18—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE liimciTva THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY o s 0 c V- S s 5 o April 15, 15 and 17 DALE ROBERTSON, ROBERT WAGNER, RORY CAI HOI 'N in TIIE SILVER WHIP THOSE REDHEADS FROM SEATTLE Alan Ladd in “BRANDED” SUNDAY, MONDAY April 1». 1» BOB HOPE, TONY MARTIN, ROSEMARY CLOONEY, in HERE COME THE GIRLS In Technicolor TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Û April 20. 21 .SPENCER TRACY. JEAN SIMMONS, in Five New Members Join Toastmistress Club Induction ceremonies for five new members of the Toastmistress Club was the high spot of the even ng at their meeting in the banquet room of the Bank Cafe. Those becoming new members were Mrs. Milo Harris and Mr-. R. C. Haseman, both of Idanha, .Mis. and Mis. Lowell Fleet wood. Noble Streeter and Mrs. Alfied Bol- stad. In charge of the program was \frs. Howard .Mians, president, with Mrs. * A. E. Nesbitt as toastmistress. The in vocation was given by Mis. Don Miley. Topicmistress for the evening was Mr-. Lee Ross, the subject being "current affair-." Speeches were giv en by Mrs. Fleet wood, Mrs. Roy Kier- sey, and Mis. Kenneth Ci osier. Acting as evaluator was Mrs. Arthur Le- , (.'our-. Mrs. Vein Alvin of Idanha was a special guest for the evening. Society says. This provides an im advisor, responding. portant avenue for cancer experi ments to test the chemicels and study Vesper Services how cancer starts. NEWS Doors Open at 7:0fl P. M. Complete show can tie seen anv time up to 8:30 Held For Detroit Girl Scouts Too Late To Classify FOR RENT -3 room duplex apart ment in Swift addition. Reasonable rent. See E. D. Cooke, Mill City,! Oregon. 17p I If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office TRY OUT A NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE Seven day FREE TRIAL in your home. When in need of service for your machine or when you need a new or used Sewing Machine, ( all or W rite • Trad* Mart <rf THE SINGER MFU. CO. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. ( omnirreiaI Chemawa Wins from Mill City 9 Junior-Se iior Prom Is Enjoyable Even! Lyons Rebekahs Entertain Chaplain LYON'S—Faith Rebekah lodge was hoste.-s Fiiday evening for a reception The annual Junior-Senior prom was honoring Mrs. Hazel Lewis, chaplain held in the high school auditorium | of the Rebekah Assembly of Oiegon, hrui y evening, April 9, beginning at held at the Santiam Valley giange 9 o'clock. This event is given by the hall. Jean Roberts, Blanche Wagnei junior class ir. honor of the seniors, and Alta Bodeker was the committee By Richard Anderson with all graduates of the high school in charge of the event. being invited as special guests. Ad- Mill City lost to the Chemawa In- The hall was beautifully decorated visors for the juniors this year are lians Monday afternoon in a Marion J in pink and gieen with spring flowers, Arthur LeCours and Edith Mason. B league baseball game heie. The loss and the serving table was centered Music was furnished by Stubby gave Mill City a 1-1 season record. with a large bouquet of tapers. Seiv- Mills and his band from Salem, with The big inning was the third where ng were Garnett Bassett, noble grand the evening's theme being “Moonlight IChemawa scored four runs on three and Roberta I.ongnecker, vice grand. and Roses.” About 500 artificial roses ' hits off Elton Gregory. Mill City The program given was as follows: were used in the decoialiens, a rose r allied in the fifth and six innings 1 all to order, Garnett Ba-sett, noble garúen with a picket fence, a rock with four hits and three runs in the grand; national anthem and flag sa- wail, and a false ceding through which | fifth and two hits, two runs in the i lute; solo, "Lord's Prayer" Kev. Noble the moonlight shimmered, being fea sixth, but this was not enough to over Streeter, accompanied by Dorotheen come Chemawa's lead and Mill City Wil.-on, pianist; introduction of Re tured. All decorations were under ■ i supervision of Mr. LeCouis, art in- lost 9-7. bekah Assembly and Grand Lodge structor. In the top half of the first inning 1 officer, Hazel Lewis; accoidion mn- Joyce Westgaard To Be Patrons and patronesses for the Chemawa's only action was a single sic, Kathiyn Johnson, clarinet num Married May 29 in Montana dance included -Mr. and Mrs. -Mei- by the first batter, Coburn. Mill City ber, (ileadee Human; introduction of Miss Joyce Westgaard, daughter of bourne Rambo, .Mr. and .Mis. Arthui managed to get one on in the bottom distinguished guests; solo, Barbara , Mrs. A. E. Westgaard and the late LeCours, and Mrs. Harry Mason. Dui- half as Dick Crook reached first on a Showers; tribute to Mrs. Lewis by I A. E. Westgaard, has announced May mg the intermisión, refreshments bail throw uy Chemawa pitcher, Pat several members of Faith Rebekah ■ 29, as the date for her marriage to | were seived. Committees were: re Morin. That was as far as it went lodge; reading, Jean Robeits; music l William Cope, son of Mr. and Mis. freshments, Nancy Bruder, Audrey however, as the next hatter struck out by Kathryn Johnston. |r S F. ” Cope, ~ of ................................... Yakima, Washington. - shïw^and ” eUa s ‘tev¡íis;‘mvít?- Guests were present from Portland, I Shaw, and ’ Lau Lauretta Stevens; invita and the next was thrown out. The ceremony will be performed in tions, Hazel Caudle; decorations, Joan Chemawa did nothing in the second Salem, Lebanon, Marion, Stayton, the Zion Lutheran church in Lewis , Lech, Carol Andreassen, Darlene inning, but Mill City’s first battei", Turner, Gates, Mill City, Jefferson,’ town, Montana. Huege, and Jim Caudle; progiams, Lloyd Ross singled, his first hit of Amity, Scio, McMinnville and Me The couple’s engagement was an Hazel Caudle; and cleanup, entire three in the game, one of which was hama. nounced last December. Rebekah Assembly officers pi esent • junior class. a double. Gregoiy put him on second Mr. Cope is employed in Yakima, with a neat sacrifice bunt down the were Lola Osborne, president; Edith Earlier Friday evening, the annual and .Miss Westgard is employed in first base line. Then Phil Carey- House, Marshal), of Portland; Mar Salem. After their marriage, they junior-senior banquet was held at Whitie’s Santiam Cafe, between Mill doubled to score Ross and Don Elling jorie Gentry, inside guardian, Marion; i , plan to live in Yakima. I City and Gates. The dinner was served son scored Carey with another double. Nettie Larson, musician, Salem; Chris- I GROW CANCER IN MICE ' by girls of the sophomoie class. Brooks That was the extent of it, though as tine Smith, left supporter and inside guardian associate, Rebekah Assem Scientists are now able to trans» Crosier, president of the juniors, in the next two batters struck out, plant some types of human cancer into troduced the speakeis, with Elton In the top of the third. Chemawa's bly, of Lebanon, Hazel Gibbs, color small laboratory animals, mice or Gregory, president of the student first batter, Payes, walked. Then Pat sergeant, associate, Ladies auxiliary, guinea pigs, the American Cancer body, and Arthur LeCours, junior class Morin singled. Coburn scored Payes P.M. IOOF of Amity. THE ACTRESS Liultd »H THl RSDAY. APRIL 15, 1951 lilephont book onlb U»id«r MING« BKWINU MACHINE CO. Phone 3 3512 SALEM, OREGON DETROIT—Vesper services for the Girl Scout Court of Honor awards, will be held Thursday evening, April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the library at the Detroit school. Awarded will be one tender foot pin, nine second class badges, 15 pro ficiency badges, and one first class badge. The tioupe is sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary. Partici pating in the program will be the scout committee, Mrs. Floy Storey, Mrs. Bernadine Stoll, and Mis. Opal Leming. Serving the refreshments will be Mary Lou .Moore, Brenda Humphrey and Sherry Shepard, who are work ing for cookery badges. The Gill Scout Court of Honor awards is the first one held in this area. APRIL 16 and 17 Specials for Friday and Saturday lodge served a noon luncheon to about 125 persons before the afternoon sea- sin. The next convention for this district of T-feera- Rise is scheduled to be held at 7"Urner in 1955 Among officers elected at the Theta Rho convention to serve next year was Miss Roberta Campbell of Turner, who will be the chairman. Miss Campbell is the daughter of Min. Ruth Campbell, employee of the Turn er postoffice and step-daughter of Mrs. W. J. Robinson of Mill City. Other officers elected were: vice- chairman, Miss Sar.dra Cbaratince; secietary, Miss Iola Graves; and treasurer, Miss Lila Daily. 'bscribe to the Mill City Enterprise JERRY’S CORNER Our cars are like a Good wife Good looking. Dependable And given a little care And attention, Won’t give you A bit of trouble Jerry Gene Teague Chevrolet Stayton, Oregon Crossler's Grocery with another single and Morin scored on a wild pitch as the next batter struck out. Then Ait Lane walked. The next hatter was thrown out at first. Lane stole home just before Switzler blasted the third and last A FRIENDLY STORE Chemawa hit of the inning, only to be THAT GIVES— thrown out when he tried to steal The convention of the Theta Rho S 4 H GREEN STAMPS second. Girls for District N'o. 8 was held at I Mill City got two hits in a row as j the Mill City lodge hall Saturday af-1 both Jack Melting and Al Ward ternoon. The various communities re-1 Our new everyday singled. No runs weie scored though. presented at the event included Al- , The fourth inning was another big nine, Salem, Turner, Jefferson, Cor Lower prices are one for Chemawa, as with two away vallis, and Mill City, with Virginia Payes- walked, Morin doubled, and Timm Blackburn of the local club I Coburn walked to load the bases. Then acting as chairman for the conven- I Now in Effect— George Umtuck smashed a triple past tion. Distinguished guests who were in the centei-fielder driving in three luns. The next l.-atter wa thrown out troduced included Ellen Edmonson, of ON THE HIGHWAY Springfield, chairman of the board of I nt first to retire the side. control for Theta Rho; Kat M. Eagher Maurie Bassett got on by a first Phone 3206 baseman’s fumble and Dick Crook got of Bend, state assembly president; ' MILL CITY Erna Morse of Gresham, state assent- ! a hit but no runs were scored. bly treasuier. In the firth inning Dick Crook re Members of the Santiam Rebekah placed Gregory on the mound and | struck out the fiist two batters while the third flew out to Delmar Syver- son, left fielder, who had to dive for it, but after rolling over several times, came up with the ball, to retile the side. This was Mill City's big inning. Wald singled, Ross singled, then Dustin singled, scoring Ward. Carey walked, and the next batter struck out. Ro.-s stole home and Dustin came in on a wild throw. Bassett hit a single SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS and Carey was thrown out at thiid. I The next batter struck out to end ( LOSE!) MONDAY AND TUESDAY the inning with the score 7-5 for Chewama. Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— In the sixth, Thorpe started Chem awa off with a single. The next bat ter walked but was thrown out as the next batter, Morin reached first on a fielder's choice. Thorpe lan to third and came hopie when the third base man fumbled. Morin stole second and then reached third as the next batter knocked one to the first baseman foi the second out. Crook hit the next batter, sending him to first. Morin stole home before Chemawa's next batter flew out to Delmar Svverson in left field. Morin hit Mill City s first battel. Crook, then Jack Melting singled, The next batter flew out. Then Lloyd Ross hit his double scoring Crook, The next batter was thrown out at first but got an RBI as Melting scored. The next batter stiuck out to IrL't-iri'i hi : . on an aver.i.;c d <v in tbe United Sta’<*s end the inning. I >nr milli' o people are actually disah'ed bv illne «. and There »ere no hits or runs in tht- seventh inning. counties- ot’ ers are afflicted with minor ailments Xot Chemawa: 7 hits, 9 tuns, 2 errors, nnlv i- the e i or-.a- Io,» incal' iilahie, hut the effect on Mill City; 12 hits, 7 runs, 2 ei rors. Chemawa: Pat .Morin, Art Lane. t!..~ spirit of the nation is a factor to he reckoned. Mill City: Elton Gregory, Dick Crook 5. Al Ward. W hat i in we do to better this situation? Certainly, at i Winning pitcher, Morin, loser, rv minimum, i a i care for your own health and the Gregoiy. health of vour fariilv. In the end. m >st problem» are re- Theta Rho Meeting Held Here Saturday WHITIE’S SANTIAMCAFE By Shopping Regularly at Stewart's pei 'sonai res bons ibiIIt) We have a nice selection of Easter Hams and Turkeys. Order yours today 2 cans 29c cans TOMATOES Corn Hunt’s Cream 300 Size Regular 18c—Special PEACHES Hunt’s Sliced 2 1-2 size Regular 31c—Special Tomato Juice Hunt’s 46 oz. tin Tomato Sauce11 2 Margarine • Announce Easter Music Service at Preshj . Church 3 cans Sweet I’otatoes1 ,i.,b 1-2 :'u,v size vsyru|’ MW i can Holliday brand t ibs / a 89c /A STORE HOI RS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays STEWART'S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 1107 Order Deadline 3:00 P. M. Mill City, Oregon Rl The following program will be given at the Mill City Presbyterian church Sunday at 7:30 p.m.: Processional: “Open the Gates;” I “God So Loved the W orld.'' Choir; | "Beautiful Upon the Mountains,” Ros- , amond Remine and choir: "Beatitudes" Lloyd Poole. Betty Kelly and choir. “Lord's Prayer' choir; “Listen to the Lambs" choir; "Heavenly Light" choir; "Alone' Male Quartet; “Could Thou Not W atch?" Choir; "Calvary" ’ quartet and choir; "Wete You There?” solo. Dorothy Dyhtman; "Ag us Dei ' choir; "Joseph's Garde*." Betty Kel ly; "End of the Satd-ath" choir; “I Walked Today," duet. Dorothy Dyhr man and Dor - Sheythe: "Shall I Cru« fv Again? ' Men's Quaitet: "1 Talked to God” .loan Cauble and choir; "Only a Whispered Prayer" Quartet and choir: "Allelu a" choir; *‘Chri«t the Lord 1« Rinen,” quartet ■ nd vhoi:. Organ a. t impanist is Edna Ross, and Jeanette Andersen is piano ac- and Narra'. . Noble Streeter. » Led in the individual'.« -erise ot personal responsibility. Ol-erve common health rules. Consult your phvsician in <a-e »1 illness. If medication is needed, have vour pre- option < impounded hv our expert prescriptionists. Colgate Dental Cream Specials 2 for 69c 2 for 39c <*ach 49c Regular 17c tube's. Regular 27c tubes. Regular 63c tube MILL cur PHARMACY .1. (’. Kimmel Phone 6607