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Henness and son, of Mehama. Easter guests at the home of Mr. ar.d Mi Ned Richaids were Mr. and Mrs. D.ui Teeters, Harold and Doug las, of Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. Jack I Love a- d family, from Lebanon and | ■ dr. a’,.| Mrs. Harvey Kanoff and three i childien of Lyons. Mr and Mrs. Stanley Vail were | surprised recently by a visit of form-I er neighbors from Cathlament, Hash i gton, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Un-I derwood and their son and daughter. Mr. I nderwood is living in Mill City and working at the M&M plant. Mr.-. Underwood will join him in Mill City when school is out. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson and fam ily, accompanied by Allan Vail visited in Everett, Washington -over the Easter weekend. They left Gates Fri day and returned Sunday evening. Mi. and Mrs. Ralph Millsap, daugh ter Bettye and son. Robeit were weekend gtiests at the home of Mill sap’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap. Breakfast guests Easter I morning were Mr. and Mis. Dorland Swan and Kathy, of Salem, and from I Stayton, Rodney, Jeffrey and Kristine Klecker. Special Prices FRIDAY AND SATURDAY N k BISCO’S NEW ASSORTED COOKIES 1 pound package KOOL AID for warm day drinks 6 packages for Hl NT’S STEWED TOM ATOES No 2 can 45c 25c 21c f The Lion’s Club Talent show tickets are now on sale. Get your tickets early and be ready, for the show April 29, at .Mill City Theatre. May 3rd to Sth is Mill City Clean-up Week. Lets all do our part to make Mill City a Clean Town. WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9:00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M. Your dollars buy more when you shop at Red & White Store Phone 2671 Mill City, Oregon THE VILLAGE CHURCH The Church has been the most powerful fac tor in American life. Nowhere has the influence of the Church been more potent or more far- reaching than in the villages and small towns of the nation. A large percent of our population lives in these areas, and they also furnish a large per centage of our state and national leadership. The church on Main Street or at the cross roads draws people from far and near. They listen to the preaching and praying, join in the singing, and enjoy the fellowship of their friends and neighbors. Many of the most cherished experiences of ¡¿fe are associated with these little churches, Their influence is stamped on the lives of the people, and their teachings help to form the character of this nation. The Church needs and deserves the love and support of the people, whether it be in a big city, a small town or a rural village. It I. is an influence for good, a source of strength, , a tie that links humanity with God or the CHURCH £ w •whh¿’ '¡'h.’b*ai'M' ,oc- '!>• build,ng o( chorad., and Without a „ X,''"“’1 »»lu.., d»mocrocK no.’, “rch n.ith., •u,vly, n<irt «»tluation can '•o»on. why ,v " * ,our sound °h«nd s.ry,c„ x Person should f°r' Church T? r and ,UP his own Th,x »'• (I) ? b'« «mnuniiy ~/or 'h* r°r 'hs sak. - L d ""'on Day Su„d,r Monda y w.,;d'v Ch*f»»r. V.r... proverb« ¡Wiilj John Thurxl,,' John Fnd.y Romans Situtday 11 Timothy This Series of Ads Is Sponsored by the Following Firms in Interest of All Churches MUIR’S BAKERY Mill ( ity. Oregon MNVH Mill City, Oregon ADAS NEEDLE SHOP Dry Goods and Dressmaking S.W. Broadway,Phone 2213, Mill City KELLOM’S GROC ERY Your Personal Service Store” Mill City, Oregon HIRTE’S FOOD LOCKERS Phone 7213 Mill City, Oregon RED & WHITE STORE Mill City, Oregon Steak«. 9 m Food* CHUCK’S FINE FOODS Modern Cabins ■■ GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon KELLY LUMBER SALES Building Material Mill City, Oregon IDAN H A SUPER SERVICE Don Lloyd Idanha, Oregon WRIGHT TRUCK LINES Ship The Wright Way Stayton, Oregon DR. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proct ologist-Nauropath Hit Center Street Salem, Oregon